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Fantasy The Elements Collide (Positions Closed For Now)

Jack's face went dark. He had had some hope left, hope that he was just looking too deeply into this, but now she had crashed that hope with her last words.

"I'm an idiot." he said quietly, all warmth drained from his voice. "I should never have gotten my hopes up."

It was a shame, really. He was truly starting to like that girl. Oh well. It's over now.

"You know," he said, a small grin appearing on his face, but by no means a pleasant one, "I was starting to like you."

This girl had tricked him. Now that he knew the truth, it wasn't really that surprising that she would lie like that.

"I just have one last request." he said, lifting his head slightly to look at the girl, "Could we take this outside?"

@Ravian (( :o ))
"I agree." Oceana squinted her eyes at Jack before laughing, "You are an idiot." the girl pointed at him. So his hopes went up? For what reason exactly? Oceana couldn't help but wonder silently, for a mere second her wicked smile faltered and she looked puzzled. And what made everything worse was when Jack said he was starting to like her, her eyes widened, "Like?" she repeated that one word. His mind repeating it more than once like a forgotten chant, it confuses her so much. So somebody finally started to like her? And he completely stomped that chance...

But she shouldn't think like that. Jack liked her for her fake personality, now he had to deal with the real one. "Well too bad the Oceana you like is gone." she announced before tilting her head upwards and another orb of swirling water formed in the palm of her hands.

"Is that your final request?" friend

((Ah too much complex personality D:!!!)) @TheJipan
"Is that not what I just said?" Jack confirmed, that smile on his face turning into more of a sneer. This girl turned out to be just like the rest. They never understand him. They either run away or try to trick him. He really should have known better than to trust this one - she was just as bad as the rest. However, he couldn't help the way he felt. Even if this was how she truly was, he couldn't help feeling something for her, even if he could no longer place what it was that he felt. He wasn't angry. He just felt... empty. Despite all this, one small part of him still held on to the hope that she could be convinced to change her ways, to convince her that this side would be better for her than the other side. "We don't want these books to be lost now, do we?"

(...) @Ravian

Oceans clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes, "Don't worry, you won't have to worry about those books later, for you'd be dead." she snickered, underestimating the fire user quite well. For some reason that sneer plastered in his face irritates her, she feels like....nothing, but yet...

She concluded that that doesn't matter anymore,
"So you'd rather have civilians get hurt than get these books destroyed? My how...evil." she said the last part in a sing-song voice before pouting a bit. Either way, library or not Oceana's pretty determined to destroy Jack in hopes that the unknown feeling in the pit of her stomach would just disappear and go away. The water manipulator then threw the water orb in her palm to the library's window, breaking it in the process as she went outside by it.

"Tch." Jack muttered as Ocean broke the window. Well, at least it wasn't the books. Was wanting to protect the books really evil, as the girl had said? Sure, he was indeed putting civilians in danger, but civilians are relatively easy to protect from that sort of thing, whereas the books can't move by themselves and are, to be honest, invaluable. No, it was the right decision. Knowledge is power, as the old saying goes.

Not wanting Oceana to get much of a lead on him, he jumped through the window after her. Looking at the damage, her water was quite powerful. Not only had it broken the window, but it had also smoothed away the sill around it. At that moment, he doubted whether he could even beat this girl. Perhaps he should try to talk her out of it instead. That way he wouldn't have to hurt her. Either way, he had to take action now. She wasn't going to just stand there waiting - he wouldn't be surprised if she started attacking the civilians out of boredom if he took any longer.

He landed on the stone paving with a light thud. "I don't normally fight girls," he said, as he slowly rose back up to a standing position, "but I guess I can make an exception." Then, with sudden swiftness, he moved in to a rudimentary fighting stance. "Give me your best shot!" he shouted confidently to the girl, readying himself to counter whatever might come his way.

@Ravian (Suddenly longer post. I don't know why.)

