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Fantasy The Fall of Wonderland?

The Queen released the rabbit, seeming to finally realize that she was not alone again. Sitting tall and regal on her horse, she looked down her nose at the Alice. "Well, that's all just well and good for you, but what do you find so absolutely pleasing about my presence? Is it my regal beauty? My stunning eyes? My wonderful dress? My aura of confidence? My skills of alliteration? The way I move? My house? Oh, and none of the things I just said are available as answers anymore." She slid off her horse and stood in their midst, seeming taller than the other end in her pride, even though she was quite short. She gave her a wiley grin, and held up a finger to the rabbit in case she might try and help the Alice. "Lets see how smart she is!"

@Rosyshark @InternalAssumpter @Srion Receno
Cat knelt under one of the massive mushrooms of the forest, her bamboo staff strapped to her back. Her knitted bag was stuffed with herbs, the fruit of today's wandering. There was some mint in there, a pain to retrieve from the Flowers in the patch nearby which would make good tea later to knit by. Her notebook was on the clovers before her, open to her chapter of edible plants. Weirdroot was her favorite, a version of ginger that grew abundantly in the forest if one knew to look for it under the Purple Cap mushrooms. Nearby she could hear something moving and she flipped her notebook closed, sliding it into her bag. Cautiously she conjured a haze of smoke for protection and to obscure her location as she climbed up the mushroom to get a better look.

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Alice had a thoughtful look before sighing. "I truly apologies for my insolence, your highness, but I..." She trailed off, her eyes connecting with Winter's for a moment before going bact to the queen of hearts. "I simply can't just pick one magnificent aspect of you. You're entire being is heaven sent. Therefore, it's impossible to say only one stunning quality without feeling the need to say more. I simply cannot say that what mesmerises me the most is your melodic voice. A voice even the greatest singers in my world would do anything to have. Nor could I say that your hair is finer. Than any silk ever woven." Alice then bowed once more. With her head still downwards, she added. "I truly apologize for not meeting your wish but if you just say the word, I'll gladly make a whole list of your angelic qualities." She wondered if she should wink. She held that thought back. It wasn't safe yet to do so. She wasn't safe yet.

@Yaoke Saint @Rosyshark
Momo was not one to be ignored so he had to say something, he had three lovely ladies in front of him it could not be helped. "I believe it is the look of your body though it is a bit young for my taste." he let out a yawn not meaning to. "my apologies I must be nearing my nap for the day" he chuckled then looked at the three girls. "you are all vary beautiful in my eyes" he gave them all a charming smile as he looked up at them.

@Yaoke Saint @Rosyshark @InternalAssumpter
She cackled with wild laughter. "My, my. This one has a slippery tongue! And silver at that!" Alice's tongue would begin to be colored silver. "She would be useful in my court. That answer was not the one I was looking for, no. But it was good none the less." She plucked a card or of the air. It was her card, depicting a picture of herself. It was the Queen of Hearts. But when the mouse spoke, she halted for a moment. "You perverted little rodent! Why don't you have a tea party with some lady mice for a change. Instead of looking at ME ALL OF THE TIME! I HAVE HEARD YOU SAY THAT ABOUT MY BODY FAR TOO MANY TIMES AND IM GETTING SICK OF IT IM EIGHTEEN FOR ACES SAKE WHY DO YOU INSULT ME SO?!" She took a deep breath. She had been leaning towards the mouse and clenching her hands into fists, slowly turning a bright red. Then she turned and acted like that had never happened. Holding the Queen card in front of the Alice with a fire in her eyes, dancing hand in hand with insanity, she spoke to her. "Kiss the card, and swear allegiance to the Queen." This is a rare chance to get another servant! Of her own free will of course. She will only be beheaded if she refuses.
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Winter watched the whole ordeal, sweating bullets. She let herself relax a little the queen seemed pleased with the results. As well as held her tongue at what Momo said. She had had a feeling The Queen would not be too happy with that comment. While she didn't have any ill feelings towards Momo, his flirting did make her feel a little awkward sometimes. She took her mind off of that small scene and back at what was happening now. She felt herself start to sweat when the Queen told Alois to kiss the card. She's only just got here and having to pick a side already! But if she doesn't I know what the Queen will do. Oh dear, poor Alois is really backed into a corner on this on.

@Srion Receno @InternalAssumpter @Yaoke Saint
Cat arrived home and went over to her kitchen to begin sorting her herbs and bundle them to dry. Both her sweater and knitted bag were damp from a splash fight with a water lily over her mushrooms apparently beginning to make rafts and go across the lily's pond. Remembering that with a sigh, Cat's house clouded and she frowned, resting her small herb knife on its cutting board. As she stared into space, the smoke solidified and gained a hint of color cast by the orange lights of her home. It was somewhere she couldn't tell- the display stopped after the figures so the scenery was dissolved in mist, but she could recognize two somewhat clearly. Rabbit ears popped out the head of one and the second clear figure was on horseback. Cat paled, knowing that horse and her royal highness anywhere. There were other figures there, blurrier, but in the air between them hovered a playing card. Cat blanched and threw her hand through the smoke, dissolving the vision. "No no no, I'm not getting involved with the Queen or all the new ones running around... I wonder if Hatter would know about this... Oh dear... oh dear..." Cat wrung her hands before going to squeeze water out of her bag and hat. Slinging the bag over her shoulder and tucking the knitted newsboy cap on her head, Cat grabbed a pouch of sweet leaves before dashing out. "If Hatter knows he'll clear it up... or he'll suck me into another tea party... oh well," she said to herself, panting. "It's worth a shot." In her nervousness, bluish smoke billowed from her feet as she ran, also obscuring the ground ahead of her. Cat tripped and rolled into a patch of mushrooms and as she rose muttered before continuing, "I cant wait to be a butterfly... One day, if ever, no more walking."
Momo looked up at them then at the Alice. "don't go! Don't kiss it come to the hatters side you will be safe there" he took her hand trying to act cute again. He didn't want such a beautiful person go to waist at the hands of the Queen of hearts. He looked up at her then lightly pulled her hand. He didnt like being ignored but he would rather that then her be headless.

@Yaoke Saint @Rosyshark @InternalAssumpter
[so sorry for my absence! I forgot to say I'm not on every Thursday and Friday morning.]

Alice was conflicted. This was fun and all but she wanted yo get home. That's all she ever wanted. She looked over at Winter before lookinh at Momonosuke with a smile. Her eyes then went to the queen. "If I do... Can I still go home? Is this loyalty thing only until I find a way home or forever? Please. Do not lie or deceive me. I want to know the truth before answering." She pleaded as her eyes were begging.
Cat skidded to a halt in front of the Hatter's gates and sighs upon seeing no one. She has no wish to intrude, despite being a resident of his kingdom, and quickly finds herself a toadstool large enough to support her small form. With a small smile, she climbs up onto the shroom's hat, sitting herself in a place where she can see far off in every direction. "Nothing would should be what it is because everything must be what it isn't. Roses shouldn't be white because the queen says they must be red... and tea must be hot, and the caterpillar mustn't be a butterfly, ever." She reached into her messenger bag and still seated upon her mushroom, took out a long maroon pipe and put it to her mouth. No fire sat in it, nor leaves of any sort. When Cat blew on it, little green-tinged bubbles popped out and when they burst they released little fireworks. This was enough to keep Cat more than occupied while she sat on her mushroom thinking of things. The mini fireworks sparkled in wreathes around her.

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