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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
C4 blinked... this was the first time someone had willingly agreed to let him pet them... then again the others were in far more awkward situation... he wasn't going to get into it. However as the food arrived and from looking around the café C4 sighed reluctantly. "Ummm... Maybe we'll save the petting for later..."

Yuna laughed softly "Fair enough" she answered glancing down at her food temporarily "Is this a regular thing for you?...wanting to pet people?" She chuckled lightly. She did find the whole notion bizarre in a way but she guess she wasn't against him petting her ears, its not like it was doing any harm to her. While waiting for his answer, she turned her attention to her food, which was pretty eager to eat since she was really hungry.
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody nodded, "When a firearm malfunctions, it explodes in the users hands, if the user is lucky, they lose fingers or the whole had itself, unlucky ones die from shrapnel penetrating the brain or just destroying the users main arteries, making them bleed out." he explained, he knew how they ticked, but didn't want her to try and make one, even if she had powers the magically make one, it's still dangorus to make your own without fully knowing. "But hey, I can teach you, but you'll have to give me the gun so I can test it out before I let you use it, I have testing stands at home, I used to test guns before I moved here...Can't have newly made guns worth thousands sitting in the mail for anyone to take, most of the stuff I get is military grade, so you're talking water proof, sand, mud, shock and crash proof guns. Made to last years without breaking or needing to be fixed." he said.


"O-Oh..." Moonstone said after he explained what happens when a firearm malfunctions. "Well, it would still be helpful to know. In fact, if I learn enough I could probably be more of a support for your team than a fighter if I must. I could heal, or make weapons, or do all sorts of things... if I don't screw it up I mean." they offered. They wondered how someone like him knows so much about guns and weapons, and how he got military grade equipment. It sort of scared Moonstone, since they didn't realize the students here would know so much about this sort of stuff, and wondered what the other students here knew.

After his explanation Moonstone erased the bat from their hands. "I'll summon it again later when it's needed." they said. "I don't want to carry this all around school to do nothing with it, you understand?" they asked gently.

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Extra Information

Location: Fantasy High School's Male Dorms

Mood: Anxious, Happy

Status: Talking to Cody

Interacting With: Cody

Character Sheet:




He nodded, "Yep, I love to hold my guns when I have them around me, that revolver you saw is one of them, since I can see if it's loaded or not, just by looking at the cylinder. But I understand that a bat is something that isn't really worth carrying around, since you have to run at someone, and they can stop that and some don't really get scared of them. Guns, those are a different story." he said, "But I guess I can show you when we're done, but there's always the option of going to the library and I can teach you there..." he said, offering that he teaches Moonstone on how to make ammo and or firearms. "But I don't want to push you into making things that could hurt you, since, I'm sure you get tired after you do it a few times...?" he said.
CERBERUS177 said:
He nodded, "Yep, I love to hold my guns when I have them around me, that revolver you saw is one of them, since I can see if it's loaded or not, just by looking at the cylinder. But I understand that a bat is something that isn't really worth carrying around, since you have to run at someone, and they can stop that and some don't really get scared of them. Guns, those are a different story." he said, "But I guess I can show you when we're done, but there's always the option of going to the library and I can teach you there..." he said, offering that he teaches Moonstone on how to make ammo and or firearms. "But I don't want to push you into making things that could hurt you, since, I'm sure you get tired after you do it a few times...?" he said.


"Well, less like I get physically tired, and more like mentally tired. It's draining trying to create something repeatedly, and it's not going the way you'd expect it. Though, I will admit that at times I just need to take a break from creating anything because of how straining it can be at times." Moonstone responded. "And I won't get hurt, I mean, I could just make a gun I'm invulnerable to, or shield myself, or give myself something that will keep me safe. I've been through worse than getting hurt by a firearm."

