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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

JJKab said:
Fricka blushed softly, giggling lightly.
"Oh, shut up you" She exclaimed, poking his cheek with her finger.

Mei Junchi

"You're the first person I've complimented that responded to me by telling me to shut up." Junchi said in a flippant manner. "If this is opposite day, then I'll just say insulting things, and you'll take them as a compliment." They worried they were coming off a bit mean from that joke though, and told Fricka, "I'm just joking by the way."

Extra Information

Location: Fantasy High School's Park

Mood: Happy

Status: Talking to Fricka

Interacting With: Fricka

Character Sheet: Mei Junchi

Mei Junchi[/URL]



"Hey, I know" Fricka said, laughing, as the finger that was on his cheek, got replaced by her hand, as she softly brushed his cheek with it.

"Just relax.... If you want, we can switch roles. I can brush your hair" She offered, smiling lightly
Lumina said:



Kaori just stared at Roman as he spoke. Her hand didn't move from his sleeve even as he sat down next to her, her eyes locked on his face as his words processed through her head. Initially, she couldn't even believe what he was saying. To her, there was just no way that he loved her. It just... didn't seem possible. Of course, she had felt that way about him as kids, but like he was saying now, Roman had never showed it. Kaori knew that there never was a good time as a kid to let that kind of thing exist, what with happened with Masahi's "death" and her own "death." She could feel her heart threatening to beat right out of her chest because it was at this moment that she fully realized that she felt the same.

Yes, she did feel love for Masahi. There was no doubt about it. But she knew, as she looked at her childhood friend, that she had ALWAYS loved Roman. No matter what she did or went through, that feeling never went away. Sure it may have been masked, or buried deep inside below a lot of other suppressed memories and feelings, but they were always there whether or not she realized it. A blush was probably creeping on to her face as his words really sunk in, and she just listened to him pour his heart out to her. Roman... she had seen this side of him before, but it didn't come out often. It really seemed like he had grown up, matured since they were kids. As she was thinking on this, a soft chuckle resounded in her head.

"Just tell him. I know you want to."

San's voice took her by surprise. He had been so quiet lately, that she wasn't really expecting him to say anything. In her mind, she wanted to yell back at him, but right now her thoughts were on other things. Someone else. Her grip tightened on his sleeve, her mouth opening slightly, like she wanted to say something. San was right, every fiber of her being was telling her to just say those four words. Four words, and that would be it. But, she hesitated. She knew he was married. She was pregnant with someone else's children. It wouldn't be right. Then again, he had confessed first, and before she knew it, the same thing that had happened to Roman happened to her. Without meaning to, words slipped out of her mouth

"Roman.... I love you too."

Kaori even looked surprised that she said them, just as Roman had. But there was no taking them back now. Kaori looked down at her hand gripping his sleeve, noting how close their hands were.
"I... always have. We're alike, like that. I know it's wrong, I know you're married, but I just..." Her eyes met his again, almost pleading but also apologetic. "I just... love you. Ever since we were kids, I've loved you." Tears threatened to find her eyes as she confessed back to him, a part of her wondering what this would mean for them.

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Skylar smiled softly at Hyouinmaru as he got fired up about helping her, having no idea about his racing heart. He probably wouldn't know that his heartbeat was actually matching her own at the moment. Thinking about therapy was making her nervous, but for some reason being held up by Hyou was also making her pulse increase as well. Despite how he nearly killed her, there was just something about him, something that made her feel different than anyone she had ever been around. Than any boy she had been around.

She looked down at her lap when Hyouinmaru spoke, also noting that Panther had fallen asleep. She couldn't help but smile a bit seeing the cat sleeping so soundly, and she ran her hand softly over his fur as Hyou moved closer to the bed, and closer to her. Skylar looked up at him, getting slightly nervous at the thought of him picking her up. Yeah sure she had suggested it, but it was still something nobody had ever done to her. To the point where when he picked her up, she couldn't help but blush a bit. Either way, it didn't really hurt to be picked up like this, after all he was being pretty gentle with her.
"T-this is fine..." she reassured him, making sure to keep a hold on the sleeping cat in her lap so he wouldn't fall. "I-I guess just place me down in the wheelchair now..."

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Roman Ishida

~ Man of Many Scars


At the moment, it seemed like they were the only two people in this world in Roman's opinion. He smiled a little at Kaori's words, learning that she still felt the same way about him just as he did her. He was conflicted behind this smile though. Mal and Roman had two children of their own, and he loved them both, so the choice was hard. Roman looked down at his sleeve, seeing Kaori's grip had tightened on it, so he took his other hand and placed it on her shoulder, his smile remaining.

"For the longest, I've kept my silence and ignored your feelings to keep you from getting hurt. That failed me the first time and the second too. You died because of me and almost died again... Because of me. I don't want to lose you again." He said, sighing lightly. "One was enough." He told her, his hand moving from Kaori's shoulder to her chin. Roman pulled down his mask and slowly inched towards Kaori, pressing his lips against hers' and locking them into a kiss which didn't last long. "I don't know how I can tell my wife though..."

More Info

Location: His apartment - Bedroon

Mood: Calm

Status: Talking to Kaori

Objective: N/A

Interacting with: Kaori Hana


Hyouinmaru Ishida

~ Ice Dragon with A Heart of Steel

(((( Sorry about the post length. I couldn't come up with much for him. ))))

Hyouinmaru shook his head and looked at the clock. "We have to go now, I'll carry you." He said as he walked towards the door of the hospital room, making his way out with Skylar in his arms. "What floor?" He asked as he picked up the pace.

