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Fantasy The Elements Collide (Positions Closed For Now)

Areena sat in the corner of the kingdom's library, reading up on the history of The Imbalance. There were many theories within it, and some sounded more farfetched than others. Areena pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, eyes swiftly roaming the words on the pages.

1) The humans power to manipulate nature was something worth punishment- divine punishment.

2) A kingdom always has its spies. Conspiracy theories aren't that out of question... Now, the question is- were the Kings really that kind with one another? Or was there more going on, behind closed doors?

3) In the end, two kingdoms can never truly be at peace. They want more land. They want more gold. They want it all. "The Imbalance" was just an excuse to gain more land.

4) Humans always need a reason to sin-

Areena closed the book with a sigh, dust particles floating in the air. She was taught to think rationally about most things, but she couldn't understand the benefit of a massacre. Wars didn't have any benefits... She thought somberly, putting the book away for another time.
Duthrain sat atop the Throne of Thorns, imposing black mass designed to look like a large flower of some sort, with him square in the center, and and small but surprisingly shap spikes, all curved backwards, poked out of the armrest. Not a few former kings had been careless and pricked their fingers on the thorns, literally shedding their blood for the throne. He had done more then that, he had declared all out war with those savages on the other side of the Boundry. The Boundry had been both his bane and his blessing in the War. Troops could not easily cross, and either side was fortified will walls and forts. It woukd take far to many resources to cross, and was simply not worth the effort. As it happens, that Boundry perfectly divides their land in two, not giving either a clear advantage over the other. It was infuriating.
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Jayce, seemingly oblivious to the dangers of the world, lay in his bed of gold coins, wading in his treasures he's amounted from a young age. Ah, all the gold to myself. The beautiful, shiny, glittery, sparkling, SUNSHINEY GOLD! Jayce cackled to himself, his custom throne of gold shaking underneath him. I need more... More treasure! The eyes of the young man seemed to dilate, thirsting for more gold to add to his throne. Maybe, just maybe, a king will hire me. Hire me as a spy! A thief! My specialty is a much needed one, in this day and age. As Jayce boasted about himself to himself, he noticed a petty thief sneak into his treasure room. Immediately, he cast his Shadow Form spell, allowing him to blend within his surrounding, rendering him practically invisible. He snuck behind the petty thief, and sharply whispered in his ear, "Oh no you don't," just before blasting him away with a Shadow Bolt. The lifeless body of the petty thief flew through the air. "I'm sorry you didn't get to see all of my glorious treasure... But it's for my eyes only. Let this be a lesson to any who dare try to steal from the greatest rogue, Jayce Weldinmaw!" The young man cackled with laughter, resting back on his throne of gold.
Ash slammed her mug onto the old, wooden bar, and wiped the ale from her chin. A mousy barkeeper shuffled over and quietly refilled her glass. She shot him a cold look, and the bartender shrunk back in fear. She took another sip of her drink as a scrawny, seedy-looking man sat next to her. The man stared at the mirror on the wall opposite them as Ash looked down at the ale in her mug. The stranger pulled a rather large coin bag from his pouch, and sat it on the counter. Then he took a folded up piece of paper from the inside of his jacket and slid it next to her mug. She nonchalantly took the piece of paper, read it, then stuck it in her pants pocket before taking another drink. The man stood then, and disappeared as suddenly as he came. Ash drew the bag closer to her, and pulled a shining, gold coin from the pouch. She smiled slightly as she observed the glittering piece then, looking at the frightened barkeep, announced to the room,

"The drinks are on me!"
It was getting around that time, and Areena made haste to the throne room. Running was probably not necessary, but she couldn't help but feel like she was slacking on her duties. The library was far too much of an enjoyment. Watching the King sit on his throne, Areena couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. She was proud of her King, but still a little dumbfounded that she was hired for such a role. Sure, she was good with a sword, maybe a little intelligent, but there wasn't any noteworthy traits about her at all. "U-uh, sir? Is there anything you need right now?" She asked politely, placing her hand over her heart in a respectable bow. "I will attempt to do my utmost, sir."

