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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

CERBERUS177 said:
Cody holds his hands behind his head, "I'm happy here, way happier than I was at the other schools, I was bullied at the others. But I'm here now, and I've been able to control my powers..." he said, his powers were unstable before he got there, now his hands don't heat up at random anymore.
(Stuck on my phone sorry if some of my posts are short)
Cyan: "I enjoy being around people who are like me. This area is so nice and I've been making a lot of friends lately. I love making friends-meow!" She smiles and her tail swishes as they walk to the combat class, humming along. Looking at everyone milling around. Her cat eyes search and she purrs as she sees a combat ring not in use and heads over, turning to look at Cody expectantly. She was excited to see his power.
TheDragoon said:
Aiden shook his head. "Once your ready I can super speed us over there at any time." He told her.
Nissa: She nodded, eating away at the candy as she did her shirt and skirt, standing up and pulling on her hair slow and calm. Her speed was like a sloth and she finally finished tying the ribbon in her hair, going over to Aiden and hugging him, looking up at him with her big pink eyes. "Okay, I am ready to be super speeded."
HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹Kristako smirked before she sang a tone which soon Nyx's ears stopped working. Where they could hear nothing but the sound of her voice⊹...
Nyx: Her head turned side to side as she looked around. She could not hear anything at the moment but she could feel the wind change, she could feel the shadows. And she could see very well, she had night vision obviously.

"You think taking away my hearing will stop me? I can take away something far more valuable worthy opponent..."

It was true. Nyx had created the gods death and sleep. She could put humans in a sleep like death if she merely looked at them. For those of supernatural powers, or those not at god level... she had to cut them only once with her blade or have them take a step into her moonlight and they would fall asleep for ten minutes.
Jennete said:
Cyan: "I enjoy being around people who are like me. This area is so nice and I've been making a lot of friends lately. I love making friends-meow!" She smiles and her tail swishes as they walk to the combat class, humming along. Looking at everyone milling around. Her cat eyes search and she purrs as she sees a combat ring not in use and heads over, turning to look at Cody expectantly. She was excited to see his power.
Cody smiled and walked with her, "I enjoy being around people like you, for some reason, everyone that are my friends, are like you, they either have animal ears, or have animal powers. Speaking of." they were now in the ring, Cody had Cyan stand back a bit, then got into his stance, as his fire kicks like a gun, which was alright. He pumped his fist into the air and fire spat out making a large ball after it was done streaming, then he did the same with his feet. Then, feeling a bit dumb, jumped into the air, around 7 feet, and spun around like a barrel rolling down a hill, hovering in the air for about 4 seconds before landing, on his feet for once, "Sweet...I landed this time!" he shouted, he was about to spit some napalm like before, but, there was a lady present, and decided not to. So instead, he did a fist pump that kept a steady stream of fire as he did a spin making a small ring of fire around him, then he clapped his hands together to stop the stream. "So...there's mine..." he said and smiled a bit.
TheDragoon said:
Hiro began to super speed around the entire kitchen, whipping up ingredients and beverages in second. The meat he just waited to heat up.
Harper watched him. "Do you need any help?" she asks
Shortyshot said:
Marcus nodded "Yeah...Him..."
"He's not gonna kill you.." She says "You've been taken away from Riley and I so many times and I'm not gonna loose you, I'm not letting him touch you or this family" she says
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody smiled and walked with her, "I enjoy being around people like you, for some reason, everyone that are my friends, are like you, they either have animal ears, or have animal powers. Speaking of." they were now in the ring, Cody had Cyan stand back a bit, then got into his stance, as his fire kicks like a gun, which was alright. He pumped his fist into the air and fire spat out making a large ball after it was done streaming, then he did the same with his feet. Then, feeling a bit dumb, jumped into the air, around 7 feet, and spun around like a barrel rolling down a hill, hovering in the air for about 4 seconds before landing, on his feet for once, "Sweet...I landed this time!" he shouted, he was about to spit some napalm like before, but, there was a lady present, and decided not to. So instead, he did a fist pump that kept a steady stream of fire as he did a spin making a small ring of fire around him, then he clapped his hands together to stop the stream. "So...there's mine..." he said and smiled a bit.
Cyan: "Oh wow... That was amazing! Okay... time for mine." She nods and stands back, smiling as a burst of purple light shines up and she changes, shrinking down to the ground as a tiny cat. The cat meowed and she purred, walking around in circles. This was her realistic form but she also had a more humaniod form. Closing her eyes the cat grows up taller and suddenly she looks up, meowing a little bit. She looked like a cat except for her hair and tiny little clothes and hands.

Jennete said:
Nyx: Her head turned side to side as she looked around. She could not hear anything at the moment but she could feel the wind change, she could feel the shadows. And she could see very well, she had night vision obviously.
"You think taking away my hearing will stop me? I can take away something far more valuable worthy opponent..."

