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Fantasy The Fall of Wonderland?

"I believed her name is Alisa." the Hatter answered to Crimson "So we have two, and two more to find...." He was disrupted by a loud and shrill voice. The Hatter quickly turned around to see a small girl in fancy red out fit. It took him surprise at first then he shouted back "No manner! No manner at all!" He angrily took his hat down and put his hand inside "Take this noisy queen!" He yelled and processed to throw small sugar ball to her.
Crimson nodded at the girls name then turned to look at Mattias who was looking at flowers. she had a small smile on her face when she heard the Queens voice. "Hatter that will do nothing" she giggled then took out her scythe. "sorry queenie but you shall not have my Alice" she gave her a cat like smile then moved in front of Mattias. her tail was slightly fluffed as she looked at the queen.

@Yaoke Saint @JessBeth @Sitahra @Despair Theorem
Alisa looked at Mad Hatter as she is wandering why they wants with Alice's. Then she spotted a girl with a red dress as she notice that Mad Hatter is angry at her. "Mr. Hatter, why are you mean to that girl with a nice red dress? Who is she?"

This was hard. They were both polite people. She can tell this conversation was going to get increasingly filled with apologies and tense atmospheres. Alice took a deep breath before putting a hand on Winter's shoulder. "You know what? Let's start over. Let's imagine that this is our very first time meeting. Nice to meet you. My name is Alice Valentine but people call me Alois. I'm a 21 year old female who lives in an orphanage. And you are?" She asked with a smile. A fresh start was always the best thing to do whenever there were fights or bad blood back at her home.

"Oh can't you see, little girl?" Hatter turned to her with a stern look "She was rude to interupt our conversation and on top of that she made my ears hurt." He passed Alisa some sugar ball and continued "That girl in red is the Queen of Heart and she is very salty so it's our job to fix her flavor. Now throw them at her!" The Hatter pulled out something from his hat again, this time, it is not just small cube of sugar but a large one and a large slingshot.

Winter's ears twitched a bit, clearly a little surprised. She wasn't used to this level of politeness. At the castle the conversations she had with others there were short, and to the point, and she felt like she was walking on eggshells with the Queen due to her beheading habits. Perhaps this would be a nice change of pace to talk to someone different. "Okay then. Fresh start. I am Winter Lepus, sometimes referred to as the White Rabbit. I am a 23 year old woman who lives in the Hearts Castle and servant to the Queen." She said, finishing her new introduction, hoping she did good.

"She is the Queen of Heart?" Alisa is surprised to see a little girl is the queen and that the Mad Hatter hate her. Then when he give her some sugerball to throw it to the Queen. "Oh, I can't do that! That will be rude and she'll be upset...."

"Don't worry my dear, I assure you she already is." He said and launched a sugar rock into one of the queen's troops. The excitement was running through his body.

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"Oh my.....if that ok....maybe...." Alise take a sugerball and throw it on the guard nose. Which he start to sneeze, making some part some suger powder on some guards sneezing and eyes watering. "Oh dear....I didn't mean to...."

Momo ran around happily after bothering some of the girls then ran out side. he had teased so many it was just getting boring he wanted someone important to bother, it was then he seen them the white rabbit talking to some girl. he stopped and started to pout. he walked slowly up to the two and looked at them shyly. "a-are you the Alice?" he asked this in a vary small voice.

@Rosyshark @InternalAssumpter
Alice smiled wider and nodded. "That was wonderful. Now, shall we get going?" She asked as she gestured to the path ahead. Her mood was significantly better than before. She was still worried but not too much anymore. Her ears then caught a new, timid voice. She turned around and saw another unique person. This guy had big round ears. She saw the tail and guessed he was a mouse. "Well... My name is Alice but yes, I guess I'm an Alice." She said as she rubbed the back of her neck.

@Rosyshark @Srion Receno
"y-you are an Alice" his big brown eyes looked up at her with wonder. he was only an inch or so shorter then the Rabbit and looked much younger. "w-wow I am so happy to meet you" he smiled up at her and stuck out his hand. "I-I am Momonosuke...but most people call me Momo...Momo the dormouse" he wanted to play the cute card a little longer, maybe he can even get a hug or picked up! his ears twitched a bit at this thought as he looked up at her.

@InternalAssumpter @Rosyshark
Winter was surprised to have the conversation suddenly derailed as the small doormouse made his appearance. Oh no it's him! Now we'll never get anything done now, he'll sidetrack us with his adorableness. Winter thought to herself. I best put a stop to this before we keep the queen waiting too long! With that Winter stood up a bit straighter so she would feel taller, even if it was by an inch, and looked at the doormouse. "Momonosuke, I hate to cut anything short but we are in a bit of a hurry, we can't be late." She said, trying to sound polite, but by the sound of her voice it was clear she didn't want them to dawdle too long. She would fear for her neck if the Queen caught wind that there was an Alice that Winter met and didn't tell her about.

@Srion Receno @InternalAssumpter
Alice couldn't help but stare at the mouse. He reminded her of a certain girl back at her home. So cute yet such a little trickster. She wondered if this guy, Momonosuke, was the same. She sure hoped not. Deciding to give hin the benefit of the doubt, she smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Momonosuke. I'm Alice Valentine. But please, call me Alois." She politely said. Her eyes drifted to Winter. She sounded anxious. She surely didn't want her to get in trouble because of herself. Looking back at the brunette, she gave him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry Momonosuke but it seems I have to go now. Maybe we can talk another time?" She carefully said. She didn't want to hurt his feelinga or anything. Making a person she just met cry is last thing she would ever want.

