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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Mayyflower said:

~?Luke Shun?~

Luke chuckled and grabbed her hand. "Well let's get going shall we?" He says standing up

Extra Info




Talking to kairassi




Go to the Italian place

Interacting with:










Calming down


Go on a date/don't ruin the date

Interacting with:

Luke Shun



~Kairassi Ikeda~

Kairassi grinned and nodded her head "Yes! Let's go!~~" she chimed as they started walking. As they walked, she looked down at their hands, suddenly feeling a bit nervous. What? Why was she nervous? Shes been to that place loads of times and with him too. Luke was her best friend, this shouldn't evoke that reaction at all. But this was different, it was a date of course and dates were supposed to be perfect right? And she was...well, she was Kairassi. Perfect didn't fall into her character description. What if she messed things up? Then he wouldn't want to be friends with her either?! She took a deep breath to calm herself down, she knew that wouldn't change things, well she hoped. After all he was well used to her weirdness by now. While rushing through her thoughts and concerns, she had unknowingly tightened her grip on his hand a little as they walked.

Roy helps Junchi carry Cody to wherever he needs to go "That was rough." he pauses "Hey, how's this, Cody. Seeing that the person with the donkey kick is obviously the 'bad guy', I could help you raid his room."

"Say no more." Wylie told Cody "He owes me that handgun." He then sprints off, overtaking Salvador without even knowing. Salvador sees Wylie overtake him, however, and ducks behind a bush to hide himself even though he was still invisible. Wylie passes by, making a beeline to the boy's dorm. When he arrives, Wylie heads directly into the bathrooms to wait. Eventually, he hears Salvador open the door and enter. Salvador takes the elevator instead of the stairs, so Wylie runs up the stairs until he sees the light that shows the elevator is stopping at a place, then, when the elevator opens, Wylie enters his dorm, and waits for a door to open. When he hears Salvador open his dorm door, he peeks his head out, seeing what room number it is, and texts Cody a message about what room number Salvador is in "Right next to your dorm is his dorm."

Salvador runs the remaining way to the boy's dorm, only needing to hide behind a bush once because of Wylie passing... at a really fast run. Wylie didn't even look like he was exerting any effort. He then proceeds to enter the dorm area, going up the elevator to his dorm, then sits down at his table and sighs. "This isn't good." he said to himself. Logically, someone as hateful as Cody would probably raid his room. What he'd do is set up security cameras to make sure Cody doesn't attack him. He sets it up in a corner of the dorm.

He also decides that he would go to the front office later to find out which dorm Cody lives in.

Roy Drake

Mood: Fine

Location: Combat class

Objective: Move Cody to the nurse's office

Interacting with: Cody, Junchi

Wylie Nighgale

Mood: Tense

Current Location: Boy's dorms

Objective: Find out which dorm Salvador lives in and send the information to Cody

Interacting with: Salvador

Salvador York

Mood: Tactical

Location: His dorm

Objective: Find where Cody lives; set up security

Interacting with: Nobody

Tags: @CERBERUS177 @charleen @The Royal Keen
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HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹Lune just sighed before looking at the water again⊹...
Colin frowned lightly. Well great, he killed the conversation, normally he was okay at socialising, Huh.maybe he was just rusty...Either way, he felt that he made her annoyed again "I...uh.." He cleared his throat a little and looked to the side trying to "Do you want to go get coffee?" He then asked her "Y-You don't have to think of it as a date or uh, anything like that...I guess I just want to apologise for making you annoyed again...or...yeah...doing that always cheers me up so I thought maybe it'll help you calm a little" He offered
Nona said:
Colin frowned lightly. Well great, he killed the conversation, normally he was okay at socialising, Huh.maybe he was just rusty...Either way, he felt that he made her annoyed again "I...uh.." He cleared his throat a little and looked to the side trying to "Do you want to go get coffee?" He then asked her "Y-You don't have to think of it as a date or uh, anything like that...I guess I just want to apologise for making you annoyed again...or...yeah...doing that always cheers me up so I thought maybe it'll help you calm a little" He offered
...⊹Lune just stared at the water for a moment before she stood up and spoke⊹...

''Let's go.''
charleen said:
Nico was in utter-shocked.
"No no.. No one is killing anybody alright,"

She groaned heavily.