It was true. Nyx had created the gods death and sleep. She could put humans in a sleep like death if she merely looked at them. For those of supernatural powers, or those not at god level... she had to cut them only once with her blade or have them take a step into her moonlight and they would fall asleep for ten minutes.
...⊹Soon, Kristako's song soon had a bit of discord which could paralyze and numb senses⊹...
Jennete said:
Cyan: "Oh wow... That was amazing! Okay... time for mine." She nods and stands back, smiling as a burst of purple light shines up and she changes, shrinking down to the ground as a tiny cat. The cat meowed and she purred, walking around in circles. This was her realistic form but she also had a more humaniod form. Closing her eyes the cat grows up taller and suddenly she looks up, meowing a little bit. She looked like a cat except for her hair and tiny little clothes and hands.
"Hope you know these 2 things, 1:You're so freaking CUTE! And 2:I can speak with animals, so I can understand what you say Cyan..." he said as he crouched down to pet her, though Cody has a cat at home, Kiya is considered as a pet, and as far as he knew, he was over the limit of a pet. "And it's kinda telepathically speaking so please refrain from...screeching..." he said as this might come on as a surprise...but Cody sometimes tends to forget things within just a few minutes so he can't remember if he told her that already or not.
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CERBERUS177 said:
"Hope you know these 2 things, 1:You're so freaking CUTE! And 2:I can speak with animals, so I can understand what you say Cyan..." he said as he crouched down to pet her, though Cody has a cat at home, Kiya is considered as a pet, and as far as he knew, he over the limit of a pet. "And it's kinda telepathically speaking so please refrain from...screeching..." he said as this might come on as a surprise...but Cody sometimes tends to forget things within just a few minutes.
Cyan: She purred and closed her eyes as he pet behind her ear, her favorite spot. She shook her head and meowed but in his mind she said, "Aww thank you. But now that I am in this form I can show you my guitars power! That is how I can fight in combat situations. Without my guitar, I would only be able to hide as a kitten."
Jennete said:
Cyan: She purred and closed her eyes as he pet behind her ear, her favorite spot. She shook her head and meowed but in his mind she said, "Aww thank you. But now that I am in this form I can show you my guitars power! That is how I can fight in combat situations. Without my guitar, I would only be able to hide as a kitten."
Cody smiled and stood back to give her room to play it. She has a nice voice (Saw half of the first, internet died after the musical intro so now I have a good idea of what she will sound like) just generally speaking, but some people sound different when singing, so he wonders what she'll sound like.
(No.We can finish up the conversation)

[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]((Oh, did you free your character from Avatia?))

charleen said:
She grinned again.
"Good, I'll get mine too!!"

Nico started to walk towards the exit of the school grounds. She went slowly, so Moonstone can catch up.

"You know, I like it when I get my way,"

She smirked, sticking her tongue out playfully at them.

"And honestly, you'll thank me later for this, you've been acting so anxious lately and this.. I feel will ease you a bit,"

She said, concern for her friend's being.


Bitterness was never an emotion Moonstone thought they could ever get used to, yet they were beginning to at the very least gain control over it. They didn't like how Nico was getting her way, even though Moonstone set it up for that to happen. As they followed Nico, trying their best to not go back to their habit of skipping when walking, they wondered how getting their nails done would feel. They mostly did their nail by themself, and when they weren't doing it themself Junchi was doing it, or for their younger years, their mother or grandparent. Having someone else do their nails felt too alien, like they were being pushed too far out of their comfort zone.

"I feel fine, really." Moonstone responded as they followed Nico, albeit a bit late with them drifting off into daydreams. "So, how does it work? Getting your nails done I mean." they inquired anxiously. One thing Moonstone had to admit was that they could at least identify a genuine attempt from Nico to make them comfortable. They hardly had people like that in their life, at least without expecting something in return. For this, they felt like they needed to pay Nico back with something, whether it be money or some object she always wanted. Perhaps they could create even a living being for her if she desired it, but after their last attempt with that with Junchi, Moonstone felt like it'd be better for both them and Nico to just not try it. At the very least, they could add Nico to the list of people who genuinely cared about them and didn't try to use their powers on a constant basis. The only exception to that was their mother, who they felt deserved to use their powers since she made them anyways.

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Extra Information


Leaving Fantasy High




Talking to Nico


Go to the spa with Nico

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


JJKab said:
Fricka sighed, her hands going to meet her face, as she felt awkward. This situation felt awkward. Junchi didn't have to save her at all, he could be just walking around, getting to know more people, but instead, he was just taking care of her...

Mei Junchi

Junchi poured the warm soup into two separate bowls, giving Fricka the larger of the two. They also made her some cold apple juice as a drink so she wouldn't overheat herself. After preparing everything for the two of them, Junchi brought in a tray for Fricka, and then brought in a tray for themself after leaving the room for a bit. "I hope you like it, it's vegetable soup. Not sure if you're a vegetarian or not, so I went with a safe option." they explained as they sat themself besides Fricka.

