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Fandom The Farmhouse Dream { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Idaho

Kaleb chuckled as he looked at Nate's wide eyes and then saw the grin on his partner's face. Alex shook his head as he kept walking and looked at them. "I'm sorry, it's just a little too late love." Alex replied as he heard Carlos and he tilted his head a little. "Hunter and hunted? What do you mean? I know you said Asher was part of the Pittsburgh hunters, but did he actually hunt Jordan first?" Alex asked, curiosity in his tone.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Idaho

This star crossed lovers theme seemed to be a common one with all the people that everyone knew. Except for Nate. The only star crossed anything he knew might be the friendship that he and Kaleb had, but it wasn’t like he suddenly decided to love Kaleb out of their shared hate for each other. Though, maybe he was still a little stuck in that negative hole he tried so hard to climb out of. Maybe he should have been more willing to see another way. “Um, well, I don’t think so? I mean, yes.” Carlos considered it for a moment as he tried to remember what they told him and Kaleb all those years ago. “Okay, it’s more like your opposites where they had to help each other out first. Asher was a hunter and others in his scary place were hunting Jordan, and instead of torture murdering him, they all do this, Asher chose to help him out of his terrible city.” He looked at Kaleb. “He talked to you about it a lot more, my love. Did he tell you anything else interesting?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Idaho

Alex was fully engrossed in this story as they moved, while his eyes widened as he listened. Kaleb nodded as he thought for a moment. “Right. He talked to me more because you two wouldn’t stop being all over each other to talk. Anyway. So Jordan ran right into Asher as he was running from the others, and instead of killing him, he had a gun pointed at Jordan and everything, Asher helped him. They made it through the city of killers, and they killed more than a few themselves. Well Jordan did. And then after meeting a new pair, they slowly became one unit.” Kaleb explained as they walked.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Idaho

Carlos rolled his eyes and sighed. “Just because Jordan and I may have had a very real and serious connection-“ “Physical connection?” Nate asked with a laughed. “Physical connection,” Carlos agreed, “that does not mean it was bad. Besides, that meant Asher could moon over you and tell you all of their stories so that then we could relay them to other people such as their soon to be new best friends.” He gestured to the listeners of their tales. Nate was intrigued. “Okay, so what you’re saying is that someone was being hunted by scary men who hunt people for sport and one of the hunters had the means and opportunity to do the hunting thing and chose not to for absolutely no reason?” Carlos shook his head. “He was already questioning the ways of the hunting people for sport. Jordan just so happened to be the right person to make him change his mind. It was probably because of how charming and attractive he is.” He pointed to Nate and then Alex. “You’ll see. I’ve never met anyone as charming.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Idaho

Kaleb rolled his eyes and chuckled at his words. “Yeah. We couldn’t pry you two apart.” He commented as the tree line began thinning. Alex listened as he tilted his head. “We’ve met you and he’s more charming? That’s.. an interesting thought.” Alex commented as he looked ahead of them. “We’ve got some open plains ahead. But that means we’re super close to Wyoming. I may have traveled through some of it on my way from Seattle the first time.” Alex said as the tree line ended. “Should I climb one of these trees and check things out before we go out into the open?”
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Idaho

Thinning trees meant closer to plains which meant closer to where they were trying to go. “It’s time for you to be our scout, Monkey Man,” Nate grinned as he looked up in the trees. “We are too close to something real for this to be where things end because we become complacent.” He laughed. He hated for everything to be ruined because they did not take everything seriously enough. Carlos agreed that Alex should scout
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Idaho

Alex nodded as he looked at them. He agreed and so did Kaleb. They’d gone through too much for this to end now. Alex set his pack down and kissed Nate gently before he walked to the tree and hauled himself up onto the first branch before he worked his way up to the top. Kaleb watched him go and once Alex was at the top, he looked around the plains and narrowed his eyes. In the distance was a large building. Alex worked his way back down and grabbed his pack once he was on the ground. “Looks clear and I see a building in the distance, the same way we’re heading.” Alex said as he took Nate’s hand and led the way out onto the plains, ready to get to Wyoming and settle down.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Idaho

