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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Lumina said:
((I'm here!))
(((( Hi! xD ))))

Ballerina said:
((I'm here too, just to lazy to reply to anything while on mobile))
(((( Same, but for the sake of my characters and progressing with their small plot lines, I have to reply for a few to keep things going xD ))))
Lumina said:



Kaori knew exactly when the last time she felt this warm and secure was, but she refused to think about it. Especially after... no. She wasn't going to think about it, and that was that. Even if she was carrying his kids. Either way, the warm and fuzzy feeling that she was getting by being close to Roman wasn't going away, and she hated herself a bit for it. She was sure that those feelings from her childhood were long gone by now. They were the only thing that made her feel the way she was right now. If they were here now, then she... how could she? Was it just because he was being so kind to her now? Or... was it because they never truly went away at all? Her hand never released it's grip on his sleeve, thoughts speeding through her head and not helping with her dizziness.

She figured that he'd give some kind of protest to her making food, but wasn't expecting what was going to come out of his mouth next. She froze, looking up at him with a shocked expression, the severity of his words hitting her. He... what? No. He couldn't have just said what he just said. He... loved her? But... no. He was married. Right? Then why...? He could have meant it in a family way, right? Her mind was reeling, no chance of the feelings she was trying to deny going away now. A small blush found her cheeks as her eyes remained locked on his face.
"Roman... wh-what did you...?" Kaori couldn't even get the words out, still trying to wrap her head around what he just confessed to her. Even still, while she knew that it was wrong, if he really did mean it in the way she thought, the smallest part of her couldn't help but be happy, that part of her fueled by the feelings for him from their childhood that were rapidly resurfacing.

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Skylar hadn't really thought to remove her hand from Hyou's. Without really realizing, it just felt natural to hold it. Despite her smaller size, their hands fit really well together. He was a lot warmer than she thought he'd be. Skylar had been watching Hayes leave when she had felt something on her head, and turning to look at Hyou she realized that he was petting her head. She looked at him with a slightly blank expression, simply confused from the action. But, she couldn't deny it kind of felt nice, and as Hyou got up to get the wheelchair that she had mentioned she couldn't help but blush a bit, trying to control herself before he came back.

He did pose an interesting question. How would this work. Maybe if she could get her legs over the side of the bed... but even still she'd need some help getting into the chair. Yeah her body was still kind of broken a bit, but she was better, and she guessed that as long as he didn't yank her or jostle her or pull or anything, he'd be okay to pick her up at least. She was in casts and everything at this point, considering the length of her stay so far.
"W-well... I think I'll be okay if you just pick me up, a-and place me in the chair... I trust you." It was true, she did trust him not to hurt her anymore, but she thought she probably had to convince him of that fact still. Plus, her suggestion was literally the easiest way to do it with the smallest chance of her getting hurt again, so in her mind it was the ideal choice.

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Roman Ishida

~ Man of Many Scars


Roman looked at Kaori, seeing the look on her face. It matched the one he had on his. Staring back into her eyes, he eventually looked away and sat down on the bed beside Kaori, placing a hand to his Kaori he thought about his next choice of words. He still couldn't believe it though. He had just blurted out one of his biggest secrets... To the person the secret was about. At the very moment, he wanted to do something to show he was actually serious about it, but he didn't want to. He couldn't.

"It's true, Kaori. I love you, but I'm married." Roman said, looking at her, he sighed lightly and tapped his leg. "You know... All those years... I knew all along. The only reason I never relayed those feelings was because of my mental state when we were kids. I went through a lot, and I didn't know if you'd want to deal with that. Masahi also liked you, and I didn't want to make him upset with me." He admitted before pulling his forehead protector up. "The entire time I've liked you, only to remain silent to keep everyone happy." He added. "I thought you were dead... Dead... So I tried moving on, and it worked, but now you're back.. And now I realize how I felt about you never went anywhere." Roman looked down, shaking his head. Why was he pouring out his heart like some sort of idiot? He would never do something like that, then again Kaori always had that effect on him. Making him feel funny and say things he didn't want to say, but was thinking. He looked at Kaori once more and smiled a little. "You know I wouldn't lie to you... Everything I just said was true." He said, rubbing his neck.

More Info

Location: His apartment

Mood: Embarrassed

Status: Talking to Kaori... Well Trying

Objective: Confess?

