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Fantasy The End Is Here. -[[ Zombie RP ]]-

Should I make the Infected Fast like they can Sprint or Slow so like they are Drunk.

  • Fast like they can Sprint

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Slow like they are Drunk

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"Oh well.. This was expected." He said and smiled again as he took the bullets but not to the head. He moved carefully so that it hit his body. He fell from the impact onto the ground and kept his eyes in one position so that he looked like he was dead. "Just kidding." He laughed psychotically and stood up. With a quickened pace he lept off the ground and headed towards the person with his eyes shinning brighter then ever. When he was in reaching range he tried to grab at the gun he fired at him with. "Better stand down before I rip you to shreds." The night made his smile look crimson red like it had blood all around it.
Witch didn't want to kill this guy but being infected and all she didn't have a choice, she hated being called absolve and snarled " Don't call me that! " she snapped and added " My name is Witch, use it "
"Prepare to die?" He repeated with more of a question. He really did not know what he was up against. "Ok.. First of all there is two of us who share similar powers and Humanity. Which mean we are an upgraded version of your average zombie." He said with his red eyes flickering in the darkness. "You don't seem to realise the power we hold."
" Oh ya why don't you just chat but your victims first, but I did say don't say that sonic your going to attempt to kill us then at least be nice " Witch said and sighed
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again," talon said looking over at the male zombie but still keeping a wary eye on the female. "youre zombies so you die and ill die trying to kill you, dont care if you a fucking demon..." (p.s. are we aloud to swear or no?¿?¿)

@wolfborn4 @TheDeathGod
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The sound of bullets being fired filled the night air. The loud shots were bound to bring zombies and if she heard it that clearly, they'll be coming in her area. Quickly the rifle lifts up, pressed against her arm. Alerted and ready Amber keeps a eye out for movement. It is dark out and she is alone, not a good combo. "I need to get off the street" she mutters under her breath. Amber finds it is good to talk out loud at times; helps the girl not become insane. When you haven't interacted with another human being or anything in that matter but rotted walking flesh, one might start picking up weird quirks.

Eyes wide and alert, hands gripping onto the rifle Amber silently continues down the street seeking shelter. At this point any place will be good just so she is out of the open and covered for the night. Amber continues on, seeing a lot of the buildings with the doors swung open. She doesn't trust those ones, if the door is already open a zombie would easily wonder inside without showing any signs of them being there. Finally Amber notices a store with the door closed. A tiny thing but it will have to do for now. Rushing over Amber grips the handle, slowly turning it and pulls the door open thankful it wasn't locked. She steps inside, gun lifted as she takes a quick scan of the room. It is just a small store, one that looks to just sell bottles and smokes. Closing the door behind her, making her not to make a sound she moves in checking behind the counter and displays. Once every where is checked and cleared she lets out a light thankfull sigh and leans against the far wall, opposite of the door.
-[[ Yes swearing is allowed. Just don't put loads of swear words into one sentence unless your Character is extremely angry. ]]-

"Then stop talking and start shooting.. Or are you to scared." He grinned whilst taunting him. He did not have to ready himself for an attack because even though he looked calmed he always kept his guard up. Even in the happiest of situations he knew something could go wrong at the click of a finger. "You're just another corpse to my throne of bodies. Ehehe."
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Jesika said:
The sound of bullets being fired filled the night air. The loud shots were bound to bring zombies and if she heard it that clearly, they'll be coming in her area. Quickly the rifle lifts up, pressed against her arm. Alerted and ready Amber keeps a eye out for movement. It is dark out and she is alone, not a good combo. "I need to get off the street" she mutters under her breath. Amber finds it is good to talk out loud at times; helps the girl not become insane. When you haven't interacted with another human being or anything in that matter but rotted walking flesh, one might start picking up weird quirks.
Eyes wide and alert, hands gripping onto the rifle Amber silently continues down the street seeking shelter. At this point any place will be good just so she is out of the open and covered for the night. Amber continues on, seeing a lot of the buildings with the doors swung open. She doesn't trust those ones, if the door is already open a zombie would easily wonder inside without showing any signs of them being there. Finally Amber notices a store with the door closed. A tiny thing but it will have to do for now. Rushing over Amber grips the handle, slowly turning it and pulls the door open thankful it wasn't locked. She steps inside, gun lifted as she takes a quick scan of the room. It is just a small store, one that looks to just sell bottles and smokes. Closing the door behind her, making her not to make a sound she moves in checking behind the counter and displays. Once every where is checked and cleared she lets out a light thankfull sigh and leans against the far wall, opposite of the door.

