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Fantasy The Elements Collide (Positions Closed For Now)


Jayce sat there, getting a little impatient. He decided to conjure up a little ball of shadow, tossing it back and forth between him and a wall of rock. Finally, the woman came. "What took you so damn long, woman? I wanted to bleed my eyes out, you were gone so long." Jayce crossed his arms, looking the other way with a "Hmph!", but then looked back. This was his employer, after all. If he wants the money, he better not mess up.

"Anyways, exactly what is it that you want me to do? Since you called for me, I'm sure you know of my specialties. Need me to steal? Eavesdrop? Murder? I can do all of those with ease and secrecy." He hopped off his horse, walking towards the woman. "Also! I require that I know my employer's name. Makes it a little friendlier, and I know who I can point to if I ever get caught, or get in serious trouble."

Jack smiled. Who wouldn't, after someone like that complimented your fire? However...

"Not the usual reaction I get." Jack said, still with his usual warmth, "Are you an elemental?"

After all, that was the only real explanation he could come up with for that reaction. Usually, people either run away or start worshipping him. Thankfully, no one else was around at the moment to have seen him, or that could have caused... Problems.

"Me?" Oceana gave out a gentle laugh and started waving her hands in front of her again in a declining manner. Who would tell an enemy about your elemental powers anyways? Plus, he will get more suspicious once she told him her power. "No, unfortunately I'm just your average normal journalist from the boundary kingdom nothing more, nothing less." the blue haired girl gave a small smile at Jack.


Jack was still doubtful. The chances of someone meeting an elemental as willing as he was to reveal themself were extremely low. Maybe she was just a really good journalist. She looked a little young for that, though. Maybe she was just lucky? Or maybe he was misinterpreting her actions. She did seem genuinely interested, after all. Yeah, that must be it.

"Fair enough." decided Jack, "Let's go then!" and he walked off, in no particular direction, expecting the girl to follow.
Areena, maintaining her righteous personality, smiled at the rogue in an almost polite and condescending way. Usually, her gentle nature came from the Good Kingdom, she was fair to all, but her distaste toward rogues was a bit questionable. Their loyalty, for one, was like a teeter-totter. However, she needed his services, after all. And she definitely couldn't fail the King. "I apologize for the wait...rogue." She bit out, a bit relieved from always having to be so formal. It got tiresome sometimes.

The bell ornament hanging around her sheath jingled with each step as she drew closer to the rogue, sword in hand. "You only need to eavesdrop, possibly inspect any treasury they may have...oh, and, investigate their troops. Figure out whom belongs to which element. Understand?" Trying to keep her tone respectful, Areena added, "As for my name...AR will do. Just don't get caught, and you won't find any troubles. Any questions?"

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"Yes let us depart!" Oceana nodded her head in agreement as she said as a reply cheerfully. She walked along side the man and followed wherever it was he's going. As they passed through several shops and stalls about fruits and etc, she can't help but wonder what's so different about this kingdom. The happy aura that surrounds it, the goodness of the people and their innocence? Or what?

"So where are we headed to I wonder?" she asked Jack with a small and polite smal. She just hoped silently that this time she might get some valuable information about this kingdom of theirs.

(Sorry for not replying. I must've looked over it.)

Alyssa sat at the edge of the marketplace, her shoes in her hands, just the way she mostly spent her days. It's been getting much more uneventful but she thought that it was just fine. After all, being normal would be good for a change. The sun wasn't really shining much so Alyssa didn't need her umbrella.

Being much of an introvert, Alyssa wasn't really sure what she was doing outside. Maybe she felt like the urge to. Standing up, the girl sighed before grinning briefly. A book was probably what she needed but she neglected the thought and instead, entered a little area she likes to call heaven. The town centre had a little fountain where Alyssa hangs out which usually meant playing with the water.

She sat close to the fountain, feeling much more relaxed. The marble was carved with maidens pouring water, a picture that Alyssa never tried to decrypt. Alyssa stared silently, a hand up, slowly moving side to side, waving at the little girl that adorably looked her way. "This is fun isn't it?" she mumbled under her breath. Then, the sun decided to give her a little tan, something she wouldn't enjoy. 'Bloody heat. Bloody sun.' she thought, keeping herself cool with the moist air.
Jack scratched the back of his head and said, "I don't know..." he thought about it for a moment, then decided on a direction. "How about that way?" he said, pointing down a street that led very gradually towards the centre of the city. "There's a bakery about fifteen minutes walk away over there that sells really nice cake." he explained. He wanted to find out more about this interesting girl, and good cake can make anyone ease up.

