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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

((@Roman knows whats gonna happen, once i can make a damn backstory....))


WeirdPrincess said:
Roman said:
Ken frowned a little, "I know I said we'll walk, but I have to do this just once." He said before they disappeared in a flurry of particles, appearing at the park. "Come on, let's go to his last known exact location."
Sakie nodded slowly and trudged along, "O-Okay..." She said and walked to where she thought he would be.
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]((anyone up for interacting?))

((I have characters free :3))
WeirdPrincess said:
Sakie nodded slowly and trudged along, "O-Okay..." She said and walked to where she thought he would be.
Ken followed behind. "I don't like this... He may have not been m- My friend, but he was your master, and I don't like seeing my friends like this." He said.
WeirdPrincess said:
"You can live with me then." Mizuki said with a grin. "I have another room in my apartment that's used as a spare bedroom. I can't have you live out on the streets."
It's kind of.....Whatever Thanks! Ten then stood up and stretched his hands I wanna get some sleep now..lets go
SoulofTobi said:
Roland smiled "but first, we should probably eat breakfast..." he said pecking her nose "that is, once we have motivation to get out of bed..." he said jokingly.
Dakota nodded "I'm really cosy though..." she said with a giggle as she shuffled a little where she lay.
Nonalaka said:
Dakota nodded "I'm really cosy though..." she said with a giggle as she shuffled a little where she lay.
Roland pressed against her "well, i can't say you're the only one~" he said playfully before pecking her nose.
Roman said:
Ken followed behind. "I don't like this... He may have not been m- My friend, but he was your master, and I don't like seeing my friends like this." He said.
Sakie remained quiet and just walked along. She tripped on a crack and fell to the ground, Sakie didn't make a move to get up. Her body felt numb and stared up at the sky. Someone suddenly appeared next to her and put a hand over her mouth before leaning down to whisper something in her ear. Sakie's gazed looked angry for a moment before it softened to a sad look, a tear ran down the side of her face.


The one holding Sakie vanished afterwards, but she made no move to get up. She just layed on the ground, staring off into space.


SoulofTobi said:
WeirdPrincess said:
Sakie remained quiet and just walked along. She tripped on a crack and fell to the ground, Sakie didn't make a move to get up. Her body felt numb and stared up at the sky. Someone suddenly appeared next to her and put a hand over her mouth before leaning down to whisper something in her ear. Sakie's gazed looked angry for a moment before it softened to a sad look, a tear ran down the side of her face.

The one holding Sakie vanished afterwards, but she made no move to get up. She just layed on the ground, staring off into space.


[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira laughed lightly and stopped eating, replying to her♅...
“ Sorry, I couldn't help it~ ”


...ΨKenji stumbled backwards lightly, bruised heavily. He was panting, staring at a figure. He spokeΨ...

“ You bastard! You should be dead! ”

...The male stepped forward, revealing himself to Kenji. It was Ragnarok. He smirked and aimed his palm towards Kenji, a large build-up of power soon occurring. He spoke...

“ Time to die.. ”

...♅Akira suddenly felt Ragnarok's presence, soon vanishing from the table and appearing infront of Ragnarok, slamming his foot into his chest, sending him backwards. He spoke♅...

“ How dare you show yourself and attack my little brother.. ”

...Ragnarok smirked and replied...

“ Asuka's alone now, isn't she? Maybe I'll pay her a visit.. ”

...♅Akira grit his teeth as a black aura began spreading from him.His hair grew longer and fell by his face. He spoke, his eyes turning blood red, showing his anger♅...

Never say her name again with that filthy mouth of yours..

...Ragnarok looked at Akira as he noticed the build up of a dark energy. He raised his eyebrows and spoke...

“ H-hey, don't do anything drast- ”

...♅A Black Dome suddenly formed around the area. Just then Akira increased the Gravity one hundred fold, causing Ragnarok to drop to his knees, almost being crushed by the Gravity. The Black Dome began heating up until it was like the inside of a massive Black Inferno Furnace. Just then Akira spoke♅...

“ Shi no kuroi dōmu... Hangeki suru...

...♅Black Coffins then began rising from the dirt, a clock tower soon manifesting within the dome. The hour hand went to Twelve O' Clock and the deep bells rang. At that moment, Akira rose his hand into the air and Dark-Matter began forming over the Dome in a few seconds. At this point, Akira had done all of the rituals to complete the attack. It was now time for Akira to use it. Akira maintained his angered facial expression as his Black Fire then began swirling around the Dome's interior shell, they then shot down from all directions towards Ragnarok. As this happened, Black Spikes came out from the ground and plunged into his legs, arms and his stomach and then bent around his thighs, arms and around his stomach, binding him to the ground. The Black Fire waves continued closing in on one side and Akira's Black Electricity closing in on the other. Then Akira made a massive Dark-Matter sword from the roof of the Black Dome, it then dropped and began falling towards Ragnarok's head. Akira spoke in his Demonic and devious tone♅...