Oceana landed on top of a random stall's roof with ease. People gasped and started looking at her just before

Jack followed, breaking another window while he's at it too. "My, my..." she gave out a small laugh of mockery, "I am truly honored to be exempted by that rule of yours." she shrugged afterwards before raising a questioning eyebrow towards his stance.

Nonetheless, she rotated her neck a bit, getting ready to fight Jack. She figured out that she should make this fight fast and easy, for if this little fight of theirs takes long enough for the other good kingdom warriors to appear and hunt her...that would be pretty troublesome and shameful.

"Best shot? I don't think you are worth my best shot, Jack." she chuckled distastefully, "But if you'd bother proving me wrong..." she squeezed both hands together and a water orb was formed again. She took a step back before releasing it towards Jack in an attempt for the orb to hit him.

Jack decided to try something new in this fight. Whilst Oceana gathered her water orb to attack him, he focused his power into one fist, creating a fiery aura around it as he did. If he got it hot enough, then the water would just turn to steam. That was the theory, at least.

"Everybody," Jack shouted calmly to the civilians in the street, "get away!"

He didn't need to tell them twice; the civilians all started to scramble away, scattering like sheep under attack from a wolf.

Then Oceana unleashed her attack. The orb of water shot through the air, glistening in the meager sunlight that was let into the street. It was at this moment that Jack drew his fist back quickly, then punched it. For a long moment, time seemed to slow to a halt, the water and his fist fighting for dominance. But it wasn't enough. Shock flashed across Jack's face as his fist was flung back, dragging him with it, followed by a wispy trail of steam.

With a loud thud, Jack slammed into the ground and skidded a few feet before stopping.

@Ravian (I'm assuming that it was a rather powerful attack)
Oceana laughed wickedly at Jack's misfortune, although the guy was currently on the ground, Oceana didn't dare to approach him or go anywhere near him. For what reason? Why that would be her biggest mistake of she ever did approach him. She was pretty bad with melee fights after all.

"Is that it? Is that all it takes to defeat a good kingdom soldier?" she ridiculed him, although deep inside her she knew better. There was no way the guy is just going to get defeated by a single blow.

Oceana raised her right arm, preparing for another attack. Water gathered around her arm, the blue element encircling around it as if it were snakes, crawling to the center of her palm. They once again formed another sphere-shaped water orb, channeling and creating enough water to form a more bigger orb than last time. Since there wasn't any bodies of water present, she can't drown him. So her plan was to send enough pressure and force to him, enough to send him flying to a random wall or ground and break his spine, bone or anything that might lead to the ending of this little battle of theirs.

But one question lingers at the back of her mind. Is this worth it?

@TheJipan((Thnaks for waiting \^_^/!))
With a pained wheeze, Jack pushed himself on to his front, landing with grunt. Judging from the pain in his chest, he seemed to have broken a couple of ribs. He hurt all over; a mixture of cuts and bruises from his less-than-graceful landing. Yet, despite all of this, he was hopeful. Whilst he hadn't stopped that attack, he was still fast enough to counter it, and better yet, his fire had boiled it. His hunch was right - all he had to do was make his fire strong enough, and her attacks would be useless. All he needed was time to stoke that fire.

"Why..." he wheezed, wincing from the pain in his chest as he spoke, "Why do you fight for them?"

Perhaps he could convince her to change her ways with his words. The least he could do was try. So what if his words come too late? It would at least buy him some time to build up those flames, and maybe she would hear his actions.

@Ravian (I'm back, baby!)
Hearing him, his voice definitely concluded that he was in pain. Oceana wasn't sure on what to feel right then. But she should feel pleased and satisfied and yet...something deep inside of her is...it was the same feeling whenever she remember what happened back then. That time when she...

"Why do you fight for them?"

