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Fandom The Farmhouse Dream { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Oregon

Carlos nestled into Kaleb as all that space between them disappeared. Nate smiled at Alex and accepted that invitation without hesitation. He laid down and brought his head to Alex’s chest, an arm across him. He tilted his head up and kissed Alex’s cheek before snuggling back into the comfiest pillow he had ever had in his entire life, and he had traveled a lot and used many different pillows. Carlos yawned loudly and gave the goodnight proclamations. “Good night, beautiful people. May you all dream of fabulous drawings and fancy dancing. And a farmhouse. Dream of a farmhouse.” And then he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Oregon

Kaleb smiled as he kissed the top of Carlos’ head and held him as close as he possibly could. “Good night my love.” Kaleb whispered as he too fell asleep. Dreams of dancing with all of his family, dreams of a farmhouse with horses and other animals filtered through his mind as he slept. Alex smiled as he wrapped his arm around Nate, feeling the kiss to his cheek. He loved having Nate snuggled up to him like this, it was comfortable and peaceful. One day they’d have a beautiful bed and a warm blanket to cover them. Alex sighed happily as he also fell fast asleep with a soft “Good night.”
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Oregon

Nate took a while to fall asleep as he so often did. This time, though, it was not too terribly long. He was only waiting for around fifteen minutes or so as he thought about love and loss and living despite. When he finally fell asleep, he dreamed, but they were the kinds of dreams he would not remember later. Carlos also dreamed, and when he stirred the next morning, he only had the faintest notion that they were good dreams. He was strangely enough awake before everyone else, and it wasn’t even because of terrible dreams that haunted him. He was just awake. How odd.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Oregon

Kaleb only remembered the good feeling the dreams gave him. His body was tired and so was he, and when the morning came, Kaleb oddly enough was still fast asleep. He was still very much curled up against Carlos though, quite content where he was. Alex did not remember the dreams he had, and he woke up with the morning sun, shifting a little this way and that as he stretched and opened his eyes, his mind still mildly tired.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Oregon

Sleep stayed with Nate as Alex awoke. He would not likely stay asleep for much longer, but for now, that was how he was. Carlos yawned again and stifled it so that he would not wake up Kaleb. He rolled his head over to look at the other set to see if he was alone and couldn’t quite tell. It was hard to determine these kinds of things when curled with another. He shifted only slightly, doing this slowly so that it did not disturb Kaleb, and eventually could see better. “Mm, morning, Handsome. How are you this fine day?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Oregon

Kaleb did not register Carlos moving he was in that kind of sleep where nothing could wake him. Alex looked over at Carlos with a smile on his face. “Mm. Good morning. I’m doing quite well. How are you this wonderful morning?” Alex asked as he kept his movements still and voice low as well so he didn’t wake up Nate. He wanted to make sure he got all the sleep he needed.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Oregon

As much as he wanted to stretch, Carlos did not. He could do that later. Until then, he picked up the arm that was on top of Kaleb and moved it around a bit before gently putting it back down. “Wonderful,” he repeated as he kissed the top of Kaleb’s head. “Absolutely wonderful.” He turned his head so that he was facing Alex again. “You ever had it where you feel like you escaped something not so great? Like you know something bad was definitely going to happen, but then you found a way out of it? Makes your whole perspective change. Every morning is wonderful if in those mornings, I can count so many things for which I am truly grateful.” He grinned and closed his eyes for a long, slow blink.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex listened to Carlos, watching him as he brought a hand up from where it was resting on Nate’s side, to run it through his hair gently. He nodded slowly as he listened. “I know exactly what you mean. I thought I’d almost lost Nate before I even had a chance to love him. I was so sure I was going to lose him.” Alex said softly, kissing the top of Nate’s head gently. Kaleb, meanwhile, let out a soft sigh as he shifted a little to the kiss on the top of his head. “And it’s why we have the five feet only rule.” Alex added, a small smile playing on his lips as he laid there.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Oregon

