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Fandom The Farmhouse Dream { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

It took two additional people to finally convince Kaleb and Carlos to stop traveling. Interesting. When they got back to Jackson, Asher had about a thousand questions about those last two years. With such a large group, they were moving slower than the speed that he and Jordan usually went. It was mildly frustrating, especially with the way he had been lately. Their only saving grace was that the shock of seeing the people he missed the most was outweighing the underlying annoyance. They moved as a group, quieting as they really started to get into the old building. Carlos and Nate both stopped as Jordan held up his hand. Carlos’ first reaction was to keep going and peek around every corner. He did not. He was no longer running off on his own. Or at least, not running off too far. Instead, he paused as was told. Nate on the other hand, was moderately distracted by the idea of capturing some of these spores in something to examine somewhere else in an attempt to see if he could learn anything that might be useful when it came to helping people. They may not have a cure, but they could have something. He did not do this. Not yet. Perhaps later. There was no reason that he couldn’t do it later. He crept a little off to the side, using his smaller stature to disappear into shadows. He held his hunting knife in his hand. Carlos, as they moved, picked up a piece of what was likely a pipe. This would do nicely.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Kaleb stopped when Jordan did, and so did Alex. Both of them knew signals, both of them were trained to listen to their leader which apparently was Jordan this time. Alex saw Nate disappear into the shadows and Kaleb stuck to Carlos’ side as he pulled out the silencer he’d been keeping. Jordan took a few steps closer before he stepped on a piece of flooring that creaked and groaned rather loudly. And then a roar echoed around them. Along with clicking, screeching and loud thumps. A bloater burst through a wall up ahead and with him were about sixteen infected between runners and clickers. They were coming right at them and they were blocking the exit. Alex pulled his bow, and started backing up to provide support, Kaleb drew his pistol and aimed, while Jordan grabbed his shotgun. “Here we go.”
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

A bloater was not what Carlos was expecting. In fact, he thought that if this patrol was just about ending, they might find a clicker or some runners not an entire horde of friends who wanted to spread their love. It could have been beautiful if it weren’t so terrifying. Well, sort of. He was not sure what he was scared of anymore. “You know, you didn’t have to throw us a welcome party,” he mused as he pulled out one of the bombs he had managed to make on their way here. “Everyone back up! He’s not going to like this.” “Sure, but we are,” Asher responded as he stepped in front of everyone to block the way. Not that he was afraid that everyone would run up there, but this was what he did. He never was able to work the hunter out of him. He was not sure where Nate ran off to though. Carlos pull the pin and yelled, “This is about to get rough in such a cramped area!” Then he threw the bomb right into the bloater and ran back as he exploded behind him. The explosion meant everything was fair game. No silencer this time. Asher pulled out several guns and started shooting. Nate, having disappeared already, did what Nate did best in combat. He found places the rest did not and waited for where he could take them out without others surrounding him. Much like when they fell into the basement before, he was skirting the edges of the walls and grabbing the ones on their own.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Jordan laughed as he heard Carlos and shook his head as he stood behind Asher. “You’re welcome beautiful.” He said as he heard Carlos grab a bomb the subsequent explosion. It was beautiful and then the noise of gunfire echoed around them. Alex was near the back, firing arrows with a true aim each times dropping ones that got too close for comfort. Kaleb grabbed stuff from his pack and made a Molotov. He had enough for two. “I’m throwing a Molotov, watch out!” Kaleb yelled as Jordan dropped a clicker. He backed up, as Kaleb flung it. A few more infected came out from the painful roar released from the bloater. Jordan ducked around and shot at the bloater while Alex covered him with his bow.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Nate stationed himself in what seemed like a pretty good spot. A runner would come out, and he would grab them and bring them down. Sometimes it would be a clicker. One after the other. He was amassing a body pile. Occasionally he would yell things out like, “Alex, to the left” and “Asher, there’s another right behind that one.” That was the other thing he was good at. He could be their additional eyes. Asher, wielding two smaller guns, shot at the horde as Jordan shot at the bloater. And then the bloater was on fire and so were all of the infected around him. The screeching was so loud. “Kaleb, I think you made it angry,” Asher warned as the bloater began to run straight at them. “We need to move!” A bomb, a Molotov, some shots from the shotgun. Yeah, this one was going to go down, but it was going to take a little more than that. Not to mention there were just so many other infected. Carlos kissed Kaleb’s cheek. “I’ll be right back love.” As the bloater was rushing towards them, Carlos ducked and ran the other direction, swinging his pipe at runners and clickers alike. He did miss this. Having someone to back you up made it so much more fun.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Alex heard Nate’s calls and he’d fire that way. It was definitely not an easy battle. Kaleb looked at Asher as he held another Molotov. “So I shouldn’t throw this one?” He asked with a grin on his face. He jumped to the side away from the bloater with Jordan near him. He felt the kiss on his cheek and looked at Carlos. “You come back to me.” Kaleb warned as he fired his pistol at a couple runners and dropped them. Kaleb had tucked his Molotov away for now. Alex kept firing but he was running low on arrows and didn’t have the supplies to make a new one. “We need to hit this guy with everything we’ve got.” Alex commented as he downed another clicker.