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Fantasy The Forest of Beyond {ALWAYS OPEN}

Kyra straightened, detecting the faint smell of cooked meat. Her stomach made a loud noise, scolding her for going so long without food. A frown appeared on her face as she remembered the unpleasantness that occurred at her summoning. What type of stupid summon is this, anyways? And what the crap is a wendigo? Who cares. She had to get her latest assignment over with to return to her home, but it was proving a bit difficult. She moved towards the smell, sighing at the idea of food.
Maria thought carefully of where our group were going to head. She ate her meat peacefully and sighed. She felt a presence and looked around. She saw a mysterious figure and watched it carefully.
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Jack hums playing his guitar listening to music. He noticed it was getting a bit late for him and it might make his mother worried. In a way he didn't care but the other half says it's his fault to worry her to begin with. Jack sighs as if he kept holding his breath then packed his things before throwing the case over his shoulders and heading back home.

Jack walked what seemed like hours but that was not the case. It should not take long foe him to get out of the woods last he remembers. He begins to grow a little worried as beads of sweat start on his temple. Jack runs around only to find himself going in circles. He stops and pants after what felt like the tenth attempt to run straight and wing it. Nothing, he was trapped. Panting, Jack looks around and calls out to someone in hopes it might help.

"Hello? Anyone out there? Can you here me?!" His wolf ears perk up that suddenly appeared above his head to listen for anybody to answer back.



Nothing. There was no response just the sounds of echoing woods. Jack sighs hanging his head low before punching his fist on a tree and making it shake with leaves branching off and falling off. Jack decided to sniff as his last resort to get a scent of a way out. Nothing. He turns towards the woods and wait! There was a scent. The scent of people yet each had different weird smells than a human. Jack's ears vanish in a flash leaving him to look like a human again as he races towards the scent with his eyes closed. Like a wolf he could see with his eyes closed and just envision the way. He was quite fast dodging objects skillfully as if he has been training to keep his werewolf form from taking over or something. It wasn't easy of course.

Jack makes rustling sounds from the bushes and pops out from a bush and his face bumping against her stomach, moving up only to be near the girl's face inches away. Jack opens his eyes to find not one but a group of girls? One in particular he stood in front of was a girl named Maria. He was squatting like a dog wolf feeling awkward. He drops a sweat.

"Um....hello. This isn't what it looks like. I'm lost do you know a way out?" Jack rises and dusts himself off waiting for a simple answer. His voice was low but audible.
Kyra detected movement. Judging by the set of eyes that were tracking her, she seemed to be caught. She smiled, having met many humans with peculiar senses. There was another figure, a werewolf with a guitar, and Kyra let out a sigh, knowing that there were others nearby. She revealed herself, brushing off the foliage attached to her body with her hands and moved forward, her steps silent. Her eyes wandered warily as she surveyed her surroundings, noticing that it was getting rather dark.

She gave the two a small wave, her interest slightly piqued.
Maria stared at Jack and Kyra. "I didn't expect any other people here, but there isn't really a way out until you reach the highest level." She scratched her head and sighed. "If you're hungry, there are some meat here so feel free to eat."
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"Highest level? What do you mean by that?" He felt uneasy now. Panicked. He could not leave the forest? He just entered the darn place. Jack hears Maria's off her shakes his head turning it down. "No thanks. You go ahead and eat." He gives a half smile before sitting next to her.
"Sounds like a fun game. I'm in," Kyra quipped, ignoring the confused boy beside as he bored her a bit. She took a rib and nibbled at it, savoring its taste before plopping herself down on the ground. As she sat, she observed the forest around her, wondering where her target was as she ate. The forest held..levels and if they were the key to her assignment's completion, it seemed that she would have to fulfill these levels. She let out a soft sight before leaning back onto the trunk of a tree.
Maria sighed. "Do you guys want to be allies? We need as much help as we can get. It's fine if you don't want to...." Maria looked at them closely.
"Well...if we're stuck here and only have one way to go. I don't see why not. The question is what now?" Jack starts with his arms crossed and in thought. Levels? This sounded ridiculous or straight from a game. Then again he was unable to leave the forest earlier so he supposed logic doesn't work here.
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Suddenly more people appeared, Odstarva not taking the least bit of pleasure in that, and therefore stepped away quietly in his quiet own quiet way, thinking More, I can't deal with this. I'm going to end up against an army.
"As much as that sounds like a fairly good plan, I'm going to have to decline." She pushed herself away from the group and walked off, knowing that her target was nearby. It was probably in the group and Kyra wasn't exactly sure as to when she could get it alone, but she would try.
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Odstarva smelled the blood behind him, unfamiliar and rather cold. Someone must've been stalking him. First, he summoned a strong eastern wind to maybe take them off their feet and then sprinted away suddenly. His agility was amazing for a plague doctor and even for something that appeared to be human.
Kyra smirked as a wind blew her to the side, her eyes widening as her target realized that it was being watched. The rustling of foliage told her exactly where it was and she let one of her cards fly, landing next to the tree where it stood. It was masked, it's body slender and remarkably human. But she knew that is was something far from human.