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Adwen pulled the edge of her hood down, so it covers more of her face, as she entered a tavern. She took a seat and ordered some drink before pulling her hood off. She took some coins out to pay but the barkeeper shook his head and nodded to a woman sitting not too far from her. It didn't take her long to recognise the face. It was her friend, Ash. She smiled and grabbed her mug before walking towards her friend. She sat herself down next to Ash quietly. "You just got paid, Ash?" She took a sip of liquor in the mug then give Ash a smile, "thanks for the drink."
The castle was quiet except for the shuffling servants and the occasional sound of dropping silverware. Murik stood with his arms intertwined behing his back at the highest tower on the east wing staring at his Kingdom. He had given his royal black robe to a servant standing by the stair to hold till he is finished, he now only had a Black muscle shirt with gold lacing, and black pants, along with his crown and other royal jewelry.

Murik tilted his head up now facing toward the horizon were The other kingdom stood. A slight maniacal grin grew on his face and he placed a hand on the window "So close, but yet so far. Peace is only a mere dream without there first being chaos." he turned away from the window and snatched his robe from the servant who was bowed while he passed. Murik walked down the stairs and was now entering his throne room he had placed his robe back on and sat down., flicking off a piece of dust that had managed to float onto his Thrond.
Ash was enjoying her fifth drink, and was feeling rather good when someone took the seat next to her. She paid them no mind at first, that is until they spoke, and she immediately recognized the voice. Adwen.

Ash sighed and put her empty mug on the bar before signaling to the bartender for another refill. She would need more to drink to deal with the girl.

"Yeah. Sure," she responded curtly to her questions. She cast the other female a glance as she took another swig of her ale. She would never understand the girl's cheerful nature, but she figured she could offer up some conversation since she was having a good day.

"What brings you to the slums this late at night, Adwen?"
A gold coin spiralled through the air, spinning in a well aimed arc towards the keeper of the stall as Jack took an apple. In a panic, the keeper fumbled with the money, muttering his thanks for the purchase half-heartedly as Jack tossed the apple into the air, walking away from the stall. The weight of the apple was good, showing its quality and freshness. He caught it and swiftly brought it to his mouth to take a bite, all in one smooth motion. With a juicy crunch, he took the bite. This was a good apple. He took a moment to savour the sweet juices, stride slowing momentarily. Today was a good day. He could almost forget about the 'war' going on, if you could call it that. It's astounding, what good food can do for a person. Swallowing, he continued to walk, with no particular direction in mind. If this good apple was a sign, he was sure to find something interesting as he walked. And so he did, taking leisurely bites of the delicious apple as he did. Today will be a good day.

(um, apples? I hope this isn't too random... and cliché.)
Jayce began to feel bored wallowing in his riches. He needed something to do. Something that'll pay him. The thought came to his head almost immediately. "Gambling!" He had realized that he thought this out loud, and laughed at his silliness. "Ah, I'm so funny." He rolled off his pile of coins -- Totally gracefully, by the way. No falling on his face or anything. So totally graceful. He picked himself up, facepalming. "Yet, I'm so dumb, at the same time." He looked to his map hanging on the wall, dotted with areas of supposed treasure, along with places he had already searched. He led his finger to nearby towns, looking for any pubs in them. "Ah. The Scurvy Brew sounds like a good place... Right there in Dymondvale. Hm. Sounds promising." Jayce gathered his special pocket dagger, his cloak, and as much gold as he could carry in his side-pouch.

Upon leaving his hideout, he called to his mighty steed. "Oii! Epona!" He had named her this, obviously because it's such an original name for a horse. He kicked himself up onto her back, and rode off.

Through thick pine trees and hard, cold ground of the forest, he rode. A good hour later, he was rushing to the pub, not for excitement in gambling, but because his bladder had become overly excited. He squealed, doing the whole peepee dance as he danced down the town center, attracting everyone's attention. Just imagining his face as he ran through the pub, barely able to hold it in, would make anyone chortle and choke on their own beers. The poor old man in the back of the pub choked to death on his own drink.