As Moonstone walked with Cody, they wondered if they really wanted to learn how to use a gun. They never found them that entertaining, and preferred using short distance for weapons and their body, while using long distance for their powers, just in case they needed to get away. Still, they found the idea of learning something new sort of appealing, and wasn't sure if they wanted to know how to make a gun first or use it. They guess it was best if they knew how to use a gun, before trying to make one themself. "I want to be taught how to use a gun first, then I can learn how to assemble one later." they told Cody

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Extra Information

Location: Fantasy High School

Mood: Happy, Anxious

Status: Talking to Cody

Interacting With: Cody

Character Sheet:

charleen said:
((Hello, can I interact with Moonstone and Cody please??))
((I'm fine with that if @CERBERUS177 is up for it. Never have done a three person forum rp, but if we find difficulties we can always make our own group convo to figure out who goes next in the roleplay. ( :) )))
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Cody smiled, "Alright then." Cody took the clip out of the rifle and slung the gun behind him, and took out a small box which contained small bullets, the width of a pencil, and took each out one-by-one and loaded them into the gun, "Been a while since I've loaded a .22 clip...about 6-11 years really...Now I use bigger rounds...Still brings back good memories from when me and my mom would visit her friends, a few days after we came to visit, he let me shoot this gun, not the exact one, that one was wood and metal, this one is metal and carbon." he said and only loaded 7 rounds to start her off, "Alright," they reached the arena, "stand here, and put my sunglasses on. These are for your protection too, because if a shell flies back and hits your eye, it will burn it." he then positioned Moonstone into a stance to shoot, leg's separated slightly, bending er in to a slight lean, "Alright, do you see the button on the side of the trigger guard? It's on the thick part of the ring, red means it's hot ,no red means it's cold, ready to shoot, not ready. If it's red, then you're ready to shoot, if not, then push it to the right and it should become red." he said, "Then when you're ready, aim through that red dot sight, and find your target." he said and stood behind her.
The Royal Keen]((I'm fine with that if @[URL="https://www.rpnation.com/members/cerberus177.52476/ said:
CERBERUS177[/URL] is up for it. Never have done a three person forum rp, but if we find difficulties we can always make our own group convo to figure out who goes next in the roleplay. ( :) )))
(Sure! More the better!)
CERBERUS177 said:
(Sure! More the better!)
(May I join ya? Bored as heck. Got Gregory and Chler free. Lena might be, since I sent her home, but she's slowly walking)
JJKab said:
(May I join ya? Bored as heck. Got Gregory and Chler free. Lena might be, since I sent her home, but she's slowly walking)
(Jesus Christ, might as well start the party if we get more lol, sure why not? This will be interesting)
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody smiled, "Alright then." Cody took the clip out of the rifle and slung the gun behind him, and took out a small box which contained small bullets, the width of a pencil, and took each out one-by-one and loaded them into the gun, "Been a while since I've loaded a .22 clip...about 6-11 years really...Now I use bigger rounds...Still brings back good memories from when me and my mom would visit her friends, a few days after we came to visit, he let me shoot this gun, not the exact one, that one was wood and metal, this one is metal and carbon." he said and only loaded 7 rounds to start her off, "Alright," they reached the arena, "stand here, and put my sunglasses on. These are for your protection too, because if a shell flies back and hits your eye, it will burn it." he then positioned Moonstone into a stance to shoot, leg's separated slightly, bending er in to a slight lean, "Alright, do you see the button on the side of the trigger guard? It's on the thick part of the ring, red means it's hot ,no red means it's cold, ready to shoot, not ready. If it's red, then you're ready to shoot, if not, then push it to the right and it should become red." he said, "Then when you're ready, aim through that red dot sight, and find your target." he said and stood behind her.


Moonstone did as Cody told them, making sure to put on the glasses, and though they were uncomfortable with how much touching was involved, they stayed in the position he put them in. They made sure their gun was on red and was ready. They aimed carefully, trying their best to be as precise as possible. "Um, what's my target anyways?" they asked before shooting at anything.

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Extra Information

Location: Fantasy High School

Mood: Anxious, Focused

Status: Getting ready to shoot their gun

Interacting With: Cody

Character Sheet:

CERBERUS177 said:
(Jesus Christ, might as well start the party if we get more lol, sure why not? This will be interesting)
((@JJKab @charleen I don't mind making a group chat to keep things organized if you guys decide to join us. If you guys decide to just roleplay with one another instead, that's fine too.))
The Royal Keen](([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/29799-jjkab/ said:
@JJKab[/URL] @charleen I don't mind making a group chat to keep things organized if you guys decide to join us. If you guys decide to just roleplay with one another instead, that's fine too.))
(I would like to join ya all in one RP)
The Royal Keen](([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/29799-jjkab/ said:
@JJKab[/URL] @charleen I don't mind making a group chat to keep things organized if you guys decide to join us. If you guys decide to just roleplay with one another instead, that's fine too.))
((Yeah you should make a groupchat then))



(Guess I didn't specify...)