Nate could watch Alex climb all day. Nothing was as amazing as the way Alex could move his body. He absolutely loved that. As Alex came back down, taking Nate’s hand, Nate tried not to stare like a lovesick teenager. He was too old for that. Though he was probably lovesick. Probably. He did not feel like he was Carlos levels, but he was certain that he was a lot. At least that was how it sounded when the rest talked about him. He sighed as he walked with Alex out into the plains. Such tall grass here too, but at least this kind of grass made more sense than the grass in Seattle. It must have been because of the rain. Carlos was intrigued with the area. He put his hands down to feel the blades on his palms as they walked. “So, big building. Did you see what it was?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Idaho

Alex squeezed Nate’s hand gently as they moved onto the plains. He looked at the grass and his free hand ran along the blades. He looked Carlos when he talked and he pointed out over the plains where the building was a little more obvious as they walked closer. “It’s long but not tall. I couldn’t see exactly what it was but I know we had a couple in Seattle that were similar.” Alex said as he looked up ahead. It wouldn’t take a super long time to get there, even when Kaleb’s slower gait and limp.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Idaho

“Wouldn’t it be nice if it was something interesting and different?” Carlos asked though he was not sure what would be interesting and different. There were not a whole lot of options in a world like this. In his travels with Kaleb, they walked through a whole lot of strange places, but at this point, they all felt very similar. That was why they were happy to decide to settle down. Maybe then Kaleb’s leg could actually heal. Nate shrugged. “Maybe it can be boring? That would be okay too. Who does not like some boring every once in a while?” As they neared the building Nate frowned. “Huh, that is large.”
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Alex shrugged as they neared the building. It was long and big. And it looked like the only way around was to go through it. “Hey. Look at the sign. Wyoming. Also.. looks like we have to go into this building to get through.” Alex said as he stopped at one door and he pushed it, and it creaked open. “Clear so far.” Alex said as he stepped inside and waited for the others. Kaleb looked around, excited to be in Wyoming and stepped inside after Alex.

Jordan had just dropped a clicker as they made their way through the hotel. This was his least favorite patrol route but he had Asher and they only did a few patrols when needed. It had been a rough year so far, and he’d relied on Asher when his mentor was killed early this year. He’d been quiet for a while, not flirting with newcomers or even with Asher. He’d sought out Ellie as well and they did grieve together. He didn’t however condone her going after the WLF. He entered the hotel hall, mask on, and looked around for Asher.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Wyoming. They really were close. Nate stayed back to take in the outside first. Was this where they were going to be forever? It was not so promising so far. Hopefully this was just something they were passing through. He stepped inside after Carlos. “Wait.” He looked around. Something felt wrong. It had been a long time since he went somewhere that felt like this, and he couldn’t place what it was. He was seeing warning signs, but he was not seeing the problems yet.

Asher lowered his gun, still smoking from the fire, and groaned. Another silencer gone. He reached in his pack for the next one. These patrols used so many of them. Thankfully they had supplies. They never had to worry about that really. After screwing it on, he stepped over the one, two, three bodies and walked out of the room. Sometimes he wondered why he agreed to go on these patrols. Why, because he got antsy sitting around and living like everything was fine when it clearly wasn’t. He stepped around the corner to find Jordan. His whole demeanor had changed since Joel. After all these years of trying to be the better person, of trying not to live like he used to, Asher thought Ellie was right. Justified. What Joel’s death did to Jordan hurt something in Asher that broke into his core and found that cruelty that used to live inside of him. Asher would have gone with Ellie. He thought they should send a whole team. ‘But Asher, that’s wrong,’ they told him. ‘That’s vengeance.’ It surely was. Jordan was broken, and Asher would break anything that thought they could touch him again. Why did he go on these patrols? Because he was itching to kill something. He patrolled more often now than he ever did before. He moved towards Jordan, eyes sharp to the sounds of this place. There were more, and he would find them.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Alex glanced at Nate when he spoke, confusion in his eyes. “What’s wrong?” Alex asked as the door behind them shut. He didn’t sense anything off or weird. Kaleb looked around but moved forward. “Nate, everything is fine. It’s just another building.” Kaleb said as he pushed open double doors and looked at the large lounge area. “See? It’s clear.” Kaleb said as he limped into the area.

