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Fandom The Farmhouse Dream { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Idaho

Carlos could support while they made it the little rest of the way. When they stopped, he watched Alex go, though really, he was watching Nate watch Alex go. Nate was always watching Alex like he was the best thing in the entire world. Eventually, he grabbed Nate’s arm and pulled him back to the camp they had to set up. He reluctantly did. They pulled the blankets out first to make a nicer area to sit and lay on. Thank goodness it still wasn’t cold out, or they would have to start dealing with that. But they had Jackson to look forward to. Wherever that was. Once Alex returned though, Nate was no longer useful. And he judged Carlos for being so into the romantic story. That was a romantic story right there. Nate watched Alex work with all the amazement of someone truly enamored. Carlos plopped himself down on the blankets as he pulled out various things like utensils and also his journal. It was time to draw a little.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Idaho

Once the camp was set up, Kaleb sat down beside Carlos, leaning on his shoulder gently. He was more than content to watch him draw. Alex set up the fire and started cooking the deer. “Once we have our own farmhouse, we’ll have meat for many meals.” Alex said as he cooked. Once he had it all ready, he pulled out a can of corn and he looked at the others. “Our fancy dinner of deer and corn is ready.” Alex announced, stabbing a piece of meat with his fork to eat it. Kaleb reached for his own piece without moving from where he sat, though he did sit up straight so he could eat.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Idaho

In the midst of his drawing, Carlos paused to kiss the top of Kaleb’s head before continuing. He had taken a break from his drawing of the farmhouse and now focused on a kitchen. Though he had never had one of those nicer, bigger kitchens, he had been in a lot of houses where he could imagine how they were supposed to be. “Once we have our own farmhouse, you will be feeding us every day. I hope you understand that, Handsome.” Nate grabbed his own and Carlos’ so that he did not have to get up. He may no longer have a Kaleb on him, but that did not mean he wanted to ruin their together moment. “And some of those days will have bread. I know you guys like meat and all, but the bread. The bread is where it’s at.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Idaho

Kaleb had smiled at the kiss to the top of his head, he loved the little things like that. Alex looked at Carlos as he finished the piece of deer and took a bite of corn. “I understand that. Someone has to make sure we’re all fed.” Alex said with a chuckle as Kaleb nodded. “And bread will be present at all of our meals, once the wheat is grown and ready to be harvested and made into bread.” Alex said with a nod as he took another piece of deer. Kaleb took a bite of corn then he too took another bite of deer as well.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Idaho

“Be careful Handsome. Your boy sounds like he’s having an affair with bread,” Carlos warned as he shoved a bit bite of meat into his face. Nate snorted a laugh as he finished some of the corn. He shook his head. “You clearly have not had the pleasure of making yourself acquainted with a fresh loaf from the wheat grown around your own. Kaleb, you guys just had the rations in the QZ, right? My mama said that’s how it was when she was in there.” Carlos was too busy wolfing down exorbitant amounts of deer to answer that. Nate on the other hand took that as a win, because he could. As he finished he fell back. “That was very good though. It’s been a while since we’ve gotten to do that.”
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Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Idaho

Alex finished his own food as he chuckled. “Why do you think Nate’s with me? I promised him fresh bread to keep him around.” He said as he yawned and laid down on the blanket. Kaleb looked at Nate and nodded. “Yeah. Just rations and those were scarce for many unfortunately.” Kaleb admitted as he too finished his food. Alex had taken their utensils before he laid down and packed them up. The only one still with a utensil now was Carlos. “I agree, that was a wonderful dinner.” Alex agreed.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Idaho

“Does it count as an affair if it’s true love?” Nate asked as he curled into Alex. “Because I think my life changed the moment I met my soulmate. Bread.” He laughed to himself as he rested his head on Alex’s chest. “It is an easy way to keep me around it seems. Or perhaps a smart way. Not sure.” Carlos wolfed down some large amount more, refusing to let any of this deer go to waste, but even he got full eventually too. He cleaned off his own fork and put it away before crawling back over to Kaleb. “Love, I am not yet tired. Do you mind if I draw with the little moonlight that I have? You are welcome to be as cuddly and cute as always.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Idaho

Alex wrapped an arm around Nate as he chuckled. “Depends. Can we share the love of bread together? Or is bread just your own true love?” Alex asked as he kissed the top of Nate’s head. Kaleb had laid down when Carlos crawled over to him. “You can draw a little my love. I’ll just lay beside you.” Kaleb said as he curled up so he was touching as much of Carlos as he could and his eyes slowly closed as he yawned. Kaleb was the first to fall asleep, and Alex was fighting sleep himself.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Idaho