He finally stepped out, sighing in relief. He went up to the bar where two ladies and a pile of gold sat. He ordered a beer, and sat next to them. Jayce looked over at the two, eyeing the gold. "Well, hello there ladies. I see you have some of the goods there? I mean, those little jewels are just beautiful. They'd make any man drool."
"Ah, Areena." Duthrain said, a broad smile splitting his face as he stood from his throne. A few country folk took that as a sign to bow, and excuse themselves. But as they left, Duthrain raised his voice so he could be heard even by those who already stepped through the door. "And you are exempt from taxes until your crops finish growing in." With that settled, he turned back to his advisor, smile still on his face. "It is good timing you came, my dear. I think it is about time to see what our neigbors are up to. Troops, treasury, the usual. I'm sure you know someone in the Boundry that could do this?"

Adwen couldn't help but smiled at Ash's personality. She didn't even know how they became friends on the first place; both of them have different personality. She watched as Ash finished her liquor then looked down at her own to see that her first mug was only half full. She have high alcohol tolerance, but she chose to not drink as much as she could.

Adwen shrugged, "oh it's nothing. Just feels like a change of scenery, that's all." She took another sip of her liquor, "it's been way too quiet these days." She played with a gold coin that she have in her hand then looked around, observing her surrounding.​
Jayce was appalled. No one. No one ignores Jayce. He turned to the girl who was on the left of the other, and said, "Excuse me. But did you not realize I was here? I mean, I was talking to you, and you turn to your friend, obviously ignoring me. Hashtag rude." Jayce scoffed, utterly disturbed by how he had been ignored just like that. He took another sip of his beer, and slammed it down. Oh, they'll notice me now. Just watch. So Jayce sat in wait, anticipating the moment where the rude woman would look at him. And then shove all her money in his face because that's exactly what he wants to happen, really.
Ash downed the rest of her drink as Adwen spoke, and quickly had it replaced with another.

"It's the quite before the storm, I suppose," she muttered into her mug as she started in on her seventh drink.

It was then that she noticed the man next to them. He give off quite an odd vibe, and acted the part as well. At first he muttered about jewels, but when Adwen didn't directly respond, he went off on a deranged tangent.

"Easy there, mate," Ash said to the guy.

"No one's ignoring you. I just didn't realize that you were talking to us. Is there something we can do for ya?" Ash turned in her seat slightly so she could get a better look at the stranger. She hoped he wasn't going to start any trouble. She just wanted to relax and enjoy her evening. Not throw out the bar's trash. She sighed, and took another drink.
Oceana was having a boring day. And a boring day is no different to a bad day. She grumpily stomped off the evil king's throne with a frown present in her ever baby face. "Your highness, surely you have some sort of task for me to do. Like...drowning innocent little people yes?" the water manipulator bowed her head before asking the Evil King her sudden question. It's not like she don't respect the current king but, she's just bored okay? And being bored is making her impatient and grumpy.

"I have noticed that we were being inactive these past few days, I might add." she showed the king her trademark of a Cheshire Cat smile before snickering. She created a replica of the planet on the palm of her add using her water powers before crushing it completely. The sound of the water dripping from her hand filled the whole room as she waited for the king's reply.

@Ninja God
Rubbing his chin Murik stared at Oceana and smiled. "My dear Oceana, you were always the impatient type. " he slowly stood his tall figure casting a tall shadow over her. He began to walk to the front door. "At this moment your abilities are of no use to me.." "...but there is one thing you could do for me." he stopped and slowly opened the door, and stood staring at the long feilds that seperated them.

"Right now were in the blind of whats happening over there. I need you to find some others to travel over there and find out a few things. Economical things. Soldier count, Food, anything that might give them an advantage." he stayed quiet for a minute. "Or of course you could find a boundry rat to do it for you so you wont have to get you hands dirty."

Adwen put the coin in her hand away before she turned to her right and saw a man then tilted her head, "oh, I'm sorry. It was rude of me to ignore you." She smiled at him then finished her liquor, "no need to get mad, I'm not myself today so please excuse me." She observes him for a little while then called the barkeeper and ordered another drink for herself before turning back to the man. "Do you want more drink sir?" She asked calmly after the barkeeper handed her drink to her, "my friend here is paying for them so you can drink all you want."

@TomoyaKoga @blakrayvon
"Your majesty! That does sounds interesting, are you asking me to be a spy or something? Yes, yes, anything for the great king." Oceana elegantly bowed again before smirking. Of course, she doesn't have an innocent bubbly face and great acting skills for nothing- no one will even think she's on the evil side. Heck, she doesn't even care about all these evil and good side thingy,all she cares about is having fun!

