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Fantasy The Elements Collide (Positions Closed For Now)


Jack's Apple flew out of his hands. Someone had bumped into him. For a moment, he reached out longingly after the apple. It was a nice apple. But it was too late. The apple hit the ground and exploded.

The girl who bumped into him had been saying something, but he hadn't really been listening. He only caught the tail end of it: "Would you ever forgive this innocent young lady?"

Maybe today was still a good day, after all. He was fine with losing an apple to this chance meeting, even if it was a very nice apple. She seemed like a nice girl, after all.

Jack smiled welcomingly. "Hi." he said, "My name is Jack." and he offered her a hand to shake. "You owe me an apple." he said, with the warm, happy tone he was known for.
Tyson Baraka

"As your punishment..." he dropped his robe it being automatically picked up by a servant. thn another servant ran over with a velvet pillow and Murik placed his crown onto it "...you will be my sparring partner so i can practice a little earth bending. "

"Eh?" Tyson questioned, sweat dropping. He wasn't expecting that one. That didn't seem like much of a punishment considering they sparred frequently.

"I wont be holding back this time Tyson, that will be your punishment," Murik informed.

Tyson smirked. Well that explained that.

"Sure," Tyson responded, running his hand through his hair.

With that, the Earth Elemental began to take his stance. His body began to be enshrouded by a golden aura. Said aura seemed to be like a flame burning off Tyson's skin.

"Prepare yourself," Tyson said.

Holding his arm high above him, he waited as his arm was turned completely into stone. He then began to point his fist to Murik, opening his fist. Immediately, shards of stone began to shoot out at Murik.​

Oceania blinked once, then looked at Jack in disbelief. Seriously, he's gonna make her buy him an apple? 'That sounds so childish' Oceana thought to herself. Nonethless she still smiled brightly and took his hand and shook it, "Hello Jack! My name is erm, Pearl!" she lied professionally. Of course, only a fool would tell their enemies their real name while on a spying mission.

Oceana looked around for a fruit stall something, when her eyes found one she smiled and winked at Jack and told him to wait a minute. She proceeded to the said store and talked to the vendor to distract him while she steals an apple from the stand. She returned to Jack and handed him the red apple, "I must say I do really apologize for wasting your apple earlier so here is it! This is my payment for the lost one before." she bowed again elegantly as she beamed up at the boy.


The girl gave a surprisingly firm handshake and said her name was Pearl. Jack had never met someone called Pearl before. It was an interesting name. It seemed that he was right about her being a nice girl, because she actually went to replace his apple. Jack wasn't expecting that. He wasn't sure if he even still wanted that apple. Well, too late now. It would be rude to say no. But something was off about her. She stole the apple. Now, this could mean any number of things. She could just be too poor to pay for an apple. Or maybe she doesn't see anything wrong with stealing.

Jack crept over to the stall, and stood behind her, then lent forwards slightly and said, too quietly for the shopkeeper to hear, "aren't you supposed to pay for those?"

(sleepy post warning.)
Areena nodded, a knowing smile on her face. "Of course, my King. I will make haste at once to fulfill your task. Farewell, for now." Areena looked up from her bow, eyes glistening with determination. She excused herself, preparing for the journey to the boundary. Outside of the walls, Areena took small pleasures in imagining what would life be like as a child again. The kingdom has known great grief, but even through that grief miracles were born: children. They run around with carefree smiles and wonder struck eyes, wondering what life was like outside of the kingdom. Into the fields...beyond the boundary. Have they been taught to think that far? To explore the depths of their wildest imagination? Areena often wondered at which point she stopped imagining, and started thinking rationally.

To work for the great king meant doing good deeds. Yes, good deeds are the things that make a kingdom prosper...

The fields were quite strenuous on foot, Areena was offered a horse but preferred walking. This way, she could explore at her leisure. The entrance to the underground city was always a sight to see. Stepping foot inside the boundary, the young aid scanned her surroundings, walking toward the giant boulder in front of the entrance. There, she would be meeting the man with a passion for gold. He mustn't be kept waiting, that was for certain.
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Oceana sent the boy a simple grin as she clicked her tongue and wiggled her fingers in front of him, "Apparently, the vendor is my father's friend! So I'm allowed to get whatever I want from him." she explained and lied again at Jack. She already paid him back, now what else does he need? The last thing Oceana need is a guy scolding her for stealing a simple apple. Stealing is one of her favorite hobbies after all. She always does it in the Evil Kingdom.