Jordan looked over as he saw Asher coming in. The ghost of a smile crossed his face as he looked at his partner. “Ready for the lounge? There could be infected in there..” Jordan said as he paused, listening. “Asher.. there’s someone in the lounge, and it doesn’t sound like infected.” Jordan added as he moved the door that separated the kitchen area of the lounge to the part of the hotel they were in. “I can’t make out who it is, should we sneak through the kitchen and hide near the main doors?”
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Clear. For now. Maybe. Nate was not so sure. It was something about the way the building looked. He stepped inside the lounge area and decided that maybe he should just keep his mouth shut instead. He shrugged noncommittally and moved away from everyone else. Maybe he was just antsy about finding a new place especially after Seattle. That was a horrible mistake that could have gone so much worse. What if this was too? What if this led them to something worse than what it was before. Carlos walked through without any issues. “I think you worry too much. Come on, Medicine Man. You’re supposed to be with me on the super cheery side and they have to keep us on the ground with all their realism.” Nate didn’t know what to say to that. Carlos sighed and moved on.

Jordan was right. It sounded like movement and voices. Talking? Certainly not infected. Was there another patrol out today? Surely not. So who was in the lounge? His lips curled almost into a snarl. If it was another one of those groups that thought they had any right to come looking for revenge, he was going to explode. “Yeah,” he sneered as he followed Jordan. He checked his gun and reloaded it. In fact, he checked all of them as they moved. He was not about to lose a fight because of an ammunition struggle. He would not be able to put a new silencer on if this became an actual fight, so here was to hoping that they killed enough of these guys to not bring down the whole population on them.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Alex walked through the lounge, eyes glancing around as he searched for a way through. There was a hall that led near the kitchen and a pair of doors there. “Kaleb, Carlos, Nate. I found a way through.” Alex said, rather loudly as he moved from the hall to find his friends. Kaleb moved slowly that way, entering the hall and stood near a counter. On the other side was the kitchen. “Alex, great find.” Kaleb commented.

Jordan had seen a change in Asher after Joel’s death. After he’d been broken. Once they’d gotten into the kitchen, Jordan crouched and moved towards the lounge. Wait. Kaleb? Carlos? “Asher.. I think it’s our old friends. We should grab them. But I get beautiful this time.” Jordan suggested, moving out from behind the counters, mask off now as the kitchen and lounge were spore free. He crept behind Carlos and wrapped his arms around him from the back, lips near his ear. “Hello beautiful. Long time no see.” He purred.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Nate and Carlos followed as well. Nate felt like there was something he wasn’t quite getting. He hated when he couldn’t see what was going on around him. And it had to be important. So what was it? He wandered off to another area of the kitchen a little away from the rest of them. He was so focused on trying to figure out why the place felt weird.

Asher crouched down, moving around another direction in case whoever it was came this way. He listened for anything of importance. He wanted to hear plans, ideas, anything- Asher froze. Every inch of him forgot how to move, and it wasn’t until Jordan was whispering beside him that he realized that wait, yes, that was his voice. It had been years. Two? Two years since they parted ways. After all this time, had they really just meandered their way back into their lives? He smiled at Jordan’s plan. After all this time. He snuck around the other direction, peering at the four people in the room. They were spread enough and not at all paying enough attention to their surroundings. As Jordan crept up on Carlos, Asher found his way towards Kaleb. He put one arm out just in time for Kaleb to run into it, much like he did with Carlos before, only this time, he didn’t knock someone to the ground. Instead, as he pushed Kaleb off balance, he pushed him back and caught him in his arms. He stared down, mask still on since he had been so caught up in the moment. As he looked down at this unexpected vision, he lifted it up to rest on the top of his head. “As I live and breathe.”

