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Fantasy The Eight Kingdoms

"Yes My Lady, I'll admire the window once more. It really is an... Exquisite window..." Alistair sighed, looking out at the city once more, he was still quite breathless from the flight, though he had regained most of his sense by now.

Katla put her clothes back on after shrinking back into her human form. She stayed silent and thought back to his declaration that he passed her test. But he hadn't yet. The last part was whether he ignored her, the lowly servant, from now on, or still wished for her company. "All done, My Lord." She said softly.
Alistair turned to face her, now that she was fully clothed. He raised an eyebrow at her once more, strange, she appeared even more beautiful considering she was a dragon moments ago. "May i say you look as stunning as before, My Lady?" He smiled, and gave her a small bow. A sign that he was indeed enjoying his time with her.
Katla blinked in surprise and actually blushed. She studied him with wide eyes and slowly a smile graced her lips,"Thank you, My Lord." She had really expected him to run away in terror. She hadn't thought for a second he would stay, let alone compliment her beauty. She had been a large, scaly beast before now. She had scared him horribly in the air. She had questioned his bravery and strength. And he just called her beautiful.
Even though the Princess insisted that she was fine, the baby seemed to disagree. As she began having contractions and feeling them in her stomach, she doubled over in pain. She let out a few breaths before standing back up, but was still holding her back and her stomach. It did start feeling a bit heavier. It was evident that she was still in pain.

Quill moved fast, without thinking. He dropped all his stuff onto the palace floor and with his very strong arms he lifted her up,"Where's the midwife?" He asked softly, to keep her calm. He had seen birth happen before in the village so pregnancy didn't scare him.
"I...I'm fine. I just need to lay down and rest. It'll be at least another month until the baby arrives." She wrapped her arm around him to keep herself from falling. She took a few deep breaths to ease the pain. "My Room shouldn't be too far from here...Can you help me there? I just need to rest..." The Princess looked pale, but wasn't so weak, but her condition was still a delicate one.
Ogden's smile grew hearing about the Princess's exspectancy. With substantial clap on Calenhad's shoulder Ogden signaled for one of the servants to bring them all a fresh mug of ale. Once the servant had returned he took his mug and raised it to the other two. "To new life, to new bonds, and to the eight kingdoms." He gulped down the sweet liquid and slammed his mug down on the railing of the balcony.

@Archangel Galdrael @andujarprime
Excited, Thresh too clapped Calenhad on his other shoulder, cheering at the news. "May the spirits bless your home and your family!!!!!" He toasted right before finishing the ale and wiping froth from his beard with a smile.

@Archangel Galdrael @zCrookedz
"Prince Axl, I would like for us to meet another time to discuss our plans for the future, I'd like to know where you're going to take your Kingdom when you're king, and of course, I'll let you know what my ideas for Orfeo are when I am King. Together, if we manage to put our pasts behind us, we can be the strongest alliance this realm has seen in quite some time." Thomas smiled, "But for now, I believe we both have very lovely ladies that we'd much rather be dancing with." He paused, "Unless you two would care to join us to sit down, maybe have some of the food, at least, whats left?" He raised a brow at the question, looking between Axl, Mira, and Rhoswen.

@SweetCat2319 @Fluffandstuff

(@fluffyunicorn55 I believe so, if you go to the overview page you'll see a list of open available characters, unfortunately I believe they're all pre-made at this point, you'd have to ask Sweetcat if you can make an OC)
"You should go to the midwife, just in case, Princess. You may not be giving birth but it could be a sign you might be soon." He held her gently in her arms and looked around, debating on finding the midwife himself or taking her to her room, like she asked.

@Shimakage Thunder

Rhoswen shrugged. "I don't have a preference. And there seems to be plenty of fruit left. That's what I usually eat." She smiled,"But I do love dancing with you. Let's leave it up to Mira, she doesn't get to do what she wants at parties very often." Axl nodded and wrapped an arm around Mira's waist. He agreed with Thomas' plans to sit down together.