"Now, will you good sir tell me if there's anything interesting going on in here? You see, I'm from the boundary and I'm striving to become a famous erm, journalist." Oceana lied once more as her bubbly face brightened up the air. Now is a good time to gain some information.

The King stood and awaited the shards to reach him and King balled his hand into a fist and ever shard that got to him busted into dust around him. Murik stood for a minute and cracked his neck and he raised both his hands up and the dust from the shards that flew at him rose too. Murik swung his hands to the side and the dust dispersed making the area cloudy using this to his advantage Murik boosted himself towards Tyson using the ground under him to push him foward with every step. As he neared Tyson, Murik jumped using some of the dust and compacting it and forming a hammer swinging it towards Tyson's ribs.

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Ash was taking yet another drink when Adwen mentioned going to see the king. She froze in the middle of drinking, and looked wide-eyed over the rim of her mug at the other female. She sat her mug down on the bar and said,

"You mean you'd willingly go to the castle?" Ash tried to avoid Murik and the castle as much as posssible. So she couldn't understand why Adwen would go there on purpose.

"I don't think that's a very sane, or safe, idea."

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Jack thought that was odd. He visited that stall every day, to get an apple. He thought he was quite good friends with the owner, but never had he heard of this friend that was close enough for him to outright give away his apples - he's way too in need for money for that. Well, he could always be wrong. Besides, bringing something like that up now would be beyond his style. He'd just pay the owner tomorrow, as compensation, if he had to. This girl was far more interesting.

"Well," Jack said, "at the moment, the most interesting thing is you." and he bit into the apple. He hid a grimace. The apple was bitter.
Aden took a sip of her drink then chuckled, "I was just kidding. I'd never go to see the king unless I am summoned." She ordered another drink and finished it quickly. She pulled her hood up and smiled at Ash, "I think I'll leave first, if I don't then this bar will go empty." She smiled knowing that she could drink all night with Ash but she didn't feel like drinking. "Thanks for the drink Ash," she grinned then walked out of the bar. The street outside looks exactly the was it was before she went in, apart from the fact that there are more people now, than before. She pulled her hod down further then walked down the street.

"Sure thing," Ash said as Adwen got up and left. She watched her leave until the door closed, then she slowly turned back to the bar. The bartender had brought her another drink, but she just stared down at the amber colored liquid. There was a tension in the air. She couldn't explain it, but everyone could feel it. The bar was quieter than usual, and wasn't nearly as full as it should have been. People spoke in whispers, and hushed when strangers were near. It was unnerving. Something big was going to happen. She had no idea what it was, but it wasn't anything good.

Ash downed her drink in one gulp, and slammed the mug on the bar.

"Damnit," she muttered, and tossed enough gold on the counter to cover her tab. She quickly ran out the door, and glanced up and down the street before spying the hood she was looking for.

"Adwen!" she called as she ran after the girl.

"Adwen, wait up!"

A little boy ran into her and apologised to her quickly. She smiled and told him that it was okay then watched as the boy ran past her. Aden continued walking down the street. When she heard someone called out her name she stopped walking then turned around and saw that it was Ash. "Eh?" she tilted her head in confusion as to why Ash had called her, "I didn't forget anything, right?" Maybe she just want to tell me something, she thought to her self, or maybe not. She ignored the thought then moved away from the middle of the street to the side so people can walk through. She stood and wait for Ash to reach her before saying anything.

Ash quickly caught up to Adwen, and stopped before her.

"You didn't forget anything," she replied, "but you were right. We do need to go up to the castle. Now, I know what I just said about it, but we need to find out what's going on. This quiet tension has everyone on edge, and I don't trust it." A few people cast them some looks as they walked by, and Ash lowered her voice.

"Whatever the king's planning, we need to know about it. You know how dangerous he can be, and it's up to us Elemental Masters to make sure he doesn't destroy our kingdom. Now, I'm going up there to speak with Murik, and I'm inviting you come with me. It's up to you though." Ash looked down at her fellow element user, and waited for her response.

Adwen sighed, "oh thank goodness." She thought for a moment about going to see Murk, the king, then smiled at Ash, " I thought you'd never ask." Of course she knew how dangerous the king could be, but she didn't care, as long as she do as he command, there's nothing to worry about, at least that's what she hope. She nodded her head, "I'll go." She haven't seen the king for awhile, so this might be a good chance to see him. She started walking, "let's go then?"