Carlos was at first very alarmed. Hands around him meant someone was up to something nefarious, and as he was opening his mouth to say something, already wriggling in an attempt to move out of the hold, he never had a chance to do either. Those words so close to him. Oh. My. God. He let out a gasp. He turned his head just slightly, lips curled in a smile he thought he had tamed in the last few years. “Mmmm, I’ve been waiting for you.” His voice slid from him like wine. He managed to move one arm out of the grasp and snaked his up so that his hand touched his captor’s cheek. Brushed his lips against skin he missed for so long.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Alex had wandered to check out the windows, not entirely sure what was going on with Nate, when he heard Carlos gasp. Alex turned around to see a red haired male holding Carlos from behind but it wasn’t aggressively and then he heard Kaleb who was in the arms of another, this one had black hair. He walked over to Nate and grabbed his hand. “Our friends have found friends.” He said, turning to go that way.

Kaleb was walking along when an arm suddenly was in front of him, pushing him back only for another to catch him. He gasped then smiled as he looked up at the face of the man holding him. “Well hello there. Fancy meeting you around here.” Kaleb said, bringing his hand up to put it on Asher’s chest.

Jordan grinned, hearing the gasp and felt the wriggle. Then the voice. Oh how he’d missed him. “Have you now? I’m here now beautiful. And we’ve got two years to make up for.” Jordan said, feeling a little more like himself. He felt the hand, the lips on his skin and he released his arm just enough to twist Carlos around so they were facing each other. Jordan’s hands went to the other’s cheeks and he kissed him just as intensely as the last time they saw each other.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Nate turned to look at Alex before moving his gaze to the other ones. At first, he saw Kaleb and another man holding him. That was odd. Odd? His eyes moved to Carlos who was- was for sure making out with someone. Like really heavily making out with someone. How long had Nate been looking elsewhere? Was it a while or.. Or this was Jordan and Asher. Of course. He actually laughed. “I know they told us this was how it was going to be, and I gathered that they were close, but I still didn’t expect..” he gestured to Jordan and Carlos. “That.” It really was a lot. To think that this guy was marrying someone else was kind of shocking honestly. And everyone else seemed not at all bothered by it. He looked back at Kaleb and Asher and gasped. “Oh! That’s it!” He shook his head, walked straight up to them feeling entirely too comfortable for how skeptical he had been about this, and snatched the mask straight off of Asher’s head. “I’ll be right back!” he called and ran out of the kitchen.

Asher was mildly shocked by the sudden theft, but to be honest, he was far too preoccupied to care. His smile only grew as he gazed back down at Kaleb. “It’s been far too long.” He pried his eyes away and looked at the only remaining other one since his companion seemed to have absconded with Asher’s mask and disappeared. “You brought friends?” He nodded to Alex. “Jordan is going to like this one. I bet Carlos just eats him up.” He loosened his grip so that if Kaleb wanted to move he could. “And your other one is a.. thief? Because if he doesn’t bring back my mask, I will hunt him down and break every last one of those bones until he hands it back to me.” Was that a bit aggressive? Yes. Would he really do it? With the way things had been going since all of that WLF nonsense? Yes.

There were a lot of people in this world that Carlos was a little bit in love with. Salim was his absolute best friend in the QZ, and he was a little in love with his kindness and his resourcefulness. Jade and Basira had an attitude that was absolutely scrumptious. Officer No Fun was powerful and wise. Officer Scowl – no there were no good traits there which was sad. Then there were other people. Kaleb was his soulmate. He was his everything. Carlos had been madly in love with him for so long, and that love was only stronger now. But there were also other people. People like Alex that made him remember why he loved people and not just one person. Alex was an infatuation almost. He loved Alex more than all those people he was a little bit in love with but less than his soulmate. And then there was Jordan. Jordan was instrumental for Carlos in learning who he was. He opened Carlos up and spread out all of those puzzle pieces in plain view. No one could put him in a mood like Jordan could. As those hands grasped his cheeks, his own hands fell right back into place, arms snaked around his sides and hands holding fast to his back, pulling him as close as possible.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Alex thought for a moment and he realized this must’ve been Jordan and Asher. He glanced at Nate as he chuckled, walking closer to the first pair, Kaleb and Asher he was guessing. “It’s a little crazy for sure, though it could be worse.. I think.” Alex said before he saw Nate snag the mask from Asher and dart off. Okay. He watched his partner go before he turned and walked over to Asher and Kaleb. “Names Alexander, but please call me Alex. You must be Asher? And please.. do not break my partners bones. He’ll be right back.” Alex commented as he stopped, hearing him.

