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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Ballerina said:
" Neato?" She said, it sounded rather strange for an experiment, but she was also glad that she didn't have to contact Juniper for help. " I have a dorm there, so I bet we'll see each other a lot." Klef told Nova. " So let's get out of here! I'll help you find the school."
Nova nodded and hopped out of her chair and held the door open for Klef, letting her lead the way.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...✦Aselia soon finished her shower as she went over to her clothes and put them on after she dried off. After she got dressed she went to the kitchen, poured herself some coffee and drank some✦...
Akane had come out of her room, sipping her coffee as she closed the door. She sighed lightly and walked down the hallway and into the kitchen.

"Are you ready to get ourselves a daughter?"
Roman said:
Akane had come out of her room, sipping her coffee as she closed the door. She sighed lightly and walked down the hallway and into the kitchen.
"Are you ready to get ourselves a daughter?"

...✦Aselia said as she smiled before finishing her coffee✦...

TheDragoon said:
Nova nodded and hopped out of her chair and held the door open for Klef, letting her lead the way.
"Um... just letting you know... um... I don't know this hospital anymore than you do. Outside the waitig room, that is." She told Nova as she walked throught the doorway and into the hallway.
Ballerina said:
"Um... just letting you know... um... I don't know this hospital anymore than you do. Outside the waitig room, that is." She told Nova as she walked throught the doorway and into the hallway.
Nova giggled lightly. "Don't worry silly, I'm programmed to have knowledge on my current location and a map~" She said as they made it to the waiting room. "I'll have us out of here in a jiffy."
Nonalaka said:

~*Camilla Radkov*~

Camilla watched him curiously as he darted his gaze to the side breifly before he addressed her and asked his sudden question. Camilla's eyes widened as she felt her heart flutter, he wanted to what? Her face began to colour. She wasn't imagining this, right? Of course she thought about it herself before that they could be married in the future, but they together had never discussed marriage before, nor even eluded to it so she didnt know he had pondered the notion before as well and she really wasn't expecting him to ask " Y-You want to-" She paused, a cluster of thoughts rushing through her head at once she sorted them quickly, giving him an answer which didn't take long to decide on of course "Y-Yes...I will" she said looking at him before giving a gentle nod, not being able to control the smile that was now crossing her face.
Kaname examined her facade throughout the entire process. He had been anxious to hear her answer, and the response he received from her brought much relief to his speedily beating heart. Immediately, he found himself with some sort of warm sensation, pulling Camilla into his chest. Finally, he had something, someone of his own. One that wouldn't leave his side. Burying his face into her shoulder, he carefully tightened his grip around her, quietly whispering to her. "You scared me for a second there."
TheDragoon said:
Nova giggled lightly. "Don't worry silly, I'm programmed to have knowledge on my current location and a map~" She said as they made it to the waiting room. "I'll have us out of here in a jiffy."
Her eyes widened, technology seemed more magical and mysterious than magic itself Klef's eyes. " You have a map of here? Tell me what's on the fifth floor!" She said excitedly, wanting to see said features in action. "It's really awesome what you can do now though." Klef commented as they walked through the waiting room, heading over to the elevator.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Layla's gaze dropped to her nose as he poked it. Blinking, her gaze returned to Kalin with a soft smile touching her lips. For a moment, she found herself staring at him in absolute silence, before sitting up straight.
"Mkay, Kalin-kun....."

Silent once again, she shifted her gaze behind Kalin, raising a brow questionably.

"What happened here anyway?"

" Well, these people were searching the school grounds, and I was pretty sure with these guns they didn't have the best intentions for any of us. I approached them, they attacked, and I dealt with them," Kalin replies, looking around at the bodies. He sighed, and started to drag them into a pile. When the bodies were all in one place, he let a jet of compressed flame that enveloped the corpses. For a few seconds they burned, and the flames grew smaller, until there was nothing left but the dirt at their feet.