@DrCompton @Fluffandstuff
The Princess sighed. "I'm only eight months along. The Midwife checks on my regularly. She should be meeting me in my room within the next hour or so. But right now...I just want to be in a place that's comfortable." She gently caressed her stomach, as that would sometimes help ease the pain.

He grumbled under his breath as he took her to her room,"Can still give birth a month early...should be more cautious...If she were my wife I'd never let her walk during the last three months...Tell the king she should be more careful...Damn woman and their stubborness...I'll be cursed when I get married..." He opened the door to her room and took her inside.

@Shimakage Thunder
After Quill got her to her room, Lillian sat down on her bed and just stretched out her legs in order to relax herself. She did feel a bit better now that she was in a more comfortable place. Sadly, her legs didn't really say the same. Since she was walking and standing for a little while, her legs started hurting, but it wasn't so bad compared to her stomach and her back. She began holding her stomach as she relaxed onto the bed. To be resting against a pillow, it did feel quite like heaven. She took a deep breath before facing Quill. "Thank you, your service is much appreciated."

<p>"Just stay off your feet until the little one is out. It'll be good for Both of you." He muttered and sighed,"Do you need anything else before I go? Maybe get the father to be? He can take care of you." He shrugged. Quill knew nothing of her situation.</p>
Mira smiled at Rhoswen. "You look beautiful tonight as well," she replied. Then talk of sitting down to talk began to fly about her head. Then they suggested she decide. "Perhaps we should sit down?" It was more a question than a statement. It was weird having people ask her what to do. "A bite to eat would be wonderful right about now."

The Princess felt more relaxed when she started laying down. "Well, I can't just lay in bed all day. Its miserable. I have to balance it. Too much of one or the other, its bad for the little one." Lillian slowly began caressing her stomach to help ease the pain. As she took another deep breath, she looked up at Quill. "Um, I do not require anything else. The Midwife should be here soon. You may carry on about your business. But if you are waiting for my Father, you may as well come back later tonight."

Shin left the ball hoping he didn't come off as a monster like he sometimes does. "Say Moon sorry we didn't get to dance I guess I got caught up having fun on my own. And some drinking but you know me I can handle my drinks." He chuckled.

"It's ok, I had fun with Aiden," She said, smiling at him and taking his hand as they walked out of the ball.
Calenhad smiled, and nodded at the Kings before him. "I thank you both greatly... Really I do." He spoke to them, in a soft voice. Happy they were being this respectful, true men. Even Thresh, an orc - had proved the stereotype placed on his nation wrong. He was trust worthy and courteous.


Alistair shifted in his feet, as she appeared to look a little confused, had he thought wrong... Maybe she didn't like him? "I...Uh, s-sorry, my Lady. I did not mean to be so blunt, apologies..." He said, voice carrying a hint of worry. Though he bowed nonetheless, most people would smile at such a compliment, she appeared shocked however...

@andujarprime @SweetCat2319 @zCrookedz
Ogden pulled at his beard. Finally he pushed himself off the railing "my lords, I am going to send my family on its way and then call for my cart. Calenhad I will wait for your leave and follow you back to Camalot." He held out his hand and grabbed Thresh's, wrapping his other arm around his back and giving him two good hardy pats. "Thresh, keep up with yourself. I will send a messenger your way when I leave Camelot." He nodded to them both and headed off to find his family. Once he explained the situation they made their leave and headed for the cart. He then took a few min to track down Prince Thomas. Inc he had he gave him a hearty hello. "Lord Prince. On behalf of the dwarven kingdom, I would like to thank you for your generous hospitality and livly atmosphere. It was a well needed party."

@Dr Compton
Katla giggled and attempted to put his fears at rest,"No need to apologize. I was just surprised...most men would leave my company after what I had just done. Besides, I'm just a servant so it's not like you have to be nice me or anything. But thank you for really liking me." She smiled and pushed her hair back.

@Archangel Galdrael

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