Kaleb was a little preoccupied looking at Asher, before he chuckled. “You have no idea. Carlos was all but infatuated with Alex. And Nate, the one who took your mask, will be back.” Kaleb added, hearing Alex as he came up. He felt the loose grip and shifted so he was standing but it was rather obvious that he was favoring that leg.

Jordan was absolutely preoccupied at the moment. Kissing Carlos was one of the things he’d missed. He felt Carlos’ hands on his back and their chests were touching as he kissed him. When Jordan couldn’t breathe, he pulled away. “Mm. I missed those.” He whispered lips still close to Carlos. Well, until he saw Alex. “Mmm beautiful? Did you bring me someone just as handsome as you?” Jordan asked, looking at Alex who caught the words and the blush was bright red on his face and he looked away.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

“So you’ve talked about us to your new friends?” Asher asked as he examined the new one. Alex. Young and handsome. Definitely Carlos’ type with that face and those muscles. “Your partner. As in we have a third pair with us now? I didn’t get a good look at him. Is he also as equally beautiful as the rest of us?” He considered asking more when it occurred to him that several things were beginning to add up. The walk he watched to plan his attack. The way Kaleb stood. “Are you-“ His entire attention and demeanor changed. “Is that the same leg?” He whipped his head around. “Carlos!” His voice was far louder than he meant for it to be. “Aren’t you supposed to be taking care of him?”

Carlos’ teeth snuck out in a smile as he looked over his shoulder at Alex. “Isn’t he something else? Found him in a horrible city much like the one we found you in. But you do not get to play rough, Red.” He put a finger on Jordan’s lips as he grinned at Alex. “He’s just a little pup. We’re easing him into the real world. He had absolutely no experience when I found him, and his boy doesn’t like when I play too long.” He laughed which was cut short at Asher’s words. “I am!” Carlos insisted. “It’s not my fault that sometimes he hurts it again.”

Nate came running back into the room. “Got it got it! Spores. I take it you were just working through those, yeah?” He tossed the mask back to Asher who caught it without issue. “I knew this building looked funky. It’s a smell, you know. And you can see it in the walls and the floors sometimes. It seeps. Not enough to be bad but enough to show you when it’s coming. I should have known but I’ve been so focused on so many other things. You know I think it would be fascinating to study how the spores stay in certain areas instead of spreading. Maybe-“ but he paused and his cheeks grew a slight shade of pink. “Okay, maybe another time? Uh, hi. I’m Nate. Nathaniel actually but no one but my mother and occasionally Alex calls me that. Called.” He smiled nervously and looked at Alex. “I’m officially rambling in front of the people that they have been talking up for days. Some first impression, huh? Uh, okay. Hey! No more awkward making out. That’s cool. I think. Right?” He moved to Alex’s side and took his hand. Grounding.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Kaleb nodded as he looked at Asher. “Of course we did. You two are something to talk about after all.” He replied, a grin on his face. He winced a little at the loud voice when Asher noticed his leg. Again. “It wasn’t his fault this time. Besides, I had a much worse injury since this leg issue.” Kaleb admitted as he heard Carlos’ defense. Alex looked over as Nate joined them, and he couldn’t help but laugh softly at his partners rambling.