Murik was enjoying the combat as a guard came into the room. Quickly slamming his foot on the ground the earth below the guard softened and kind of melted beneath him. And the guard sunk with a panic look on his face but kept a calm stance, when the guard was halfway in the ground the earth around him hardened and Murik paced over to him with a mad expression. As the king neared the guard a spike grew from the ground pointing towards the right side of the guards head.

"Why are you interrupting my practice." Murik said in a menacing almost deadly tone.

'My king,... i came to inform you the ones ... Named...Ash and Adwen wish to have an audience .with you.' the guard was now sweating which could be seen even through the helmet.

Murik tensed up as the guard spoke there names. How dare they show there faces now, after all the times they were summoned before. "Tyson we will have to finish this later." snapping a finger three servants ran to Murik one placing his robe, one placing his crown back on and the other wiping off any trace of dust. This was all done while Murik walked towards the throne room leaving the guard in the ground. As he entered the throne room he stood as He saw several servants standing by looking nervous towards the Throne were Ash now sat.

One servant noticed the king and immediatly bowed, the other servants noticed him and did the same except one who hurriedly walked towards them. "My king we tried to warn them, but they wouldnt listen. Please forgive us." Murik waved off all the servants and they left the room. " Murik stood waiting for the Two to notice his presence



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Oceana's eyes glimmered when Jack said something about cakes. "Cakes? I would be delighted to! Why don't we pay this bakery a little visit then?" she smiled at the thought of sweets sorrounding them. Maybe she should steal some for herself or make the boy pay for it.

"Lead the way then!" she said enthusiastically, Oceana grabbed Jack's hand only to wince and let go. His hand was quite hot for her liking. "Oh my..." she said silently before flashing him a nervous smile. What if he founds out about her being a water manipulator, oh dear she can't have that. Not until he treats her a cake.

@TheJipan CAKEEEE! xD !​

Jack smiled warmly as Oceana said that she'd be delighted to get cake. You can't be evil and like cake. That just doesn't happen. Enthusiastically, she grabbed his hand. Her hand felt quite cold, but then, his were quite hot, so that's not too surprising. The girl winced and pulled away.

"Are you okay?" he asked, clearly concerned for Oceana's well-being. Then he felt kind of sad. Because of his power, he might not be able to hold anyone's hand without burning them. Unless... Maybe he could lower his temperature. Just maybe, if he concentrated... I mean, if he could raise to equal that of a fire and lower it again, surely he could lower it from what it is now, too.

Oceania noticed the bothered expression of Jack. She almost felt pity- but that's not allowed. Pitying your enemies isn't in her dictionary. "I am more than okay. My apologies, I'm just no that used with warm things- erm, yeah." she chuckled a bit. Hoping that the guy before her wont notice her little slip up and finally founds out about her true evil nature. Not until she gets the information...and the cake.

"Let's go?" she sent him a cheerful smile and grabbed his wrist, at least it's not that hot when compared to his palm and fingers. She silently wondered what her hands might have felt, considering she's a water elemenatlist and this guy is a fire one.

@TheJipan ((So sorry! I didn't noticed you've replied already! Or I forgot to reply? xD sorry again!))​
@Ravian (it's okay, I'm patient.)

Her hand was cold, Jack decided. He also decided that stopping her to try and cool down his hand would be more than a little awkward. Besides, this was okay, wasn't it? (I'm assuming Oceana is running, dragging Jack by the wrist) She was quite an assertive girl - or maybe that was just eagerness at the prospect of cake. Perhaps it was both? Either way, Jack was starting to like this girl - Oceana. He had to start using her name. She - Oceana - was quite a fast runner to, and had the gait of someone used to running around a lot. At the speed she's going, they'd get to the bakery in only 5 minutes or so.