More Info

Location: Hospital

Mood: Calm

Status: Taking Skylar to therapy

Objective: Get Skylar to therapy

Interacting with: Sylar


JJKab said:
"Hey, I know" Fricka said, laughing, as the finger that was on his cheek, got replaced by her hand, as she softly brushed his cheek with it.
"Just relax.... If you want, we can switch roles. I can brush your hair" She offered, smiling lightly

Mei Junchi

"Actually, that would be nice." Junchi said. The last time they could remember having their hair brushes was when they were a child and had their parents to it, but now they usually did it to their friend to calm them down. They felt like it would be a nice change of pace to have their hair brushed for once.

Extra Information

Location: Fantasy High School's Park

Mood: Happy

Status: Talking to Fricka

Interacting With: Fricka

Character Sheet: Mei Junchi

Nona said:







Choosing a seat


Have lunch

Interacting with:



@Wicked Jester

~Yuna Yelil~

As they entered the Cafe, Yuna looked around for a good place to sit. The cafe wasn't too big but there was quite a few people around in it. Which was to the slightest annoyance to Yuna since someone was already at her favourite window seat. Oh well, with a gentle shrug of her shoulders she looked around for another seat, her eyes soon settling on one she liked the look of. She continued on her way to the table as C4 spoke, her cheeks turning pink ever so slightly but it was visible to those looking hard enough when she was called cute. "I may not know how to mess around with water bombs and steam yet but, I'm not as meek as I look, I still think I could hold my own in a fight but thank you for your concern" she said with a small giggle. She then tilted her head in a questioning manner when he asked what to order. "I normally just get the chicken salad here, its pretty nice...but I mean you can order whatever you want" she said laughing a little as they arrived at the table, which had a menu on it already.

C4 nodded, "Sure, a chicken salad sounds great!" Calling over a waiter C4 ordered two chicken salads.
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]((My character Moonstone is free and they're trying to find their way to their next class because of schedule confusion.))

i guess i could send a character. you wanna start or should i?))
@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]





Lance sighed as he looked at Haruo,

"That's a flawed idealist's view. I would imagine you were born in a family where you've never been placed in violent confrontation. I on the other hand was not so lucky. Allow me to demonstrate."

Reaching behind his back and drawing a small caliber handgun, Lance pointed the gun at Haruo's face.

"My only skills are murder, and if the only way I was going to eat this month was to off you, I could do it. But could you?"
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]((You can start, they're just wandering through the school trying to figure things out.))


...♱Seris was just wandering the hallways making sense of the map she was given♱...
HimeragiSeiker said:
anyone up for interaction???))
((I have a few interactions going on, but they are all slower ones, so I guess I could handle another if you want :3))
JJKab said:
Fricka nodded softly, but stayed in his lap, purring softly.
"But for now, let's stay like that" She exclaimed, smiling softly.

Mei Junchi

Junchi giggled. "Fine fine. We can stay like this for a while longer, but then I want my turn for some comfort." they said as they continued to brush Fricka's hair. Junchi tried to think up some conversation topics, but wondered if it was even needed for the moment. Really, the next thing on their mind was to ask about their classes, since they had a good feeling they would get yelled at for skipping their classes and hanging out with someone else instead.

Extra Information

Location: Fantasy

Mood: Happy

Status: Talking to Fricka

Interacting With: Fricka

Character Sheet: Mei Junchi

@Wicked Jester[/URL]


~Yuna Yelil~

Yuna tilted her head "You're sure you want to get exactly what I'm getting?" She asked, noticing that he didn't even look over the menu. she shrugged mentally, it wasn't like it was a big deal or anything anyways. "So.... this has been your first day off in how long? I mean, it must not be a regular occurrence at all if you don't even know where any good cafes or restaurants are" she pointed out.



HimeragiSeiker said:
sure xD who you wanna use?))
((Err I dunno xD I have Amara and Colin, I haven't used either in forever so your call on who :3 ))
HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Seris was just wandering the hallways making sense of the map she was given♱...


Lost again after losing someone who could've helped them, Moonstone wandered around the school. At this point, they just wanted to skip their class and go do something else. The school couldn't get angry at them, at least they thought that. They would just remind me of the fact of them being new, so they shouldn't be punished, or at least not punished so strictly.

As they wandered they noticed a girl who was also wandering the halls with a map, and walked up to her. "Um, excuse me, do you know how the schedules are set up for this school? I'm having some issues getting around at the moment. I may need to just go to the office for some extra advice."

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Extra Information

Location: Fantasy High School' Halls

Mood: Confused, Anxious

Status: Figuring out their schedule, talking to Seris

Interacting With: Seris

Character Sheet:




...?Seris soon looked over to Moonstone and away from the map before she held it at her side?...

''Huh? I just got here...but how could I help?''

...?She said as she was kind of lying. She was here for a while though the staff were still working on her schedule. Though you felt a somewhat malevolent aura around her?...

HimeragiSeiker said:
could you? I dont exactly know how Colin is and i wanna use a character that would seem to have the most interaction)))
((Alrighty, well all my cs's are linked to my signature and I have a post for him from my master post back a bit that I can use since no one interacted with him so ill repost that :3))

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