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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds




CERBERUS177 said:
Cody reached into his jacket and pulled out a M1911 pistol, and held it out, "You know how to use one...right?" he asked as he offered the gun to her. Nico seemed like she wanted to try and was enjoying herself with what was going on, "This is my favorite pistol, and maker too, a Colt." he said, feeling that he should have brought his M16.
View attachment 305598 (This is what it looks like)
"No it's fine, I'll just squat for now,"

She said, switching her position into a squat. Nico then turn her attention to Cody. He held out a pistol for her to use. She looked at him quite crazy. Nico shook her head immediately.

"Noo.. I don't know how to use a gun.."

She said softly.

"That's because I already have these guns.."

She attempted to flex the little "muscles" that she had and winked playfully at Cody.

"But yeah, they're already a hassle to keep up with,"

She smirked slightly at him.
charleen said:
"No it's fine, I'll just squat for now,"
She said, switching her position into a squat. Nico then turn her attention to Cody. He held out a pistol for her to use. She looked at him quite crazy. Nico shook her head immediately.

"Noo.. I don't know how to use a gun.."

She said softly.

"That's because I already have these guns.."

She attempted to flex the little "muscles" that she had and winked playfully at Cody.

"But yeah, they're already a hassle to keep up with,"

She smirked slightly at him.
(Oh my god xD )

Cody laughed a bit, then stopped, "Sorry, but that was both cute and funny.", then he told her the basics for shooting and the stance too if she wanted to try it, "This is much more different than the .22 rifle, these shoot a .45 ACP, larger than the .22LR, and so it can kick some more. So, want to give it a try now that you know how to use it?" he asked nicely, offering the gun again.
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody backed a bit away from Nico and Moonstone, "Well...my powers need work too, since so far, I can only do this as anything that comes close to flying." Cody did a backflip, making a fire circle for a good three seconds, when he stopped he landed on his butt and sat up, "I can't move or float for any longer than that. I still want to learn how to use my flames like a jet, forcing myself into the air with my hands pushing flames out. But the last time I did that, I almost died." he said, then walked back to Moonstone, "But you know what a spring looks like right? So start with that, make a medium size one first, and if you want a large gun that shoots a large bullet, go a bit bigger the next." Cody said.
charleen said:
"No it's fine, I'll just squat for now,"
She said, switching her position into a squat. Nico then turn her attention to Cody. He held out a pistol for her to use. She looked at him quite crazy. Nico shook her head immediately.

"Noo.. I don't know how to use a gun.."

She said softly.

"That's because I already have these guns.."

She attempted to flex the little "muscles" that she had and winked playfully at Cody.

"But yeah, they're already a hassle to keep up with,"

She smirked slightly at him.


Moonstone clapped for Cody after he showed off his abilities. "That was good, I guess we all need to work on our powers though." they said. "Oh, and well, I wasn't thinking about making a gun or something. More like... hm... I'm not sure. Maybe I could try making parts of a gun or just a gun to practice." they considered. Moonstone then groaned loudly and sat down on the ground. "This is so complicated. I just need something interesting to do, and it makes no sense to me why I would have powers as interesting as creating anything from imagination, I feel so limited too."

They sat themself in a ball and put their head on their knees. "Maybe I could practice making powers again. If I can just figure that out well enough, I could probably make myself an ability that lets me know how to use my ability without much restraints. Like a cheat code... right?" they asked.

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Extra Information


Mood: Annoyed, Anious

Status: Talking to Nico, Cody, and mostly themself

Interacting With: Nico and Cody

Character Sheet:




Cody shrugged, "I don't know how to do it, I learned the rest of my powers from a book." he said, keeping the secret of her to his self, bringing her up might spark some worryness with him and Jack, since they are the only ones with the books, maybe Jack has come into contact like the mad woman from the fire book. "Maybe we can...I don't know...find a book on your power somewhere like mine...Or maybe you can dig deep into your mind and find it there...Powers like ours, everyone here in general, can be fully unlocked by either training, or deep thought. If training isn't working, try thinking...Though, that may be training too...huh..." he was confuzzled(Yes confuzzled) of how to help.
The Royal Keen][bg=#FF5475] [border=5px solid #331111] [border=5px solid #331111] [COLOR=#ffeeee] [h][FA]asterisk[/FA] Mei Junchi [FA]asterisk[/FA][/h][/COLOR] [COLOR=#ffeeee] [divide=thick][/divide][/COLOR] [COLOR=#ffeeee] "I'm better at calming down an argument and taking care of others." Junchi explained. "I never saw the point in fighting and hurting others. Wouldn't we all just be happier if we didn't have intent on violence and death?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ffeeee] [/COLOR] [accordion=bcenter|125] {slide=Extra Information|center} Location: Fantasy High School's cafeteria Mood: Interested in the conversation Status: Talking to Salvador Interacting With: Salvador Character Sheet: [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/threads/fantasy-highschool-grand-reopening.115287/page-103#post-5822304 said:
Mei Junchi[/URL]




