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Fantasy The God Game


You have awaken , you are like a child in a strange world , you dont know everything and you are curious , when you look down you see a quiet place full of nothing , but in the place where you are , your realm , you feel powerful but you can feel others like you , you dont know how they are , will you search for your brothers and sisters or you will keep yourself in your realm where you feel safe , but with no doubt the world that is down your feet is a world that you can shape , the realm in which you are now is changing too , how will be your future?
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Turn 1:"The Awakening"

World : Non Habitable

Aqua Blubini-10 Action Points

Yandere-10 Action Points

Noctis-10 Action Points

Nissenia-10 Action Points

Bara-10 Action Points

Qan'cath-10 Action Points

Abaddon-10 Action Points

Koz-10 Action Points

PD: You can spend your points with others gods for example , you want an artifact and you only have 10 but you want it be more powerful than 10 then you ask for another god to help you with it , both spend 10 points so the artifact is twice as powerful.Land Shaping Cost 1 Point now so do whatever you want to the world
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Bara looked about the small realm that had been set aside for meetings such as these. It had been where they had all awoken during the first day, and it was where all meetings were held. In fact, this was the first time he had ever called upon the others to a meeting, he much preferred to have his solitude in his own realm, but this idea was too good to pass up. The gears that made up his appearance shifted in excitement.

"It is good to see you again brothers and sisters, and as you are aware, I do not often speak with you all that often." His glowing orb that presented his face pulsed softly as he talked. In fact, if his memory was correct, his first words to the others had been his last words as well. Something about to not bother him while he was in his realm. His gears started to shift as he continued.

"As you are all aware, there is the void outside of our plane of existence. We cannot go there yet we have all tried to interact with it at least once." He paused as he decided that his gears would look better in a different position before they started to shift again. "We have all believed that this place to be useless, it after all is a near infinite plane of nothingness. Yet I have seen something new." His form changed once again, but this time the gears disappeared completely. In there place was billions of dots of light spinning in the shape of a spiral.

"This void is but a blank canvas, a canvas that we can create entire new worlds. We can shape this plane into any image we desire, yet doing so by oneself would be quite the task." He paused for a moment, turning his face to look at each of his siblings that were around the small realm. "This is why I am asking for you to join me in this task. To reshape this empty void into an entire Universe filled with life, for I, even if Creation is my domain, cannot do this by myself." He paused again.

"I humbly ask that you will join me in this most gracious of tasks."
Noctis listened to Bara speak, his interest growing as the god of creation continued through his short speech. A blank canvas, in which Noctis and his siblings could do whatever they wanted with. The aspect interested Noctis much more than he let on. He glanced around at the other beings, trying to imagine what kind of world they would attempt to create, "An intriguing discovery, Bara." He stopped to think before continuing on, "I will accept your invitation. It is indeed a monumental task for one of us to do by their self, and one filled with potential. However, I hope you do not expect me to help you with any of your own creations." He looked out towards the emptiness, "I wish only to help fill this emptiness with something I may call my own."

Noctis continued to stare out into the empty void, deep in thought. After a while he looked back to the others, waiting for the responses of each and every one of them, trying to guess which of them will be the most useful.
"Yes," Koz said. What Bara was talking about was exactly what he wanted to hear. He had tried to worm himself into the new space since he first became aware of its existence.

"This void, this nothing is driving me mad. I need... more. Something, anything."

Ever since his conscienceness first formed from the primoridial chaos, Koz had longed. It took him a while to realise what he longed for, but now he knew: new things. Frankly, right now he'd settle for just things in general.
Qan'cath could say she knew the announcement before it happened, but to do so would be something of a lie, the announcement was bound to happen but when it happened had not been fixed and now it was, as it had already happened. Constants and variables where what she dealt with and summed up her work she made sure what was constant didn't vary and what was variable didn't become constant. There were of course the levels of grey that were both like time which was constant but also varied, most only saw the present and looked to the past but Qan'cath saw that the future was an open book events were set but when those events happened was not set. This task was one of those events it had to happen it was set yet it could have happened at any time.

" This creation will have to be more solid than our realm a set of unified laws that govern it will be required" Qan'cath said her interest always being on maintaining the rules that held all things together and while gods played fast an lose with such rules in the realms they controlled.

The void in truth had bugged her for some time now as it drew in the other realms meaning she had to constantly correct them so that they didn't all merge into one realm, or more likely just destroy everything . " I will join as someone must set those rules and filling the void will lessen my workload. " she said still thinking of her work rather than the great idea of a creation that would be.
"Pah, laws. What are laws good for? What are laws?"

Koz had spend little time with the goddess, he didn't dislike her by any means, right now he didn't even know what dislike was, but she didn't seem as fun-loving as Koz's. And inside of the void he really didn't have anything else to talk about, that and gossip about all the other gods' personalities.

"But tell me more about this 'solid' you speak of, I'm most intrigued."
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" The laws are what keep your realms from colliding and destroying you all, everything has rules and laws that they obey written or un written" Qan'cath said explaining in some way that everything even the gods obeyed certain rules even if they didn't notice it.

