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Fantasy The Fall of Wonderland?

Crimson giggles seeing his head nodding and even his smile, it made her smile even wider. Seeing the compass though she giggled. "there no real way of navigating this forest you will have to fallow close and keep your eyes on me" as she said this she disappeared then reappeared a few feet away giggling. "come, come fallow maybe we can find the others as well" she smiled at him then turned from him to walk.

@Despair Theorem
Alice ruffled her short brown hair in annoyance. How long had she walked? She was starting to get tired. Also sweaty. Gosh she hated sweating. She pulled on the collar of her black shirt and pulled it back and forth to make a bit of wind. Her eyes were starting to really looking at all the twisty colorful trees. as her eyes scanned the area, she saw something unlike the others. She saw a person with bunny ears. She swallowed her saliva and took a deep breath. She approached the man? Woman? She couldn't tell. "Hello." She cautiously spoke up.

"Wonderland..." Alisa look around more and she can see that it is like a dream. "Where all dreams come true....." Alisa walk a little and she smiles. "Wow....I never thought that I discover this place....." Alisa can't help but to believe this odd yet wonderful place can be real. "I....I...O-Oh, what am I doing.....I-I can't be here....I-I have to go back.....the party...my parents will be wondering where I am....um...do you know know the way home?" Alisa asked the Mad Hatter.

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Winter jumped a bit when she was spoken to and looked at the girl. I must have zoned out. Or dear the Alice is talking to me! Oh dear, what did she say? Don't panic Winter just respond. Just like you practiced in case this happened. "Good day to you Alice." She finally said trying to sound pleasant. "Welcome to Wonderland." She added. "I imagine you have many questions probably. Some I can answer, and some I cannot. But some questions may have to wait because we should get you to the castle." Winter finished it off with what she hoped was a pleasant smile. ".... if you want to. I really can't make you go anywhere." She added after a moment, ears drooping a little.

Alice eyes seemed to widen though just a fracture. How in the world did this rabbit eared female, judging by her voice, knew her name? She listened intently to the girl as a smile slowly appeared on her lips. She was quite adorable. Much like the children in her home. Remembering them, Alice shook her head. "If I come.... Will you answer my question?" She asked while looking down. The girl only reached her chest after all.
Winter's ears perked up and she resisted letting out a sigh of relief. This Alice seemed... friendly at the very least. "Yes. Yes of course. I will answer what questions I can Miss Alice." With that Winter turned to head back towards the castle but stopped, turning back to the Alice. "I am Winter Lepus by the way, the white rabbit and head servant to the Hearts royalty." She added, thinking it be best to introduce herself.

A wave of relief washed over Alice. Finally some answers. As the female started walking, so did she but she stopped as the rabbit girl stopped as well. "Winter..... That's a nice name. I'm Alois Valentine." She said. Since she already seemed to know her actually name, might as well give her nickname as well. Her head tilted as she heard her. Hearts? Well, she was going to get answers later anyway. Might as well ask then.

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"There there" Hatter tried to give her a warm heart smile which somehow turned out to be an evil smirk. "If this just a dream, waking up is just a matter of Time, and Time happened to be a close friend of mine. So why don't just enjoy this little party? I guarantee you, it will be an marvelous one to you and even to me".

He suddenly looked up and around "I think I heard something. Must be the cat!".

@JessBeth @Srion Receno
"A party? You having one, too?" Alisa think for a moments. "Hm....well....the party at my home is pretty dull and boring....." Then she think of what Mad Hatter said that if it is just a dream."A dream party.....it's sound like fun...." Then she face him. " Ok, then, I will gladly have a little party that you're said...." Alisa smiles then say, "Hm? A cat? Where?" She looked around.

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Walking in front of Mattias Crimson started to sing. "'Twas brilig, and the slithy toves" she turned and giggled at him before she continued."Did gyre and gimble in the wabe All mimsy were the borogroves" hearing something up ahead her song became quieter as she started to disappear. "And the mome raths outgrabe" these were her last words as she disappeared. they were not far from the hatter and a girl as she tould see from her now perch in a tree. "my oh my you found another Alice!" she said this still invisible as she looked down at the two then over at Mattias.

@Despair Theorem @Sitahra @JessBeth
Winter nodded with a polite smile. "And it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Alois Valentine." With that she continued to walk down the path that would eventually take them to the castle. Though it was quiet a walk. "I shall go ahead and clarify a little bit. Though it might still end up confusing. This place is very very confusing to Alice's from what I hear." Winter started to say as she walked. "But as I mentioned you are in Wonderland. Where's I'm leading you it the Heart's castle, but there is also The Hatter's kingdom and the forest of wonder. But I myself do try to avoid those places. Not my cup of tea, I actually know my way around the castle." She rambled on. Despite the rabbit's timid nature, it didn't take long for her to begin to prattle on, especially if it was explaining how Wonderland was... at least to the extent she could explain it. "And you are an Alice. A human from another world, fallen into our- oh I should really let them explain it, but the royals are very busy people. Who knows when they'll have time to talk to you." Winter's ears drooped a little bit, she didn't want this girl to be inconvenienced further but she also wouldn't dare interrupt anything the royals were doing.

Alex was leaning against one of the many large stone pillars in the main room of the castle. He had his Halberg leaning against him and he was slowly dozing off. The royals haven't given him any orders as of yet so he simply waited for them to request something on days like today or for something interesting to come along.
Alice listened intently to Winter as she talked. Surprisingly, she understood what she said but she didn't truly believe it. Even when the truth was right in front of her eyes. Probably because she was so used to listening kids ramble on about their dreams and fantasies, she has becone difficult to convince. As Winter explained the 'Alice' thing to her, she couldn't help but nod. So she didn't actually knew her actual name. She'll just have to tell her later then. "Thank you Winter. I think I understand a bit more now." She said with a smile. She really was like the kids from her home. "Mind I ask a personal question? How old are you?" She couldn't resist the urge to ask. She hoped with all her might that she was at least in her teens. That eould ease her heart from thinking about the children.