Carlos looked at Kaleb with a smile. “I lost him once. Did we tell you that? I can’t remember what you don’t know anymore.” He moved his gaze to Alex, and the love that radiated from him when he looked at Nate as so beautiful, so touching, that Carlos could have cried. He would say that he was in a sappy mood that morning, but all mornings were sappy with Carlos. “I lost him. When we were with Jordan and Asher. Floor fell through beneath me and Jordan, and Kaleb’s leg was still hurt. He was smart and didn’t just jump down like I would have.” He paused a moment. “I would jump down a thousand stories for him. But he and Asher looked at this far more practically. They were going to find a way to us again. But I knew, I just knew when we were down there, that I lost him. And it ate and ate and ate at me. The doubt. The fear.” He brought back the smile that wavered at the memory. “So you keep that five foot rule, and if anything ever happens, you remember that he’s there even if he’s not. And you smile at the wonderful mornings where he’s asleep in your arms.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex’s eyes went wide as he looked at Carlos, his gaze focused on him completely. “You didn’t tell us that. I can’t imagine how that must’ve felt. And it’s probably a good thing he didn’t jump down after you. We might not have ever met you two.” Alex said, understanding the dead but not the doubt. He’d never experienced that before, losing someone you love and not knowing if you’d see them again. “I’m so glad that you two found each other again. It makes the runner clawing up Nate and biting his jacket but not him seem so trivial.” Alex admitted as he shifted a little bit. Kaleb finally started stirring, and he yawned, blinking his eyes open as he sighed. “Morning my love.” Kaleb whispered as he saw Carlos already awake.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Oregon

As Kaleb began to stir, Carlos’ attention moved completely to him, though he knew that he only had a little bit of time to say things to Alex in this conversation. As his hand ran through Kaleb’s hair, and his eyes never left his face, Carlos simply said, “It’s never trivial when it’s the person you love.” He kissed Kaleb’s forehead. “When I fell, I thought I lost him. I never even thought about me being the one who got lost.” He rubbed at Kaleb’s cheek with his thumb. “Good morning my sweet. We were just talking about you.” Nate too began to stir, though his waking was a little less vocal. He buried his face in Alex for just a moment longer.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Oregon

Kaleb felt the kiss to his forehead, the little words floating around the space as he heard him barely. He did hear the good morning though. “Mm. You were? Does it have to do with falling?” Kaleb asked quietly, having heard his words about when he fell. That day went from bad to worse with the fall. He relied on Asher for support to get them through and they were able to get back to their boys. It was that experience that Kaleb was sure had convinced Jordan and Asher to finally stop traveling. Alex was still sure it was trivial but at the same time, it wasn’t because it was the one he loved. Alex felt the face bury into him and he chuckled softly. “Good morning my love.” Alex said quietly, continuing to run his fingers through Nate’s hair gently and slowly.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Oregon

“Mmhmm,” Carlos answered as he ran a finger across Kaleb’s face. He traced every line. “But mostly about how today is a good day. Today is a good morning. Today is perfect.” He readjusted himself for a nice good morning kiss, lightly pressing lips to lips. Another to his cheek. He drew out Kaleb’s hand and kiss the back of it and then the palm. Nate knew that if everyone else was awake, he could hear them all, then it was time for him to be awake too. He slowly peeled himself from Alex with slow blinks of the just now waking. “Mornin’” he drawled with voice thick and low with the sleep he had yet to push away. “Miss anything fun?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Oregon

Kaleb felt a small smile tug at his lips as he felt the finger run across his face. “Today is perfect, isn’t it?” Kaleb agreed as he felt lips on his, lips to his cheek. He felt Carlos pull draw his hand out and then kiss the back of it then his palm. “You’re usually sappy in the morning but you seem extra so this morning my love.” Kaleb whispered softly, smiling at his partner. Alex felt Nate stir more and peel himself away. A warm smile was on Alex’s face as he looked at him. “Nothing too exciting, just some stories shared.” Alex replied, kissing Nate gently before he pulled away.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Oregon

Carlos was a sappy morning person, and he knew it. They all knew it. He shrugged. “I was the only one awake for all of… maybe two minutes? And in those two minutes, it occurred to me that I was still not alone.” He gently pushed Kaleb so that he was no longer on his side but was now on his back. Carlos flopped himself on top, shoved arms around Kaleb and underneath. “And now it’s morning hug time,” he announced from wherever he buried his face. He squeezed into the big, bear hug. Nate smiled into the kiss and narrowed his eyes as he tried to figure out what exactly he was hearing around him. “Stories about being sappy? Or stories in addition to his sappiness?”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Oregon

