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Fantasy The End Is Here. -[[ Zombie RP ]]-

Should I make the Infected Fast like they can Sprint or Slow so like they are Drunk.

  • Fast like they can Sprint

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Slow like they are Drunk

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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MADoranges said:
Akamaru heard a motor running somewhere near him. He was still tired from handling the zombies. Hopefully someone could help him. He walked towards the gas station he heard the motor sound come from. He started to hear voices and slowly aproached the building. He saw a group of people all talking and he put his hands in his pockets. To him this was a sign of peacefulness not being able to attack with your hands in your pockets. He walked up to them hoping they wouldn't just outright kill him.
Looking quickly around, Maxon easily noticed the man nonchalantly approaching him (MADoranges). He waved at him. "Hey there! Nice to see another person."
(@MADoranges Well I'm not sure if your char would be able to see Scarlet from there but I doubt he'd have seen Mifune crouching in the shadows...)

Mifune spots a man walking towards the gas station with his hands in his pockets, so he decides to creep back, closer to Scarlet, and he does so, waiting to see what he'd do, barely unseen by any prying eyes.
akamaru waved back at the person waving at him. He walked up to him and sighed. Either this guy was crazy and talking to himself or he was surrounded. Either one could be the right answer this guy seems crazy enough to talk to himself. But also most people aren't alone out in the open unless of course they're crazy.

"I'm not trying to die can you help me"
MADoranges said:
akamaru waved back at the person waving at him. He walked up to him and sighed. Either this guy was crazy and talking to himself or he was surrounded. Either one could be the right answer this guy seems crazy enough to talk to himself. But also most people aren't alone out in the open unless of course they're crazy.
"I'm not trying to die can you help me"
"Why, of course! Just gotta fill up my baby here." He pats his car for emphasis, and then sticks out his hand for a shake. "Names Maxon. I could sure use some help too."
Akamaru cautiously raised his hand to shake maxon's hand.

"Akamaru" he replied stoicly "call me A me name is too long"

He sat down on a sidewalk by the gas station.

"So umm... you crazy"
Scarlet watched the two carefully and looked to Mifune. She started to retreat not wanting to risk the interaction with the others. She had just partnered up with Mifune and didn't trust him yet and she wasn't about to bother with two more people that could pose as a potential threat. @The Arrival @Hazeron @MADoranges
MADoranges said:
Akamaru cautiously raised his hand to shake maxon's hand.
"Akamaru" he replied stoicly "call me A me name is too long"

He sat down on a sidewalk by the gas station.

"So umm... you crazy"
"Nice to meet 'ya A." He silently pumps the gas for a few seconds, before saying "I'm not crazy, by the way. Just haven't seen anyone since Albany."
Akamaru sighed not wanting to make a big deal. He heard maxon talking to someone and now him being crazy is out.

"Who were you talking to earlier"
MADoranges said:
Akamaru sighed not wanting to make a big deal. He heard maxon talking to someone and now him being crazy is out.
"Who were you talking to earlier"
"What are you talking about? The only person I've talked with in the past 3 months was you." He gazed at A, his expression confused.
Akamaru sighed again. This was troublesome to deal with. He must have heard someone else then. That's means there's someone around, most likely a very good hider.

"Nevermind" he said laying back into the sidewalk.
"ok come on then" he led alice to the med shop and searched around fo anything he could find. the place was practically cleared out except for some rubbing alchahol and some ather stuff that was either rottn or trashed. he came back to her and showed her the alchahol. "i gonna have to clean your wound and i can rip up an extra shirt of mine for a bandage. ok?"

Cities are huge that's for sure. Master barely told us about them and about modern stuff in general, but I have never thought that cities would be this huge. Buildings rose to the sky, and I needed a couple of days to get used to walking among such a big labyrinths. My only way of getting around was pay attention where the sun rose and set because the map I found in the outer rim of the city was pretty much useless to me. It showed the roads and showed the names of the roads, but it was not too often to find a sign that could tell me where I was. It has been a week already since I last gave a check on where I was. I knew from with direction I entered and I decided to travel to the middle of the city, hoping that I would find people.

On the first day, I made the mistake to set up my camp on the ground and as a result I found out that the streets wasn't as secure as I thought they were. A large group of people like creatures showed up not too far from me and they headed to my direction. As they got closer I could see that they are not normal humans. Seeing their rotten bodies, suddenly all the paintings on the walls mentioning dead made a sense. So the city is full with undeads. I packed my belongings back into my bag and decided to get out from their sight. From that day on, I have always been resting on the very tops of the buildings. The zombies did not seem to usually wander that high into buildings. During the second week, I was planning to find out how much I can stand up to them with my bare hands. Fortunately, I ran into around a dozen of these creatures in a shop where I entered to find some food and to replenish water supplies. I found out that they were quite slow, and had slow reflexes. They did not seem to feel pain as when I broke a leg or two of the closest one, it just crawled on to me. Next I was trying to find out their weak spot. Found it. If you crush their brain, or damage their spines in the right place they will stop "living".

There hasn't been a day when I would not think about my brothers and sisters. We all left in different directions just as Master wished us to do so. However, no matter how long I meditated on our missions I couldn't grasp its fundamentals. My daily routine was something like this: Waking up before sunrise, doing some morning exercise, and meditating. Have my breakfast while the sun completely rises. It is a really beautiful scene even in this messed up modern world. Then, as the lowest part of the sun emerges above the horizon, I pack my stuff into a small bag, and head out. If I find a horde of undeads I usually go around them and try not to end up fighting them. It wouldn't be a good thing to be in a heated battle and get surrounded. Around when the sun is at its highest, I usually have some rest and try looking around for food. After the small rest, go on towards the unknown. Trying to find a place to sleep as the sun sets.