They noticed that she didn't seem to look well, but wrote it off as her just being sick. After all, she did almost drown herself and had a near-death experience, Junchi had no right to point out how sad and sickly she looked. They blew on their soup and drank their own apple juice as they waited for a response, slightly nervous still from all that has happened. They wished they knew more about how to handle someone who would try to hurt themself like that, and though they technically did with Moonstone, they at least didn't try to drown themself.

Extra Information


Female Dorms, Fricka's Dorm


Slightly nervous


Blowing on their soup and drinking apple juice


Take care of Fricka

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

Kisaki said:
"Every kind. I'm suprised that they can grow so many" he walked toward the entrance. Small birds flew around him then up to the sky.
"It's a rather peaceful place, isn't it?"


"I suppose so." Avatia responded. She saw no reason why a garden shouldn't be peaceful, because all it housed were plants. Plants could not speak, walk, or any other stuffs higher beings could do. All they possessed were leaves, at times nice scents, and possibly poison or edible food. "There are many types of plants, is there not? Wouldn't some plants die because of others being nearby? I don't know how plants work in this area, but that seems like a possibility." Even though Avatia held little respect for plants, she at could at least comprehend that they are in a way a community, and as most communities some people just don't get along together.

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Extra Information


Fantasy High School


Interested, Curious


Talking to Shiro about plants


Learn about plants

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


Mei Junchi[/URL]



"Yunchi... I... appreciate it that you try and help me... I really do..." Fricka exclaimed softly, eating the soup slowly

"I.... Just felt.... depressed, that's... pretty much all"
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody smiled and stood back to give her room to play it. She has a nice voice (Saw half of the first, internet died after the musical intro so now I have a good idea of what she will sound like) just generally speaking, but some people sound different when singing, so he wonders what she'll sound like.
Cyan: She smiled at Cody and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and opened them, the blue now glowing with power. Pulling out her guitar, looking down and she began rapidly playing her electric guitar.


As she focused, the power increased and LED looking lazer lights shot out all around her, she closed her eyes and focused, the beams hitting a target, completely incinerating it. She looked up and purred excitedly, the lazers going away and her eyes ceasing to glow. She quickly transformed to her human form. "Well did you like it meow?"

JJKab said:
"Yunchi... I... appreciate it that you try and help me... I really do..." Fricka exclaimed softly, eating the soup slowly
"I.... Just felt.... depressed, that's... pretty much all"
(("Yunchi" Junchi's long lost twin sister.))

Mei Junchi

"Of course, that's normal." Junchi assured Fricka before taking a small sip of their soup. They weren't the best of cooks, but it was good enough to not be hard to eat. "If you'd like anything else, don't hesitate to ask me. Just remember though, get a lot of rest." they added on to fill the silence they felt like they were creating.

Never in Junchi's life have they felt more socially awkward than now. There were times when they hardly had anything to stay, which were very rare times, and there were times when they didn't want to say anything at all. Even then though, they rarely felt awkward or felt like they were creating empty spaces in conversations. They were only comforted from this by remembering one of their fathers telling them that it's okay to have silence in a conversation, and that not all the time it has to be awkward. All they needed was to calm down, breath, and just share a quiet moment with the person they were with.

Extra Information


Female Dorms, Fricka's Dorm


Slightly nervous


Talking to Fricka, Eating


Take care of Fricka

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

Mei Junchi[/URL]



Fricka slowly let the bowl onto the stand next to the bed, and lied down on the bed, feeling tired

"If you want... you can leave.... I'm not holding you here" She exclaimed, looking tiredly at him

"If you don't... that's okay...." She turned around to face the other way from Junchi, more from exaustion than from annoyance, to get some sleep. She began coughing softly.
Jennete said:
Cyan: She smiled at Cody and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and opened them, the blue now glowing with power. Pulling out her guitar, looking down and she began rapidly playing her electric guitar.

As she focused, the power increased and LED looking lazer lights shot out all around her, she closed her eyes and focused, the beams hitting a target, completely incinerating it. She looked up and purred excitedly, the lazers going away and her eyes ceasing to glow. She quickly transformed to her human form. "Well did you like it meow?"

Cody clapped, "That was awesome!" he said, Cody was a huge rock fan, and listens to a few bands stretching from the early 2000's, to the current year, "I have an acoustic guitar in my dorm, sadly, I only can do country type songs, and if you saw my posters, you'd know that doesn't fit me..." he said, feeling that Cyan was the coolest person he has ever met at that school, though, he hasn't really thought of anyone as cool at that school, "So, speaking of music, you got any particular band or style you like? I can see that rock is one, any others?" he said as he reached her, examining the guitar, though pink and pretty, it was still cool.

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