(I wasn't sure what to write 0_0)
Connor sat back down on his throne after he sent Areena on her mission. But almost immediately, he stood back up and even began to pace back and forth. He still listened to what his poloticians, advisors, and brown nosers, there are always a few in a kingdom, but only with half an ear. That other king might be planning the same thing. But he had always been less subtle, more a punch you in the face man then a stab in the back. Well, that was a bit of a lie. Murik was capable of stabbing him in the back, he had nearly done just that in ages past. It was not safe to make assumptions based on the element(s) one wielded. And it was also unsafe to ponder about doing something. "Grab the best channalers that are nearby. I'm going out for a ride."

"Where to, sir?" one of the many people present in the room said. Simply looking at him, Connor replies "Why, to inspect the border garrison, of course."
Oceana could literally the smell of the sweets and cakes by now, as they entered the small bakery shop. Her mouth almost started watering, she bit her lips and looked mischievously at the vendor. A warning that she's about to do something mischievous and funny of course.

She rubbed both of her hands together, completely forgetting about Jack. Alright so should she just announce that this is a hold up or...ah wait, the elemental fire guy is here so she can't do that. She gave out a disappointed sigh, alright plan b- Jack should treat her for a cake. "My,my, my, quite a lovely shop!" she exclaimed and thankfully the owner heard her say that. It was a bubbly old man- the shop owner approached the two of them with a delighted smile.

"What would a young couple like?" the bubbly elderly said before winking at them. Oceans let it slide and shrugged it off, right now she has something better to do. Plan c, make this old man treat her a fee cake. She started chatting with him and complimented about his shop every now and then, saying that she's a frequent customer and journalist. "I would love to include your shop to my book!" she finally said with a clasp of her hands. "That would be lovely! Ohohoho, why don't the two of you have our best cake? No need to pay, it's free!" the bubbly owner said with a small chuckle before letting them sit on the nearest empty table.

@TheJipan ((Sorry again for late reply Dx!))
Jake just stood there, idly smiling as Oceana talked to the shop owner. She was so polite. So polite that the owner decided to treat her to free cake. He took this opportunity to make his presence known.

"Oh, I couldn't do that." Jack said, pulling two gold coins from the pouch hidden on his waist and offering them to the man, smiling warmly the whole time, "I insist on paying for my goods."

"Oh, it's you Jack!" the keeper said, recognising Jack - he was a loyal customer after all. He felt some shame at not noticing him sooner. "I know better than to argue with that!" he said in a friendly manner, "So what would you two like?"

"Well, Oceana?" Jack said, passing the decision to her, as he intended to all along, "What would you like?"

@Ravian (it's okay. I'm still patient.)
What is wrong with him? This is a rare chance! They get to be treated to a free cake and yet he's declining and paying instead- oh wait, that's right he's a good citizen. No wonder he's so kind.

"You're so kind! Hmm, the purple yam cake over there please." she said with a big true smile as they took a seat on the nearest table by the window. She looked at Jack and examined him, the guy is kind and a gentleman. She can use that as his weakness against him if ever they get into a fight.

Something seemed a little off about Oceana as they sat down waiting for the cake. It wasn't the smile - that was genuine. How could it be, when they were about to have cake? It took him a long moment to figure out what it was - it was her eyes. Despite the warm, genuine smile, he eyes were cold and judgmental, examining him. Something wasn't right here. He opened his mouth to say something, but the owner beat him to it, having appeared by the table with the cake.

"Here's the cake you asked for." he said, a practiced smile on his face as he anticipated the couple's response. "Is there anything else I can get you?" he asked. Jack had played him plenty over the price of the cake, after all.

"Oh, I'm fine, thank you." Jack said. His question would have to wait for a bit. "Do you want anything else, Oceana?"

Alyssa smelled something. She sniffed the air, but it was too faint or just faraway so she sharply inhale but soon regret it in a coughing fit. It was her asthma. She wasn't in much danger from the disease, it wasn't convenient or beneficial either. She knew she needed her honey thermos. That would be handy, but there was nothing natural for her to consume so she did the next best thing. She slowly calmed herself down and the attack passed. Fortunately or unfortunately, the smell was clearer now, it was from the bakery which meant: cake.

Personally, Alyssa prefers to have a parfait, but it's a cake. Who doesn't like a good, creamy cake? So she jumped off, putting on her shoes just so she doesn't have answer awkwardly about them and peeked into the room of pastries, bread and of course, cake. It was mostly empty, but a few people were seated, enjoying the delicacies. She examined the rows of exquisite baked cooking. None of the cakes really interest her but something else did. In the middle was a circular table with lemon tarts. 'No, tartlets.' she corrected herself. She took a few in her palm, subconsciously and unattractively drooling when someone walked over to her.