Interacting with: Kaori


Hyouinmaru Ishida

~ Ice Dragon with A Heart of Steel


Hyou set the wheelchair in front of the bed when he got back, and after asking his question about getting her to it, he thought about it too. He didn't come up with anything unfortunately, but Skylar said he could just pick her up and she trusts him. This made his heart race, finally hearing that she trusts him. He raised his head, speaking before he placed a hand on his arm, "Ooooh.... Okay, I got you little Shrimp! We'll get you to therapy." He blurted out, his heart still racing.

Hyou looked at Panther, who had fallen asleep in Skylar's lap. "Hmm... I was wondering why he was so quiet." He said before taking a deep breath and walking closer to the bed. His heart had began to beat even faster. Was that good? He didn't know, for some reason he felt calm so why was it beating so fast? "Alright, Shrimp. Get ready." He said to Skylar before gently and slowly sliding one arm under her legs and putting the other one behind her back as he slowly and gently, being as careful as possible, picked her up. Once she was in his arms he sighed, waiting for her to say if anything hurting or if she was fine.

More Info

Location: Hospita - Skylar's Room

Mood: Cautious and worried(hiding it)

Status: Helping Skylar

Objective: Get Skylar to the wheelchair

Interacting with: Skylar


Jennete said:
Miyuki: A low growl erupting from her as she works on slowly unfreezing the dragon. For now though stopped by Alejandro.
Assana: She lowers her head and vanishes completely from sight, using her tricks her father taught her about becoming as silent as a ninja. Preparing to attack when Alejandro is off guard, birds of ice taking her place and swarming him.


Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince

Alejandro quickly turned his back to the sings took the impact from the birds, shattering them. This caused Alejandro to fall to the ground, where he slowly stood up, holding his shoulder. "That was a lucky hit!" He called out.

Roman said:

Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince

Alejandro quickly turned his back to the sings took the impact from the birds, shattering them. This caused Alejandro to fall to the ground, where he slowly stood up, holding his shoulder. "That was a lucky hit!" He called out.

Assana: The ground around his feet sunk in completely as the water rose up and created a bubble around him. Assana, stepping out of the water she had morphed into sent another flying ice knife to his back before vanishing again, jumping up to land on her frozen sister, closing her eyes and slowly helping her unfreeze. Alejandro wouldn't be stopped for long. But she hoped she at least was helping buy her more powerful sister some time.

Miyuki: She pushed hot water vapors from inside of her out, slowly turning her body into water that begin to melt upward in a small puddle by Assana's feet.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Hmm...maybe just have some fun here..how bout it?''
"Of course... Should we get on a few slides before the lines get too long?" Ken asked taking a sip of his water.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Ribbon sighed as she sat down with an ice cream cone . She was bored and Perfect hadn't shown back up again so she had nothing to do.
((I didn't know how to start it off xD ))

Perfect sighed as he put the stature in place and he made a few more runs for paintings and sculptures that had caught his eye. Once everything was set up, he quickly made his way to the ice cream parlor. Perfect ran through the door, hoping Ribbon hadn't left yet, "Ribbon! I'm here! I made it!"
Jennete said:
Assana: The ground around his feet sunk in completely as the water rose up and created a bubble around him. Assana, stepping out of the water she had morphed into sent another flying ice knife to his back before vanishing again, jumping up to land on her frozen sister, closing her eyes and slowly helping her unfreeze. Alejandro wouldn't be stopped for long. But she hoped she at least was helping buy her more powerful sister some time.
Miyuki: She pushed hot water vapors from inside of her out, slowly turning her body into water that begin to melt upward in a small puddle by Assana's feet.
After being trapped in the bubble, Alejandro froze it, causing the water knife to hit the ball of ice without hurting Alejandro. The ice then cracked and Alejandro moved quickly, just like his father, grabbing Assana and taking her away from Miyuki who was still unthawing.

Victoria Mason

~ One of the Mason Twins

Sitting in a hospital room, with her parents and twin brother, the newborn baby was being held by her father a few hours later after the birth. Not too long ago, she was just crying, but now she was peacefully sleeping in Kai's arms. Kai spoke in a low whisper, gently brushing his finger against her cheek with a soft smile, "Victoria." He said with a smile as he looked over to Violetta and their son. "Her name... That's gonna be her name." Kai said to her with a bright smile. Kai had looked back to Victoria and it almost looked as if she were smiling herself. In her sleep, Victoria reached up to her father before slowly and gently putting her little arms down and laying there. "Any name for our little guy?" Kai asked Violetta.