"I'm tired...Where should I take you, Layala?"
Lumina said:

Skylar Ainsworth
~ blue-haired bookworm ~

...?Skylar was still sleeping when Hyouinmaru initially got up to go eat. The same was when he came back. It looked like she hadn't moved at all since she had initially fallen asleep. Though, when Hyouinmaru returned, Astrid was sitting in the chair between Alejandro's bed and Skylar's, her body facing toward Alejandro as she watched the same TV he was. She glanced up at him as he returned, before bringing her gaze back to Alejandro and the TV. Skylar didn't seem to move, but she stirred a bit as Hyouinmaru asked if she was awake. Her eyes slowly opened, not needing to turn and look at him since her head had fallen in that direction when she had fallen asleep the first time. Her irises looked over at him, blinking to try and clear her vision. It didn't work so well, as the morphine was slightly in effect still and everything was still kind of foggy?...


no slide no slide no slide
As Hyouinmaru walked into the room, he noticed Astrid was here. Even though she glared at him as if he were the devil, he just smiled and nodded. That's when he went over to Skylar's ed and asked if she was awake also. He was surprised to get an answer, she looked like she was about to pass out again. He decided to take his usual seat beside her bed in his chair. He set his food on a table that sat to his right and he looked at her, his hand slowly sliding up the bed to her own, vut he stopped before he could reach it and spoke...

"Y-Yes? Something on your mind?"
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Quoire waked up from a bad dream and rubbed his eyes, he looks at the window at the left side which he can open whenever he wants "Morning?? I guess" he said and gets up from the, he snaps his fingers and an android maid gave him a towel after that he rushed to the bathroom, after he was finished taking a bath, he walks to the dining room to eat his breakfast and while eating he slept and an android maid woke him up with a smack on his head which wakes Quoire up but it wasn't painful "I forgot I registered this behavior to one of them" he said as he continued eating, he then grabs his cube and goes outside his manor after eating to go to school, the cube transformed into a car it's style was very exotic but it's downside was that it can only last for an hour and needs two hours to charge but it can be charged automatically anytime,anywhere(anyway enough of the car's info and let's continue) he then drives to school still sleepy...
WeirdisFun said:
Quoire waked up from a bad dream and rubbed his eyes, he looks at the window at the left side which he can open whenever he wants "Morning?? I guess" he said and gets up from the, he snaps his fingers and an android maid gave him a towel after that he rushed to the bathroom, after he was finished taking a bath, he walks to the dining room to eat his breakfast and while eating he slept and an android maid woke him up with a smack on his head which wakes Quoire up but it wasn't painful "I forgot I registered this behavior to one of them" he said as he continued eating, he then grabs his cube and goes outside his manor after eating to go to school, the cube transformed into a car it's style was very exotic but it's downside was that it can only last for an hour and needs two hours to charge but it can be charged automatically anytime,anywhere(anyway enough of the car's info and let's continue) he then drives to school still sleepy...
Ollanius Graybourough, the Inquisitior and world renowned Vampire Hunter was running. Why was he running? He was going to be late to school.

"You won't be late." the voice in his head said. "I can see it."

"Shut up please." he said aloud as he came to a street, completely ignoring any traffic and running across.

Nearby, a tall man was walking on the side walk, observing the scene.
[QUOTE="Evan Schalow]Ollanius Graybourough, the Inquisitior and world renowned Vampire Hunter was running. Why was he running? He was going to be late to school.
"You won't be late." the voice in his head said. "I can see it."

"Shut up please." he said aloud as he came to a street, completely ignoring any traffic and running across.

Nearby, a tall man was walking on the side walk, observing the scene.

Quoire steps on the break pedal and observed traffic "damn looks like I need to use it" he said and flipped a switch inside his car then the car slowly floats in the air and sees someone just ignoring traffic "hmm that uniform..." he muttered and slowly the car flies near the guy "hop in that is if you don't want to be late" he said.
Lumina said:
Kaori Hana
~ torn between two ~

...☆Kaori knew it was coming. Of course she did, she had made this choice before, a long time ago. How long ago was it...? She couldn't remember. Or really focus on anything. Kaori felt both immeasurable pain and numbness all at once as she felt her throat fill with blood. Her eyes closed as she coughed, blood dropping down her chin as it flew forward and splattered on the ground. Everything felt hazy as she and Roman could feel her blood dropping down onto his arm as well as the fact that she had both a hand sticking straight through her and a sword going through her shoulder. Her back was to Roman so she looked at Masahi, a pained and saddened look on her face before speaking and slumping over☆...

"M.....masa..hi..... R-Rom...my...."