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Carlos swung at anther runner. It went down. Another clicker and that took two hits but also went down. And then the pipe broke after a handful. “Well that’s no good,” Carlos muttered as he ducked below the swing of a crazed runner, grabbed its legs and crashed forward and knocking it down. He stomped his foot into the thing’s skull. Of course, being the one out in the middle of combat meant that he was the one drawing all of the attention. This was usually his job, though he didn’t love when it was a bloater that had his attention. He dodged out of the way of its spore projectiles. “I would very much like for you to throw that, love!” As he pummeled on both runners a clickers, he was certain that his punches could not do much to a bloater, and that bloater was shifting direction to him very quickly. Thankfully, there were a whole lot less of those average infected. There were possibly a handful left. Asher shot several of them as he ran around the side. Nate, no longer horribly useful from the sidelines, joined Carlos in the middle of the fight, which was not exactly his favorite place, but it did mean that he could do what they did before. He could use Carlos like bait and then move up behind several to take them out. It was effective last time as well.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Kaleb heard Carlos and pulled the Molotov back from his bag. “Watch out!” He yelled, and tossed it. The flames engulfed the bloater who screamed and yelled. No other infected joined the party and after a few shots from Jordan’s shot gun, the bloater dropped. All that was left was the few stragglers. Alex took out two of them before he was out and Kaleb shot another. Three left and Jordan shot them. Finally the ground was covered in dead infected but it was over. Alex was breathing hard, and Kaleb had twisted his leg when he avoided a clicker and wasn’t putting a whole lot of weight on it. “Can we get out of here now?” Kaleb asked as he took a breath.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Carlos grabbed onto Nate and ran them as far from the blister as possible, so that when it exploded with spores as it died, they were far enough away. As the last infected dropped, they made their way back over to the group. Carlos threw his arms around Kaleb. “Mm, I love you so much, my sweetest gem. I would kiss you if not for these masks.” Nate paused as he looked at Kaleb. “Are you okay? It looks worse.” This was, however, the single worst place to look at it. He frowned and gestured onward. “I’m looking at that as soon as we’ve hit safety. Can someone lead the way.” Carlos attached himself as support. Asher shook out an arm and grimaced at a pain he wasn’t about to share with anyone in that moment. “Come on. This way.” He peered at Kaleb whose leg was clearly doing worse, but there wasn’t much they could do in the spore-ridden mall.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Kaleb looked at Carlos as he threw his arms around him and then he looked at Nate. “Once we’re safe? Go right ahead Medicine Man.” Kaleb replied as he leaned on Carlos for support. Alex took Nate’s hand and looked to Jordan. Jordan who was currently looking at Asher like he knew the man had some pain. He shook his head, turned on his heel and led the way down the rest of the hall. He pushed open a door and held it for everyone, and once it was shut, they were in a light filled hall with two doors just a few feet away. Soundlessly, knowing they needed to get out, Jordan pulled open the exit doors were two horses stood tied. A bay and a paint. He gestured for everyone to head out and once he shut the door and they were outside, he pulled off his mask and breathed in the fresh air outside, Alex and Kaleb doing the same.
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Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

They moved relatively quickly through the picked over mall. Asher tried to ignore his arm, but the sting was becoming an actual pain now. He shook it out again, and hoped it wasn’t too obvious. The one new kid was the so called Medicine Man which probably meant medic. That made a lot of sense if he was running around with stolen masks and science info dumping about spores. Jordan was right. He really should go talk to the other science nerds. As they made it out, he too took his mask off, along with the rest, and shoved his back in the pack. Okay, so he was using his left hand for now. Good to know. Nate watched Kaleb as they moved, trying at assess the damage without being able to actually check. By the time they were outside, he was pretty sure it was just what he had already done and irritated again. Now was also not the time he didn’t think. But he would ask. “So, are you taking us to this very fancy Jackson place? Because if you’re not, I would like to take a look at that leg. If we are, he can probably wait.” Carlos still held onto Kaleb, and as soon as the masks were off, he stole that kiss. “How bad is it?” He asked him.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Alex was all too happy to pull his mask off and slip it in his pack. Jordan meanwhile had caught the shaking arm out of the corner of his eye. He had sharp vision anyway, but after three years with Asher, he learned how to read him. And he would be bringing him to Jacob or letting Nate look at him. One of the two. Kaleb looked at Carlos when he stole that kiss. “It’s fine, I think it’s just twisted but I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep up with you and those on the horses.” Kaleb said, as Alex looked over at the other two. Jordan heard Nate and nodded. “We’re heading there, and the four of you will have to keep up with us on foot, we’ll keep the horses at a walk. It’s about a half hour or so walk from here.” Jordan commented as he looked over to Asher.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Nate was nodding. That sounded reasonable and kind of them to keep the horses at a better pace. He was about to thank them when Asher interrupted. “Nope. The three of you will be walking.” He untied one of the horses and began walking it over to the rest of them. “Kaleb is riding with me. That leg does not get to be hurt any more than it already is.“ He looked at Carlos who was already nodding with him. “Help me get him up?” He looked at Kaleb, and to Nate, he looked so harsh but Carlos could see that passion in his eyes. “I’m not asking. You’re riding with me.” Then his eyes flicked back to Carlos. “Help me get him up when he’s ready?”
