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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

((If you reply to this post, the earliest I can get back to you is Friday at 1 PM))

Post below

Roy and Wylie, thoroughly done with stuff, head back to their dorms. There, they prepare a short meal of frozen pizza, not blowing up the microwave fortunately. After that is done, Roy researches and finds a dealer who claims to be able to create robots that are highly humanoid and fully controllable.

Immediately, they head on their car to head to the bank for Wylie to grab some cash. Wylie drives, since Roy needs to make a phone call to his little club group for them to transfer a bunch of money from his safe to Wylie's bank account. Once they arrive at the bank, they head to the little shop that sells the robots, excited to see if these merchandise are genuine.

More Info is not available due to the time span of this post.

Then why did I put this spoiler here?

Salvador, his hands itching to get his hands on something, uses his alchemy stand to create a potion allowing him to walk through solid objects for 20 seconds. He drinks half of this, and breaks into the dorm next to him wearing gloves and dark clothing, finding nothing of want except for the computers, which he had no use for. After searching through many cabinets, he finds a cabinet with a lock on it, which was unlocked. Opening it, he finds some pokeballs and some automatic-shooting handguns. Salvador takes two of these handguns, and closes the cabinet gently, then backs out of the room by drinking another half of the alchemy potion. He inspects these handguns, heading back to his dorm with satisfaction.

Salvador York

Mood: Happy

Location: Boys dorm

Objective: Steal something
@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]





Lance laughed and spun the gun in his hand before sliding it back into his waistband.

"I doubt we will ever see eye to eye on such matters, and I do not wish to start a conflict. I am confidant in my abilities just as I am sure as you are. But, no one has paid me to kill you so we're good. The names Lance. You are?"
@Wicked Jester[/URL]


~Yuna Yelil~

Yuna frowned "That kinda sucks, so you don't even get off work for holidays like Christmas to spend with your family? I don't think I'd like your job..." She said before thinking over his question. "Well you certainly get more time off because once your shift ends someone else fills in." She said with a nod "Uhm, I guess it can get a bit stressful at times when people need CPR, since you need to keep calm as everyone else around you is frantic, but the fact that you've saved a life. Its definitely worth it"



HimeragiSeiker said:
''It's just something that happens...''
Colin nodded "Well it looks pretty cool" he commented "I'm guessing its like another form of yours or something?" He said lifting his sketch book again that he had left down beside him. Maybe he was completely wrong but he was curious none the less.
TheDragoon said:
Axel gave her a teasing glare. "Your not trying to discover my secret recipe... Are you?" He asked with a smirk. Nexus quickly shook his head at Ilaani as if she was about to step on a landmine.





Slightly confused


Having lunch


Deny asking about Axel's recipes

Interacting with:

Axel and Nexus




As Ilaani was just about to answer she caught sight of Nexus shaking his head, obviously warning her of something. Narrowing her eyes just a little bit, she had a fair idea of what he was trying to tell her. Ilaani then laughed a little and waved her hands "No, no, not at all, I was just kidding. If I knew it, it wouldn't be secret anymore, so I won't pry" she said, quickly glancing to Nexus as if to ask was that what he meant.

Nona said:
Colin nodded "Well it looks pretty cool" he commented "I'm guessing its like another form of yours or something?" He said lifting his sketch book again that he had left down beside him. Maybe he was completely wrong but he was curious none the less.
''Well....it's called a Transformation, a much more stronger form...''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Well....it's called a Transformation, a much more stronger form...''
Colin tilted his head "Huh, cool... So you aren't human then?" He asked "What are you?, if you don't mind me asking" he asked before rubbing the side of his face with his hand "Sorry if it seems like I'm prying, I'm just curious" he admitted.
Nona said:
Colin tilted his head "Huh, cool... So you aren't human then?" He asked "What are you?, if you don't mind me asking" he asked before rubbing the side of his face with his hand "Sorry if it seems like I'm prying, I'm just curious" he admitted.
''Well...I'm not human...I'm an Intoner.''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Well...I'm not human...I'm an Intoner.''
Colin blinked "An Intoner?" He repeated "I...can't say I've ever heard of that kind of being before..." He admitted laughing a little
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Let's just say, we're a rare sighting...''
Colin slowly nodded "I see..." He then smiled "In that case then I guess I'm pretty lucky to view such a rare sighting then" he said with a small laugh.
Nona said:
Colin slowly nodded "I see..." He then smiled "In that case then I guess I'm pretty lucky to view such a rare sighting then" he said with a small laugh.
''Haha...yeah, consider yourself lucky..''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Haha...yeah, consider yourself lucky..''
Colin laughed "Oh, I am doing that" he said looking around "So...is there only a few of you? Or do you stay in hiding alot just...I mean...then again, this place isn't exactly well hidden..." He said before his gaze settled back onto her.
Nona said:
Colin laughed "Oh, I am doing that" he said looking around "So...is there only a few of you? Or do you stay in hiding alot just...I mean...then again, this place isn't exactly well hidden..." He said before his gaze settled back onto her.
''There's....only about 12 of us...''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''There's....only about 12 of us...''
"Oh, right, I guess you are really rare then" he laughed "Well, then, nice to meet you miss..." He paused, not knowing her name of course.
(I guess it's time for Cody and Serena to talk to each other for once)

"All the places I've been and things I've seen. A million stories that made up a million shattered dreams. The faces of people I'll never see again. And I can't seem to find my way home...", "God you have a beautiful singing voice big bro..." Serena said from the doorway, "Oh...I...I had no idea you were there..." he said, kind of depressed, something happened today, and it wasn't good, "You alright big guy?...Everything ticking in that head of yours or what?" she tried to make him laugh, he just looked away, "Talk to me bud, what's happening?" Cody was in one of his lonely moods, feeling that he doesn't have much of anyone to talk to again, "Just...lonely again sis..." he never thought that he'd need support from the one he's been protecting all these years. "Well, what do you want to do? We can go for a swim or we can sit here and talk...take your pick bro." Cody looked at her and smiled, "Been a while since I've swam, is the water cold?" he asked her, "No not really." she told him, he looked like he didn't even care about it, "Alright then. Let me get on my shorts and find a shirt to wear." Serena frowned, his little self conscious crap needed to end, "I don't see why you need one, you're not husky anymore." she said being nice. "I know I'm built, but I can't walk around school without a shirt or tank top you idiot." he said, Serena nodded and walked out of his room and waited outside for him.