Jack's pained voice snapped her back to reality. Why does she fight for them? Now that she thinks about it, she have always told others that it's because she's bored and she wants to be entertained. But she have always knew that- that isn't the only reason. She gritted her teeth and finally released the large ball of water in her hands, "Why the reason is simple. I'm merely bored." she smiled wickedly at the man down there.
Jack closed his eyes, and let his head lie on the ground. He didn't understand how, but he knew the girl was still lying to him - still hiding something. Maybe that secret would hold the key to her true feelings; to... to... well, he didn't really know what. Something better. Better than this habitual lying, better than this self-indulgent sadism. It couldn't only be boredom that held her there. Mere boredom doesn't make a person evil. But what does? Why does anyone on the other side do what they do? Do they think themselves to be just?

"I thought we were past the facade now." he said, praying that his hunch was right. He knew he would never be able to hurt her. As long as he still held that hope that there was something... some semblance of humanity underneath the thick veil of lies, he simply couldn't do it. If nothing else, he wanted to know the truth.

@Ravian (Is this... could it be... character development?!?!)
Seeing him lying on the ground, looking defeated was supposed to make her happy. Yet why is she irked up? She's irked up and that strange feeling is combined in it, like...she doesn't even know! "Facade?" she repeated his words, but her's were sharper than his in comparison.

"What facade? You mean the facade that your so-said good kingdom have?" she laughed again, if you'll listen to her laugh normally it would sound like her usual normal and sadistic laugh. But if you listen...listen deeper, bitterness are also mixed into it. "But of course, you don't have any idea what I'm talking about right?" all those years of bliss, happiness and being loved, all of it disappeared...in a single moment the thing she treasured the most was taken away from her. Nobody knows what she went through, nobody cared to....So Jack, why is he acting like he knows everything? Why does he keep on sticking his nose on her business? Why...

Why does he act like he cares for her?

@TheJipan (Badum tttsss! Maybeeee?)
Oh, this was a nostalgic feeling. It had been so long since someone had said he didn't understand. So long since someone assumed he didn't know pain. For a brief moment, a smile touched his face, brought about by the feeling. Blink and you'd have missed it.

"No." he said simply, drawing his words out a little bit so he could talk clearly through the pain, "No, I don't know your tragedy. Just like you don't know mine."

For a moment, there was silence as he drew breath for his next words, then he continued, "So tell me. Then maybe I can finally understand you."

Taking another painful breath, he brought his head to look at the girl. It seemed as if she was no different than when they first met. "And perhaps we could understand each other as well."

@Ravian (I'm supposed to be working right now. Eh, who cares, I'll probably have still done more work than everyone else.)
Oceana shivered for some reasons when Jack smiled out of no where, although she laughed afterwards when he started talking about his tragedy. "Your tragedy? Ha! Your tragedy was nothing compare to mine." she clenched her fists before a bitter laugh was released by her again.

"You wouldn't understand me Jack. Nobody can." she refused to let him catch a glimpse of the inside of her heart as she finally left her position and started approaching the guy. She knew that it was dangerous, but she also knew that the guy couldn't do anything now. That's right he can't do anything. "Why would you even try to understand me huh?" she questioned as she glared bitterly at him, "Why would you even care about my tragedy!?" she continued questioning the weakened man before her.

Nobody have ever cared before so why should he? If she wants, Oceana thinks she can probably end this fight of theirs right here, right now. But why....but why can't she do it? Why can't she kill this man? What makes him so different?
Even as the girl walked towards him, acting as though she would try to kill him, Jack did not move. It wasn't that he couldn't - his wounds might be painful, but he'd fought through worse. No, that wasn't it at all. He didn't know how or why, but he somehow knew - somehow felt - that she wouldn't kill him. Perhaps her voice had started to waver, perhaps her step had faltered, he simply didn't know. For all she was trying to deny it, he was getting through, and he could feel it. Perhaps there was something there between them, after all. He just needed a little longer.