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"Show your tail cat!" The Mad Hatter shouted loudly. Then he magically pulled a long telescope out of his hat, and enthusiastically searching for the Cheshire cat with it. "I was wondering what took you so long. I have found an Alice. Are you hunting for one too?"

@Srion Receno
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Mattias ran after Crimson through the forest, staying as close as possible. He was trying his hardest not to trip over rocks and roots. He had never felt so helpless in his life. He wished he had never fallen down that weird hole and that he could go home. Mattias screamed out of surprise and tripped when he heard the man scream , doing a somersault and whacking his head against the tree Crimson was in.

@Sitahra @Srion Receno
Alisa heard a voice as she looked around more. "Who said that?" She looked around more as she don't see no one, expect she see Mad Hatter just say a cat. Just then, she stopped a girl with a cat ears and tails! She have never dream that there are also a people dress in animal! " A girl cat? Most unusual..." said Alisa as the Mad Hatter said to the Cheshire Cat. " Excuse me, my name is Alisa, not Alice...." She told him correctly as she then see a young man about her age is there with a Cheshire Cat.

@Sitahra @Srion Receno @Despair Theorem
Crimson giggled then reappeared up on the tree. "hatter I am not hunting I have found one as well. He is face first in this tree" she gave them a smile then jumped out of the tree next to Mattias. "are you ok? I'm sure it hurt come come let me look" she held put her hand to him then with the other waved the hatter and other Alice over. "it seems we have found an Alice and Mad Hatter" she giggled as she looked at Mattias.

@Despair Theorem @Sitahra @JessBeth
Winter paused in her rambling for a moment to hear Alois' question. "Oh. I'm... er... I'm twenty three. I know I might not completely seem it." She answered with a nervous chuckle. She probably thought I was a child and that's why she was being nice this whole time! Curse my small stature! It's not my fault rabbits are small. She pushed her own worried thoughts out of the way though and continued to lead the Alice.

"Oh! My apologies. I must've been so rude. I sincerely apologise." Alice said as she stopped walking and bowed her head in an act of apologizing. She was raised to respect the elderly and to love the children. Even if the 'elderly' is just someone a year older or if the 'children' was someone who she was uncomfortable with. Of course she was disappointed and surprised to find out she was two years older than her but words could never describe the shame she felt right now.

Oh no! You made her feel guilty! Winter's ears shot up with panic as she turned back to the girl. "Oh no no! Please don't be sorry! I was not offended." She quickly replied in hopes of making the girl feel better. She hadn't intended to inflict any guilt on her. "I know I probably seem younger, so please don't be sorry, it was a simple mistake many have made." She added, giving The Alice an awkward pat on the shoulder that was meant to be comforting. "I-If it makes you feel better I had thought you were older than me still." She said, though that was a half lie. She really had no idea how old this Alice was, but she was much taller and bigger than the small rabbit girl, yet so were most. The only person she could say she knew who were around her own height was children and the Queen herself.

Mattias sat up and nodded, trying to convey he was okay. He had bitten his lip and it was bleeding a little, but he didn't really care. He cautiously examined the Mad Hatter and the other proclaimed "Alice". Oddly enough this was starting to remind him of a familiar song. The only thing to complete it would be to find three more Alice's and have three go crazy and two murdered. He waved at the new people and smiled, trying to come off as polite.

@Sitahra @JessBeth @Srion Receno
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Crimson looked at him then sat down pulling a cloth out of the top of her dress. "here you are bleeding" she gave him a soft smile then reached over to dab his lip gently. "this is Mattias he can't really talk but he is a cute one" Crimson smiled at him then looked over at the hatter and Alice. "what is the name of Alice? " she tipped her head as she looked at the girl.

@Despair Theorem @Sitahra @JessBeth
Mattias nodded a thanks but blushed when he was called cute. He hid hid his face in his sweater. There was faint music pulsing from his headphones, soothing him and calming his mind. Mattias spotted a bush with vibrant flowers and he walked over to it, admiring the flowers and taking in their odd neon colours.

@Srion Receno
The Queen moved swiftly, but without any particular hurrying, through the forest. She didn't like the forest very much, not enough chocolate, not enough gambling. Well, she was quickly proved wrong when some chocolate grew off of a tree and plopped into her lap. Brushing it off her lap, the Queen gave a disgusted and dissapointed sigh. Probably poisonous. Her horse knickered. It wasn't actually a horse, it was a mass of playing cards she was controlling, but how else was she supposed to get around? By walking? Absolutely preposterous. She continued through the trees until she heard chatting. At the sound of voices, she dropped off her horse, the cards dissolving. The Queen could hear the Hatter, that cat (so fluffy and cute!) and, wait. Was that... an Alice? No, two Alices! She bounded forward, taking large steps and landing very far ahead of her starting place, as if she was on the moon. The dirt made a small thumping sound when she landed. Although not much, as she was small for her age. Now amid the pair, she began to screech. "OFF WITH HER HEAD! OFF WITH HER HEAD! Or, his head. Maybe even off with everybody's head! Yeah! OFF WITH EVERYBODY'S HEAD!" She had a large, playful smile spread across her face.

@Despair Theorem @Srion Receno
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