Oceana looked at the boy for a moment with a blank expression before smiling widely again. She brushed a stray lock of her hair to the side as her eyes sparkled with innocence, "Why thank you. I am flattered to be called interesting by you, good sir." she said. But the thing is, she don't need such words right now. She needs useable information for the evil king to use.

"I sure am flattered. So you don't have any interesting things going on right now in this kingdom?" she asked again just to be sure. Maybe he can get this Jack guy spit out some info.

Tyson Baraka

Tyson looked on as Murik easily destroyed his stone shards, making them nothing more than mere dust. Using these dust particles to his advantage, Murik was able to create a dense dust cloud, distorting Tyson's ability to see him. It didn't matter much, though, since the Evil King immediately lunged at Tyson. The king's speed was fantastic, as it seemed the moment his foot left the ground, he had already appeared in front of Tyson.

If Tyson were any ordinary elemental, he would not have been able to foresee, or even defend from the incoming attack. However, such was not the case. Anticipating Murik's speed, Tyson had already turned his skin rock-hard, his natural defensive measure. As Murik began to form a hammer made up of the dust particles from Tyson's previous attack, Tyson had thrown up both arms to his side, protecting himself from the impact. Nonetheless, Murik had hit him with force, causing Tyson to lose his footing, as the Earth Manipulator was sent flying.

Being quite agile, Tyson was able to regain composure midair, flipping backwards to land on his feet. Putting his left hand on his right shoulder, Tyson began to roll his right arm, effectively flexing his shoulder. He looked calm, obviously showing he was a veteran of battle. Flashing a grin at Murik, Tyson decided it was time to take things up a notch. There was a reason Murik was the king. His mastery of two elements made him one of the two strongest elemental manipulators in the known world. Despite that, Tyson would only admit to a single person being his equal when it came to Earth Manipulation.

Not allowing himself to slip into memories of better times, Tyson stayed focus on his sparring session. Murik had hired him because of Tyson's knowledge of the Earth element, knowledge that had been passed down to him by his mentor, Vitor, widely regarded as one of the greatest Earth Manipulators to ever grace the world. It was time Tyson demonstrated exactly what he was able to do.

That's when it began to happen. Every time the young man would start to get serious, his eyes would began to glow with a golden radiance. The energy inside him was swelling up, ready to be released. His golden aura began to increase in intensity.

"Alright boss, here I go!" Tyson shouted energetically. He shot towards his king in a golden blur, darting around the room in a show of tremendous speed. Finally, after his little exhibition, he appeared above Murik. Clasping both hands together to form a fist, he brought down his arms like a hammer. The impact of such an attack was sure to crush the ground beneath him, as he wasn't expecting Murik to allow himself to be hit.

Jack was taken aback. This girl was persistent. Well, at least that gave him a reason to keep talking a bit longer. There's nothing wrong with curiosity, after all. Besides, this was a fate meeting that he wasn't going to let pass by easily.

"You know," Jack began, "I was just looking for something interesting before I bumped into you." he paused briefly, taking a bite of the apple, having forgotten its bitter taste. He kept smiling, but swallowed it quickly. He made a mental note to not eat any more of the apple. "Maybe you could join me, seeing as you're searching for something interesting too." he offered, and gave her another welcoming grin.
As Tyson started to glow an even wider grin grew on Muriks face. Tyson moved with amazing speed but the king didnt move an inch. He closed his eyes and using the not settled dust in the air, he felt it vibrate as Tyson appeared above him. As long as the field was engulfed in the stone dust Murik had an advantage he could feel every movement Tyson made, but the dust was going to settle sooner or later.

Calmly raising the hand with the hammer in the air the hammer shattered and the shards covered Muriks arm. As Tyson fist impacted with The Kings arm a loud bomb like noise errupted through the castle and could most likely be heard in the city. The impact had caused a 3 foot crack below Murik. Murik grimaced as the blow managed to also break the earth covering his arm. Not wasting anymore time Murik grabbed Tysons armed while he was still airborne And swung him towards a wall with full force


Yes! This is what Oceana was looking for. She won't let this chance or opportunity slipped through her hands. She smiled again and nodded her head,​

"Why yes! I would be delighted to join you. Maybe we can meet some good soldiers on the way, yes?"

she said as a reply. Oh the things she does for their so said evil kingdom and mostly for fun.