" As for what I mean by solid, this will be a realm that is not controlled by us it and therefore is constant rather than being variable, it will change but it will not bend to our whims as anything we might make alone will. it is a constant that will vary " She said though found that perhaps trying to explain the nature of something that had yet to exist to someone who was change might be a bit pointless .
Noctis listened to the gods speak, in silence. He wasn't particularly interested in talk of laws and constants, and as such decided not to participate. When Qan'cath finished explaining her constants he spoke up, "Now, shall we begin? I'm afraid we will end up spending the rest of eternity talking of laws and the planes of existence if we do not start soon." He would have already begun with his creations, however he knew he did not yet have the power. His power resided in darkness and shadow, not in the creation of new things, unlike Bara, "I believe at this point Bara is the only one of us that can begin, as, in my eyes, he is the only one of us able to construct an entire world.. At this point in time."
Armenies watched from the otherside of the small realm and listened to his brothers and sisters. He nodded in agreement that the void needed to be filled with something. He liked the idea from one of his sisters suggesting some type of law for the realm, he wasn't sure about the destroying each other part for he believed that there might be a set back. But he thought to why not try it out and see it for yourself, He approaches the group and speaks his word."Well Qan'cath I believe that a realm should have laws, but it should also have included a code of some sort....To give the beings we create a sort of honor to uphold."

He then turns his attention to Noctis who had requested for his brother the creator to start off first. "Yes he does seem to have the capabilitys of doing so....If you want brother of creator you may go ahead."
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the void fascinated Nissenia like as if she just received a new toy to play with. she quickly begins to

think paying no mind to the other gods.
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Bara looked at each of his siblings, the cosmos that made up his being twirling slowly through the air. It seemed that all were in agreement. They would set out to make something of the void.

"Qan'cath, be prepared to stabilize reality. This will be sure to cause imbalance at first." He turned away and stared into the window of the void.

He needed to create a system, one that was self propagating and could continue without upkeep for billions of years. His first idea was to create great balls of magic to grant light to the void, but such things would cause untold catastrophe if not constantly kept in check. No, magic was too unpredictable and would take too much effort. Then what was he too use to light up the world? His creative mind ran through several hundred options before he came across the one that made the most sense. He would create giant balls of gas, that would have enough fuel to burn for billions upon billions of years.

Now came the trouble of deciding how he should place them. Taking the time to place each star individualy would take an unfortunately long amount of time, but if he were to cause them to come into being all at once, they would be strung all across the universe, which was exactly as he hoped. But the universe could not only be made of gas and fire, it had to have substance. Things to build upon. Luckily, he had been thinking and creating a hundred and eighteen elements in his own realm, each with unique properties. He would place them in the appropriate amounts where they would be scattered to the stars. They would form planets, moons, asteroids and comets.

Last of all would be the core, the center of where the creation would take place. He needed to make this place a bit more delicately, for it would be the base of creation. He decided upon a relatively small yellow star. It would do nicely. Around that, he placed a variety of planets throughout the system, one to represent each of his brothers and sisters. Lastly, of course, was where they would create life. The small little chunk of rock would need a highly active iron core to protect it from radiation, as well as a moon to protect it from meteors. It was just far enough away from the star where heat and cold would be within acceptable parameters. Yes, it was rather dull looking right now, but with the help of his siblings, it will soon be the most beautiful thing in all of creation.

And with that final thought, Bara created.

The force of the blast as everything rushed into place was enough to shake even the gods' plane of existence. Trillions of lights rushed out into their respective places in the universe, being caught in the mass of the others and beginning to spin. By the end of it all, millions of spirals had formed within the vast emptiness that had once been the void. And at the center of it all was the rock that they would start to create.

Bara breathed out in relief, everything had worked out splendidly. "Well," he said as he looked at the others. "What do you think?"
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"Well, dear me, wasn't that quite the rush."

Koz extended his senses to the newly created world.

"Look at all the spinning things, there are so many of them. Just going around existing, good job, little balls."

He focused on the eensy tiny little orb that would be their focus.

"Very nice, but a little blank, don't you think? Let's change that. Oooh, I like that word. Change."
"the light seems nice but land would start a better picture"Nissenia said shyly and speaks again,

"the basic elements should react with on another may i ask you Bara to form lands".
Qan'cath saw the creation differently, she had new laws to work with not only in how the planets moved, but everything from what held atoms together, how atoms reacted, to how the planets worked to orbit the star with minimal effect on each other. She also needed to work around how there was a center but make sure that things like the speed of light, and relativity were correctly obeyed without being destroyed by the paradox of a center would made. The simplest was to let the other forces play on everything on a grand scale, she would make sure this creation was not constrained but instead by letting it expand and not actually revolve around the central system, which would revolve around the sta. All this went unseen these were the forces that kept this new creation working the unseen framework of all things. Not to mention she needed to keep all the other planes around this void from breaking from the aftershocks of creation.

