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Fantasy The Elements Collide (Positions Closed For Now)

Oh dang, Oceana messed up. Who would walk their cat, ugh she's really stupid isn't she? "Huh, why yes. Apparently sometimes she acts like a dog. And boy is he tr- I mean she troublesome. There's this one time where she jumped on a fountain and played." she began again, covering her lies with new lies. Aren't cats even afraid of the water?

"Water is...unique." she just shrugged and stuffed her mouth with the cake. At least she should enjoy the cake before she gets find out and a fight arises from the two of them.

As Oceana spoke, Jake started to believe her less and less. She was being uncharacteristically sloppy with her speech, and she was talking about a lot of strange things. I mean, a cat that likes to get wet? Come on!

"You don't really have a cat, do you?" Jack asked skeptically, "Is there something you're hiding, Oceana?"

As he spoke, his smile stayed, but his eyes started to grow colder, and yet somehow more fiery at the same time.


(are you making her act out of character to drive the plot? That's like storytelling 101 - never do that!)

((I would say she isn't out of character. What's going on inside her mind is the true Oceana I might say. She always acts like she's another person in front of others especially someone like Jack, she have to be extra careful around him. So when she messes up from time to time she gets nervous and would desperately cover up her lies. I might say it's just her. The true her. She really have issues, personality, trust and other issues like that. A quite complex character.))

Oceana looked at Jack's eyes, completely coming to a halt with her cake. His eyes...it's quite different now. Did he perhaps find out about her true nature? Was she acting so suspicious? As anxiety hit her, she forgot to reply. "Apologies!" she clapped her hands together and bowed her head slightly while smiling sheepishly. Times like this are the best times to not let her guard down. She shouldn't fuel the fire of suspicion Jack is already having.

"I...perhaps I'm not trustable." she spoke slowly and weakly, "...But, I just want some friends." she continued before giving out a loud sigh, her feelings getting ahead of her. Friends? As if... Friends will just stab you behind your back. Oceana glared at the plate as if she's trying to create a hole in it, "Ah, sorry. I must be bothering you." she regained her composure and smiled innocently again. That's right, just like years ago, friends aren't trustable, you shouldn't trust anyone. But yourself.

'So, stop looking at me like that.' Oceana thought to herself as she eyed Jack, 'You knows nothing about me.'.

(I was actually referring to the mistakes she was making - if she does this all the time, she shouldn't be making mistakes so easily.)

Oceana panicked at his skepticisms, and it wasn't a pretty sight. Jack felt guilty for causing this. He didn't like seeing her like this. Perhaps if he changed the subject or something...

"Oh no, not at all!" he said, closing his eyes and bringing his usually warmth back to his face. He paused as he took another small bite of cake, so it didn't look like he was rushing the conversation on. Then he gestured at Oceana loosely with his spoon, and asked in a friendly manner, "So what do your really do for fun, Oceana?"

((Ah I see, so that's what you're referring to. Exactly her reaction, she does this all the time and rarely makes mistakes. That's why she reacted so nervously. She's not used on messing up.))

"Well, writing does pleases me when I have free time." Oceana smiled again when she realized that Jack's smile was on again. Well, she was close. She shrugged as she took a small portion of her cake again, "As the fine people have said in the boundary, it's good for killing time." she beamed up once more.

"What about you?" Oceana questioned him back. Aha, a good opportunity to learn about this fire guy. Surely this time, she can get something useful. She hope. Well, unless this guy does boring stuff for fun and doesn't get in touch with the kingdom or the king at all. Then he would be pretty useless for her after all.
(fair enough)

Jack hadn't heard of many people who wrote much. Writing is a rather expensive task - you have to get ink, paper and a good topic to write about. Then you have to do research and that sort of thing... And then there's the time it takes to actually do the writing, giving you less time to work for a steady pay, which was meager enough as it is without restricting it more. Perhaps she came from a rich family or something... But in the outskirts? Perhaps her father was a retired merchant, living off his accumulated wealth? It didn't really matter that much, he supposed. Writing isn't a bad hobby - just an unusual one. As for his hobbies...

"Oh, where to begin..." he said, half excited to be talking about himself, half nervous about how she would judge him, "I have many hobbies. I gamble occasionally, I play a few pranks every now and again, I often go to see plays and concerts and occasionally put on some performances of my own..." he trailed off a little, momentarily losing track of his list, only to find it again a moment later, "I enjoy fireworks, I go on frequent walks, and I like to have nice food..." he trailed off again, realising that he was droning on a little. It had been a while since he could open himself up to someone like this. "Just anything fun, really." he finally concluded, punctuation his list with another mouthful of delicious cake.