Nate hummed as he thought about an answer to this question. “I don’t know. I do love it a lot. But if I’m going to have to share with anyone, it would be you.” He tilted his head up and coaxed Alex’s down with a hand so that he could kiss him. “But only because I love you more than bread.” Then he nestled back into Alex and closed his eyes. Carlos found himself slumped into some strange position to better be close to Kaleb as he drew. He drew bread or at least what he thought it might should look like based on what little interactions he had with it. Bread and Nate staring at it the way he stared off at Alex. And then he worked on the kitchen again until his eyes dropped and he was too tired to keep going. He set the journal aside and curled against Kaleb and fell asleep.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Idaho

A smile came over his face as he listened to Nate. “I’m glad you would share with me.” He said, kissing Nate back when he felt him coax his head down. “I love you more than bread to.” He whispered as he fell asleep. The night passed slowly, and eventually morning came. Alex woke up to the sun filtering through the leaves while Kaleb remained sleeping. He’d turned in his sleep enough so he was curled into Carlos’ chest come morning time.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Idaho

Once Carlos fell asleep, he was out of commission for the rest of time. That was how it usually was, and when it wasn’t that was strange. Apparently enough worry could do that to him, but clearly the worry was gone. Nate, on the other hand, took a little bit to fall asleep, not as long as Carlos, and woke up a little after Alex. He stirred a little, rewrapping an arm around Alex that had fallen in the night.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Idaho

When Alex felt the arm rewrap itself and felt Nate stir, he sighed contentedly. “Morning love.” Alex said as he woke up a little more. Kaleb shifted in his sleep before he too woke up, even though he knew Carlos was still asleep, he couldn’t stay asleep anymore.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Idaho

Nate yawned loudly as he laid there entirely content with his life. Everything was going so well. “‘Mornin’.” He peered over as he thought he saw Kaleb move too. “You two awake over there? Or no. No, he wouldn’t be awake yet. It’s just the sensible people who are all awake with the sun.” He laughed and closed his eyes to feel the gently morning as he washed over him. “Alex, I am ready to find a home. No more traveling. No more fighting. Just living.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Idaho

Alex looked at Nate when he heard him, and glanced over at the other two. Kaleb poked his head up and looked at them. “I’m awake. Someone else is dead to the world.” Kaleb said with a chuckle. Alex looked at Nate and nodded himself. “Me too. I’m ready to stop traveling and go home. If we can ever get sleeping beauty up, we can eat and get moving. Should hit Wyoming today if we get going as soon as we can.”
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Idaho

Nate took another moment to breathe in the relaxing morning, began nodding, and then pulled himself up. “Alright, I’ve got this.” He crawled across their blanket and onto the other. “Caaarrrlllooooosss,” he whined as he shoved both hands on him and started shaking. He paused to say, “Sorry, Kaleb. It’s because I can’t wait for him to sleep the whole day away.” He began shaking again. “Carlos Carlos Carlos get up get up get up I can’t have an affair with bread if we all die out here waiting on youuuuu.” This was as far as he could get before he was giggling too much to keep going. It was enough though, because Carlos began to stir, blinking several times and holding up one arm to block the attack. “Kaleb,” came Carlos mostly broken voice with the sleep that literally only just went away, “why did you let the wildlife come after us?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Idaho

Alex saw Nate nodding and then chuckled softly when he saw him pull himself up and moved over to Carlos. Kaleb started laughing as he watched the scene before him. Alex and Kaleb both were laughing loudly as the moment went on before Kaleb finally stopped long enough to answer. “It’s because I wanted to get moving. We have people to find, and Nate wants his bread love affair.” Kaleb replied. “Now get up my love, so we can eat and get moving.”
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Idaho

Now that his job was done, Nate rolled away, holding onto his stomach, as the giggle fit ensured. As Carlos slowly pulled himself out of his sleepy state, Nate finally stopped enough to grabbed the packs and pull them over. Carlos groaned as he sat up. “I understand that, but baby, sleep is so good, you know. So. Good.” “Not as good as breakfast. Let’s move it, big guy.” He opened up the packs and dug through. “Anyone have any suggestions? Otherwise it is leftover corn morning.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Idaho

Kaleb looked at Carlos and chuckled softly. “You can nap in Jackson. Once we find our farmhouse. For now, leftover corn works for me.” Kaleb said as he looked at Nate with a smile. Alex nodded as he too came down from his laughing fit. “Corn works for me too love.” Alex said as he snagged the utensils and handed them out to everyone. He was ready to stop traveling and settle down. Just enjoy life.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Idaho