"We'd get in so much trouble.."

She just wanted to say, other than that, she really didn't pipe into other people's business especially that ones she doesn't even know of.


"Obviously no one is killing because Salvador is gone." Moonstone said bitterly. "We won't get into trouble if we hide the evidence, and I could use my powers to easily do that."

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Extra Information

Location: Fantasy High's Combat Class

Mood: Annoyed

Status: Talking to Nico

Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet:

HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹Lune just stared at the water for a moment before she stood up and spoke⊹...
''Let's go.''
Colin smiled lightly, giving a small thumbs up, glad that she agreed and didn't just glare at him instead "Alright, cool, let's go" he said as he made his sketchbook disappear from his hands and then slowly began to walk towards the exit of the park, waiting for Lune to follow.
Nona said:
Colin smiled lightly, giving a small thumbs up, glad that she agreed and didn't just glare at him instead "Alright, cool, let's go" he said as he made his sketchbook disappear from his hands and then slowly began to walk towards the exit of the park, waiting for Lune to follow.
...⊹Lune soon followed Colin though she still looked a bit pissed⊹...
charleen said:
"If you do that, I will tell on you, mhmm,"
She said, crossing her arms.

"You better get that idea out of your head, Moonstone, and I'm not kidding,"

She said, sternly towards them.


Moonstone scoffed. "Fine, fine. I see you even share the bad parts of my friend's personality." they muttered before getting a glare from Junchi. "Anyways, now there's not much to do but to wait for combat class to start. I'm not into the mood for more drama to happen, or for me to get in trouble."

They were beginning to get annoyed with how Nico was acting, since now that meant they made two friends that absolutely didn't appreciate their ideas or actions. They did plan that if Nico did try to go against them, they would figure out how to get her on their side, since they didn't want to make enemies with her yet. Plus, if she suddenly disappeared Junchi would be furious with Moonstone, and Moonstone wouldn't allow that. They decided the best course of action was to just keep those ideas from Junchi and Nico's ears, and talk to someone like Cody instead since he seemed to be more accepting of that stuff. Even if he decided not to kill Salvador and let the situation escalate.

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Extra Information

Location: Fantasy High's Combat Class

Mood: Annoyed

Status: Talking to Nico

Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet:

Nona said:







Calming down


Go on a date/don't ruin the date

Interacting with:

Luke Shun



~Kairassi Ikeda~

Kairassi grinned and nodded her head "Yes! Let's go!~~" she chimed as they started walking. As they walked, she looked down at their hands, suddenly feeling a bit nervous. What? Why was she nervous? Shes been to that place loads of times and with him too. Luke was her best friend, this shouldn't evoke that reaction at all. But this was different, it was a date of course and dates were supposed to be perfect right? And she was...well, she was Kairassi. Perfect didn't fall into her character description. What if she messed things up? Then he wouldn't want to be friends with her either?! She took a deep breath to calm herself down, she knew that wouldn't change things, well she hoped. After all he was well used to her weirdness by now. While rushing through her thoughts and concerns, she had unknowingly tightened her grip on his hand a little as they walked.

~?Luke Shun?~

Luke smiled and started walking, he started thinking about everything and what if he messed up by saying something stupid. Would this ruin their relationship they have with each other? Would it be awkward? Why was he so nervous? Was it perhaps because this was the first girl he's ever went on a date with? Maybe? He relaxed a bit and shook off the negative thoughts, as they were walking he noticed how tight kairassi was holding his hand, he looked down and then back up at her. "Kairassi, are you nervous?" He asks calmly

Extra Info








Go on a date

Interacting with:




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charleen said:
"I'm sorry if I don't want murder people is my personality??"
She smacked Moonstone's side slightly.

"I don't think your mind is in right now.. Are you okay?"

She asked, sounding more concern.


Moonstone looked down at Nico in confusion. "I'm fine, and my mind is also fine at the moment. We both just have different feelings on how to handle situation, and you just so happen to have feelings that annoy me and that I don't agree with." they said sourly. "Though, I will admit I'm not in the best mood since I just watched my new friend get attacked, and also get lied to by someone who lied to my best friend."