Stealing away things is just as bad as death and violence Salvador thought, Nah, stealing is a gift, not a curse. "Violence and death is just lives wasted," Salvador said outloud "Except if the person you're having a fist fight with is a complete bitch. That is the only reason we would be happy fighting." he smirks, takes a bite of his pizza, and washes it down with the rest of his Coke. He then realized he had stolen a silver watch from someone a while before coming to this school, and needed to get rid of it since it held painful memories, and because it was useless--it was just silver, nothing else of awesomeness. "Hey," he asked Junchi, "Are you interested in watches? I had this watch that I found, but I really have no use for it and it is taking up random space, do you want to have it?"
CERBERUS177 said:
(Oh my god xD )
Cody laughed a bit, then stopped, "Sorry, but that was both cute and funny.", then he told her the basics for shooting and the stance too if she wanted to try it, "This is much more different than the .22 rifle, these shoot a .45 ACP, larger than the .22LR, and so it can kick some more. So, want to give it a try now that you know how to use it?" he asked nicely, offering the gun again.



"Yeah I am pretty cute.."

She said, sticking her tongue out. Nico nodded through this explanation and instructions. She kinda understands.

"Fine, give me that,"

She sighed heavily. She grabbed the pistol out of his hand. She looked at it for a while.

"What am I doing?"

She murmured softly to herself.

"Uhm where do I-I aim it..?"

She asked him, feeling quite nervous.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Everest laughed softly and wrapped her in a tight embrace before whispering in her ear, "Was that really so hard?"
(Round 2?)

Hakuru's face reddened as she looked at him "f-for me, yes" she said.

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Hahaha, alright. Though...Intoners I can say aren't very popular. It's like egyptian treasure that no one talks about. Since it doesn't really have a value talking about it.''
Colin blinked a few times, not really understanding her words too well 'Err, I think I know what you're trying the say?" He laughed a bit sheepishly.

((I genuinely am not too sure in what she is trying to say, I think I may be reading it wrong? Sorry
xD ))
charleen said:
"Yeah I am pretty cute.."
She said, sticking her tongue out. Nico nodded through this explanation and instructions. She kinda understands.

"Fine, give me that,"

She sighed heavily. She grabbed the pistol out of his hand. She looked at it for a while.

"What am I doing?"

She murmured softly to herself.

"Uhm where do I-I aim it..?"

She asked him, feeling quite nervous.
Cody weaved past her, and knelt beside her, "First, not at me please." he said, the gun was a WW1-Vietnam sidearm used by the US Military, it was made to kill in just a few shots. "..Second, at those posts with targets on them, don't go nuts yet, because that gun kicks like a horse, I should know, I've been kicked by one where I came from. Third, enjoy the feel of that grip, custom made by me, along with the style and vinyl wood finish." he used his arms as pointers. And he was talking about the gun like a child he was very proud of.
Roman said:
Logan sighed lightly and looked at Scarlet, "You make it seem like I was running at like... God speed." He said with a laugh. "On the other hand, let's head inside. I really feel like taking a seat."

...................................................... Scarlet

........................................... ~One Of The Two Twin Dragons

Scarlet nodded and walked down the hall, pulling out a key and unlocking her door. She opened the door and held it open for Logan, "Ladies first" she said and grinned.

Currently Doing
Holding the door open
Nona said:







Cheering up


Have fun

Interacting with:




~Kenai Yelil~

Kenai thought it over a bit then smiled, yeah, that seemed nice, that had been quite a while ago and it would be nice to visit there again with her. "Yeah, that sounds like a plan" he said with a nod before sitting up properly and stretching "So I guess we'll be on our way?" He asked her.




...........................................................................~The Scarred Light Spirit~

Asako smiled and nodded excitedly. She quickly got up onto her feet and looked down at him, "Yup yup!" she said and held out her hands to help him up.

More Info






Talking to Kenai


Have fun with Kenai

Interacting with: Kenai Yelil


CERBERUS177 said:
Cody shrugged, "I don't know how to do it, I learned the rest of my powers from a book." he said, keeping the secret of her to his self, bringing her up might spark some worryness with him and Jack, since they are the only ones with the books, maybe Jack has come into contact like the mad woman from the fire book. "Maybe we can...I don't know...find a book on your power somewhere like mine...Or maybe you can dig deep into your mind and find it there...Powers like ours, everyone here in general, can be fully unlocked by either training, or deep thought. If training isn't working, try thinking...Though, that may be training too...huh..." he was confuzzled(Yes confuzzled) of how to help.
charleen said:
"Yeah I am pretty cute.."
She said, sticking her tongue out. Nico nodded through this explanation and instructions. She kinda understands.

"Fine, give me that,"

She sighed heavily. She grabbed the pistol out of his hand. She looked at it for a while.

"What am I doing?"

She murmured softly to herself.

