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Fantasy The End Is Here. -[[ Zombie RP ]]-

Should I make the Infected Fast like they can Sprint or Slow so like they are Drunk.

  • Fast like they can Sprint

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Slow like they are Drunk

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Scarlet studied him carefully, "And of what benefit would it be to me if I did?" The brunette questioned carefully as she took a seat at the table keeping her weapon in hand. @The Arrival
Mifune thought for a moment. "I'm quick with a sword," he said. "Also, I know a good amount of medical information and procedures, natural and synthetic medicines and such, and my senses are sharp. Not much else," he says, still standing at the door.
The brunette sat there for a while carefully considering the idea before she spoke, "Fine. But that doesn't mean this arrangement will be permanent, or that I trust you, or that we are friends. We simply work together." She finally put away her weapon and stood kicking his back to him. "How are you on supplies? If you are low we will need to make another run to get you stocked for the time being." @The Arrival
Scarlet sighed and slipped her pack back on, "Then lets go." She replied and slipped her goggles back on over her eyes. @The Arrival
Akamaru sat up to the sound of people talking outside his house. He tried to listen in but ther were too far to hear. He sighed having his sleep ruined so easily was annoying. Akamaru got up from his bed and walked out of his shack and stretched the sleep away. He seemed to have over slept a little more than usual and sighed. They would be mad at him for this and most likely make him do more work. Slowly he started walking towards the food pantry in the colony with his hands in his pockets and head down. After a few minutes he arrived at the pantry and before he knew it he was catching a broom in his hands. He saw the keepee of the pantry standing with her hands crossed over her chest. He sighed... again.
"Scarlet. Or Scar. You?" She asked closing the door behind them as they left. She took the same path as before being sure to check every corner and crevice an infected or anyone else could be hiding. @The Arrival
Alice shoved bsck the infected and went to stab it when the other latched onto her as well, the the one she had just shoved piled on top. Alice groaned and put in all the effort she could to keep them from biting her
She carefully led the way back through town and once again found herself waiting in the alley. She watched and waited biding her time. Once she felt it was clear she made a break for it turning the corner and entering the store through the window she broke earlier. She turned to Mifune and spoke in a hushed tone, "Take what you need and what you can carry, I'll make sure the store is still clear." And with that she was off checking each isle and behind the counters. @The Arrival
(oh! Sorry @Talon I forgot to reply and got distracted)

Witch held up her arm and grabbed the gun, jerking it out of his hands she let him hit her with a machete grunting a bit for effect then she chuckled " Are you serious... I'm infected that doesn't hurt, but you do own me a shirt now " she pulled her googles down and adjusted her hat before she kicked him again across the roof so his machete would come out
(OOC: thats ok)

Hops up and wipes blood away from his mouth…

"Damn that hurts…time to finnish this!¡!¡"

Rns at her with other sword slicing extremely fast.

Witch just watched him before she jumped up and floors over him, landing behind him with her back to him she hook her arms around his and leaned forwards pulling him off the ground she held him there like piggy back ride only they where back to back
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Witch dropped him with a little gasp pulling away she shook her head hard her human personality coming back she said " I don't like killing people " she held her arms in near her chest holding her claws together
Maxon slowly opened his eyes, before lifting his head from his makeshift pillow. Yawning lightly, he got up from the floor, taking a peek at his car. As expected, it was in perfect condition, and no one had touched it overnight. He grunted, and then said to himself "Chain must have done it's work." He took a few minutes to stretch and do some light exercise, before he checked his garage's defenses. He had found it a few days ago, and had decided to make it his base of operations in this city. He had already made some light fortifications to defend the access points, and he had one last thing to deal with before he made it more livable. He made a quick breakfast (an MRE he picked up from a crashed military transport a few days ago) and sat down at one of the workbenches. He spared a quick glance at a corkboard a few feet away, and saw the picture on it; him and dozens of smiling people, all standing in front of a makeshift wall (and his car, of course). It seemed like forever that he left that town; adventure called to him, and he knew that there were more places to be rebuilt. Such is life. He put on his goggles, gloves, and duster, before putting on his signature skull bandanna over his mouth. Splatter protection; stray blood from a zombie will infect you just as much as a bite.

He had found a perfect place for his task: the fenced off alley behind the garage. The fence had holes large enough for him, and he was able to make a spear out of some wooden planks. He raised his tools of trade, and started to shout "IT'S GARBAGE DAY!"

*Clang clang clang clang* The pans quickly began to attract zombies, who crowded at the fence at the end of the alley. The dumb creatures grasped at the fence in vain, trying to get through. Hefting up his makeshift spear, he began to kill the crowded zombies one by one, with precise stabs through the eyes. He would prefer to just shoot them, but it was a waste of ammo with them trapped like this. As the corpses began to pile up, he smiled.

One step closer to another safe spot.
"humph…" Talon got up and gathered his things. "Well then…

you let me leave i don't hunt you?"
"Thanks..." Mifune murmured, but she was already checking the aisles. He walked along and looked for anything not rotten. He finds a cloth grocery bag and nods. He gets a bottle of lotion, that with the earliest spoiling date that he can find so it would be rotten, and a container of Germ-X. He walks around and gets a few cans of fruit that hadn't been taken, since it was hidden behind other things, and wasn't rotted. "I'm done," he says, since he can't find anything else worth it. He slings the bag's handle over his shoulder.

@Scarlet Fires

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