Kyra settled in the branches of a nearby tree, watching the thing's reaction to her card.
In mid sprint he grabbed the card from the ground and continuing, tearing it in two and extracting his blood-letting blade from his cloak-like robes. It lunged at a tree, climbing up it inhumanly and reaching the top within moments, looking around to spot whomever was releasing that scent. He couldn't get any sense of direction from it, he wished he still had his hunter's sight, well that wasn't all he wished he still had, damn. He was ready though, listening closely to his environment and chilling it so that snaps became more prevalent and the flora became more fragile.
Tch, it ripped it in half. What a shame. She waved her hand over her left eye, letting out a pulsing glow before staring directly at the tree he had climbed into. One of her card's shimmered as she threw it in the air. It pulsated, landing softly on her target's arms. Kyra smirked. It seemed that this time, her prey would be challenging. She made the card disappear, her eyes glowing as she turned around and jumped from tree to tree, around the target.
A card landed on his arm and quickly faded away, he furrowed his brows in response, what kind of sorcery is this? He was in trouble, he couldn't run, he knew that, but thinking about it, he was strong and vicious. He didn't need to run. He dropped from the tree, keeping track of the rustling from treetop to treetop, then ran through the forest, setting his sights onto a clearing ahead of him.
She furrowed her brow, sighing as she contemplated the thing's movements. She rolled her eyes, deciding to play along with the target's scheme to reveal herself. The ice underneath her feet cracked as she ran across the branches of the forest's trees, knowing that this was one of the thing's abilities. Her file had told her exactly what it was capable of. Nothing about the identity of a wendigo, though. What a shame. She threw a card forward, the Joker, and watched with joy as it caused a perfect imitation of her. Actually, it was her. It only lacked something that one would not know, even if they looked for years. Kyra let out a laugh and her mimic replied with a smile as it stepped into the clearing and in front of the target.

"Well hello there."
One thing he had never regretted about his dormancy about was his gain in cunning and intelligence. Before his dormancy, he would have attacked the figure before him in an instant, because that was what he felt about doing now. Now he was a thinker, and he needed to think, and so instead of pouncing like he so clearly wanted to do, he used his puny human like legs to lift him up and over the figure, rolling into the clearing and turning towards it.
Kyra's dupe placed her hand on her hips as she examined the thing that had lifted itself over her. She did not turn around, instead choosing to speak with her back turned.

"What are you?" she inquired with a smile, curious as to what her target was.
He stood full height and smiled under his mask. Straightening his clothes and dusting the dust from it while answering, "Doctor." She likely knew he was more than human, but he had been able to convince others that he was merely a human touched by phantoms.
"That's true, but you know that wasn't what I was asking for." She turned, her eyes boring into his mask. Kyra sighed, irritation in her voice as she played with her cards. She held one out to him. "Pick one."
He backed up a tad, adding, in a fearful tone and posture, "Listen, I don't know whom you are, but I am just trying to live. I may be accursed but I have a soul too." Lies, but so naturally made due to years of convincing others. He may have bunked it up with his answer of doctor, but he felt able to recover. "Please, just leave me be"
"Tch, you should work on your lying skills," Kyra scolded, waving the cards around. "A soul? Hilarious. But that's not the matter. I told you to pick a card, didn't I?" She leaned forward, her eyes narrowed. "I detest waiting, so choose."
His head dropped and he began to applaud, "Eight." He began stepping closer, "Seven." His bones started to crack and muscles convulse. "Six." The area behind Kyra began to grow ice crystals pointed towards her. "Six.." And with that all of these changes vanished, and he sat down, "No. I don't think I will. I do have a choice, and I choose not to humor your insolence. If you know enough to know I'm not human, then you also know that if you kill me, the very next time somebody of this world performs an act of cannibalism, I will be back, and no longer weak."
"Hmm, interesting. Very interesting. I don't have the intention of killing you, at least not yet. I'd only to play a small game of cards." Kyra sighed, ignoring the spiked ice that rapidly appeared and disappeared.

"Cannibalism is strange. It's exciting and new, but it's seen as wrong. Why is that?" She raised an eyebrow, leaning against one of the trees.

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