"I used to think that too." he replied, "That no one could possibly understand me." he paused, taking a pained breath, playing it up a little in the hopes of triggering something in her, even if subconsciously, that might make her care. "And then I met you. We're more alike than you think, Oceana."

She had walked much closer to him, but he didn't care. He was confident that she wouldn't hurt him now, and even if she tried, he still had that.

"I care about your tragedy," he continued to answer, "because I care about you."

@Ravian (Hopefully not too mediocre a post)
((My kokoro...*Clenches heart.*.))

Her eyes widened and her mouth was left hanging as she continued searching for words to throw towards Jack. But her mind couldn't process anything except Jack's words. Oceania fixed her eyes on Jack, she was this near to him, she was this near to finish him off yet the man didn't even flinch or run away.

But when he proclaimed that he cares about her tragedy, that he cares about her, she felt memories from back then hitting her like the biggest waves . Back then when she trip and fell and hurt herself, her mother and father were there for her to pick her up and whisper soothing words to make her forget about the pain. Her family were the only that really cared for Oceana. And ever since that day they died, she have always felt alone. She believed that nobody will care forever, the evil king doesn't care, her subordinates doesn't care so why does a good kingdom warrior do?

  • giphy.gif

She felt the back of her eyes sting, "No we're not!" even so she kept on denying everything, "You don't! You're just messing with me!" she accused as she took a step back away from him.
@Ravian (it's time... for backstory!)

"There used to be a time when I couldn't smile." Jack said at last, lying back and closing his eyes in thought. Oceana was faltering from her position, he could see that clearly now. It was time to tell her his story - to push her those last few steps. "How could I, when there was nothing left for me?" he paused to gulp, the memory drying his throat out for tears. "My friends. My parents. My sister. All lost to the flames. I couldn't stop it. Couldn't save them." he opened his eyes again, turning to meet Oceana's, knowing that they were moist with tears, but not caring. "Those were my flames. I killed them. Everyone I loved."

Slowly, he closed his eyes again and brought his head back to meet the ground. A lone tear escaped and ran down his cheek. "For the longest time, I cared about nothing. About no one. I just wallowed in my own grief." the tear fell from his face, splashing loudly on the pavement in the silence surrounding it. "And then I learned to smile. The pain wouldn't leave me, but at least I could pretend."

"Eventually, that smile became genuinely. I could laugh again." he continued, bringing one hand shakily over to his chest, to rest on his heart, "But the pain is still here, even now. Tell me, is that so different from you? Are we so different as you claim we are?"

His eyes snapped back open, and he looked intensely at her again, staring straight into her eyes. "Stop lying, Oceana. The only person your'e fooling is yourself."
As she listened to his own tragedy, she couldn't fight her tears anymore. It just hit her like a bus, all this time....she thought that she was the only one suffering. All this time...she thought she was alone , that every pain was already in her. She thought that she was the only one. She thought nobody would ever understand this loneliness she feels but....that was what she thought.

Now? As Jack confessed that he was the one who killed his own love ones. That they died by his flames. She remained still yet her tears never stopped flowing, she clenched her fists. He learned how to smile to drown the pain. And Oceana learned how to use violence to hide her feelings- to use insanity to replace the pain and loneliness.

Yet the pain was still there. It never left. No matter how many people she hurt, how many lives she took it didn't even go away.

But maybe she was too insane already. Too insane already to even care about the pain. She chuckled, slowly and lowly at first but it grew louder in time. "There's a big difference Jack! You killed your family! My love ones were killed!" with every words she says, she takes another step towards the man. And as she stopped just right in front of him, she placed the palm of her hand on his cheek.

"And guess what?" she spat bitterly before the hands resting in his cheek travelled to his neck and grabbed him by the collar, "It was you people who killed them!!" she yelled as memories from back then came back.

((@TheJipan Oceana just won't give up! Haha xD !))
"Is that really so different?" Jack answered, wincing as he caught one of his broken ribs as he took a breath to continue, "We were both helpless."