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Alex looked at Nate and then his head turned to look at Asher when he heard him. Kaleb felt a flush on his face as he smiled at Asher and chuckled softly. "Well. Looks like I get the special treatment." Kaleb commented as he looked at Carlos and Asher. "I'm ready when you guys are." Kaleb said, looked between Asher, the horse and Carlos. He'd let them get him up on the horse. Jordan chuckled as he walked over to the other horse, and untied it. "Well. Does anyone wanna ride with me? Beautiful?" Jordan asked, looking at Carlos with a grin. Alex looked at Nate and simply shook his head with a small chuckle.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Asher and Carlos carefully got Kaleb onto the horse, making sure that they did not mess with the leg. Once they had him set, Asher popped up on the horse as well and took the reins. Carlos grinned and took Kaleb’s hand. “That’s because you are special, my love.” He kissed the hand and then moved to Alex and Nate. “No no, I couldn’t abandon my two down here. How rude would that be?” As much as he would love to ride behind Jordan, his arms wrapped around that waist, it seemed a bit rude to leave their other two. “Oh yes you can.” Nate shoved him forward. “Go on, big guy. Ride with love affair. I do not want to deal with you pining after both of them down here.” Carlos looked at him with a real question, and Nate truly nodded. “We’re good down here. Go.” So Carlos moved over to Jordan and slid his arms around him from behind like Jordan did earlier. “Wanna take a ride?” He asked, lips by his ear.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Kaleb had never sat on a horse before and he was a little nervous but once Asher was up, he wrapped his arms around him and it calmed him down. Kaleb looked at Carlos with a smile when he took and kissed his hand. Alex was nodding his head with Nate’s words, agreeing that Carlos should ride with Jordan. Jordan waited for a response and then he felt arms wrapped behind him and those lips by his ear. “Let’s take a ride beautiful, one of many I’m sure.” Jordan said as he moved from Carlos’ arms and mounted the horse. He moved his foot out of the stirrup and held a hand down for Carlos. “Put your foot in the stirrup and climb on.” Jordan told him with a grin.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Carlos grabbed onto Jordan’s hand, placed a foot into the stirrup, and attempted to replicated what Jordan just did. Since he had never been on a horse, he felt like he did a decent job. Once up, he replaced those arms and rested his head on Jordan’s shoulder. “Take me home, Red.” Asher snorted a laugh and sort of looked over his shoulder. “Alright, everybody ready? We’ve got places to be. Don’t look too suspicious down there, okay? The people from Jackson aren’t terribly welcoming overall. Getting in was hard even with Jordan knowing a handful of people.” Nate wasn’t worried. “Promise to only be normal and non threatening down here.” He leaned into Alex. “I hope you understand that we will be gossiping down here. I can’t tell if I am alarmed or amused.”
