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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Roman said:
"And I tried something new last night with your help." Akane joked. "I'll probably think things over though... Do I actually think I'd be able to live my life in a relationship with other woman? An intimate one at that."
...✦Arashea didnt say anything and kept silent✦...
WeirdPrincess said:

...❦Asuka sighed lightly before shaking her head, this wasn't getting anywhere. She felt like if she kept up with insisting that Akira should focus on himself right now, he'd say almost say the same thing, just with a different wording and they'd just end up going in circles about the subject. Though she couldn't stress enough on how something so small, was largely important to her. She didn't see any reason for Akira to worry about her, besides the Humans wanting to get all supernatural creatures and have them be chipped, but Asuka wouldn't allow that happen. She'd put up a fight if they even attempted to take her away. That wasn't the issue though, at least, not right now. Feeling Akira's hand tighten the slightest around her own, she wondered if it hurt and figured it most likely did. She didn't know how much, just the fact that it would hurt. Asuka's gaze softened and her tone had become soft, though urgent as she spoke❦...

"I don't want you worrying about me, I'm fine. I'm not planning on going anywhere, so there's nothing for you to worry about. I want you to focus on yourself and your health. Please.."

...♅Akira couldn't help but utter a small, quiet laugh after he heard Asuka talk. Truly, this was the first defeat that he'd ever had, and one that he'd gladly accept. Admittedly, he was in bad shape, especially when compared to his pair, so he'd count this as a loss, given that Asuka had more reason to be worried about him, than he did her. Akira smiled and replied to Asuka as his irises softened on her. After a few moments of silence, Akira began talking once more, his voice was gentle as he spoke♅...

You're the boss, my queen... I love you, and I'm the luckiest man to ever exist for meeting and marrying you. You know, there's a saying in Euphoria;Ardelūtur, šabāšu matimīni iliš.’ It means ‘Love is the greatest power Sanctums will ever hold.’ It's to symbolise that we Sanctums get infinitely stronger when we find our pair and fall in love. That no matter how strong our opponents may be, should we have our love standing beside us, we can conquer anything.
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@Lumina[/URL] Wanna rp with Elyse and Killia?))
Layla blinked within the sudden rush of complication within his questions. She wasn't even sure how to begin to answer him. Though what she did know, was that it wasn't pleasant for her when she returned. Releasing a shallow breath, Layla turned her gaze towards the ground below her feet. "I'm not sure....I suppose it is. I wasn't aware of time until I returned. In fact, I didn't even know I died until my father told me."
Roman said:
(((( He was just giving the option. ))))
Alejandro nodded, "Whenever you plan to check one out, I'll join you. I'm pretty much free all the time anyways." He said, laughing lightly.
"Great!" Klef said enthusiastically . "Um...How did your parents react to you...being chipped?" Klef asked curiously, knowing that their mentor would be extremely annoyed at them.
Roman said:
Elliot chuckled, "I know. I don't wanna think about you falling. I was thinking of the good.in the situation."
"I know you were." She said gently to him as she got up and slowly and silently followed his voice till she got to him and slid her arms around his chest from behind and stood there
Roman said:
Elliot chuckled, "I know. I don't wanna think about you falling. I was thinking of the good.in the situation."
"I know you were." She said gently to him as she got up and slowly and silently followed his voice till she got to him and slid her arms around his chest from behind and stood there
PinkCupcakeKitty said:
Cassandra shook her head, "No, we haven't eaten yet but you don't need to go through so much trouble."
HimeragiSeiker said:
''but your a friend of my daughter. besides, this isnt hard at all, its easy''
...♱Neo said as she giggled♱...

@Daniel reaving
Mika giggled as she sat in her mothers lap with the gun floating above her hands as it took its self apart then started to put its self back together. "We have plenty of food and stuff. And mama is really kind." She said happily to cassandra
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Layla blinked within the sudden rush of complication within his questions. She wasn't even sure how to begin to answer him. Though what she did know, was that it wasn't pleasant for her when she returned. Releasing a shallow breath, Layla turned her gaze towards the ground below her feet. "I'm not sure....I suppose it is. I wasn't aware of time until I returned. In fact, I didn't even know I died until my father told me."