Forbidden Sanctum Art: Yami no kūgeki kyanon...

...♅In that split second the Black Fire and Black Electricity made impact with Ragnarok, along with the sword, creating a massive explosion. Just then Akira smirked as the Dark-Matter began spiraling around him, he then disappeared and reappeared on top of the dome, outside. He then spoke as the Dark-Matter had surrounded Ragnarok from all directions. Just then Akira spoke♅...

Eimin No Chi...

...♅Black Coffins then materialized around Ragnarok as the Dark-Matter then surrounded the Black Coffin, The Black Coffin then began closing in on Ragnarok while more Black Spikes plunged through the Coffin and into him. The Black Coffin was then surrounded by Euphoric Chains. The dome then shrunk and formed around the Dark-Matter. Just then, Akira's Black Fire also surrounded the Black Dome along with his Black Electricity, they both then sunk through the Dome, then the Euphoric Chains, and finally the Dark-Matter, soon being absorbed by the Coffin. They then made impact with each other, exploding inside the Black Coffin. The Coffin would be unharmed by the explosion. The Dark-Matter merged with the Chains and then the Dome merged with the chains, making them indestructible. Akira spoke♅...

Saigo no maisō.

...♅The Black Coffin along with the newly merged Euphoric Chains, suddenly imploded. The Euphoric Spikes came down all over

the Black Coffin from all directions, crushing Ragnarok and also tearing him to pieces. The Black Coffin hybrid suddenly exploded, causing a large shock wave to occur. His existence from time had been eliminated. Akira looked up as chunks of Ragnarok's flesh began falling from the sky along with a rain of blood. Akira turned to Kenji and spoke, his blood red irises focusing on him♅...

“ The next time you get into a fight, I'm not gonna save you. ”


...ΨKenji leaned back as his wounds slowly healed, manifesting a new set of clothes around him. He spoke, laughing lightlyΨ...

“ Aha, I'm sorry~ ”


...♅Akira sighed lightly and replied♅...

“ Seriously.. How many times are you going to show off your clumsiness? ”


...♅Akira then began walking away, suddenly vanishing and appearing within the restaurant, his form returning to his previous one. He spoke, smiling lightly♅...

“ Sorry about that, Kenji got into some trouble that I had to bail him out of.. ”

...♅Akira then pulled a bowl of ramen towards him, soon picking up a couple of strands with his fork and placing it into his mouth, sucking the noodles down. He spoke as he did so, his mouth still full. He held chopsticks in his right hand and a fork in his left♅...

“ So good~ ”


Asuka had finished eating and was resting her head on the table again. "Don't talk with your mouth full mister." She scolded as her eyes glanced over at Akira before closing them.


SoulofTobi said:
WeirdPrincess said:
Sakie remained quiet and just walked along. She tripped on a crack and fell to the ground, Sakie didn't make a move to get up. Her body felt numb and stared up at the sky. Someone suddenly appeared next to her and put a hand over her mouth before leaning down to whisper something in her ear. Sakie's gazed looked angry for a moment before it softened to a sad look, a tear ran down the side of her face.

The one holding Sakie vanished afterwards, but she made no move to get up. She just layed on the ground, staring off into space.


Ken knelt down next to Sakie, putting a hand on her shoulder, "Hey, Sakie.... Is everything OK?" He asked in a worried tone. "I didn't see that guy until he was getting ready to leave. He didn't do anything did he?"
Lumina said:
Lumina looked down at her lap, not even having noticed her face was red. She was still hiding her burned hand.
"W-well, um, I guess it just..."

Her voice trailed off and got quiet.


It came out as a rushed whisper, and she clenched her hands in frustration, completely forgetting about the burns, and she winced, remembering them again.
"Wow.....that sucks." Ansom stifled a laugh before clearing his throat. "I mean....." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry....I am a bit insensitive."
Violetta soon sat up, reaching one arm upwards to stretch her shoulder. After a moment her arm fell back to her side, and she turned to look at Takeshi.

"So. We decided on a date, right? Where should we go?"

She tucked a strand of her pink hair behind her ear, smiling sweetly.



((Am I missing replies from anyone else?))
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( My quote is like my character replying to your character's quote xDD )))

((yo dawg, i heard you like quotes.....))

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