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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Nona said:
Kenai nodded "Ah, right, well let's hope it doesn't come to that" he said with a small laugh as they were now in line and moving forward a little, waiting for their turn.
Asako nodded, "I don't think it'll happen, unless you're super duper fat" she said.
(A few minutes later)

Kagami flew into a man outside the dorm area.She transformed back into her human form.


"No , that's not my name"

She sat up at up and started to look into the boy's eyes.They were yellow.


The boy nodded.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm going enjoy the night before it ends"
Kisaki said:
She transformed back into her regular attire. "This isn't the last time you'll see me. I'll yield , but not because I can't fight" she turned into a bat ;flying into the hight sky.
Roy looks up into the sky "I don't doubt it." He heads to the nurse's office where he gets QuikHeal ointment, and after applying it, he transforms into his werewolf self, wandering around the campus.
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Kagami stood from the ground.

"So what are you going to do"

Shiro crossed his arms and looked around.

"I don't know. "

Kagami wounds started to heal.

"Maybe you can try out combat."

Shiro looked back at Kagami.


Kagami pouted. Shiro was less fun then grumpy Jack. He's more calm and rarely shows his relationship powers.

"Mmmm...your no fun"
WeirdPrincess said:

Yumi Eru

~The Secret Gamer~


After that short period of time and Elaena recognizing her as one of Elliot's friends, Yumi finally remembered where she had heard her name before and it had come from Elliot. She remembered a little about of the stuff that he had told her, like how Elaena was always or usually tired. With the way she sounded so sleepy and the hazy of tiredness that was in her eyes, it was easy to tell. There was also the small tidbit that she use to be bullied at her old school. She was curious if it was happening here too, but didn't think it was appropriate to ask, since she just barely just met the girl. While Elaena seemed nice and friendly, Yumi didn't think she'd want to be asked something like that from someone she didn't know very well or just didn't want someone to know about her personal life. So she just pushed the thought aside and nodded slightly at what she was saying. Yumi was taken aback by the compliment and looked genuinely shocked. While she did like her eyes to some extent, she never thought they were particularly beautiful. She sometimes found them somewhat boring and not as unique as others. Maybe it was because she had gotten so use to the bright purple that filled her irises that she didn't think they were that nice anymore. She fairly liked other people's eyes besides her own, like Elliot's or Elaena's (whom she just met). They were much brighter than Yumi's, with there vibrant orange with shades of reds and hints of yellow. Like the color of amber, but better. While she wanted those kind of colored eyes, she didn't think that would suit her well. For now, she'd just have to settle for her own bright purple colored eyes that danced between the siblings.

Yumi was a little unsure of what was going on, it looked like they were having a silent conversation. She blinked a few times and tilted her head in curiosity, peering over at Elliot who's cheeks seemed to be a little flared in embarrassment. What was so embarrassing? She didn't quite understand it; was it the comment about her eyes? Maybe he had said something about that to Elaena, though she couldn't really be to sure. That probably didn't happen, she didn't really think it was all that likely. Yumi leaned back a little when Elaena turned to her again, her irises the same vibrant color as Elliot's as she said that Yumi was prettier through his eyes.
"Huh?" What did that mean? Did she look different or something through his eyes compared to Elaena's? Strange... now she was curious as to how she looked to Elliot now. She was about to ask Elaena what she was talking about, but then she said something about a cat and proceeded to leave her area to go look out the window, leaving Yumi more confused than ever as she stared after her. What cat? There wouldn't be any cat's or animals on campus right? Or maybe there was... maybe a stray had wandered it's way on to the grassy plains on the courtyard and was walking around. She wasn't about to get up and look though, seeing as how Elliot was still here talking to her. Looking away from the Elaena, she turned her gaze towards Elliot and smiled a little. "She's quite the character, but nice. I like her." And she did really like her, even though she was acting a bit strange a little while ago. It reminded her that she wanted to ask him what his sister was talking about earlier. "What was she talking about when she said I look prettier through your eyes? I didn't really get it."

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Study Hall


Find out what Elaena was talking about


Elliot and Elaena





Study hall


Calming down a little


Talking with Yumi


Explain his sisters actions

Interacting with:




~Elliot Rillas~

After Yumi spoke, Elliot seemed to laugh sheepishly in response "Quite a character indeed, she can be a bit intense if you agent used to her her... she certainly makes up for all the time she spends asleep" he said after his laugh quieted down, he meant it in the way Yumi mean and that in the few hours she did spend awake, she had spent them saying things that Elliot wanted secret. Elaena's perception of reality was a little skewed, the dream world sometimes overlapping into the real at times in her eyes, she tending to not watch what she said. Of course, it was probably his fault for telling her things in the first place, he should have learned from that...

Hearing Yumi's next question Elliot paused. Ah, right, that probably sounded really confusing "W-Well.." He started, scratching the side of his face with his hand as he did so. "Elaena can view through other people's eyes as well as see how they process what's in front of them, that includes a persons perception of beauty, which is different for each person. Elaena was looking through my eyes and viewing my perceptions... I haven't learned to do it yet though..." He explained out to her, so in a way, he was telling her that he found her pretty without actually saying it. If he had to actually say it he'd die of nervousness of admitting such first, so he supposed it helped a little bit.

LunaCrosby said:
Asako nodded, "I don't think it'll happen, unless you're super duper fat" she said.



Amusement park




Joking with Asako


Have fun

Interacting with:




~Kenai Yelil~

Kenai laughed out at her answer. He pretended to quickly examine himself over "Super duper fat?!" He said before looking at her "You don't think I'm so fat that id break the ride do you?I mean I know I eat a lot of candy but... I don't think so..." He said with a pretend frown before chuckling softly as they were almost at the front of the line now.