"Uhm where do I-I aim it..?"

She asked him, feeling quite nervous.


Moonstone watched as Cody helped Nico with using a gun, but tried to respond to him when he wasn't too distracted. "Well, I'm not sure how to find the answers to my power in my mind. I guess it would make sense since my powers are linked to my mind, but maybe finding a book would be easier. Uh, when you two are finished with your practice I mean." Moonstone said.

They stood up and made themself a chair to sit in instead of the hard ground, and watched as Nico was taught how to use the gun. "I could make targets for you if you'd like." they said to ehr.

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Extra Information

Location: Fantasy High School

Mood: Anxious

Status: Talking to Cody and Nico

Interacting With: Cody

Character Sheet:









Boom goes the dynamite taffy.





Happy/Having fun


Joking around



Interacting with:



@Jofune Tsurabisu

~Rini Yelil~

"Eh?" Rini blinked a few times after he spoke...look in the mirror? But, she was invisible, would she even see anything? Of course at this point Rini wasn't aware of the overlaying illusion spell on her. "Alright then ~" she said finding something close to a mirror, but this was a library with no mirrors, so a window into an empty study room that the lights were off in would have to suffice. "Oh!" She brought her hand up to her face and giggled. Soon looking back at Misafune "You know..." She looked back at the window and viewed herself again "I could make this work" she joked.

Mei Junchi[/URL]




Salvador passes over the watch in relief, mildly aware that the expression might be on his face. He finishes the pizza and stands up to put his plate in the plate return area "Well, it was nice meeting you." he pauses "By the way, do you know anyone who carries around a shotgun? I have a feeling that he hates me or something, yet I don't know this guy."
@Wicked Jester[/URL]


~Yuna Yelil~

Yuna looked up from her plate and looked at him as he answered, giggling lightly at it "Ah, right, so since you haven't been off in two years, you haven't gotten to do such a thing in that long..." She said smiling at him. Odd, but understandable she guessed "So you have a secret liking to cute things then huh. That's kinda cute in itself." She said giggling.



Nona said:
((*Takes the fluffy and replies* :3))







Eating lunch/Calling C4 cute



Interacting with:



@Wicked Jester

~Yuna Yelil~

Yuna looked up from her plate and looked at him as he answered, giggling lightly at it "Ah, right, so since you haven't been off in two years, you haven't gotten to do such a thing in that long..." She said smiling at him. Odd, but understandable she guessed "So you have a secret liking to cute things then huh. That's kinda cute in itself." She said giggling.

C4 had taken a few bites and looked at her curiously, "Well it's not exactly secret, it just doesn't come up all that often. And with my work even less so." Then while occasionally glancing at her ears he continued to eat his salad.
LunaCrosby said:
Hakuru's face reddened as she looked at him "f-for me, yes" she said.
(Times up, time to make you answer xD )

Everest woke up at Hakuru's side smiling. Pulling her on top of him he gently whispered in her ear, "Ready to be my slave yet?"
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody weaved past her, and knelt beside her, "First, not at me please." he said, the gun was a WW1-Vietnam sidearm used by the US Military, it was made to kill in just a few shots. "..Second, at those posts with targets on them, don't go nuts yet, because that gun kicks like a horse, I should know, I've been kicked by one where I came from. Third, enjoy the feel of that grip, custom made by me, along with the style and vinyl wood finish." he used his arms as pointers. And he was talking about the gun like a child he was very proud of.



She looked beside her to see Cody and she patted his head softly.

"Don't worry, you're in safe hands.."

She smirked back at him again, but then went back to the gun. Nico saw targets before her and it was intimidating for her.

"That's a lot to remember.."

She said softly. Nico felt the grip of the gun and nodded.

"Wow this grip is out of this world.. Heh,"

She couldn't help, but make a crude joke. Then she looked at Moonstone, feeling silly. She stuck her tongue out at them playfully, knowing they might get bother with her "jokes."

"I mean if you think it will help with my aim.."

She said, responding to Moonstone and cocking one of her eyebrow.
charleen said:
She looked beside her to see Cody and she patted his head softly.
"Don't worry, you're in safe hands.."

She smirked back at him again, but then went back to the gun. Nico saw targets before her and it was intimidating for her.

"That's a lot to remember.."

She said softly. Nico felt the grip of the gun and nodded.

"Wow this grip is out of this world.. Heh,"

She couldn't help, but make a crude joke. Then she looked at Moonstone, feeling silly. She stuck her tongue out at them playfully, knowing they might get bother with her "jokes."

"I mean if you think it will help with my aim.."

She said, responding to Moonstone and cocking one of her eyebrow.


"Hey, Nico, maybe you shouldn't, uh, use a gun. You look sort of nervous really." Moonstone noticed. "We can always do this later when you have more confidence." they suggested.

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Extra Information

Location: Fantasy High School

Mood: Anxious

Status: Talking to Nico

Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet:


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