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Fantasy The Dread Wastes [IC]

"Mr. Wagne is the chief engineer aboard, he's already down in the engine room making preparations for departure." Dobbs explained, "He'll be the one to direct any questions to as well as accepting of any additional hands on deck. Send him on down and I'm sure he'll get to know all the ins and outs of how this whole thing works."

"A'ight. I'll make sure he gets down that way once everyone's aboard." responded Clyde, with a nod. He tipped his hat to the others still standing nearby, and gave a simple wave to the young navigator (who seemed to be an actual child), before motioning for his lot to follow as he moved towards the gangway leading up onto the deck. As he walked up the ramp, he noticed a few were hanging around the bulwark. Looking down at the group was still on the dock below.

Sokrovians. Most of the Sokrovians Clyde had met over the years always had a sort of arrogance about them, which they shared with those from Sokrovy's mother nation, Ruthenia. He never understood why they felt they were better, especially after reading through a few old newspapers and books on the state of things in Ruthenia itself. Maybe it was just about them having a harder life than most. He eyed the woman talking with the grizzled man from Lauhurn, with his entourage, before continuing up onto the deck. The rest of the Alleghanians followed, eventually dispersing as they reached the deck.

Some wandered off with the crates of dynamite and black powder charges, looking for the armory to store them in, while others began to move about and get used to the layout of the vessel itself. Meanwhile, Clyde simply stepped over and placed his hand on the railing. Doing much of the same as the Sokrovians nearby. He gave a simple nod to Rahmer as he moved back, before politely tipping his hat towards Kozlova.
Wolfgang Rahmer gave a short chuckle. "Naming a passage after the cartographer, huh? My daughter would love that. She’s just starting her studies at the academies—got an eager mind, always wanting to hear about her old man’s work." He paused briefly, glancing toward the horizon before adding, "It sounds like a plan. Don’t hesitate to track me down if you need anything."

Rahmer offered a small, fleeting smile, nodding to Kozlova and the other scientists before stepping back to explore the ship and take stock of the other new arrivals.

Kozlova gave a nod a similar reserved smile. "I hope she grows up to do great things," she replies.

Meanwhile, Clyde simply stepped over and placed his hand on the railing. Doing much of the same as the Sokrovians nearby. He gave a simple nod to Rahmer as he moved back, before politely tipping his hat towards Kozlova.

Kozlova simply stared back. "Hello, sir," she replied blankly.

Vasylenko, however, seemed to recognize the man. "Oh, Nadya, this is Mr. Carnall, of Alleghania, I believe. Yes?" he asks, looking to Clyde for confirmation. With an affirmative reaction, Vasylenko smiled. "I saw him mentioned in the newspapers yesterday when I read about our fellows. He's not with Mr. Fontaine."

"Oh," Kozlova replied mildly, as if slightly relieved. "Good day, Mr. Carnall. My name is Nadezhda Kozlova; I'm with the research contingent."
“Yes, chemist indeed. I’m certain you'll find such equipment near the infirmary. Doctor Lonstray is already there, setting up preparations for his own medical practice aboard."
I’m sure that’ll be jes fine. Never met ah shipboard dok thet I didn’t like. Jes be sure they doan kek around with my cargo.”

She gestured down at the cargo being unloaded from her rented cart, a considerable amount of chemicals labeled in her native tongue but adorned with enough international hazard symbols that the dockhands moved carefully, even if they didn’t speak the tongue.

Tapping her foot to a rhythm only she could hear, she turned on her heel to take in the scene unfolding. Sharing with an infirmary certainly made things difficult but she’d probably set up an isolab later on where she could attend to her private musings without the judgment she often found when working around surgeons. She could feel her face heating up as her heart picked up the pace. She’d need to eat soon or risk burning herself out for the next day or so.

She turned into the wind, the salty air chloridesodiumsulfatemagnesiumcalciumpotassium hit her face, cooling her off as she ran a hand along the top rail and was greeted to a rustic hat tip that instantly transported her back home to the veldt with its rough and tumble dangerous men of honor. Her face already flushed, she resisted the urge to curtesy. “Pleasure ser. “

The researcher then arrived, answering two questions immediately. A fellow scientist and that the man tipping his hat was indeed Allegheny.

Exotic bunch thes lot?” She interjected, introducing herself to both Carnall and Kozlova. “Don’t mind me though, jes enjoying the last bit of land we’ll see”

Infab Infab K0mori K0mori
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"Oh," Kozlova replied mildly, as if slightly relieved. "Good day, Mr. Carnall. My name is Nadezhda Kozlova; I'm with the research contingent."

"Pleasure to meet ya. You can call me Clyde, if ya like. Mister Carnall was my father's sorta thing." he responded, offering a smile. "I'm... probably gonna be stuck with the marines or any fancy scoutin' parties, but I'm mostly an explorer. Helped map out a good chunk of the Alleghanian frontier, like my daddy. Was also a sharpshooter, in my army days, so I brought my rifle and irons along ta help out if... well, somethin' needs shootin'."

He looked over, in the other direction, when the other woman quickly slipped in and spoke. The chemist, Miss de Wet.

Exotic bunch thes lot? Don’t mind me though, jes enjoying the last bit of land we’ll see.

"Oh, yeah. Folks from all over the place, 't seems. Word got out pretty far 'bout this trip." he responded, "And yeah, gonna miss home for a bit. But eh, we'll bring back a lot o' stuff, right? Maps, plenty of sketches and research, trinkets and do-dads... maybe even some o' those fancy 'photographs' or whatever they're called. Enlighten th' world a bit."
"Pleasure to meet ya. You can call me Clyde, if ya like. Mister Carnall was my father's sorta thing." he responded, offering a smile. "I'm... probably gonna be stuck with the marines or any fancy scoutin' parties, but I'm mostly an explorer. Helped map out a good chunk of the Alleghanian frontier, like my daddy. Was also a sharpshooter, in my army days, so I brought my rifle and irons along ta help out if... well, somethin' needs shootin'."

"Of course," Kozlova replied, dully. "Clyde it is."

Exotic bunch thes lot?” She interjected, introducing herself to both Carnall and Kozlova. “Don’t mind me though, jes enjoying the last bit of land we’ll see”

"Oh, yeah. Folks from all over the place, 't seems. Word got out pretty far 'bout this trip." he responded, "And yeah, gonna miss home for a bit. But eh, we'll bring back a lot o' stuff, right? Maps, plenty of sketches and research, trinkets and do-dads... maybe even some o' those fancy 'photographs' or whatever they're called. Enlighten th' world a bit."

The Sokrovians greeted a fellow scientist a bit more warmly than they did the mysterious frontiersman who preceded her. "Oh, you're the chemist we've heard so much about," Kozlova said. "We're eager to work with you; the chemistry of things is somewhat of a blind spot in our research team, and I'm certain that our explorations will yield plenty of materials which will need thorough examination at a more fundamental level than we're equipped to conduct."

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