Jordan looked at Carlos with a sad look before he nodded. “Fine, but I’ve got you to play rough with.” Jordan replied as he moved from Carlos and headed over towards the other four. “Well. Two more beautiful people to travel with. Name’s Jordan.” He said, kissing Alex’s cheek then kissed Nate’s quickly with a grin on his face. “Should probably get going though. This patrol was about done. Then you and I have some catching up to do beautiful.” Jordan said, winking at Carlos.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

“Oh oh okay yes, right, um.” Nate was instantly flustered at this whole kisses on cheeks to introduce himself thing. Not a Nate thing. Not a mama thing. Not the brothers. At least Carlos didn’t come up and immediately start with the affection. He just.. touched a lot. This was fine. It was fine. Right? “Patrol? You are, uh, patrolling?”

Asher frowned at Kaleb’s words. “Why are you always hurting yourself?” He turned to Jordan. “Why did we decide letting them travel on their own was a good idea? It was clearly a bad idea.” He flicked his gaze to Nate and Alex. “No offense, newbies. And yes, we patrol. I assume you will be joining us?” He smiled at Kaleb. “Please?” This was what they needed. Both him and Jordan needed this after the hell that their year had been. This was already the best he’d seen Jordan in a long time, and really, it was the best he had felt too.

Carlos ran a hand along Jordan’s arm as he joined the group. There was never any denying the sheer electricity between the two of them. It was hard to focus on anything else really. He reached around and pressed a hand to Jordan’s neck, bringing it to him for a kiss to ignite the fires he knew were waiting for them. Then he slipped away and just out of reach. “Well then by all means take us wherever we go next.”
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Kaleb flushed a dark red as he heard Asher’s words. “It wasn’t my fault this time. I got shot by a hunter. Not my fault at all. But I had our Medicine Man to help me through.” Kaleb said, placing a hand on Nate’s shoulder with a grin. Alex looked at Asher and shrugged. “No offense taken.” He replied while Kaleb nodded with a smile. “Of course we’ll join you. We were heading towards Jackson anyway so might as well stick with you.” Kaleb said as he glanced over at Jordan and Carlos. “Oh and Asher, we have a lot to catch up on.” Kaleb added.

Jordan heard the comment from Kaleb and was about to speak but he was interrupted by a hand on his neck. He felt the kiss from Carlos before the other was gone, slipped away and out of reach. “Tease.” Jordan said with a chuckle before he turned to look at Nate, who had asked about them patrolling. “We do patrol. Also, Asher. It seemed like a good idea at the time to let them travel in their own. The patrols are to keep the infected far from the town. And remind me beautiful to introduce you to two people I think you’ll get along with. Now. Masks on, we have a few spore filled areas to get through before we get out of here.” Jordan said, as Alex and Kaleb slipped their masks on as did Jordan. He turned to begin the patrol back to Jackson.
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Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, and Asher McCoy
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 21, 25, 32 | Current location ;; Wyoming

A lot was happening all at once, and it really had been a long time since Asher was the one feeling a little overwhelmed. A lot to catch up on was an understatement. It had been two years. And heading towards Jackson? Huh. “Were you finally on your way to join us?” Asher asked as he slipped his mask back on. He grinned as he made his way to where Jordan was leading them. He would take up the rear so none of them got lost. Carlos and Nate both put their masks on. Nate put his on still kind of nervously talking. “People I would get along with? More people? I mean… I do like people. Not as much as you I can assume.” And then he shut his mouth, because they all knew how it was when going into infected areas. Especially ones with spores. Carlos linked an arm around Alex’s. “Didn’t I tell you they were wonderful?” Asher pushed him from behind. “No fraternizing during patrol,” he said with a mock sternness and all laughs.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 19, 27, 30 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Kaleb looked at Asher and nodded with a smile. “Yeah, these two finally convinced us to settle down and come find you.” Kaleb said as he followed the others towards the infected area. Jordan meanwhile heard Nate’s words and chuckled before they entered the area. It was a dark hallway that they took to get to the far end. Alex felt the arm linked with his and looked at Carlos. He nodded and laughed. “They are pretty wonderful.” He admitted and then heard Asher’s comment and flushed red. It was about that time that Jordan held a fist up as a ‘stop’ then a second later a palm. ‘Wait’ and he crept forward. Something was around, he just didn’t know what exactly or where. “Quiet, careful.” He whispered.

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