Roman said:
Roman stared at his hand. Everything starting to replay in his mind from the day Kaori died... This couldn't be happening again. Even though he couldn't see her. The face she made when her two friends stabbed her. He gritted his teeth as he pulled his hand out of Kaori's body. He quickly caught her, making sure she didn't hit the ground. He looked at Masahi, and he looked absolutely terrified. Roman didn't look any better. Tears started streaming down his eyes and he just couldn't believe it anymore. He spoke... His voice shaking.
"Masahi.... We... No I...."
...♝Masahi just stared for a moment, before his eyes moved up the blade from where it had hit Kaori. No longer was the cold and ruthless persona in control, but rather, one that hadn't been on the surface since that night so long ago. Almost as if only now Masahi could come to except anything, now that he had lost everything once more. Tengan deactivated Masahi returned a terrified look to match Roman's as as he pulled his sword's blade out and threw the weapon away from them♝...

"R-roman... w-why....?"

...♝Masahi looked at Kaori once more before looking at the stump left behind of his right arm. If those cells could safe his crushed bones and mush of organs after he was crushed... Masahi looked over to where his arm was before back at Roman. He was still panicking, his face showed that much. But he wouldn't do nothing. Taking a deep breath Masahi grabbed what was left of his right arm before plucking it off, the white matter loosing it's stable form as he did so. Masahi then offered the goop to Roman with pleading eyes as he spoke♝...

"R-r-Roman, you still h-have that med-kit, right? We c-can't do nothing... This stuff brought me and my body back to life after that boulder... Use it on her."

WeirdisFun said:
Quoire steps on the break pedal and observed traffic "damn looks like I need to use it" he said and flipped a switch inside his car then the car slowly floats in the air and sees someone just ignoring traffic "hmm that uniform..." he muttered and slowly the car flies near the guy "hop in that is if you don't want to be late" he said.
"Oi, who are you?" Ollie said to the floating car, cane in hand.

The tall man continued watching, hand on his pole.
Roman said:
As Hyouinmaru walked into the room, he noticed Astrid was here. Even though she glared at him as if he were the devil, he just smiled and nodded. That's when he went over to Skylar's ed and asked if she was awake also. He was surprised to get an answer, she looked like she was about to pass out again. He decided to take his usual seat beside her bed in his chair. He set his food on a table that sat to his right and he looked at her, his hand slowly sliding up the bed to her own, vut he stopped before he could reach it and spoke...
"Y-Yes? Something on your mind?"
Skylar Ainsworth

~ blue-haired bookworm ~

...↹Skylar slowly blinked again, trying to wake up, but it didn't seem to be working. Everything felt so foggy and it felt hard to move. Was this because of the morphine? Probably, but Skylar was too tired to really think too hard on it. She heard Alejandro's tv on and her head turned in that direction, settling on the screen for a moment. Skylar squinted, wincing at the bright light before turning her head back toward Hyouinmaru. It was then that she noticed the plate of food next to him. She didn't notice that before she went to sleep... how long had she been out for? Skylar blinked once more before looking up at Hyouinmaru, not really noticing his hand as she spoke. Just by looking at her, you could tell the morphine was doing a number on her small body↹...

"..have you been here this whole time..?

no slide no slide
[QUOTE="Evan Schalow]"Oi, who are you?" Ollie said to the floating car, cane in hand.
The tall man continued watching, hand on his pole.

Quoire opened the window and unlocked the lock of his car "I'm Quoire it doesn't matter just hop in if you don't want to be late" he said to him waiting for his decision if he wants a ride or not.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...✦Aselia said as she smiled before finishing her coffee✦...
Akane nodded and took the last sip of her coffee before sitting it on the counter. She exhaled and stretched once more. Once she did, her eyes made their way to Aselia.

"Let's go then~"
WeirdisFun said:
Quoire opened the window and unlocked the lock of his car "I'm Quoire it doesn't matter just hop in if you don't want to be late" he said to him waiting for his decision if he wants a ride or not.
Ollie shrugged, adjusted his top hat, and hopped in.

"Thanks for the save mate. I was worried I was gonna be late on my first day."