"Paying the other kingdom a quick visit wouldn't hurt anyone yes? In fact even you sire can secretly visit them, that is if you wish so. Well then your majesty, I must depart."
Oceana snickered mischievously before turning her heels away from the king and proceeding to the boundary.

@Ninja God

Tyson Baraka

"Come on! We have him outnumbered! We can't lose!"

The battlecries filled the air, the squadron of a dozen men charging at the army of one. They all rushed at their enemy in a V-Formation, the top fighter in front, and the worst warriors prepared to flank the single opponent.


Their target? A young, tall male. He stood perfectly still, his expression void of amusement. The front of his slick, brown hair danced with the breeze. The man was dressed in his battle garments, various cloth layers overlapping each other, stuck to his skin by a leather strap that went around his body over his left shoulder. This same strap allowed for a shoulder plate to protect his left side. It was more a fashion statement than proper armor.

"Why can't anyone just surrender," the man sighed. This man was none other than the Earth Manipulator of the Evil Kingdom, Tyson Baraka.

"Kill him!" The squadron leader screamed, swinging his sword at Tyson's face. With relative ease, Tyson ducked, causing his opponent's swing to miss. While the opening presented itself, Tyson proceeded to uppercut the squadron leader in the jaw, sending him flying several feet backwards.

The rest of the squadron didn't stop however, continuing their assault. The soldiers began to fill their formations, flanking Tyson. He was surrounded.

"Come on now, you don't honestly think you have a chance do you?" Tyson asked.

"Shut up and die," one of the soldiers screamed. They all began to charge.


The next moment occurred quickly, and yet, it was as if time has frozen. As the soldiers began their charge, Tyson closed his eyes, concentrating his energy within the core of his body. His eyes shot open, revealing his typically brown eyes to be glowing yellow, influenced by the energy charging within him. He stomped his foot into the ground, and the Earth beneath him began to shatter in a circular wave. The ground began to rise up in cracked fragments rapidly, causing all of the soldiers to lose their balance a spring upwards into the the air.

Suddenly, a golden aura began to envelop Tyson Baraka. Flicking both wrists upwards, he grunted a simple, "Hmph!" as the fragments of earth that had been formed from his previous attack flew upwards towards the airborne soldiers. Each and every soldier was hit directly by the almost boulder-like fragments, and were sent crashing down into the ground with a thud. Not a single soldier remained conscious after the last attack.

Slowly, the golden aura began to fade, and Tyson's eyes began to dim until they regained their original brown color.

"All I said was stop picking on the village people," Tyson scoffed. "Just because we're called the Evil Kingdom doesn't mean I'll let you get away with committing crimes."

"Now, where is that good for nothing lord..."

A Few Hours Later

Tyson had been successful on his personal mission to Millan Village, where he had heard rumors of the local lord abusing his powers. He had apparently hired a squadron of veteran soldiers to help him take full control of the village, ruling his subordinates through fear and intimidation. He had been able to get away with several criminal offenses, including extreme taxation, until Tyson got wind of his actions. He had promptly left his King's castle for Millan, where he had arrived at the doorsteps of the local lord. Unfortunately, he was greeted by the lord's squadron, who he issued an ultimatum to. They didn't comply, so it left the Earth Elemental user no choice but to pound on them. He then proceeded to threaten the lord, stripped him of his titles, and left him otherwise humiliated.

All in a day's work.

Currently, he was entering the castle that he called home. He was given quarters within the castle by his king, King Murik, for his loyalty. Yet, Tyson knew not the cause he fought for. He only wanted peace, but it seemed his side, dubbed the "Evil Kingdom," only knew how to achieve such a goal through cruel means. He had always trusted, Murik, since five years ago when he swore to fight by his side, after his master and mentor, Vitor Everest, had went missing. He was even separated from his best friend by the event, and he would find himself debating whether or not it was all worth it time and time again.

However, he always came to the same conclusion. Murik Naxxremis was the only person who could bring peace throughout the realm. He would not judge his king's actions, rather, he would accept them as his method of obtaining the greater good.