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Extra Information

Location: Fantasy High's Combat Class

Mood: Annoyed

Status: Talking to Nico

Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet:

@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]





Lance began self doubting his choice to brush of haruo's story when he heard the nervous laugh before realizing how preposterous the story truly was. "Jesus, you tad be a conman you sound so convening and truthful. Anyway, is the teacher really your father?"
Nona said:
"You could still be suitable without having the eyes, I mean, what if that's someone's thing? Looking innocent but being super deadly?" She asked "I mean, I could be like that ..." She joked, stifling her laughter a little "And, Really? They would get you in trouble? How so?" She asked curiously "do you get stopped by authorities alot or what?" She asked.
C4 smiled at her. She was so innocent, cute and fluffy plus she amused him immensely. "An assassin still has the eyes, they can merely suppress them until the moment they strike. And I could never imagine you as an assassin. Eyes like mine won't get you stopped by the authorities, they just unsettle most people." Well that and the fact C4 was severely suppressing his killers intent."




She groaned heavily. Nico crossed her arms. She couldn't help, but glared back at them. She took a couple steps away, and sat down on the ground. She turned her back on them, they just needed some time to breathe and work this situation out without getting into each other's necks. Nico took a glimpse of Moonstone, but then looked away immediately.
Roman said:
Perfect grit his teeth, jumping up when Ribbon used her powers to pass him up. He didn't plan on losing and he was pretty sure she didn't either. "Blondie!" Perfect yelled, before he started flying fast enough to catch up.
Ribbon turned back and growled in frustration "I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME BLONDIE!!!!!!!" Turning around she launched a number of knives she had swiped from the store they were in earlier straight at his face.
LunaCrosby said:
Hakuru looked at him, "Couldn't me just calling you sir work?" she asked.
Everest blinked at her, "Sir? Seriously? Sir sounds so drab and formal. I would much prefer Master or supreme ultimate overlord. Seriously..." Spotting his shirt on top of Hakuru's pants. Pulling on his shirt he threw he her clothes to her.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Everest blinked at her, "Sir? Seriously? Sir sounds so drab and formal. I would much prefer Master or supreme ultimate overlord. Seriously..." Spotting his shirt on top of Hakuru's pants. Pulling on his shirt he threw he her clothes to her.

Hakuru put on her clothe's, "I guess i'm going with master then, Supreme ultimate overlord sounds like something a child would say while playing a game" she said.
charleen said:
She groaned heavily. Nico crossed her arms. She couldn't help, but glared back at them. She took a couple steps away, and sat down on the ground. She turned her back on them, they just needed some time to breathe and work this situation out without getting into each other's necks. Nico took a glimpse of Moonstone, but then looked away immediately.


Moonstone rolled their eyes and decided to pay Nico no mind. They were tired of dealing with people that didn't understand them, especially when their ideas made so much sense. They knew that they could be misunderstood easily and that not everyone understands what they're saying or thinking, but they wondered why the plan they offered earlier got on Nico's nerves so much. After all, it was too late to put the plan in place since the drama started already and then ended, but it could've been used later if they tracked Salvador down.

Tracking Salvador down struck them as a good idea. They would find him, try to question him, and if he made things too hard they would just get rid of him. No one would need to know it was them who did it. They'd probably blame it on the other guys trying to help Cody, since they seemed pretty willing to kill. Or maybe they'd blame Cody himself, since he was the one who started the fight in the first place.

Moonstone decided this was a plan that needed to be thought about much more, and for the moment they would just kick back, wait for Nico to calm down, eat their basket of frosted cookies, and wait for class to start. They'd try to keep themself entertained somehow though, since if they started daydreaming or letting their ideas wander, anything could come into reality they didn't mean to happen on purpose. Disappointed from not finding much to do though, they just got on their phone to watch some videos.