It was no surprise to Jack that soldiers from his side were the cause of her tragedy - they were on opposite sides, after all. His hunch was right, too. Their tragedies were indeed similar.

"I won't try to justify their deaths." Jack said, fighting the urge to defend his nation's actions. Justified or not, it was still the cause of her tragedy, and he refused to be so heartless as to ignore that. "But wouldn't it be better if we had peace? If all the meaningless death and sacrifice would end?"

He coughed painfully, tiny flecks of blood splattering the pavement next to him. That pain he felt earlier must have been a rib cutting into his lung.

"You blame my country for the your tragedy, but is yours any better?" Jack reasoned, "In war, even the most noble of men must lower themselves to barbarians."

@Ravian (Not my best post...)
"Peace? We will never have the peace you're talking about until your country exists." she tightened the grip in his collar, lifting him up from the ground in the process, "Because we will keep on fighting until this- this kingdom is nothing but ashes. Until the kingdom that causes us never-ending demise is gone." she threw him on the ground as if he was just a sack of rice.

From the looks of it, his bones are already broken. It amuses her on how he can still talk like this, talk like she can't end his life right here, right now. Her eyes and lips twitched when he questioned whether her country is any better than his. She smirked, "I think you're getting this wrong. I don't really care that much about this two kingdom business. I'm here for personal reasons. I'm here to avenge my family." she confessed as she gritted her teeth at him.

((I'm babysitting my cousin so I'm sorry this is too short.))
Jack landed on the ground with a sickening crunch, skidding a few feet a long the stone paving before coming to a halt, sprawled out like a ragdoll. For a long moment, he lay there, chest rising and falling raggedly as he wheezed painfully. There was a thin trail of red behind him were he had slid.

He took a breath in preparation for his reply, but was struck by another sudden wave of pain as his ribs dug further into his lungs, causing him to cry out involuntarily, spitting up more blood as he did. That girl had a surprising amount of strength for her stature.

"You're wrong." he wheezed finally, taking another ragged breath before continuing, "It wasn't... my kingdom... that killed them." hid speech was broken up with small coughs and wheezes as a small pool of blood began to gather where his shattered ribs had torn through his skin. "It was the war."

Carefully, he brought one shaking hand over to meet the pavement. Straining, he pushed himself onto his back again. Doing so would cause blood to pool in his lungs, but it would also slow the bleeding due to the effects of gravity. It would also let her see his face - and him hers. "What are we... Even fighting for?" he questioned, stopped abruptly by a brief fit of coughing due to the blood starting to pool in his lungs. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, but he was in too much pain to try and wipe it away, which would have been an ultimately fruitless effort anyway. As he took another pained breath, the blood dripped from his face, splashing loudly on the pavement in the silence surrounding it. "It's just... an endless cycle... of pain... and tragedy..."

Darkness fought for his vision from the corners of his eyes. He was starting to feel sleepy, eyelids growing heavy... No! He can't fall unconscious now! He was so close. He couldn't afford to waste this moment... and certainly couldn't afford to die here.

@Ravian (So much for not being so good with the melee...)
Oceana's eyes kept still on Jack as he landed and struggled. She thought that he must be dying by now. But for him to survive with that condition....Oceana felt something deep inside of her arose, the same feeling that hinders her from taking Jack's life away. Was it guilt? Pity? Anger? It was none of that and yet Oceana doesn't have a single idea on what this feeling is. Does she care about Jack too? Why is she even feeling this feeling? Why is she even feeling anything in the first place?

He began speaking again, he said that it was the war who killed her family. "And who caused that war?" she countered back as she choked a sob. She watched the pool of red blood formed around his now-weak body. Oceana should just crush him right now and shut him up. But she can't. Why can't she?

Then he began moving, Oceana thought he was still going to fight back. Oceana laughed bitterly, whether he stood up now or just stay there- he doesn't have a chance. This was it for him. Maybe Oceana doesn't have to kill him right now, maybe she should just leave him there until he loses all his blood.