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Kaleb was holding onto Asher and mumbled into his back. “Let’s go home.” He whispered, ready to finally be somewhere permanently. Alex felt Nate lean into him as he nodded. “Look normal and non-threatening got it. We’re good down here, let’s head out.” Alex said as Jordan helped Carlos up. He felt the head on his shoulder and the arms around him. “That’s the plan beautiful.” Jordan replied as he nodded to Asher. “After you gorgeous.” Jordan said, urging his horse into a walk and looked at Asher with a smile. “I’m sure we can get them in, they did save our lives.” Jordan commented, ignoring the part of that’s how Joel got killed. His life was saved and when they all were supposed to be friends, the person who saved his life, killed him. Jordan shook away those memories as they headed back towards Jackson.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Asher had been with Jordan long enough now to know when he needed a reminder of the good in the world. “Carlos, do me a favor. Kiss him for me.” He peered over a Jordan with a smile then focused on moving the horse forward. Though not with his right hand. He let it fall in his lap and controlled everything with his left instead. “Yes, sir,” Carlos answered and did as he was told. He kissed the back of Jordan’s neck and then returned to his resting position. Nate walked alongside the horses. “We worked very well as a team. I can see why they speak so highly of the two of you. I believe the words were ‘changed lives.’” He examined the area as they moved. He wasn’t sure how much he should know about the area, but he wanted to commit as much of it as possible to memory.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Jordan had been with Asher long enough to know he was hiding pain. He felt the kiss to the back of his neck and smiled as he urged the horse onward. Alex was paying attention to the horses, missing his own as he listened to Nate speaking. Jordan glanced at Nate and nodded with a smile. “We did work well, and if we did change their lives, it wasn’t on purpose.” Jordan said as Kaleb moved his head so he could look at them. “It’s because of these two that I realized how much I loved Carlos and what different kind of love and affection meant.” Kaleb admitted as they walked through the woods. They started walking up a hill, not a big one but one that when they crested the top, they’d see Jackson in the near distance.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Asher laughed from his horse and shook his head. Whether they meant to or not, he knew that they probably did change the lives of their friends. They needed to see the way other people lived. He lowered his right hand, avoiding the pain in moving the arm, and patted Kaleb’s leg. “I’m glad we could help.” As they moved, Nate gasped. “Is that it?” He asked though his voice sounded like it was only barely able to speak words from the shock. “The lights! You have so many lights!” Even with generators, he had never seen anything work that well. And even in the day, he could tell. It was so big too! That was amazing. How had they not known about this place before? It was his mama’s job to know these things.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Jordan chuckled, hearing Kaleb and knowing that they’d done a lot to help their friends. Kaleb felt the pat on his leg and he pressed his hand on Asher’s side. “I appreciate it.” Kaleb said though both he and Alex were just as awestruck at the town before them. “That’s Jackson, it’s completely powered by the nearby hydroelectric plant. And everyone inside lives like this outbreak never happened. We patrol to keep the infected away from everyone.” Jordan explained as they rode towards the town. “Once we get there. We need to find Tommy and Maria, they are the ones kind of in charge of Jackson. But everyone has a job or a place in the town.” Jordan added as he looked at the others.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Nate pointed like they hadn’t just been talking about this place. He looked at Alex. “Have you ever seen anything like that? Because I know that I have absolutely not.” It looked like the cities they described from before. Powered by water. That was brilliant. It wasn’t exactly the kind of science that Nate knew well, but he would love to learn more. Asher moved them forward as gently as he could. “Medicine Man, can you- sorry, I don’t remember your name- can you stick around before you wander off to look at his leg? The gate is going to be wary of new people after Abby. I’ll talk to them. Jordan, you get the horses back to the stables if it takes a little longer. It may take some convincing.” And by convincing, he meant that it may take some force, and no one was better at that than Jordan.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Alex looked at Nate and shook his head. “Never.” He said, his voice soft with awe. Kaleb was too busy looking at the town to realize that they were approaching the massive wooden wall around it. Jordan looked at Asher and nodded. “You start convincing them while I put horses away and then I’ll be back to help you.” Jordan said as they stopped at the massive gate. The gate creaked open and they were inside as the gate closed behind them. “Alright, everyone down, and stay with Asher. I’ll be back.” Jordan said. He waited for Carlos to get down and then he’d dismount. Once Kaleb and Asher were down, he’d lead the two horses to the stables and come back after that.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

“Uh, Asher? Why exactly do you have four extra people than when you left?” Arid, formerly known as Aaron but having since been renamed by one of the guys who misheard him, stepped over to Asher and the new crew with several armed people with him. Carlos jumped down and helped Nate get Kaleb down while Asher moved straight to them. While Asher worked on getting them entrance, Nate worked with Kaleb’s leg. “We found them in the mall on patrol. They’re clean. We passed the dogs on the way in, so we know they’re clean. They saved us, and I know that isn’t saying much with what happened with Joel, but these are people we used to know.” He gathered all of them and point. “That’s Kaleb. And that’s Carlos.” That was when some of the faces started to change, because everyone had heard the stories. “As in forever pining after your lost loves Kaleb and Carlos?” Arid asked. Asher laughed. “Yeah.” That was enough for some of them. “Okay, but how do we know-“ “They’re good, Arid.” Asher’s demeanor changed from talking to a buddy to talking to a subordinate. “And the other two are too. I know what we went through was not good, and I get that you’re stressed about what could happen if they decide to turn on us, but you were there when all of that went down. If they turn, I will personally take them down.” He glanced at Nate and Alex. “They do anything that hurts Jordan like she did, they will regret coming.” And when that wasn’t enough, Asher growled something unintelligible and shoved Arid away so that no one could hear what he was saying. The others stood there awkwardly around the four. “Does this happen often?” Nate asked but didn’t ask anyone specifically or loudly. No one heard. A couple minutes later, Asher and Arid came back. “Okay, you’re in as far as we can move to find Maria or Tommy. Or I guess any of the higher powers. You ready to prove yourselves worthy?”

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