@Rosyshark @Srion Receno
Alex sighed and pushed of from the pillar. Holding his Halberg straight up with both hands he slowly walked to the front gate of the castle. When he arrived at the front gate he asked one of the card guards a question as he passed.

"You wouldn't know where the queen is would you?" He asked leaning against a wall by the front gate.

"Yes Sir!" He responded "She recently went for a 'Walk' in the forest, Sir!"

Alex sighed and looked out into the dark forest just over the ways.

"I hope she doesn't find too much trouble"
The Queen blinked as she began to be pebbled with small sugar cubes after her perfectly reasonable request. "What's wrong with a couple heads rolling on the ground?" She complained while popping some of the sugar cubes into her mouth. "And you are quite right! If I'm upset, the blades will go a'chopping!" She made a downward movement with her hand and a "shlunking" noise to excentuate this. She reached out from her standing place to pet the cat, but could not reach her. She strained, beads of sweat growing on her forehead, and she waited for the cat to offer some assistance in the form of-- "Please move closer!" she sputtered, far too lazy to move herself.
Mattias woke up after awhile, and was very disgruntled. He looked over at the queen and his mind hazed.

"Kill... Dangerous... Kill!" His instincts screamed, making him remember his pocket knife. He had a feeling it would upset everyone if he tried to attack the queen, but he needed the voices to shut up. Mattias pulled out his knife and grabbed a small fruit off the bush. He ripped it in half and started coating the blade in the fruit juice, hoping it was poisonous. The threw the rest at the loud queen, hoping to ruin her dress.

@Yaoke Saint @Sriob Receno @JessBeth @Sitahra
Crimson sighed as the mess with the hatter and the girl continued, then looked over at the queen. "I am not a cat...well I am... I'm the Cheshire Cat, but you may not pet me!" She pouted putting away her scythe. The only threat she seen was getting hit with a sugar cub. Her ears twitched hearing that Mattias now awake she quickly caught the fruit he threw and bit into it looking at him. "come, come you don't what to make the Queen mad do you? She may just take your head" she giggled then held out her hand to him ignoring the others. If she was to fight it was to be with blades not food, it would just get stuck on her fur.

@Yaoke Saint @Sitahra @JessBeth @Despair Theorem

Momo looked upset. "please don't go, I don't want to be alone and I want you pretty head to stay intact with your beautiful body" he looked up at her ignoring the rabbit for a moment. "as for the rabbit I'm sure such a cute one can't be in such a hurry? It is bad for the health to always be worried over being late" he gave them both an adorable smile hopping to keep them longer.

@InternalAssumpter @Rosyshark
Alice stared at Momonosuke without blinking a bit. She didn't know what to feel about that comment. Should she feel worried? Or should feel flattered. No one ever said stuff like that to her before so maybe she should feel flattered. Deciding to go with that, she gave an awkward smile. "Um... I guess... Thank you for worrying about me?" She said it almost like a question. She bit her lip before glancing at Winter. "Maybe we can stay just a bit longer or maybe you should come with us?" She was unsure but she didn't want to offend either party. If she stayed longer, Winter will start to worry but if she left, Momonosuke would get sad. She didn't want those options.

@Rosyshark @Srion Receno
Mattias walked over and nodded, grasping Crimson's hand. He felt reassured by the body heat. The queen had an air of arrogance and deadliness to her, making her slightly menacing. He also hated how she was ordering Crimson around. Mattias would've vocalized his thoughts, but he couldn't talk, and it could get him killed. Instead he glared at the queen and gave Crimson a questioning look.

"Who?" He choked out, pointing at the queen. He wanted to know who she was exactly before he made brash decisions.

@Srion Receno @Yaoke Saint @JessBeth
She stared at the boy who had just tried to attack her, eyes widening in absolute shock and fury, "You, you would throw a fruit at the Queen? You would paint her dress sticky with juice? T-thats worse than painting my roses red! You will CERTAINLY LOSE YOUR HEAD FOR THIS! I AM THE QUEEN OF HEARTS! I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!" She pulled a gulliotine out of her back pocket, expanding into real size as it came out. She plopped it on the ground and tried to push him onto it, but was far too weak. She fell on her butt, despairing, and screeched. "JABBERWOCKY I NEED YOU!" The loud call would surely resonate all across Wonderland.

@Blacknife @Despair Theorem @Srion Receno
Mattias pulled out the pocket knife and pounced on the queen. He started carving her face and limbs up, making blood taint the soil. His eyes had temporary lost all sense of humanity. He gained control of himself and got off of her quickly. Mattias spit on her face before running deeper into the forest. He hid inside an old hollow tree, waiting for the lady to stomp after him.

@Yaoke Saint @Srion Receno
Crimson was shocked at the rage he had, but then again she was slightly impressed by his courage to attack her. "oh dear...this is is not good... " she said this then quickly disappeared. She was not going to be here for this! She ran invisible still until finding Mattias. "you are definitely in trouble now" she giggled then turned visible again. "we need to get you farther into the woods so they get really lost" she held out her hand to him ready to run when he took it.

@Yaoke Saint @Sitahra @JessBeth @Despair Theorem
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