U-unexpected. The guy is actually just like her in some ways. The way he loves and seeks out for anything that's fun enough... That's quite lovely, "You have a lovely set of hobby." she smiled truthfully again as she began eating her cake again. The taste of sweetness enveloping her whole mouth. For some reason, she's quite happy right now. She felt like...but...is this fun enough? Is this really what she wants? All this time does she really just need a cake? And a guy who have the same interest as her?

"You and I..." she paused as she started questioning her ways. "You and I have similarities. I love pranking others and fun things too. I often get judged and hated by others because of it though." she finally opened up. Just slightly. She decided that talking a bit truthfully might not hurt after all. Just every now and then, it's not like she's gonna reveal the secret of their kingdom or something. This guy, Jack, he does have this one...something tags makes you open up to him. She smiled warmly again at the thought before shrugging.

Jack mulled over another bite of cake as he though about what she had just said. This girl was unusual, that's for sure. First of all, she wasn't scared off by his fire, something which he hadn't seen in any citizen, pretty much ever. Second of all, she had a strange fascination with water. And now, it turns out that they have something in common like that? This seemed almost too good to be true. Perhaps that good Apple was an omen after all.

"I know what you mean - why can't people just take a joke for what it is?" Jack said, agreeing with Oceana. It seemed like she was starting to warm to him too. "It's as if people don't like fun!" Regardless of whether she was warming to him or not, that smile of hers was genuine, and he would have been lying if he said he didn't like it.

Oceans pointed the fork at him, "Exactly my point." she agreed. She finally took a sip of her water and she felt calm and collected again. Water have this great effect on her. Maybe it's because it's her dear element. She finally finished her cake and she just waited for Jack to finish his too. "Apologies, I will just go on the bathroom. May I excuse myself?" she excused herself as she gently stood up and skipped gracefully towards the bathroom.

Upon entering, she made sure that no one was around. She stared at her reflection and smirked, looking innocent and bubbly a always, just the way she likes it. With her pretty face like this, she can almost manipulate every man- considering she also have this wondrous speech talent. She opened the faucet and controlled the water on the palm of her hand, squeezing it and crushing it after a few second. She continued the gesture over and over again, for some reason this somehow relaxes and helps her think. She wondered how she could make Jack spill the beans about their plan.
(it's funny watching two people like this interact with each other.)

"Of course." Jack said, and the girl walked off. He wasn't exactly going to stop someone from going to the bathroom, was he?

As soon as she was out of sight, the warm smile loosened and he breathed a sigh of relief. This was probably the longest time he's spent talking to someone in quite a while. Everyone else either gets scared off by his power, or looks down on him because of his attitude too much to be worth holding a conversation with. But this girl was different. She was like him. Yet, something didn't quite sit right with him. She's seemed to be hiding something, and he wasn't sire whether he wanted to know what it was.

His curiosity prompted him to want to find out, but he was also afraid that whatever it was would end up ending this encounter, and he didn't want that. He liked this girl - even if it was just an act. However, things couldn't go very far if she was hiding something big.

The cake definitely seemed like it had loosened her up a little, and several of things she had said we're undoubtedly genuine, but it didn't look like the cake would be enough to get her to reveal this secret. Something told him that the best way to open her up would be to open up himself. But what should he tell her? He didn't want to reveal anything important, because that would make him a traitor to his kingdom, but would it matter if no one found out? It was going to take him a long time to figure this out.


Now that Oceana has thought about it, it somehow feels like Jack and she is playing a game. A game in which whoever spill the long awaited beans loses. And she don't plan on losing this one, she came here for informations and she will get those informations. She dried her hands and arms up using her handkerchief before keeping the said fabric back in to her dress' pocket.

She put on her smile once more and again, she skipped merrily towards their table, humming a bit to make Jack believe that she's nothing but a cheerful journalist girl who is quite nosy from time to time. "Apologies," she paused and gave a polite small bow before sitting in front of her again, "Should we get going now?" she asked, fake innocence and pureness glimmering in her eyes.

Oceana doesn't know what prompted her to stick along and around with Jack even though she can just leave him there and look for other person to interrogate. But something does tell her to stay and I dunno, interact with the guy more. "Do you perhaps know where the Library is? If ever your kingdom have I mean." she questioned Jack.

@Ravian (I just realised that I have a character that's a lot like Oceana in another RP... xD )

"The Library?" Jack said, surprise and confusion spreading through to his face. What could she possibly want with a Library? He wasn't even sure whether there was a Library... No, there is definitely a Library somewhere nearby... But where was it? It was... It was... Jack took the last piece of the cake and put in his mouth to staunch the awkward silence: It wasn't like Oceana was going to eat it, after all.