More Info

Location: Hospital

Mood: Happy

Status: Sleeping in her father's arms

Objective: N/A

Interacting with: Kai, Violetta and her brother


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Roman said:
"Of course... Should we get on a few slides before the lines get too long?" Ken asked taking a sip of his water.
''Sure. Let's go.''

...⊹She said before she smiled and grabbed Ken's hand⊹...
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Sure. Let's go.''
...⊹She said before she smiled and grabbed Ken's hand⊹...
"Huh? Oh." Ken said as he quickly caught on, throwing the water bottle in a recycle bin as they made their way to the slides. "These things better be cool..."
Roman said:
"Huh? Oh." Ken said as he quickly caught on, throwing the water bottle in a recycle bin as they made their way to the slides. "These things better be cool..."
''They must be. I never been to a water park before.''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''They must be. I never been to a water park before.''
Ken chuckled lightly, "You're kdding right? Not even once?" He asked her curiously. "I went a lot of times as a kid."
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Yeah, I never been here...''
"Change of plans then. We'll be staying here longer than just what we planned. You have to witness how great some water parks can be, Reika." Ken said as they reached the line for the slide.
JJKab said:
(Meh. I can wait)
Fricka smiled shyly, nodding, as she went to the changing rooms, and entered her own changing room.

She began changing into her usual stuff, whistling.

Mei Junchi

Junchi laid their back on a wall as they waited for Fricka. They wondered what was going on during their class that they missed, but didn't care much since this was much more enjoyable. They even began thinking up a plan on getting Fricka's phone number or email after this so they could chat more often if they had time. Junchi could maybe even meet her friends or she could meet theirs, but they didn't want to make Fricka uncomfortable with their ideas for the relationship. They decided to keep quiet about their plans for a while and just let their relationship slow slowly. After all, Junchi could just do this when they're about to leave each other, and not immediately.

Extra Information

Location: Fantasy High School's Pool

Mood: Happy

Status: Waiting for Fricka and thinking

Interacting With: N/A

Character Sheet: Mei Junchi

Mei Junchi[/URL]



Fricka soon came back in her usual clothes, as she waved at Mei

"I'm back. So. Shall we go now?" She asked, smiling a little, approaching him sheepishly.

"You promised me some food" Fricka laughed softly, tilting her head.
charleen said:
Nico eyes widened slightly in shock.
"You can do that with your powers??"

She said, quite impress. She smiled slightly when they opened the door for her and quickly went inside the store. Immediately, a tons of stuff from small kitchen supplies to a greeting card. Anything you can possible buy for a dollar is there. Her eyes wonder to look for a kite, but Moonstone continued talking about his personality.

"Don't even sweat it bro, like I completely understand that not everyone's gonna act like me,"

She said, giving them a derpy face.

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"It's not really that impressive I guess, I mean, it's like a cheat code. I'm sure if we brought something cheap, we could find someone to fix up the quality by hands, but, well, I guess my method is just cheaper and quicker." Moonstone explained, trying their best to make their abilities not seem all that amazing.

When Nico gave her derpy face after what she said, Moonstone exploding into giggles. "S-Sorry, it was just the face you made. Anyways, let's go searching for that kite." They laughed as they began to walk around the dollar store. It was pretty hard to miss someone was tall as them, and it was easy for Moonstone to look for where the kites were when they towered over almost everything. "I think I found them!" they exclaimed as they began moving towards the differently designed colored kites.

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Extra Information

Location: Dollar Store

Mood: Happy

Status: Talking to Nico while picking out a kite

Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet:

JJKab said:
Fricka soon came back in her usual clothes, as she waved at Mei
"I'm back. So. Shall we go now?" She asked, smiling a little, approaching him sheepishly.

"You promised me some food" Fricka laughed softly, tilting her head.

Mei Junchi

"Yeah." Junchi said as they stood up straight. "Let's find a grassy area and then I can grow some fruits and vegetables. What kind of fruits and vegetables are you interested in anyways?" they asked as they began to lead her to the nearest grassy area.

Extra Information

Location: Fantasy High School

Mood: Happy

Status: Talking to Fricka about fruit

Interacting With: Fricka

Character Sheet: Mei Junchi


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