"I wonder how you're doing, Conner."
As Tyson finally entered the throne room, a fellow Elemental Manipulator of his, Oceane Pierre, the Water Manipulator, was already rushing out. He couldn't even manage to nod hello to her before she was out of the room. Focusing his attention forward, Tyson proceeded to walk toward the throne, where his king sat comfortably.

"My liege," Tyson began, taking a knee. "I took the liberty of traveling to Millan Village to take care of a corrupt lord. I will accept any punishment if this was against your wishes."

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Murik yawned as he watched Oceana skipped out of the castle doors. As Tyson approached him and bowed Murik sat up. "I didnt care much for that sadistic bastard but you shall be punished for not informing me did you ever take in consideration I mightve wanted to watch." The king stood and slowly walked over to Tyson stopping besides. "As your punishment..." he dropped his robe it being automatically picked up by a servant. thn another servant ran over with a velvet pillow and Murik placed his crown onto it "...you will be my sparring partner so i can practice a little earth bending. " He began to walk towards the Royal practice grounds

Tyson was one of the most well known Earth manipulators in the Kingdom and Murik recruited him for his rank but also to help improve his Earth abilities. Murik had basically master his Earth skills when he reached 30 but he knew he could always get better so he sparred with Tyson frequently to get his skills up. Stopping at the doors to the practice grounds two guards that stood near them opened them in unison. Stepping onto the stone ground "I wont be holding back this time Tyson that will be your punishment." A manical grin grew on the kings face as he stood waiting for Tyson

"Well ladies. I'm afraid I'll have to pass. I really was only here to gamble, but it seems an urgent matter has come up." Jayce looks to his right. The hooded man was here to deliver a message. After taking one last swig, Jayce stood up, and casually made his way over to the shady figure standing by the place where people would usually run to to throw up. What a stupid idiot. He couldn't have stood in a spot like, I dunno, by the BAR? Where normal people talk? A place that would seem less shady? Whatever.

Jayce didn't stop. As if on instinct, the man slipped the note into Jayce's coat. This way, no one would suspect a thing. Jayce opened the note as he walked out of the pub. On it, there were directions for a rendezvous.

Meet us at the boundary. I'm sure to let you know that you'll be paid well.


Moneyyyyyyyy. Of course, due to Jayce's weakness for money, he's willing to let anyone talk him into a job for money. Going to the boundary? Sounds like a plan.

Jayce makes his way to the Boundary of the Kingdoms, after a painful ride on Epona, and many stops to prevent an erupted bladder. He sat there, waiting for his company to come.
Ash blinked a couple of times trying to understand what had just happened. She watched the strange man walk away before saying,

"You know, I've met some strange characters in my day, but he takes the cake." She shook her head and turned back to her drink. She ordered another round for her and Adwen, and, as the barkeep sat the drinks before them, said,

"It truly has been quite here. Which is odd for Murik. He's never been one to sit around and twiddle his thumbs." She mused for a moment while taking a drink.

"Granted, I've ignored his last three summons. . .," she said, sitting her mug down, then looked at Adwen.

"Have you heard anthing from the castle?"


Adwen shrugged as the man walked away then turned her attention back to Ash. "Thanks," she said to after she got another mug of liquor. She thought about the question for a moment and realised that she had also ignore his summons, only because she was truely busy then and that was quiet a while back. She haven't receive any this past few days, which is unusual. "No, not recently anyway," she replied, "maybe I should go and give him a visit."

As Oceana arrived on the Good Kingdom she quickly looked around and processed everything she saw in there. 'Huh? Nothing looks so odd here, this place is always bright and sunny it hurts.' she tapped her chin as she continued her spying. It's so boring here, she wondered how people have fun here- much less live here. As she was deep in thought, Oceana accidentally bumped into a man.

"Watch it you little shi-!" Oceana stopped speaking when she realized she's supposed to be the innocent and kind Oceana here as she's currently on the Good Kingdom. She looked at the man who was eating an apple casually and smiled brightly, "Oh my deepest apologies! I was lost deep in my thoughts that i haven't realized that a fair man such as you was on my way. Would you ever forgive this innocent young lady?" she continued her rumblings. Sure she did apologize but it's only half-hearted but of course it looks like she really meant it.


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