"I see..." Kalin replied. When he looked up, he could see the school campus come into view again. He stretched, and turned to Layala. "What do you want to do now? You said before that you don't have a place for yourself, and I have plenty of room that I'm not putting to use...you can stay, if you'd like. And personally, I don't want to leave you alone, with everything that's happening."
Lumina said:
...♤It was quite obvious that Lumina was terrified now. She was essentially backed into a corner, with how he was talking. His statement on the disdain toward supernatural creatures confused her, though. Theyve lived together for forever, why would the humans suddenly start hating them? Something couldn't have happened... did it? Lumina took another step back, now realizing she really was too far away from the door to actually run before he caught her. But, at the same time, she knew deep down that no matter how scared she was, she couldn't go with him. She just... couldn't. And so, without a word, Lumina disappeared, having teleported into the hospital. She didn't know, or care where, but she just knew she needed to get away from whoever this guy was. She needed to find Asuka, and Kenji, but she had no idea where to start looking. What she did know, however, was that she landed in the room of a young kid, who was now watching her instead of the TV right next to him. Blinking, Lumina gave him a flustered smile, speaking before running out of the room♤...
"O-oh! Uh... h-hello there... just, uh... forget I was here... o-okay?"

...♤She didn't stop to check to see if he actually agreed to doing as she said, but just ran through the hospital, making sure to keep her wings tights against her body. If what he said wad true, she had to make sure they stayed out of sight. Growing more worried every second, Lumina moved through the hospital, trying to find her pair or her best friend♤...

"This is really bad!"
...♜Thomas sighed as the girl disappeared, but he learned what her natural energy felt like in the short time he'd been near her, and from the feel of things she was still nearby, in the hospital. Knowing he was gonna need to give chase to her now Thomas created a magic barrier around the hospital then infused different various forms of mana into it to allow those without any powers to freely leave and enter it, it was just that those with powers had a few more restrictions, like being unable to leave via walking out or teleporting. Then once he was sure that was done Thomas casually walked into the hospital, now walking like a normal sixteen year old as he made his way to Lumina, almost sure she would have noticed the barrier. As Thomas turned a corner about two minutes after he walked in the hospital he spotted Lumina running around, but he was gonna have some fun before cornering her, so he raised his palm to face her before shooting mana at her wings and if she couldn't resist it, he truly didn't know if she could or not, her wings would spasm out to their full length, probably tearing through the shirt, and if they did everyone one here would freak out after seeing the reports of what the supers did to that school♜...
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Roman said:
Talia giggled a little, "Well... I've built some pretty neat robots in my robotics class, and I've even built a few at home, but they weren't anything big." She said, as she stood up and stretched. When Flora said they'd go skydiving, she jumped up in joy, "Yes! Whenever you're ready, I'm right behind you!"
Elora Capistrano

Elora looked impressed when Talia stated she built a few robots. She didn't look like the type to do that kind of stuff, but then again... what were people who messed around with robots suppose to look like anyways? "That sounds pretty cool. Are they small droids and stuff of the like?" Elora asked as she motioned with a finger for Talia to follow her as she went to the kitchen to toss the various candy wrappers in the trash and put the empty popcorn bowl in the sink. She then went over towards the closet door, where a number pad was located. After punching in a series of numbers, a small rumble was felt as the the elevator came up from the bottom floor. The door worked both way really, it honestly was a closet when she didn't punch in any numbers and just opened the door. It was only when she put in a certain code that the elevator would come up and take them to whatever floor she needed the was below her house. So far, there were only 3 floors but she was planning on getting another. As complicated as it would be really. Once the elevator arrived, the door slowly swung open on its own accord and Elora stepped inside, waiting for Talia to get in.

