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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

SoulofTobi said:
((no! Tobi is Batman!!))
(( ;-; Y U gotta crush my dreams... ))
Lumina said:
((Dude... like its my booty on the line and I'm not even mad...))
(Wow ._. I'm not sure I like this thread anymore)


[QUOTE="Amanda Rose]She watched him happily.

Nero took off his shirt and stretched
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( You are literally the only one taking this seriously. )))

(Yeah well maybe it's wrong for me to care for my friends I'm sorry that I didn't know that)
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira laughed lightly and replied as he began walking forwards, the civilians around them bowing and offering confectioneries towards him and the group♅...
“ Don't worry, they're all pretty weak~ These are just the civilians~ When we pass through here, we should come to the main square, which is where the other Sanctums are, along with the church, and the shops~ ”

Ayen sighed "really Akira, i want to have a talk with you later..." he said as he followed him, trying to make a connection to the nature he but was getting a lot of resistance.

[QUOTE="Amanda Rose]She stared, blushing.

Nero took off his pants before getting under the covers
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira laughed lightly and replied as he began walking forwards, the civilians around them bowing and offering confectioneries towards him and the group♅...
“ Don't worry, they're all pretty weak~ These are just the civilians~ When we pass through here, we should come to the main square, which is where the other Sanctums are, along with the church, and the shops~ ”

Asuka and Celia just followed behind him. "Told you you didn't have to worry about that..." She whispered. "You said no such thing, you dirty liar." Celia whispered back.
Roman said:
(( I'll leave Reiji there because I wanna keep Roman as active as possible ))
Roman nodded, "Thanks. I'll be going now, Reiji watch him and make sure he doesn't touch anything." Reiji nodded and saluted Roman, "Yes sir!" Roman then vanished.
Kiri stood up and looked around again This place is really nice
SoulofTobi said:
Ayen sighed "really Akira, i want to have a talk with you later..." he said as he followed him, trying to make a connection to the nature he but was getting a lot of resistance.
WeirdPrincess said:
Asuka and Celia just followed behind him. "Told you you didn't have to worry about that..." She whispered. "You said no such thing, you dirty liar." Celia whispered back.
...♅Akira smiled and continued walking, each time a civilian looked at Akira, they bowed. He paid no attention and continued walking, shortly before entering a large door way. Within the door way, there was civilians buying and selling goods, along with multiple powers that were twelve times stronger than the civilians combined. Akira spoke as he came to a gold coloured statue of himself. He pointed towards a large building which was down a large set of stairs♅...

“ It wasn't my idea, they built it. But anyway, this is the Euphoria's centre. You can buy literally anything from here~ Over there in that building is where the wedding will be taking place~ In the meantime, if you want to go sight seeing, go ahead~ Both myself and Asuka will have to prepare for our wedding, right?~ ”


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