"What are we even fighting for?" he says but Oceana doesn't care about that right now as she's far too focus on this strange feeling and the fact why she can't kill him. She stared at her own hands before glancing back towards Jack as he coughed blood.

But again, his words never fails to hit Oceana, "Endless....cycle?" she repeated his words. That was true. The good kingdom and the bad kingdom both caused sufferings for each other, then the good kingdom killed her parents, then she kills some of their people too. Everything is so confusing! What....what is she even doing?

She stared at her hands again then to Jack. That man is losing his life by now. Her eyes widened as his eyes started to close, isn't this what she wants?

Oceana stood up and trudged her way to Jack, she summoned a big hand made up of water as she made it reach out to Jack and grab his body. Gently. The water sorrounded his figure as if soothing his wounds and pulling him away from the light. "Jack." she called out softly as if it'd keep him awake.

@TheJipan (Badum Tsss. I hope he don't die D;....)
For the longest time, there was silence, as if the air itself was holding it's breath in anticipation. Jack lay still, suspended in the air by the hand of water as his wounds continued to bleed. Suddenly, Jack's eyes snapped open and he broke into a coughing fit, blood spraying from his mouth as it left his lungs. Then it was quiet again, his chest slowly rising and falling shakily as he drew up the strength to answer.

"I'm still... here." he said, breaking the silence once again. His voice was barely a whisper. "I won't... leave you."

And with that, his eyes fell closed again. He was barely conscious, breathing pained and ragged. He was surviving by sheer willpower, but that could only go so far. Strong as his will was, it wouldn't stop him from bleeding out. Now his fate was truly in her hands.

@Ravian (I may have written myself into a bit of a corner here, hence the short post.)
Watching him struggle like this somehow pained Oceana. But why does it pain her? She was the one who did this to him. This is her doing. And this is what she wants right? Or this was what she wants. No matter how much she tries to deny it, she cares for the guy. But just one squeeze of her waters and he's gone. It's so easy yet it's so hard at the same time.

The water hand lowered Jack so she can see his face, Oceana cupped his cheeks, "I'm sorry." she muttered under her breath, just before her hand lowered towards his neck and she loosely wrapped her fingers around it. "Soldiers are coming, they will save you." she said as she heard heavy footsteps and the sound of metals. "As for me I can't be save." she finished just before a soldier yelled for her to not move, she withdrew her hands away from him and turned to face them, face looking blank.

"Save the man." she firmly said as her water lowered Jack softly to the ground right in front of the soldiers. She knew that they won't let her escape and if ever she tries she'd fail anyways. Maybe this was it....maybe this is her time....isn't it?

"I surrender." Oceana raised both arms up in the air, trying to fight back would be futile. Soldiers handcuffed her as she yielded and people started yelling and sending her glares. Oceana laughed at them.

[[Oceana would be in the dungeon next time(maybe being interrogated idk) and for Jack maybe the soldiers put him in a hospital or something idk. It's up to you?]]
(Interesting proposal... We shall see.)

Something starts to surround Jack. It feels almost... Soft. And yet, at the same time, he's falling. It's as if he's falling into a soft, warm bed, welcoming him to a well-earned night of rest after a hard day's work...

He hears noises. Footsteps. Shouting. He lands on the bed, and the darkness takes a hold on him, pulling him away from his worries... what were they again? An image of a girl briefly appears in his mind, then floats away into the darkness.

Suddenly, hands grab him, pulling him away. He faintly hears voices asking if he's alright. He didn't see any reason why he wouldn't be - he felt perfectly fine. He starts to tell them that he's okay, that he doesn't need their help, but his mouth won't move.

Confused, he opens his eyes.

Immediately, he is blinded by something, light coming from all around him. Feeling starts to return to his body. He felt... heat. His eyes started to adjust to the light and he started to piece things together.