"See that can down there?" it was a good ten feet away, "Go ahead and shoot that. Then we can move onto some paper targets I have in my bag." Cody said and waited for Moonstone to shoot, feeling a tad bit excited that he's a teacher for a new shooter.
CERBERUS177 said:
(Guess I didn't specify...)
"See that can down there?" it was a good ten feet away, "Go ahead and shoot that. Then we can move onto some paper targets I have in my bag." Cody said and waited for Moonstone to shoot, feeling a tad bit excited that he's a teacher for a new shooter.
JJKab said:
Chler was slowly heading down the grass, humming peacefully. There were some stuff lying behind her that was pretty useless, but she didn't know that someone was actually shooting at it
@CERBERUS177 @The Royal Keen @charleen


Now that Moonstone knew what to shoot, they aimed their gun at it carefully, and shot at it. They were tempted to use their powers to raise the chance of them getting a good shot, but they always had to remind themself that using their powers for something like that usually ended badly. When they did shoot, it missed the can by a few inches. "Should I try again? I mean, there's people nearby too, I'm sort of worried about hitting them." they asked Cody, only now noticing that they could actually end up shooting a person. They cared less about hurting the person, and more about how much trouble they'd be in if they did shoot one.

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Extra Information

Location: Fantasy High School

Mood: Anxious

Status: Talking to Cody

Interacting With: Cody

Character Sheet:

JJKab said:
Chler was slowly heading down the grass, humming peacefully. There were some stuff lying behind her that was pretty useless, but she didn't know that someone was actually shooting at it
@CERBERUS177 @The Royal Keen @charleen
(You're going to absolutely HATE me, but, if there was someone down range, I would have known, and waited for said person to get clear, but whatever floats your boat., don't edit it, I think this may make some good commentary, like right now!)

Cody saw someone pop their head from behind a bush and grabbed the gun from Moonstone before she could shoot again. "Eh! Hold on!" he shouted and pointed to a girl that was looking very mad at them "You alright down there?" Cody shouted.
CERBERUS177 said:
(You're going to absolutely HATE me, but, if there was someone down range, I would have known, and waited for said person to get clear, but whatever floats your boat., don't edit it, I think this may make some good commentary, like right now!)
Cody saw someone pop their head from behind a bush and grabbed the gun from Moonstone before she could shoot again. "Eh! Hold on!" he shouted and pointed to a girl that was looking very mad at them "You alright down there?" Cody shouted.
Chler yelled, as a plastic looking like object went past her eyes, prompting her to back away. Looking around, she noticed two boys, one of them weilding a gun. She furrowed her brows at the boy's question.

"Of course I'm alright." She said, walking up to them, untill she recognised Cody.

"Cody? I didn't quite expect ya there"




JJKab said:
Chler yelled, as a plastic looking like object went past her eyes, prompting her to back away. Looking around, she noticed two boys, one of them weilding a gun. She furrowed her brows at the boy's question.
"Of course I'm alright." She said, walking up to them, untill she recognised Cody.

"Cody? I didn't quite expect ya there"
Cody smiled a tad, "Heeey...." Cody said quietly, feeling bad that he didn't check the area before giving Moonstone a target to shoot, another mistake he's made with guns within a few weeks, first on day one of school, the other today. "Hope you don't mind if we shoot here...Moonstone is learning to shoot her first gun...so, I'm her teacher..." Cody said, then thought about something, "Would you like to try it out too? I got a few boxes of ammo here, and I never shoot these so, though we'd stay here and shoot them off." Cody said, offering Chler to trying out the gun, the thing didn't kick much or make a loud enough noise to give someone tinnitus.

@JJKab ,@The Royal Keen

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