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Extra Information

Location: Fantasy High's Combat Class

Mood: Bored, Annoyed

Status: Ignoring Nico, Watching videos on their phone

Interacting With: Their phone

Character Sheet:




Nico started playing with grass on the ground, pulling it out. She sighed even more. She took out her phone as well, looking through her makeup inspiration always made her happy. She was still irritated though.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.868e19e120bac7396fa3b5c0e57632dd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138263" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.868e19e120bac7396fa3b5c0e57632dd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Thomas Greyrat

~? Die aschfahl Herz Homunculus ?~

Thomas didn't have the luck he wish he had. Upon arriving in the town of the school it was already past lunch time, so it was pointless to try and submit his transfer papers to the school now. Thus he signed to himself as he walked around looking for a hotel to stay at for a few nights. After all, it wasn't like he could just turn in the papers and get right in. It would probably take a few days to get the papers processed. So Thomas's first priority was to find a place to stay for the night. Though, like all his free roaming visits to large places like cities, he wondered around in search for something sweat to treat himself with. He did notice that he was getting a few glances here and there; after all, he was wearing his standard travel equipment which looked like a mix between an officer uniform and a high quality cosplay.

Eventually Thomas found a hotel to stay at for the time being. Though something caught him momentarily off guard. He sensed the energy of a certain man that Siegfried has dealings with. However, when he turned to see where it came from, Thomas just barely caught a glimpse of a scarred face before the elevator closed. The energy then disappeared, though thinking about it, that man's energy was much weaker and watered down than usual. Oh well, not his problem. Hopefully.

Thomas then checked into the hotel, getting himself a single person bedroom for roughly four nights. After that he went to it and deposited his things for the time being. Looking around he was glad it was just a shabby room unlike the last one he stayed in. Unlike where he last... No, now was not the time for that. Not at all. Thomas slapped both his cheeks to clear his mind of the thought before walking out of the room with the key in his pocket and all other valuables stored within the magic rune storage sleeves of his bracers. There was only one thing on his mind now. This one with giving him tunnel vision.


Without delay Thomas started towards the first high quality cafe he could find. Soon he found himself a tad bit lost, but not too lost. It took him a little while before he found one up to his standards of quality. Just the smell of tea, coffee, and baked goods was enough to make him think he found heaven. Though upon entering he found everyone seemingly minding their own business. Even better! From the looks of things the place doubled as an internet cafe, which was just fine for Thomas as long as he got to satisfy his sweet tooth after gods know how long.

"Um, yes, table for one please~!"

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[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]


Thomas Greyrat

~? Die aschfahl Herz Homunculus ?~

Thomas didn't have the luck he wish he had. Upon arriving in the town of the school it was already past lunch time, so it was pointless to try and submit his transfer papers to the school now. Thus he signed to himself as he walked around looking for a hotel to stay at for a few nights. After all, it wasn't like he could just turn in the papers and get right in. It would probably take a few days to get the papers processed. So Thomas's first priority was to find a place to stay for the night. Though, like all his free roaming visits to large places like cities, he wondered around in search for something sweat to treat himself with. He did notice that he was getting a few glances here and there; after all, he was wearing his standard travel equipment which looked like a mix between an officer uniform and a high quality cosplay.

Eventually Thomas found a hotel to stay at for the time being. Though something caught him momentarily off guard. He sensed the energy of a certain man that Siegfried has dealings with. However, when he turned to see where it came from, Thomas just barely caught a glimpse of a scarred face before the elevator closed. The energy then disappeared, though thinking about it, that man's energy was much weaker and watered down than usual. Oh well, not his problem. Hopefully.

Thomas then checked into the hotel, getting himself a single person bedroom for roughly four nights. After that he went to it and deposited his things for the time being. Looking around he was glad it was just a shabby room unlike the last one he stayed in. Unlike where he last... No, now was not the time for that. Not at all. Thomas slapped both his cheeks to clear his mind of the thought before walking out of the room with the key in his pocket and all other valuables stored within the storage sleeves of his bracers. There was only one thing on his mind now. This one with giving him tunnel vision.


Without delay Thomas started towards the first high quality cafe he could find. Soon he found himself a tad bit lost, but not too lost. It took him a little while before he found one up to his standards of quality. Just the smell of tea, coffee, and baked goods was enough to make him think he found heaven. Though upon entering he found everyone seemingly minding their own business. Even better! From the looks of things the place doubled as an internet cafe, which was just fine for Thomas as long as he got to satisfy his sweet tooth after gods know how long.

"Um, yes, table for one please~!"

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((Can Klepto please steal his wallet? This would make for a hilarious situation xD Please Tobi?))

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