Ah! that was it! Jack swallowed the cake, smiled and said, "It's closer to the center - about half an hour's walk away." He picked up a napkin from the table, and wiped any frosting that might have been there away from his mouth before standing up and continuing, "I can take you there, if you want."

Oceana's eyes twitched frustratedly when Jack looked puzzled at first, looks like he doesn't know if ever there's a library in the first place. But then at least, he had the manner to wipe the frostings off his face. Oh, wait he actually know where the library is. Somehow this guy...is just so complicated, like he can just transform from a bubbly guy to a mysterious one then to an airhead guy.

Nonetheless! She kept up her facade and smiled sweetly at him, "Thank you very much!" she bowed once more, a habit she gained from all these acts she had been through. Seriously though, Oceana haven't thought that Jack himself would still offer her such kind acts even though she clearly acted suspiciously around him. The guy must be waiting for th right time to caught her off guard- which will never happen. "Please lead the way then!" she beamed up at Jack.

@TheJipan ((Really xD ? What rp?))​
@Ravian (The Land of Lynthia)

"Okay, let's go!" he said, offering a warm smile to Oceana before walking off, expecting her to follow. He was still a bit confused about her wanting to visit the library, but then, he didn't know what a reporter was either. As much as he was trying to go along with this, so he could get to know her better and perhaps get closer to her, there was still that nagging doubt in the back of his mind. For all he tried ignore it and get on with this, it just wouldn't go away. Questions started to fill his mind as he walked, doubts about the truth of Oceana's actions. Eventually, it grew to be too much, and he shook his head to clear them, completely oblivious to how he was now looking to those around him.
Oceana offered a fake smile again before nodding her head, "Yes, let us." she then quicken her pace to walk side by side Jack. The blue-haired girl glanced at the guy beside her before raising an eyebrow, "Why are you shaking your head?" she asked. Did Jack finally lost it? Or is this his normal state? Is he nuts? If he is then there's no way he can get any information from him, she should just abandon him right now. But something at the back of her mind urged her not to- to stay with him. Maybe it's because of the fact that he's a fire user and she finds them fascinating.

When a big building greeted them, with a sign "Library" plastered in a wooden banner, Oceana's face lit up. "Clearly, this is the library." she concluded with a big triumphant smile. How could she be so stupid? The best way to gain information is to go to the library of course...or not.

"Oh, it's nothing," Jack said, coupling the lie with a reassuring smile, "just a bit of a headache."

The rest of the journey was traversed in total silence, neither one of them having anything left to say.

By the time they reached the library, Oceana finally spoke, breaking the awkward silence, even if it did sound like she had never seen a library before.

"Yes, indeed it is." Jack said, usual zeal gone from his voice for that one sentence. A short silence followed, the two of them staring up at the large building as if debating whether they should go inside after all. Finally, Jack broke the silence again with his usual warm smile and tone, saying, "Shall we?" and gesturing for them to enter the building.

Is it just her or is something odd ever since they ate a cake together? Either way it doesn't matter anymore as she might finally finish her objective and goal. She smiled brightly when Jack offered that they both enter the library together, still the fact that he's ready to accompany her fascinates her.

"I do really hope I'm not bothering you, Jack." she bit her lip, trying to look and sound concerned and in debt in fact she really don't(Okay maybe a little.). She bowed again before entering the said building. And what greeted them was a bazillion amount of books. There were books everywhere. She grinned mischievously before proceeding to one of the shelves, "Are there something about the king or anything here..." she muttered before picking a random one out of the blue. She flipped the pages of the book only to find out that it's something about cheesy romances, she made a disinterested sound before putting it back.

"The King..." Jack said, repeating part of her question in trying to find the answer. He looked around the vast library, trying to find some order to it from which he could determine where such a book might be. There was a sign at the top of an arch leading into a second room that had 'Non-Fiction' written on it in bold, engraved writing. "There might be something in there." he said, gesturing at the entrance to the other room. Why was this girl so interested in the King? Most citizens here already knew all they needed to about him. Perhaps it was because she lived on the outskirts? Or maybe because she was a reporter? Either way, he hadn't been in a library for a while, and couldn't really remember where things were. "Perhaps we could ask a librarian." he suggested, giving a small, slow shrug as he did.

Oceana looked at the section of the library Jack has just pointed. She nodded her head it wouldn't hurt to look right? It's not like there are some traps over there. She was about to walk towards it when suddenly Jack suggested they talk to a librarian. "Sure, but where might the librarian be?" she asked herself and the guy before a hand suddenly tapped her shoulders lightly. Oceana swore she jumped a few inches from the ground.