The tall man nearby started running towards the school, unnoticed.
Roman said:
Roman didn't want to sit here, and see Kaori like this again. It was devastating... It was mind wrecking. He had already fucked up once, but now he's here... The same mistake. Just this time, Masahi was here and... He was to blame for this too. If it weren't for him arranging this meeting, he'd never have to fight Roman and Kaori wouldn't do such a suicidal thing. Roman looked at Masahi's hand, frowning slightly as he looked back at him.
"You do it... Everytime I come into contact with her... She gets hurt. By this point, I just feel like a bad luck charm for her."

Roman then reached out and grabbed the goop and looked at it in his hands. It didn't look like it could help, but if it helped Masahi survive, then it could help Kaori.... Hopefully. Roman quickly began to put the goop on Kaori's wound, making sure it was completely covered.

"This better work..."

...♝Masahi looked Roman in the eye for a moment before letting out a frustrated sigh. Of all the times to be returned to his old personality, why now? Though that didn't matter as much right now. After Roman took the material out of Masahi's hand Masahi ran over to his severed arm. Now it was just another tool that could be used to help save Kaori's live. Another moment and Masahi was back over to Roman, offering the arm as he spoke, remembering something♝...

"Listen, i have a saver solution in my base... It happens to be.. rather close to here. There's no time to argue like we use to. Take the arm, apply what you can, and follow me with Kaori. Got it?"

...♝Before Roman could answer him, Masahi had turned before assessing the area and starting to run, leaping into the trees as soon as he could, having a feeling like he knew Roman would be following him. Masahi also made no attempt like a normal ninja to cover his tracks, rather, he was leaving them in case Roman fell behind. Though it wouldn't be too difficult to follow Masahi either way, after all, he was making a B-line to the place he was once saved. After maybe ten or twenty minutes Masahi lept off a tree at the edge of round cliff, falling down onto the giant pair of ribs, then he waited as the rain continued to fall♝...

[QUOTE="Evan Schalow]Ollie shrugged, adjusted his top hat, and hopped in.
"Thanks for the save mate. I was worried I was gonna be late on my first day."

The tall man nearby started running towards the school, unnoticed.

Quoire smiled "no problem at least I can help out, also fasten your seat belt this one's gonna go fast" he said as he stepped the pedal and it goes considerably fast, the car is like flying above the cars that are stuck and some people below that are stuck on traffic are in awe as they watch Quoire's floating car, the floating car increases it's speed slowly while Quoire is having fun "hope you don't have motion sickness".
WeirdisFun said:
Quoire smiled "no problem at least I can help out, also fasten your seat belt this one's gonna go fast" he said as he stepped the pedal and it goes considerably fast, the car is like flying above the cars that are stuck and some people below that are stuck on traffic are in awe as they watch Quoire's floating car, the floating car increases it's speed slowly while Quoire is having fun "hope you don't have motion sickness".
"Bloody hell! What is this thing?"

Ollie yelled, almost losing his top hat.

The man was nearing the school, waiting for the two to arrive.
[QUOTE="Evan Schalow]"Bloody hell! What is this thing?"
Ollie yelled, almost losing his top hat.

The man was nearing the school, waiting for the two to arrive.

"My invention!!" Quoire replied "Woohoo~!!" he yelled because he was having fun until he saw the entrance of the school and flipped the switch where the car will go back on the ground then he pressed on the break pedal and turned the steering wheel to the left doing a cool finishing drift at the entrance of the school "that was fun!" Quoire said like it was nothing.
WeirdisFun said:
"My invention!!" Quoire replied "Woohoo~!!" he yelled because he was having fun until he saw the entrance of the school and flipped the switch where the car will go back on the ground then he pressed on the break pedal and turned the steering wheel to the left doing a cool finishing drift at the entrance of the school "that was fun!" Quoire said like it was nothing.
"I don't think Erebus likes you mate. He's bloody pissed."

"I will make you disembowel him." Erebus said in Ollie's head.

"You can invent something like this? What kinda genius does it take to do that?"
[QUOTE="Evan Schalow]"I don't think Erebus likes you mate. He's bloody pissed."
"I will make you disembowel him." Erebus said in Ollie's head.

"You can invent something like this? What kinda genius does it take to do that?"

Quoire tilts his wondering who Erebus is but he didn't mention it "well let's just say I have nothing to do and I made this because I'm bored" he replied to Oliie as he unlocks the doors of the car "anyway now that we're on our destination we don't need to be worried about getting late" he said as he gets out of his car.

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