[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]...♜Thomas sighed as the girl disappeared, but he learned what her natural energy felt like in the short time he'd been near her, and from the feel of things she was still nearby, in the hospital. Knowing he was gonna need to give chase to her now Thomas created a magic barrier around the hospital then infused different various forms of mana into it to allow those without any powers to freely leave and enter it, it was just that those with powers had a few more restrictions, like being unable to leave via walking out or teleporting. Then once he was sure that was done Thomas casually walked into the hospital, now walking like a normal sixteen year old as he made his way to Lumina, almost sure she would have noticed the barrier. As Thomas turned a corner about two minutes after he walked in the hospital he spotted Lumina running around, but he was gonna have some fun before cornering her, so he raised his palm to face her before shooting mana at her wings and if she couldn't resist it, he truly didn't know if she could or not, her wings would spasm out to their full length, probably tearing through the shirt, and if they did everyone one here would freak out after seeing the reports of what the supers did to that school♜...

...♤Lumina had figured that she didn't have much time between her disappearence from outside and when he might find her again. After all, he somehow knew about her wings, and was scarily insistent upon her coming with him, so she needed to find Kenji, and fast. There was a lot of people around, and if he said he was going to expose her like he said, now would be possibly one of the worst times. Lumina was about to exit through some doors toward what looked like a familiar part of the hospital when she suddenly felt something strange. Something with her wings. Her eyes widened as she felt the muscles contract, spreading her wings outward from her body with a lot more force than she was used to. It actually hurt quite a bit, from how sudden and forceful it was, and she found herself struggling to stay standing. A sound of pain coming from her elicited a reaction from the nearby doctors and nurses, but they stopped dead in their tracks when they saw a pair of flame-colored wings coming from her back. Lumina slowly looked around and saw their expressions; some of horror, some of intrigue... but most were just scared. Her wings trembled on her back from the pain, which hadn't quite subsided yet, but also from fear herself. She had never been looked at like this before. Like... like she was some kind of monster. She backed up a step, but the shock of her wings extending was still affecting her body and her legs hadn't regained their strength yet, so she tripped and fell backwards, landing on her butt in an awkward fashion. As Lumina's eyes met everyone else's, who she noticed were on high alert for some reason, she eventually saw Thomas among the crowd, and tried to crawl backwards on the floor away from him, finding it more difficult than she intended♤...

[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♝Masahi just wanted this to ease between them, and once this scare was over maybe then they could be at ease with one another, though it didn't make him think of what it would be like if they started a fa-... the thought was cut off by Kaori's grip on his hand, to him it seemed like he hadn't done enough to comfort her, but at the same time he couldn't think of why not, so he simply brushed it off as himself try to put himself down. Truly he was just relieved that she was still okay with having him near her, before they had both clarified their feelings being around Kaori had gone from the risk of constantly being flustered, or scramble minded to being calm and at ease. After Kaori spoke and took the box Masahi simply nodded before talking, not really thinking on some of the words♝...
"Well, yeah, I sorta got them because we don't want the alternative any time soon."

...☆Kaori nodded, taking that as her cue to actually get up. She winced a bit as she moved her legs off the bed, but the feeling soon passed, and she got up and started making her way to the kitchen with the morning after pill box in hand. Kaori grabbed a cup, and stuck it under the faucet for a moment, letting it fill up with water, and once that was done she set the cup on the counter and set to opening up the box. Taking out the pill, she stuck it on the back of her tounge and sent it down her throat with a quick drink of water from the cup. She exhaled as she downed the rest of the liquid, setting it in the sink before making her way back to her room, where Masahi was. As she entered and made her way back to her bed she smiled, speaking as she sat back down next to him☆...

"Well, that's done. I guess now we wait?"
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♗Ayen chuckled as he looked at her, sure his people may be ever curious, but if Lilliana was with him they would have to back off. Noting that Lilliana quickly fixed her speaking problem Ayen simply smiled before making eloquent moves with the knife and fork in his hands, quickly and effortlessly cutting up his own food before poking his fork into some egg then sausage, parting his lips just enough for the food to enter his mouth without touching his lips Ayen gently closed his mouth around the fork, sliding it out of his mouth without the food attached anymore, his mouth still closed he chewed before swallowing, the whole time he kept a certain noble composure, his back straight, shoulders level and non-slouched, even the way he held his silverware was seemingly up to a nobles code. After a few more bites Ayen swallowed his food before speaking♗...
"Good, then you'll do your best to learn how to be a proper lady, right?"