" The laws and rules are stable, the plane will be stable until it eventually runs out of energy. " She said thinking more in a technical sense than in the artistic sense others might think in. " There will be little kinks here and there but that can be stabilized, in the wheels" She said referring to her realm where she maintained reality. " We will be putting part of ourselves into making this world and all this is on it, it will not be a normal creation, you should all be warned about that " She warned knowing the differences that would happen once they put themselves into this creation.
dry lands are boring we should add waters"she said. then she cast out magic to the planets created by Bara and storms took shape creating oceans.

"do with that what you want aqua i want these lands to be interesting. it would be something to learn from." she spoke again and went to her self thinking of what else to place.
Koz looked upon the storms Nissenia created.

"Ooh, I like those. Let's see what I can do with them."

He fiddled a little with the storms, and found it difficult.

"This would be easier if there was a medium above the land and sea, something like it, but lighter. Ah, here we go."

Within moments, the storms had blossomed into the newly created air, becoming ever larger, until they encroached into the land. There, Koz' initial meddlement spread towards the earth and caused various sections of it to explode, spewing gasses from the bowels of the planet into the air. There was a lot of smoke, but after a certain height it stopped. Koz guessed even these light gasses a weight they could not escape.

In the meantime he was stuck with an obscured view as dark clouds covered most of the planet.

"Eh, ahem, I meant to do that, I did. Yes. I'm sure it will clear up soon, yeah..."
As the lights emitted from the glorified fire balls danced across Noctis' face, one of his wings emerged from his back, and was positioned to block all of the light. While his siblings were doing what they wished he began to surround himself with a dark shroud. After the darkness was in place around him his wing moved back and hid under his robes once again, "This light is unbearable." He turned to the vast blue planet before them and held out his hands, which began to emit darkness, "Using the powers bestowed within me, I will put a light shroud over the entire center. Light from the closest ball of fire Bara has created will still reach into it, however the half that faces away will live in darkness, as the shroud will block the light coming from all of the distant balls of fire." The darkness emitted from his hands shot down to the planet and surrounded it. The shroud was too light to see, however the opposite half of the mass immediately became dark, "This darkness shall be called Night."

He turned back to the others, still surrounded by the dark essence he had summoned.

(I'm going to say that costed about 5 points, that makes sense to me.)
Qan'cath was slightly amused by the creation of "night" which to her was something that was more a result of the planet spinning. The world was tilted and moved around the star and spun so that half face the star and half was turned away, this was because should it stop spinning the side that was facing the star would be turned to dessert and the other side would turn to ice.

" You all focus too much on the looks of something you must see its depths and see how it works " She said she would use her power not to make the surface grand but rather in the dark depths she would create a new realm " And how nice of you Noctis and redundant " She said

Qan'cath reached out and deep below the surface she carved out massive caverns connected by winding caves, some of these caverns were so large that they could almost be called oceans when filled with water. She made these caverns so deep and large they could support cities the size of small nations, city states. lakes doted these caverns and large pillars grew so that they held the roofs above from collapsing from the great weight. then she made it so that these caverns connected to many smaller caves that lead to the surface in hidden places to keep these secret dark depths from all that might one day look upon the world.
As Qan'cath spoke Noctis smiled, as if finding something she said to be humorous, "You said yourself, not to focus too much on the looks of something and see it's depths." He said in his soft voice, brushing some hair out of his face, "Yet that is the very thing you are doing with my creation. It may appear redundant, however I have deeper purposes for it than you all may realize." He turned to the small, distant planet created in his likeness by his brother, "However, for now I will focus on my own domain." Large amounts of dark essence was shot out from his cloak, towards his planet. The essence formed thick black arcane clouds around the planet, causing it to appear as black as the void itself.
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Armenies seemed quite suprised at all this creation and wanted to pitch in. But Noctis suddenly brought a planet they created into a void again. He was angered but decided to keep himself cooled and looked to Qan'cath. "Well if I may be allowed but may I suggest that we bring the idea of making two mini people and having them different.....gender.....like male and female, looking just like us....I don't know what do you guys think?" He looked to his brothers for some support or anything really. He wasn't the brightest when it came to creating things. He was just born not to long ago and smart like his brothers and sisters.
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"Qan'cath i wold have law with the lands, let us fix the brothers mistake and on a new world let it have the law of reaction." Nissenia spoke as if here personalty changed with her dropping a mess of elements into another world's oceans and small microbes took shape. "call it chemical reaction" she spoke again.
" You are several steps behind as that reaction was set up when this was started, you need not worry about such laws they were there from the beginning and would have always been there " Qan'cath explained the need to make rules like reactions were not so much required as they were natural from the other rules it was all interconnected an explanation for all things in a way. " You need not worry about such thoughts I have planned for this for a time the plans for how things would work have long rested in my workshops, having dominion over time lets you see what will be needed after all" She said actually ignoring the male female thing or forgetting about it for a second " and that is a good idea Armenies though let's not limit ourselves to just two genders" She suggested it would be more fun with more genders perhaps.
Armenies shrugged, "Well if you say so then...I guess be as creative as you want...But I would like to make some beings of my own that is governing a city-state or whatever you call it, they will have laws of sort that maybe you can laws....ummm if I may do so?" He felt that if he was going to pitch in he would be the first to create a formidable people. Maybe even a civilization or something that his brothers and sisters called it.
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