“Corn it is!” Nate practically felt like his old self again, which was nice because anxiety ridden Nate was becoming absolutely no fun to be. He pulled out the corn and readied it for everyone. He took his utensil, as did Carlos, and they all began to eat. “Eh, maybe I’m over sleep now. The damage is already done. Reality is pretty good too. I’ve got the most beautiful man in the entire world at my side.” He winked at Kaleb. “And the most handsome man in the entire world pretty close to my side.” He winked at Alex. “And Nate.” Who gasped. “Who seems to be a pretty capable medic.” He winked again. “And delicious corn.” He took a bite and grinned. “Who needs sleep?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Idaho

Kaleb and Alex both blushed at the wink from Carlos and Alex chuckled softly at the comment about Nate. Both the youngest and the oldest took their handful of bites of corn before they sat back. “Who needs sleep. That is a statement. And I know who needs it. You. And Jordan. I swear. Both of you could sleep through hurricanes.” Kaleb mentioned as he wiped his utensil off and handed it to Alex who wiped off his own utensil and put them in the pack. He’d wait to help pick up blankets once everyone was ready. Kaleb didn’t wait, he made his way to his feet and tested his leg. A limp would occur still but pretty much back to normal. “Baby. If we find Asher and Jordan today and I have this limp, it’ll be like we met all over again, same leg all injured and messed up like it was back then.” Kaleb said with a chuckle.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Idaho

As Carlos ate, he shook his head. “There’s no way. I would wake up during a hurricane. The rain would be cold.” Nate finished before Carlos, because Carlos was so slow about so many things he was learning, and wiped his utensil down and put it away. He then wrenched Carlos’ away from him as soon as it looked liked he wasn’t ravenous anymore and did the same. Carlos stood up, stretched, and started putting things away along with Alex and eventually Nate as he finished. Carlos turned to Kaleb to see his progress with his leg. “If we find Jordan and Asher today with your limp, I am going to get scolded for never taking care of you. I’ll never get to carry you up the stairs again.” Nate, mildly confused by this, considered asking what that meant and then ultimately decided against it.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Idaho

Alex chuckled as he watched Nate basically pull Carlos' utensil from him and as the other stretched, Alex helped put everything away. Kaleb looked at Carlos and chuckled as he heard that. "I can imagine Asher's voice now. 'I thought you were going to take care of him' but don't worry dear, Jordan will carry you up the stairs so at least you'll have that if you can't carry me up the stairs anymore." Kaleb commented as he and Alex pulled on their packs. "And remember the stair toll kiss you both gave and received? I thought we'd never get you two apart." Kaleb added as he took Carlos' hand while Alex listened with an amused expression before he took Nate's hand. "Ready for Wyoming my love?" Alex asked Nate with a smile as he made to start walking.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Idaho

Carlos groaned but also smiled. He remembered. He very much remembered. In fact, he’d been thinking about that specifically for a while since they were talking about their old friends. “I can’t help it love. He was just so strong.” Carlos ran a hand down Kaleb’s arms. “Picked me up with those strong arms.” He shook his head. “I could just-“ “and that’s enough of the Carlos is turned on by strong and handsome people talk.” Nate grinned at him and Kaleb before turning back to Alex and squeezing his hand. “Yeah. Take me to Wyoming. We’re ready.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Idaho

As Alex started walking, Kaleb chuckled at the hand running down his arms. "Don't worry Nate. You'll get to see these two in action, so have fun with that." Kaleb teased him as he started walking too. Alex looked between the two of them with a mildly concerned expression but at the same time he was curious. "Well, if all goes well, we'll cross over to Wyoming in a few hours and from there, according to the map, it won't be much longer before we hit Jackson." Alex said as he set a steady walking pace, keeping Kaleb and his leg in mind as well.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Idaho

Nate looked at Kaleb with wide eyes before looking at Carlos who was grinning like a kid who knew he just got away with something horrible. “I don’t know if I want to. Alex, is it too late to turn back. I’ll take my chances with the torture murderers and Star-crossed lovers.” Carlos reached a hand out and squeezed Nate’s shoulder. “Oh, but sweet little medicine man, these are star crossed lovers. Hunter and hunted. You want to talk about two who shouldn’t be? These two are exactly one of those.” Nate groaned but in the kind of way that he was also kind of looking forward to this.

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