He came out in a tank top and swim trunks, "This net thing is irritating me already..." she giggled and they walked to the pool.

They reached the pool after Serena got into her swimsuit, they walked in and swam around.

(Rest was finished on phone)
HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Seol soon looked at Nico a bit strangely when she got close♱...

She felt slightly embarrassed. Nico sighed and scratched the side of her arm. She decided to introduce herself nevertheless.

"I'm Nico, by the way.."

She said, smiling back at Seol.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Everest smirked, "Well what do you want? I'll bet anything you want, if you want me to be your slave, I'll even bet that. But what do I get when I win?"

Hakuru thought about it, "Hmmm.... The satisfaction of being the winner?" she said, though she didn't really mean it. "Well, anything that wont kill me."
Nona said:







Staring at where the illusion once was



Interacting with:



@Jofune Tsurabisu

~Rini Yelil~

Rini stared at the illusion...was she more...Ahem...'developed'?. Her eyes quickly darted down to her own chest for a split second with with slightly furrowed brows before Misafune spoke "R-Right" she said clearing her throat before taking the book and flicking through the pages. Finding the right page, she looked up to see A smartly dressed Misafune joining the illusion and walking away with the illusion of her, sticking out her tounge at Misafune then vanishing. Rini simply stared at the place in front of her where they were, grasping the book in her hands with her mouth slightly open as if she were trying to find words but couldn't.


Misafune the Onmyouji

Misafune awauted the storm he knew that was coming. He wanted to get better, and yet all he did was blunder. And it even costed him his life. So he slowly came out from under the table, the illusions were gone. But something troubled him. He could have sworn that he followed the formulae correctly. Right down to the space-time...Wait. The spell was too minor for a whole page. He grabbed the book and looked at it closely. The Future Sight spell title was nearly smudged out. "I am truly foolish, Rini." He said as he began to apologize profusely. "There were two spells on that page. One for the Illusion, and one for A spell that allows a person to see into a possible future, The only drawback is, whoever you look at, can see you, but as like a ghost." He finished. Now he had to make this up to her.

More Info

Location: Library

Mood: okay :/

Status: alive

Objective: To learn and help Rini learn

Interacting with: Rini

Tags: @Nona

Nona said:










Interacting with:




~Kenai Yelil~

Kenai laughed a little "Freeze to death huh?" He repeated, raising a brow "I'm guessing that came out more morbid than you wanted it to, but I get what you mean" he said as he smiled at her. "Yeah, I'll look forward to that. You know...the snow, not the freezing to death, I think I'll pass on that one" he said with a chuckle.




...........................................................................~The Scarred Light Spirit~

Asako nodded, "It's summer right now, so sadly, we have to wait, stupid fall, nobody likes leaved everywhere..." she said.

More Info






Talking to Kenai



Interacting with:Kenai Yelil


Nona said:
(( xD Oh))







Waiting on her order


Talk about her job

Interacting with:



@Wicked Jester

~Yuna Yelil~

Yuna frowned "That kinda sucks, so you don't even get off work for holidays like Christmas to spend with your family? I don't think I'd like your job..." She said before thinking over his question. "Well you certainly get more time off because once your shift ends someone else fills in." She said with a nod "Uhm, I guess it can get a bit stressful at times when people need CPR, since you need to keep calm as everyone else around you is frantic, but the fact that you've saved a life. Its definitely worth it"

((maybe... Don't know when it might happen.. but it could at anytime xD ))

C4 began to stare at yuna's ears thinking about how soft and fluffy they looked and almost began reaching for them before stopping and dragging his gaze back to her face.

"Well I suppose saving lives is always rewarding right? Maybe I should think about a career change" said C4 while laughing
Roman said:
Logan smiled when Scarlet called his name, signifying that she seen him too. He slowly began to come to a stop, and stopping right where he wanted; in front of Scarlet. "Hey babe! Uh.. Nothing much. What about you?" He asked.

...................................................... Scarlet

........................................... ~One Of The Two Twin Dragons

"Well, I'm deciding on what to do with this book..." Scarlet said, slightly raising up the mistakenly grabbed book.

Do something with the book
Currently Doing
Talking to Logan
LunaCrosby said:
Hakuru thought about it, "Hmmm.... The satisfaction of being the winner?" she said, though she didn't really mean it. "Well, anything that wont kill me."
Everest grinned, "Ok, then, how about the looser is slave to the victor for a day?"

Then giving a sarcastic cackle he continued, "I wouldn't mind having you do my nefarious bidding for the day."
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Everest grinned, "Ok, then, how about the looser is slave to the victor for a day?"
Then giving a sarcastic cackle he continued, "I wouldn't mind having you do my nefarious bidding for the day."

Hakuru crossed her arm's, "Well that won't happen since I'm gonna win" she said, "It's gonna happen so fast it'll make your head spin." she said.
Salvador, deciding to test out the handguns, heads to the Archery Practice area and attempts a shot with bullets he found next to the handguns.

With a bam, the bullet flies. And misses the target. "I need to train on this..." Salvador thought, shooting again at the target
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