A few day ago I found a camp. Almost no corpses, just a few who - according to my suggestions based on the clues - shot themselves into the head. I took a piece of cloth, to cover my nose and mouth and went in to find supplies and to investigate. There were too much dried blood for this many corpses. The others must have had been carried away, or turn undead. The bodies closer to the camp seemed to have bitten and scratched quite badly. However, the ones closer to the outer camp were a different story. It was logical to assume they were the guards on watch, but their injuries were different. Deeper cuts and not much sign of getting bitten. I guess they either got sneak attacked by other humans, or by a different type of undead. The latter is my bet as no injuries from guns were found.

In the end I found a bigger bag, and a hell of a supplies. Found weapons, food, ammunition, water, tools, medicine and every kind of things. I put into my new bag food for about two weeks, water for five day, the medicines, quite a bit of ammunition. I took all the guns, tools and some food that will be still edible after several weeks or perhaps even a couple of months later, put them into a chest, locked it and hid it very well. I also took my time to find where I was and have it marked on my map. I was still pretty much away from the central of the city.

It has been two days since then, and now it was time to dig around for supplies, not as if I was in need of anything really, but one can never know whet he'll find.

A medshop was just on the end of the street where I sat down to have some rest. I quickly decided to search that building but as I got closer I heard voices, coming out form there. I sneaked up to the window and as I peeked in through the lower corner of it, I saw two people. One of them seemed to be in not quite a top-notch condition, while the other seemed quite well armed. I was hoping that fight could be avoided.

"Um... Hello? People in the medshop!"

@Talon @BloodyAlice666
Silence; not exactly a good or bad thing, it is more eerie than anything. Silence either means no zombies in the area which is good, or no living humans which is not so good. Amber had been sitting against the flat wall for a good solid 10 minutes, her eyes focused straight ahead towards the door in front of her. Only one way in and one way out and she is ready for anything that comes through that door.

"Get up Ms. Gill. Get up" the girl mutters in a firm ordering voice. Her heart quickens in her chest, brows narrowed looking straight forward focused on that front door. Bending her knees with the bottom of her feet moving to slide against the floor she pushes her back firm against the wall as she lifts herself off the floor using only her legs. Her arms grip tight onto the rifle in her arms. Taking in a deep breath Amber moves forwards to the window. Once to the store window she takes her time to scan the street outside. All clear.

Quickly now, Amber moves from the window letting the gun fall to her side while it hands from the strap on her shoulder. She begins to savage the tiny market filling her backpack with new supplies. The place didn't hold much, just bottles and cans. Grabbing as much bottles of water as she can, she puts them in her bag making sure not to make it too heavy for her.

Taking in another deep breath and letting it out nice and slow, Amber leaves the store. Again, now on the open streets she lets her rifle hang by her side and instead reaches down to grab her pistol that is attached to her thigh. Holding the small gun in one hand, Amber walks down the street looking for anyone or rather, any thing that could be out there.
Alice was about to say okay when she heard a voice from the window and instinctive turned around and raised her sniper, oncell she saw that the voice wasn't from someone that looked injured or infected she lowered it slightly and sighed.
MADoranges said:
Akamaru sighed again. This was troublesome to deal with. He must have heard someone else then. That's means there's someone around, most likely a very good hider.
"Nevermind" he said laying back into the sidewalk.
Max tops off the external tanks on his car, and then says "Want to come with me? I'm holed up in a garage a few blocks away. Needs some work done, but it could be the start of something big."
Talon quickly droppd downand pulled out his AK47U. he turned to alice. "keep your aim on him, if he tries nyhing shoot him in the leg so he cant run ill see whats up." Talon got up and started to sloly wak towards the strange man. "what do you want. we arent looking for trouble so if your peaceful then great but if your looking for touble il give you troube."
The two instantly aimed their weapons towards my sound. It seemed that they were not people who would hesitate, but it all made sense. To survive in this city, they must have got used to these kind of situations. As I took another I asked them:

"What are you doing here? One of you injured?"

I was hoping that they came here not just to do the usual searching but because they needed something from the medstore. I had quite an amount of medicines in my bag and if I were able to get some information out from them then I would gladly exchange it to some medicines.

@Talon @BloodyAlice666
"we're fine. what do you need?" Talon still didnt completely trust him. you dont survive an apocalypse by trusting people.
"I would just like to have a bit of a conversation. You know it's a bit rare to meet people you can chat with. Perhaps I could even have something you may be happy to have. What do you say? Will you leave me alive if I get in there next you you?"
Talon eyed him carefully. "alright. im Talon and thats Alice. cmon then." he said as he turned to walk back to the med shop.
Talon heard a car start just around the corner. "Quick get inside we cant let them see us they could be dangerous." once they were inside talon went over to alice and knelt down to examine her wound(its in the shoulder rigt?¿?¿) "alright lets get this cleaned up. it will probably sting so just clench your teeth or bite something and try not to make any noise. we dont want to atract any unwanted attention... alright ready?"

@BloodyAlice666 @YangYin
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I heard the noise of the car too so quickly went inside. To my surprise the second member of this small group was a girl. She seemed to be injured.

"What happened?" I asked pointing at the injured shoulder.
"dont know. saved her from a bunch of zombies. she was almost overcome by them. she already had the wound."

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