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Fantasy The Fall of Wonderland?

Mattias nodded and stood up. He grabbed her hand and sighed. He just screwed everything up. His rage had gotten the best of him like always.

"Sorry. " He mumbled, waiting for further instructions.

@Srion Receno
The small girl giggled as she summoned some cards to wipe the "blood" off of her. "It's a good thing I always carry some red paint with me." She said, bouncing back to her feet. The cards dissolved, along with the paint, and she summoned a flood of twos to search the forest. "Go on, little minions, spy for me, find the little criminal, justice must be enacted. And fly in unexpected places, that mangy cat may be helping him." After she had sent them on their way, spreading through the forest, she put her gulliotine in it's rightful place. "The castle is the way to go now. I bet that Jabberwocky is just lazing about. I may even behead him." She smiled at the thought, and creaed another horse to clop off on the trail, back to the castle. She sang a little song on the way, maiking it up as she went along.

"I'll find you, my berry-boy,

I've seen through your nefarious ploy,

To kill the Queen,

Become the King,

And drown out the songs we sing.

Madness is our highest delight,

However it causes our only plight,

Even if you are not of one mind, but two,

I'll make an Alice out of you."

@Srion Receno @Despair Theorem
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Crimson giggled. "it is alright...the queen is most likely unharmed" she smiled at him as she dragged him behind her. "we can get away deeper into the forest, but you are now on her list of people to execute" she said this as she quickly walked though the forest. she hummed her strange little song to herself as they walked.

@Despair Theorem
"It's also bad for my health if the Queen beheads me for not telling her about an Alice." Winter muttered. When she heard Alois suggest Momo coming wit them she had to grimace a little. "I'm not sure how the queen would feel about that but...." Winter started to think. The doormouse is from the hatter's kingdom, and so he might not be welcomed, and the queen might behead him. Or behead me for letting him. But if we stay a bit longer, what if the queen finds out I found an Alice and kept her waiting so she beheads me. Or what if she's just being herself and decides to behead all three of us! Maybe I shouldn't take Alois to the castle, less beheading risk on her part, but more risk on mine! Unless I lie! I tell the queen I never saw any Alice's and let her go off into the Hatter's kingdom where she might not lose her head. But lie to the Queen? I'm a terrible liar! Sure way to die for me!THERE IS NO WAY THIS WILL END OKAY. Winter had probably been standing there for a good few minutes just looking blank before she finally spoke up again. "I.... suppose staying a few minutes longer would not hurt."

@InternalAssumpter @Srion Receno
Momo looked at the two then clapped his hands happily as they both said they would stay. "I'm so vary, vary happy to hear that!" he did a small jump in the air then looked at them. "Alois would you like to see the Hatter's Kingdome hmmm? that is were I am from the Hatter is not home though I think he became bored again" he smiled then held out his hand to her. "Winter you may come as well ill hide you so the hatter dose not find you" he gave her a small wink then held out his hand to her as well.

@Rosyshark @InternalAssumpter
Mattias steadily walked behind Crimson, humming along with her. His voice was raspy and somewhat deep, even though he was only humming. He watched the forest slowly get darker and quieter. Then, Mattias remembered.

"Queen... Kiru... Merdur..." He whispered. That loud girl wanted to murder him, and possibly Crimson too. He started silently scheming a way to loose her in the woods so that she wouldn't get hurt.

@Srion Receno
Crimson's ears twitched as he spoke then shrugged as she slowed down. "she is like that... always making heads roll over the ground..." she giggled then looked at him with a smile. "it is always best to run or disappear to let her become calm" she looked around and let out a small sigh. "it gets so quiet deeper in but it is the safest place for you for a moment, perhaps two, three..." she giggled then let go of his hand and jumping up in a tree. "we have come far...we can rest" she smiled down at him then after a small spin she sat down on the branch.

@Despair Theorem
Mattias nodded and took off his sweater, throwing it onto the ground at the base of the tree. He sat on it and looked around. He yanked off a vine that was growing on the tree and started using it to make a flower crown out of vibrant coloured flowers. He hummed as he worked, threading in berries and leaves and small pretty feathers as well. He finished and started scaling the tree. Eventually, Mattias reached the branch Crimson was on and plopped the crown on her head before falling back onto his sweater.

@Srion Receno
Crimson was watching around her cat ears twitching this way and that as her tail flicked back and forth. Who knew how lucky they could get and actually find them. Hearing the vines and his humming she looked down at him curios at what he was doing. She watches him for a bit then as the crown was placed on her head her eyes went wide and her ears perked up. "t-thank you... " she blushed slightly as she watches him drop back down. No one had ever given her something normally they stayed away and left her alone when she was not bothering them. She lightly touched the crown on her head and let out a purr like giggle before she started to sway back and forth slightly along with her tail happily.

@Despair Theorem
Mattias had seen Crimson's blush which made him smile. He started braiding some more vines and adding flowers to it to make a sort of rope. After he finished the rope he noticed a fork buried under a bit of moss. He grabbed it and cleaned it off, examining it. The fork looked like it had been there for decades. Mattias started tearing up the moss, only to find more things. A small bottle, a tiny cake box, a few chess pieces, and a necklace chain with a few rose charms and a miniature sword the size of his thumb on it. He started sorting the items as he continued to him.

@Srion Receno
The Hatter launched one more sugar rock into the queen and said to Alisa "Time to flee and to hide, sweetie" Then he grabbed the girl's hand and followed Crimson and Mathias into the forest. Just left enough time to shout back over his shoulder "So long hearty queeny!"