"Wow a young girl is actually visiting a library." the middle aged man began with a small smile. Oceana stared at him blankly before walking to Jack's side for safety. "Yes, do you have any books about the king?" the blue-haired girl asked with a sharp eyebrow raised upwards.

When the girl suddenly went to his side because of the albeit kinda creepy librarian tapped her on the shoulder, Jack was taken aback. It was only for a moment, but the surprise appeared very clearly on his face, quickly covered by his usually smile, perhaps even a little broader than normal. She went to him for safety! Words were not enough to describe how he felt about that. Before he could comment, the librarian answered her question.

"We have many books on the King." The librarian said vaguely, with a business smile on his face. "Which King might you be looking for, exactly?"

Jack felt compelled to answer, and started to open his mouth before realising that he too didn't know which King Oceana was talking about. It was probably this one, but he couldn't know for sure. The doubtful part of his mind continued to niggle about the mere act of her wanting to learn about the King.

@Ravian (Sorry for the short post)
When the librarian asked which King she was looking for, Oceana quickly answered, "The latest please." she never really remembered what was his name. Maybe it's because the people in the evil kingdom always referred to the latest King as the good king and their King as the bad King or majesty.

"Then please follow me." The creep(for Oceana) leaded the way with a wide smile and Oceana followed him, while of course keeping a good distance between herself and the middle aged man. They went to the second floor and still, the place was full of shelves who are also filled with books. "In this part you'll find all about the King and our kingdom's history...some of it. Not everything is revealed here. There might even be some lies." he said with a shrug before leaving after Oceana thanked him for his service. She looked disappointed though. What can she do with non-reliable informations? She sighed and took a random book and began flipping it's pages.

@TheJipan (It's alright ok, my posts aren't even that long xD !)
Jack didn't speak a word as the three of them went to find the books about the King. His guess was right, as the girl was indeed looking for information about the current King, but the doubtful part of his mind told him that that was all the more suspicious. In fact, even the non-doubtful part of his mind was starting to get curious about Oceana's interest in the King. Why exactly did she want to know about him? What did she want to know about him? Was it because she was a 'reporter'... And that brought another question to him.

"So what are you 'reporting' on?" he asked, breaking the silence that had manifested as she looked through the books.

@Ravian (Fair enough)


Upon Jack's question, Oceana stopped flipping the book and paused at whatever she was doing. She can already smell Jack's suspicion for her, she turned away from him before smirking.
"Why, about your good kingdom of course." she answered, half lie half truth. She placed the unnecessary books back to the shelf slowly, pushing it and squeezing it between two other books without effort, "I wonder... what made you ask the question?" she questioned back. Her hand picking another book again to flip and read. She offered a glance towards the male standing right behind her as she awaited his reply, her blue orbs fixed on his own eyes sternly.

((Wow they're like...lying to each other, I like it so dark xD ... @TheJipan))
Jack smiled, as if there was no problem. "I was just curious." he said, which was technically the truth. For a long moment, he stood there smiling, fully processing what she had said. Then he realised that she had deliberately said 'your' and 'good' kingdom. Jack wasn't exactly a smart man, but even he knew what that implied - that she was not from this kingdom, and that she was from the other kingdom. As soon as he had the thought, he instantly denied, even though he knew that it may be the truth. He wished that they could just go back to before, to when they first met, so he didn't have to worry about this, but the doubtful part of his mind wouldn't let him go so easily. It held on to that analysis, trying to push it back into his mind. He tried his best to keep the horror he was feeling from showing on his face. His worst fear about this girl had quite probably been realised. No, it couldn't be. He had to make sure. He had to know. "Wait." he said suddenly, not able to stop himself as his face grew more serious, "What do you mean, my 'good' kingdom - are you..." he left the sentence unfinished, knowing that the end of it would be obvious enough.

@Ravian (s**t's gonna go down...)


With his reply, she already prepared herself. When he took that long minute of silence to figure out who she was and what really was happening, she already knew that their little friendship is over. She just stood there for a moment before completely turning around facing him, returning his gaze before the corner of her lips quirked upwards and it formed to a smirk. Her blue eyes lit up brighter than the sky itself and water began forming in the palm of her right hand, "Surprise." she snickered. From the looks of it,her little act was found out and Jack can no longer humor her. She decided, he must be disposed of...

"I, Oceana is a loyal servant of the evil King." she declared before throwing the water orb at him. Perhaps she was being too confident because of the fact that a fire user is no match for a water elementalist. She chuckled evilly and mischievously as he smirk widened.

((Man she's crazy! Oh the angst xD !))​

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