Kisaki said:


Sitting on the grass as she stared up to the sky, Avatia levitated a book she stopped reading a while ago up and down. She wasn't really levitating it, and was mostly just manipulating the gravity so whenever she picked it up and threw it, it looked like it was levitating when in reality it was just floating back to Earth slowly. She's been doing this for a while, and seemed to have no intentions on stopping. Avatia planned to do this until she had a better idea of what to do, like actually going out to meet others and make friends, or prepare herself for the classes in this school so she didn't seem inept. This stuff didn't interest her though, and she found it more relaxing to throw the book up and day. This also let her think about things more clearly to find out something she really wanted to do.

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Fantasy High School




Throwing a book up and down while manipulating its gravity


Find something she finds more entertaining

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


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Shiro decided to relax in the grass.

Kagami complained and said that it was boring.

"Jack is totally better than you. "

"Yes , you told me that a million times. I'll be stuck in this body for sometime so get used to it.

Shiro came across a girl. She was levitating a book.




Kisaki said:
Shiro decided to relax in the grass.
Kagami complained and said that it was boring.

"Jack is totally better than you. "

"Yes , you told me that a million times. I'll be stuck in this body for sometime so get used to it.

Shiro came across a girl. She was levitating a book.


Avatia stopped manipulating the book when she saw someone near her. She wasn't in the mood to be social with anyone, and though she didn't dislike the idea of being social, it just didn't suit her at the moment. She sat up, thinking about what else to do. For the moment she tried to make herself look unapproachable, with her frowning and looking annoyed. Avatia always knew that came easy to her, since most of her facial expressions seemed subdued or even stoic. Instead of manipulating the gravity of the book now, she was just scanning the pages since she already read the book.

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Fantasy High School




Scanning the pages of her book, Trying to look unapproachable


Find something entertaining to do

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]((Moonstone is.))

((Oh yay!! So Nico went back to her dorm from swimming lol))
Kisaki said:
"Ooh a girl, maybe we should go up to her "Kagami exclaimed.
Shiro looked over to the girl.

"She does seem intesting".

He walked over to the mysterious girl.

"Hmmm your the lonely type aren't ya ?


Avatia looked up to the two. "Lonely?" she repeated back bitterly. "I'm not lonely, I'm just not in the mood to interact with anyone." she said before trying to distract herself with the book. She was becoming bored of just scanning through it though since she never really liked reading a book twice. Once she read a book, it was over. A once in a life time thing before she discarded it, or maybe saved it for memories if it had that much of an effect on her.

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Fantasy High School


Bored, Annoyed


Trying to ignore the two strangers


Find something entertaining to do

Interacting With:

Shiro, Kagami

Character Sheet:


charleen said:
((Oh yay!! So Nico went back to her dorm from swimming lol))


Having nothing better to do, and still bitter with the argument Nico and them had, Moonstone decided to go and find her. They had no intentions on apologizing, seeing as they thought of themself in the right. Instead, they hoped Nico would apologize to them, especially since Moonstone gave her a watch with both defensive and offensive capabilities for protection. They hoped that she would be happier and more understanding now, and though they weren't one-hundred percent sure she'd give them an apology, they could at least talk to someone for their enjoyment. Moonstone even thought that perhaps they wouldn't need to speak about the argument, and just pretend like it didn't happen. Though, Moonstone was never good at forgetting something, especially when they felt like they were wronged. They could act like everything was fine and pretend nothing happened at all, but they didn't forget anything that was bad that happened to them.

Finding Nico's a dorm wasn't too hard since they used her sent to figure out where she lived. Moonstone walked up to the door and knocked on it gently as they put on their friendliest face. They always took pride in how they could easily fake their emotions and facial expression, and at times get away with it too without ever lying. As they did that, they stood there waiting for Nico to come and open the door, and maybe even invite them in.

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Fantasy High's Female Dorms, Nico's Dorm




Waiting for Nico to open her dorm's door


Talk to Nico

Interacting With:

Character Sheet:


Kagami caught up to Shiro.

"So what's your name ? Oh, are you new here because I'am." Kagami said in speed as she looked at the girl

"Mph , your the same as always Kagami. I wonder how Jack can bear being next to you".

"Your so mean!"



TheDragoon said:
Aiden got up and got dressed. "Should I just super speed you there or will you be alright?" He asked her curiously.
Nissa: "Super speed? Right now?" Still getting dressed since she is not a morning person. She looked around the room they were in and crawled under the bed, wriggling back out with some food, her stomach growling as she searched for her clothes, shrugging them on and eating at the same time.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/20120218050545e81.jpg.4b1c19bd7c566fcef811b824c67f9f8c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140059" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/20120218050545e81.jpg.4b1c19bd7c566fcef811b824c67f9f8c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kisaki said:
Kagami caught up to Shiro.
"So what's your name ? Oh, are you new here because I'am." Kagami said in speed as she looked at the girl

"Mph , your the same as always Kagami. I wonder how Jack can bear being next to you".

"Your so mean!"


Sighing, Avatia closed the book. "My name is Avatia, and yes, I am indeed new." she answered tiredly as she froze the book and shattered it into tiny pieces. She no longer had any interest in the book, and certainly didn't have enough to preserve it for later times. "Is there something you'd like from me?" she asked the two.

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Fantasy High School


Bored, Annoyed


Talking to Shiro and Kagami


Find something entertaining to do

Interacting With:

Shiro, Kagami

Character Sheet:



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