Kaleb chuckled softly as he felt himself gently pushed onto his back. “Oh is that so?” He said as he felt Carlos shove arms underneath and around him. “Mm morning hug time. I like that.” Kaleb said, wrapping his arms around Carlos and sighed happily. Alex smiled as well into the kiss before he heard Nate’s question. “Stories that make us remember how much we love our partners.” Alex said. “And why we should never get rid of the five feet rule.”
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Oregon

Carlos poorly nodded. With his muffled voice, he answered, “Yep, that’s how it is. It’s prove my love with a hug time.” Which was often the time really. Nate slowly pulled himself up into a sitting position where he took one look at the ungodly cute that was over there and laughed. “I feel like I missed something, and I’m okay with that. The five foot rule is the single best rule in the history of rules.” He placed a firm hand on Alex’s arm but the firmness immediately melted away. “As cute as this is, we should probably not live here in this room forever.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Oregon

Kaleb held onto Carlos for a few more minutes before he kissed the top of his head. “Love. They are right you know. We should get moving, we have people to find again after all.” Kaleb said quietly as he shifted a little bit. Alex nodded as he felt the hand on his arm but the firmness fell away after he saw Nate sit up. “Breakfast then move on? This town doesn’t have much so perhaps we should keep heading towards Idaho?” Alex suggested as he sat up himself.
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Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Oregon

Carlos groaned then finally rolled to the side, flopping onto his back and letting his arms slam into the floor. “Fine. But only because we do actually have things to do. Places to be. People to find again.” He glanced over at Alex or at least in his direction. “And also because I like food. Handsome, what are you treating us to this perfectly wonderful morning?” He pulled himself up into a sitting position. Nate grabbed the packs and held them out in front of Alex. He had so much to choose from.
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Oregon

Kaleb chuckled as he heard Carlos groan and then roll to the side. Alex rolled his eyes as he heard Carlos and then looked at Nate who had the pack. “Pickles and Carrots.” Alex decided, handing everyone their utensils and popped open the food. He couldn’t wait until they were at their dream farmhouse and he could have real food. Meat would be so nice as a change of pace. Perhaps they could make camp in the forests of Idaho and he could get a deer for them.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Oregon

Nate sat on their blankets as he took the utensil and smiled. “That is the perfect breakfast choice. Well done.” He took the first bite because he was hungry and he wanted to. Carlos eventually rolled himself up to take his utensil and eat as well. “You know, as nice as pickles and carrots are, I miss our bigger feast at that little cabin.” Carlos sighed as he ate. “And though we probably don’t need that much all the time, it was nice to have the variety. And also to be able to eat more than what we ration.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex took a bite of the carrots before he glanced over at Carlos with a small smile. "I know what you mean. At our farmhouse we can have all kinds of variety. And we won't have to ration it because we're going to be growing the food." Alex said as Kaleb looked at Alex. Growing food. Self-sustaining and no rationing? A smile pulled at his lips as Kaleb took a bite of pickles. "That sounds great." Kaleb commented.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Oregon

After taking in a large bite, Calos continued. “That is the life. I’ve decided. Nothing beats living in a farmhouse with self-sustaining supplies that equate to however much you want to intake of whatever you’re intaking and being with or near everyone you love the most.” He could only imagine how it would be with all of them. Nate laughed as he too ate some of their breakfast. “And you can make new friends. You’ll never be bored.”
Alexander Brennan and Kaleb Price
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer | 19, 27 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex took a few more bites as he listened to Carlos and nodded as he sat back, wiping his utensil clean. “Absolutely. Making new friends and meeting old ones.” Alex agreed as Kaleb finished his few bites and sat back as well. He cleaned off his spoon and sighed. “Well family. Onwards to Idaho?” Alex asked with a tilted head. Perhaps they would just head towards Jackson. Maybe find a small town but he was ready to stop traveling for a bit.
Nathaniel Matthews and Carlos Price
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist | 21, 25 | Current location ;; Oregon

Nate took his last few bites then cleaned off his spoon. He took Alex’s and Kaleb’s as Carlos finished up his food. He was on his own if he was going to take longer than everyone else. And so he did. Carlos finished eating and wiped down his own spoon and handed it to Nate as Nate was putting everything away. “To Idaho! Or wherever. I’m ready to go!” Carlos popped up and started cleaning up their blankets.

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