"Would you please lead the way then?"

she elegantly bowed once more as she looked at Jack and his apple. She wondered what's so good about apples? Not that it matters anyways. She just silently hoped she won't fail this mission because failure is t in her dictionary.


Ash fell into step besides Adwen as they made their way along the cobblestone streets to the castle. It wasn't long before they reached the massive gates that lead into the courtyard. The gaurds, knowing exactly who they were, opened the gates with a bow. Ash didn't even offer them a glance as she walked quickly through the courtyard, and through the double doors that lead to the throne room. As soon as she placed a foot over the threshold, the earth shook and with such force that a few shining suits of armor fell to ground and scattered all over the room. But Ash wasn't fazed in the slightest. This was a common occurence, as it simply meant the king was practicing, again. Ash took advantage of this and strolled through the mess of a throne room, which was quickly being attended to by a few serveants, and only stopped when she reached the throne. She turned and unceremoniously flopped down into the ornate seat. She propped her legs up on the arm of the throne, and gave a smug smile to the serveants that cast her a nervous glance. She had done this pleanty of times before, and she knew it irked Murik, which is why she enjoyed it so. But honestly, she had no idea why he hadn't killed her yet. She chuckled slightly at the thought, and called out to Adwen,

"I think this throne suits me, don't you?"

@Ninja God

Jack tried not to smile too wide. In reality, he was ecstatic about this opportunity, but showing that would ruin it. He was going to like this girl.

And she's so polite and formal too! She actually bowed! Jack had never met anyone so... Good. Maybe that first apple was a sign! But then, maybe the second one was too... Speaking of which, the girl was looking at the apple. Maybe she noticed the disguised grimace? Or maybe, she was just curious?

"Want to try a bite?" he asked, holding out the unbeaten side if the apple towards the girl. He didn't even realise that the girl had been asking him a question.

"A bite, no, no, no. I fear that I might decline this offer. You see I am allergic to apples!" Oceans lied once again as she waved her hands in front of her chest in a declining manner. Heh, what if the guy put some sort of poison in that apple, she can't have that can she? And after all, only a stupid fool once more will accept such offer from an enemy. Speaking of enemy she wondered if ever this Jack guy is an element manipulator.

"I would love to include you in my erm, book. So would you please tell me what element day you manipulate?" she asked the boy in front of her politely with a small smile. As long as she gave the people her oh so innocent smile, everyone will believe her lies. And this boy is not an exception. 'He's so easy to fool.' Oceana thought to herself as she looked at Jack.

As they walked past the guards she smiled and acknowledged them then walked alongside Ash. After they entered the throne room Adwen watched as Ash went over to the throne and sat in it. Her eyes widen then looked around to see if Murik was nearby. She relaxed when she realised that he's probably out doing some practice or something. A smile appeared on her face then a small chuckle left her mouth. "Oh Ash, it does. Very very much," she said and stood just I front of Ash.

Adwen was about to say more things, but the sound of a loud bomb like noise interrupted her. "Earth magic?" She frowned.
Jack frowned slightly. Allergic to apples? That can't be right. She picked up the apple without any hesitation and without symptoms. Well, he didn't blame her for lying. It was a pretty bad apple.

Interesting. This girl knew about elementals. Either she knows more than she's letting on, or she's hiding something. Either way...

"See for yourself." Jack said, holding out the half-eaten apple away from Oceana. He was glad for the excuse to destroy the apple. Suddenly, the apple burst into flame, shrivelling and turning black as it burnt. He turned his hand, letting it fall to the floor, where it continued to smoldering away.


Oceania couldn't help but smirk to herself. So the guy in front of her is a fire user and she's a water manipulator. Too bad for him, water is the weakness of fire. "Ah! A fire manipulator am I right?" she smiled and said in an excited and happy tone. Surely this guy is some sort of good soldier or either a thief, but considering he didn't approve of her ways earlier contradicts the second option. So he's a good soldier huh?

"You're lucky to be able to control such beautiful flames." Oceania complimented the guy, it's half-truth anyways. Fires are always beautiful yet dangerous. It contradicts with her elect the water, a gentle and calm element but when enraged it's another story. She knew better than to tell the guy about her element, she's here to gain informations not give away informations.


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