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The Queen clopped on, her horse of cards still strolling comfortably through the woods. As she continued on, she began to hear voices, the voices of the rabbit, is that another Alice?, and that sneaky, dirty, delaying, good for nothing mouse. As the group came into view, she glared accusingly at the cute fluffy little rabbit! and steered her horse over to her. "What do you think you are doing, my long eared, punctual friend? Why aren't you happily hopping, hauling helpless Alice, with hectic haste to my high flying, heart wrenching, hare inhabited home? I have half a head to heave my hellish hoard of cards which hate to hesitate in removal of a head out to hunt you." But she couldn't keep up her act any longer. She leaned down from her horse and hugged the rabbit tightly around her neck, and gushed. "But I could never do that to a cute wittle wabbit like you!"

@Rosyshark @InternalAssumpter
Winter must've been really thinking hard about this. She felt bad now. She held in a sigh and turned her attention to Momonosuke. She was about to answer him when her eyes saw red. She looked more closely and saw that it was a girl. She presumed she was the Queen of hearts. The longer she stayed there, the more she realized this place was like that one book she read because it had her name on it. As a polite gesture, she bowed the gentleman way. She wasn't wearing a skirt and besides, she always did look like a guy. "It's an absolute pleasure to be graced by your presence, my Queen." Alice was surprised by how smoothly and automatically she said those words. But then, she started to worry. What if it was too much? She just hoped for the best.

@Srion Receno @Rosyshark
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When the Queen appeared, Winter went stiff. She was about to pour out any excuse she could until the queen hugged her. "I'm er.. Grateful for that then Your Highness." She replied. As much as she disliked being called a 'cute wittle wabbit' if it kept her neck off the chopping block then thank goodness for it. She glanced over at Alois as she greeted the queen respectfully. I truly hope the Queen will have no ill intentions for her. Perhaps the queen will like her and will e impressed with how polite she is? Try not to worry too much Winter. Worse case scenario you can try to talk to the Queen. She thought to herself, thinking of any way to make sure the Alice got out of this with her head still on her shoulders.

@InternalAssumpter @Yaoke Saint
Momo turned to the Queen as she came. His look became more mature the what it was before and he smiled at the Queen. "Hello now we are blessed with the presents of the cute red queen" he smirked as he moved his hand to his hip. "a little far from the castle Queenie" he moved his free hand through his brown hair and gave her a charming smile.

@InternalAssumpter @Rosyshark @Yaoke Saint

Crimson looked down at him again shyly to see what he was doing and tipped her head. it seams he had found parts of the old wonderland. hearing someone well two someones running to them she stood up to see who it was. seeing movement she jumped tackling the Hatter to the ground. "oh dear, oh my I'm vary sorry Hatter!" Crimson said this as she looked down at him smiling.

@JessBeth @Sitahra @Despair Theorem
The Hatter stood right up and confused looked around which at the same time threw Crimson on the ground "I heard your voice, cat! Where are you?"
Crimson was confused at first at what was happening as he stood up and her sight went up then to the ground. she fell flat on her back and looked up at him. "Down here hatter!" she said this then disappeared so she was back in the tree. "now I am here, you could of asked nicely for me to get off before letting me fall Hatter" she giggled then rolled on the branch before walking to the trunk. she disappeared behind it then reappeared next to Mattias as she leaned on the tree smiling at the Hatter and Alice.

@JessBeth @Sitahra @Despair Theorem

(please place more in your next posts ^w^)
Alex was asleep leaning against his Halberg when a Card ran up too him shouting and raving, stirring him form his slumber.

"Hm? Whaaaaaaaaat is it" He said through a tired yawn.

"Its the queen!" The very flustered card replied "She is in danger! She was Attacked in the forest sir!"

Alex slowly pushed of from the wall and began heading in the direction of the forest.

"(Sigh) Must she always cause trouble when she enters that forest?"

He kicked off from the ground and took flight towards the dark forest that stretched as far as the eye could see.

Finding her wont be easy.
Mattias sighed and put all the items in his pockets. The pieces of the past gave him a sense of reassurance and calamity. He stood up and started walking in a random direction, his feet leading him to unknown places. He watched the pretty bugs and flowers as he walked, wondering why the normal world wasn't as vibrant as this one.

@JessBeth @Srion Receno @Sitahra
Crimson looked at the girl Alice and smiled. "have you not heard of a Cheshire Cat?" she smirked as her cat ears twitched. Hearing Mattias get up and start to move she smiled at them again. "and please it is Crimson" she smiled then disappeared in front of them then moved in front of Mattias. "it's dangerous to wonder alone~" she whispered in his ear still put of sight.

@Despair Theorem @JessBeth @Sitahra
"A Cheshire Cat? No, I never heard of it in my place, thought I never images that this place ether....." Alisa and looked around. Then she looked at the young man, Mattias. "Ok....Mr. Hatter....and Miss Crimson.....could you explain to me why did you keep calling me...and...Him...Alices?" Alisa asked them as she looked at them.

@Despair Theorem


@Srion Receno
Mattias sighed and sat down, not knowing what to say. But then again, he can't speak whatsoever.

"Savior." He choked out, making eye contact with Alisa. He wanted her to understand what he was trying to convey, but after trying to talk to Crimson earlier he felt that it might not work.

@Srion Receno



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