"Miss, can I help you?" he asked, smiling like the sweets, obviously a worker.

"Um, can I get some of these?" she replied, holding them up.

"Of course, I'll have them ready."

As Alyssa waited, she happily eyed the customers until one pair stood out which made her eyes narrow. They look old, well, the male does. He looks familiar too, but she couldn't quite put a finger on it. Their clashing hair of fiery ginger and blue made her wonder why they were together. It looks wrong... and weird. And why would someone has blue hair? But she didn't look at them for the oddness of nature. It was something else. She knew they might notice her as a stalker so she looked away, beaming at something random.
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Oceana snapped back in reality when Jack met her treacherous gaze and asked her what she would like to add, "Um, no I'm alright. Just water please." she shrugged lightly and smiled again- her usual fake kind smile.

Surely, Jack have caught the look in her eyes, he had that wondering face for quite a time now. Like he's wondering of who she really is, Oceana gave a sly smile before blinking and her face returned to that innocent one. "I can read your face you know. Do you want to get to know each other more?" she asked Jack as her smile was still securely plastered on her face.

She continued staring at him until her eyes saw a girl looking at them, is she a spy or something? Looking real suspicious. She raised an eyebrow at the white haired female, she silently hoped that the new girl will approach them. Oceana looked at Jack, "Excuse me for asking, but do you perharps know that girl?" she silently asked him before gesturing at the girl using her eyes.

Seeing as Oceana was for some reason not eagerly taking the first cut, Jack decided that he might as well start instead. He picked up the knife and cut off a fairly sized piece of the cake and put it in his mouth. The sweetness hit him like a could breeze on a hot summers day, and he involuntarily closed his eyes as he savoured the flavour.

Unfortunately, Oceana took this wonderful opportunity to ask him a question. He shot her a look that said, 'really?', given that his mouth was full. Given he didn't respond, she asked another question. Hurrying through the mouthful, he swallowed the cake.

"Not personally, no." he said, in answer to the second question. "Aren't you going to eat any cake?"


Oceana blinked at Jack before eying the cake again, she smiled sheepishly before rubbing the back of her neck. "Oh jeez, I'm being nosy again aren't I?" she joked before shrugging. "You know journalism runs through my blood." she lied, actually the truth is she doesn't even know what journalist does or what is she even saying. But what she does know is that Jack believes her every lie, at least that's what she thinks. But his glances that he sends her are sometimes...full of suspicion and as if he's examining her every move, maybe he found her out. But that wouldn't be possible.

Oceana stopped thinking before eating a small piece of her cake and smiling joyfully at the taste of it, "Delicious!" she said happily at Jack.​
Jack smiled back as Oceana grinned truthfully. Maybe he was wrong to suspect her. Then again, his intuition told him otherwise. There was definitely something off about that girl, he just couldn't place it. Well, might as well play along. It'll be more fun that way. Besides, he still wanted to know more about her. Suspicious or not, he was really warming to her.

"So, Oceana," he began, pausing slightly to make sure he still had her attention. You can never be sure enough that you did, as he had learned from experience. "What do you do for fun?"


Oceana was so deep into the cake that she forgot about Jack. And when he suddenly questioned her about the stuffs she does for fun she almost slipped, "Nothing really just going around parading my water-" the water manipulator said before pausing and looking around suspiciously. "water, my beloved Water! I have this cute cat named Water." she covered up with a lie quickly before clasping her hands altogether and smiling. She hoped that her simple smile could make Jack believe her every lies.

"I love cats!" she announced, half truth half lie.​
(Sorry! My bad! I meant to post... But j got distracted by a butterfly and closed the tab.)

Jack continued to smile his normal smile, making it a little brighter to accommodate for the heart-warming grin of Oceana. He was glad he chose to get her cake, even if all he got from it was that smile. Apparently, she liked cats too. She also seemed to like water. In fact, a lot of things about her were related to water - her name, her eyes, her cat's name, even her hair. It was either a very strange coincidence, or she was using some sort of cosmetic magic, or she was lying about something. Either way...

"You walk your cat?" Jack asked, struggling to hide his surprise and confusion, "That's... Interesting."


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