TheDeathGod said:
-[[ Yes swearing is allowed. Just don't put loads of swear words into one sentence unless you Character is extremely angry. ]]-
"Then stop talking and start shooting.. Or are you to scared." He grinned whilst taunting him. He did not have to ready himself for an attack because even though he looked calmed he always kept his guard up. Even in the happiest of situations he knew something could go wrong at the click of a finger. "You're just another corpse to my throne of bodies. Ehehe."
btw ithose bullet shots are from me i might have forgotosay i have silencers...
Witch was starting to get pissed at this guy calling her a zombie, she growled and rushed forwards ducking she rolled and came up behind him kicking him forwards " quit saying that! " she snapped
Witch pulled back and spun around dodging his attack " I'm not absolve I'm like a... Special infected, the others you can call zombies but not me " she tripped him
Talon jumped up and pulled out his AK74U, "so youve retained some of yor humanity?" he aimed the barrel straight at her chest.

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" if you call humanity, knowing my entire last, I can speak and kick you as.... Than ya I've still got my humanity " Witch said as she got more rolled up at the fight, she ignored his gun and in a quick motion she slice of the barrel of his gun
Mifune flinches at the sound of an assault rifle (Is that correct? I'm guessing..). "Which idiot is going off and doing that?! Stay here," he tells Alice, scared for her wounds if she went charging into battle. He dabs a little bit more lotion on to make the smell more powerful, then slips into the shadows and silently races across the city, looking for the idiot who done that. He quickly saw a man and a special undead, brawling, so he went back to where Alice stood. "It's just some idiot with a big gun and being attacked by one of those intelligent undead," he reports. "Do you need me to help you with your shoulder? That looks pretty bad."
Alice shook her head. "I said I'm fine...look Im not really a people person...I've seen some terrible stuff happen and...done some terrible things...I've experienced what people do first hand and I can tell you this, the infected are not the main enemy anymore...I fly solo because I'm tired of seeing people die...I, I understand you trying to help but I'll just get you killed..." Alice stated, she pulled the riffle onto her shoulder and winced before starting to walk off, she pulled her hood over her head and pulled up the black scarf to cover up everything but her Emerald eyes
[QUOTE="The Arrival]Mifune flinches at the sound of an assault rifle (Is that correct? I'm guessing..). "Which idiot is going off and doing that?! Stay here," he tells Alice, scared for her wounds if she went charging into battle. He dabs a little bit more lotion on to make the smell more powerful, then slips into the shadows and silently races across the city, looking for the idiot who done that. He quickly saw a man and a special undead, brawling, so he went back to where Alice stood. "It's just some idiot with a big gun and being attacked by one of those intelligent undead," he reports. "Do you need me to help you with your shoulder? That looks pretty bad."

[/QUOTE]an AK74U which is a smaller machine gunbit bigger then an uzi id say
Talon said:
an AK74U which is a smaller machine gunbit bigger then an uzi id say
(Ok, thanks)

Mifune sputtered for a moment. "You're crazy," he managed to say. "You're going to keep wearing away your shoulder, literally, until you hit something vital. Bandage it yourself or let me do it." Mifune bit his lip before he made her mad, or something. He caught up to Alice. "Look," he said. "I get that you want to be alone, but you're going to get yourself killed, by zombies or-" He stopped himself before he stated the unmentionable. Or a human. He'd seen many times where people went insane or joined some cult and captured people, tortured them, killed them, decapitated a few of their semi-vital limbs, and other things that haunted his life, but also made him more determined. "Or a special undead," he finishes lamely. "You can't hold out forever. You're going to need more bullets, always. Or more anything that you just can't get yourself. You need someone else with you, and I don't care who it is, as long as you two can trust each other and work together. Ok?"


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