There was fire all around him. The hands and voices belonged to soldiers, dragging his limp form away. This felt... familiar somehow. Like it had happened before. Something burned across his skin, which had been made sensitive by the fire.

They were... tears? But why?

He felt cold night air against his back. He was leaving the fire. As he did, the source of the fire started to come into view. He had been in a burning building.

After a long moment, he realised that he recognised the building through the fire.

It was his house. His house was burning. The soldiers were pushing against his back, urging him to try and stand.

Suddenly, reality rushed up to meet him. Coming out of the shock, he bolted forwards.

His family was still in there.

He tried to run back in, tried to save them, but the soldiers held him back.

"Let me go!" he shouted, struggling against their grip, but he was far too weak to break out of their firm grip. "Mum! Dad!" he called out, arm reached out towards the inferno that was once his home. Even as he watched, it started to collapse. It happened slowly at first, the roof crumbling in piece by piece, then it started to speed up, the walls falling in as the structure fell apart.

He stopped struggling, body growing limp once again.

"No..." he sobbed softly, tears flowing freely now. "No..." he repeated. He couldn't believe it. It couldn't be true. There's no way they could be dead.

He saw something move out of the rubble. A piece of wood jutted out of the remains of his home. No, it wasn't wood. Wood didn't shake like that. Wood didn't burn like that. Wood didn't fall apart like that.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" he screamed, emptying his lungs of breath as he sat up.

He winced as his ribs suddenly stabbed him with pain.

"A-are you okay?" came a voice from beside him.

As he turned to look, he realised that he was no longer there. The voice had come from a woman who must have been watching over him. Judging by her age and response, she must be new here. He was sitting in a rather bland room, lying on a soft bed in the middle that had a chair set next to it that the woman must have been sat in before standing up.

He brought a hand to his head, which hurt quite considerably. It had been a while since that had haunted him.

"Excuse me?" the woman said politely, trying to get his attention.

"I know, I know," he replied, waving a hand at her, as if wiping her words away, "I should lie back down and rest to let my wounds recover."

"N-no..." the woman said, taken aback by his response, "I was just wondering what you shouted about..."

"I said that out loud, did I?" he asked, bemused, even though he already knowing the answer, "Just a bad dream. Nothing more, nothing less."

"I... I see." the woman said nervously.

"So who are you?" he asked, bringing his habitual warm smile back up from the depths in which it slept.

"M-my name is B-B-Beatrice." the woman said, continuing to awkwardly stand there. "Healer-in-training."

"I see." he said, and dropped himself back onto the bed. "How long was I out for?"

"O-o-out?" the woman asked, confused by his question.

"Unconscious. Asleep." he said, "How long have I been lying here?"

"About... three weeks?" the woman replied, and suddenly sat down, realising that she had been stood the whole time. "I'm sorry, I don't know exactly."

"Right..." Jack said passively. The memories of what had happened had begun to flow back to him. He had been in a fight and beaten up.... by a girl... another elemental... from the other empire, if he remembered correctly.

Wait, Oceane! What happened to her?!?

"Where's Oceane?!" he shouted, sitting up suddenly.

"I'm sorry, I don't know who this... Oceane... is..." Beatrice replied, panicked by his sudden shouting.

"She's the girl - the elemental - who was with me." he said, suddenly incredibly concerned.

"Hold on, I think that rings a bell..." she said, thinking about it, "If you mean the spy from the other side... the soldiers caught her. She surrendered, apparently."

"Where is she?!?!" he shouted, grabbing her and causing her to cry out in surprise.

"The dungeons... I think." the woman replied.

Jack threw the sheets off and jumped out of the bed, breaking into a run for the door, the woman's cries to stop lost behind him as he did.

He had to save her! If they knew who she is... they would execute her for sure!

@Ravian (Oops... I just... splooged. Oh dear, my words have just spilled everywhere. I'm ever so sorry.)

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