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Fantasy The Dread Wastes [IC]


As the dock's gangway creaked under a newcomer's weight, Jean's hulking figure loomed near the Dawnbreaker's threshold. Jean dwarfs the men, women and bastards around them, casting a faint shadow upon the four women behind them carrying two heavy looking crates: Their contents clear to anyone with ears and an alcoholic streak...

You see Jean easily, two meters tall of what seems to be pure fat and muscle hidden behind a thick layer of leather and scales covering the monstrous human from head to toe. Their face hidden behind a protective mask with the only hint of their flesh being their wild mane of coily hair sprouting hapazardly from its confines. Their presence is commanding, the air around Jean thickening with anticipation from the curious eyes around them.

Jean took a single step on board, the floorboards ominously creaking as the quartermaster made a quick scan of the people around them: It looked like almost everyone was already there, or at least the most 'important' ones were. Though Jean did curiously tilt their head to the side at the sight of a child onboard...Ah whatever, they had worked with stranger people yet. Jean also came to the realization that they were in fact late. But that didn't matter, it just meant they could introduce themself once and be done with it. Jean's head turned towards Dobbs, and bowed their head as a silent greeting. Possibly the first and last time Jean will do something so quietly on board, subtlety wasn't something they were very fond of doing.

The hulk of a human let the large, heavy crate they were singlehandedly carrying drop unceremoniously on the ship's floorboards, if their unusual build didn't garner the attention of everyone present already, the sound of the crashing crate most probably did. Though this one didn't sound like there was booze like the other two, this one sounded like metallic bits. With a voice like thunder, Jean spoke ''Ah good, so it doesn't just LOOK solid, BAHAHA!!'' Jean let out a hearty laugh as their hand came slapping down onto one of the crate carrying women passing by. The woman stumbled, loosing her footing as the crate she was carrying with her partner started slipping out of her grasp. But before the precious alcohol crate fell, Jean easily caught it with one hand and held it while the two shorter women regained their footing. Jean nodded their approval before resting their hands on their hips, their frame taking up even more space than necessary.

''Listen, because I will not waste more time introducing myself...Greetings! I am Jean, and that is how you will refer to me. I will be your quartermaster for this expedition. Play nice, and if you are a good enough boygirl...you might get a reward from the non-essentials HAHA''

Jean's voice boomed across the deck as they heartily slapped the second booze filled crate, their contents cheekily clinking upon Jean's impact. Despite the protective mask covering every inch of their face and neck, some could decipher a wink in the quartermaster's tone.

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