...♧Lilliana watched in awe as she saw Ayen eat so... so gracefully. How did he do that? It looked so effortless and fluid and... fancy. So, Lilliana tried copying him, for once. She sat up straighter, almost too straight, trying to hold her fork and knife like he was, though she was fumbling with the silverware trying to hold them correctly. Watching him take a bite, she did her best to emulate how he did it, but she ended up looking weird trying to stick the food in her mouth without it touching her lips. She wasn't sure how he did it so she was opening her mouth too wide, not thinking that there could be any other way to do it. Lilliana then made sure her mouth stayed closed as she chewed, which was a lot easier than she had thought, and before she knew it she had swallowed it nice and easily. She was going to continue to watch him, but instead of taking a bite he spoke, asking if she would be a proper lady. Well, she wasn't sure if she could do that, but if it meant she could go with him to his homeland, and if meant he wouldn't be mad at her, she'd do anything. So, Lilliana nodded, speaking as she did so♧...

"Well I can try, yeah!"
Roman said:
Takashi nodded, and gave the menu a quick glance, "Well... Yeah. It's been a long time, and I feel you deserve a nice time out, so I'll try and provide that. Besides, the woman in a man's life deserves the best from her man." He told her, smiling lightly. "So, whenever you want or need something, don't hesitate to ask me... I'll get it." Takashi said, looking up at her again.
...₪Violetta looked over at Takashi as he spoke, smiling softly. Sure she most likely could get whatever she wanted by herself, but sometimes it was nice to have someone else who cared enough that they'd do it themselves. He was sweet to her, in a way that nobody else was. She wondered if it was because she never actually allowed anyone to be. So the fact that she even let him in enough to where he could do that, this boy was something special. Smiling still, Violetta responded, wondering when the waitress was going to come because she wanted her red wine₪...

"That's very kind of you. I will keep that in mind. The same goes for you, yknow."
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...⊗It wasn't long until Kanon regained her senses, and it was then that she was being grabbed by the men that snuck up behind them. Now, Kanon was strong, but not strong enough to effectively kick off few trained soldiers who had her in their grasp. Especially not right after she was coming off the effects of being half-tased. So as much as she was kicking and screaming to try and get them off of her, it didn't seem to work. Soon Kanon was tied down in the transport, and with a terrified expression she looked up at the men who definitely had less than moral intentions with her. After their mother passed, Kanon vowed to be strong for Yumi, to never cry so that Yumi didn't have to force herself to do so. But right now, seeing and feeling these men's hands on her, her eyes started to fill with tears, and her protests were weak and pleading⊗...

"N-no, please... A-achilles..."
...♒Elyse chuckled softly at Kili's declaration of defeat, kissing him back as he kissed her. It was strange to see him be less than proficient at something, but also humbling, reminding her that no matter who you are, you're not perfect. Even if you are a bewitchingly handsome demon lord who in her eyes could never have any faults. But hey, that was her opinion. Reaching the fridge she opened it, leaning in to inspect the food inside. As she did she spoke, looking around at the ingredient options♒...

"So did you still want eggs and sausage? Or did you want me to make something else?"
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Kikuri smiled and slowly uncoiled from around her and smiled more

''so what do you wanna do now? wanna grab some lunch?''
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Mika giggled as she sat in her mothers lap with the gun floating above her hands as it took its self apart then started to put its self back together. "We have plenty of food and stuff. And mama is really kind." She said happily to cassandra

''well...kind when it comes to friends of my family members. i do get a bit of hostile when dealing with my enemies. especially the rogue supernaturals and humans causing havoc on Earth..''

...♱She said as she was seemingly happy still with a smile. But she did mean it in an angered way inside♱...
HimeragiSeiker said:
''well...kind when it comes to friends of my family members. i do get a bit of hostile when dealing with my enemies. especially the rogue supernaturals and humans causing havoc on Earth..''
...♱She said as she was seemingly happy still with a smile. But she did mean it in an angered way inside♱...

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