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Fantasy The Eight Kingdoms

steevenajj said:

Varus couldnt see anything, he could only smell the misery filled in this place after the princess said dungeon. He knew that if he was thrown in Camelot's dungeon he will not go out without a fight. Atlast he could see, but there was nothing worth seeing here, from a magical forest to a dumpster. Varus had tried to meditate, but the man beside him wouldnt stop picking on him for being elf. Suddenly Varus jumped up and said:" Do not try my patience, you will not leave this dungeon alive!" The prisoner looked at him raising his eyebrow and grinning then said:" Iam sentenced for life, but go ahead dance little elfie let me see your sparkles." Anger filling Varus, his blood boiling he quickly rises his fist and punches him in the throat strong enough to make him blackout,the prisoner drooped down " Rot in hell human!" Said Varus as he sat back down. The other prisoners looked at him, he could feel the fear in their eyes but ignored it. @Archangel Galdrael
//Okay, I'll accept it. Try not to godmod again please.//

Rhoswen smiled,"It's Okay Tommy. It's not your fault." She took his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She looked up at him with her smile and shrugged.

@DrCompton //sorry!//

Katla slowly brought them to the ground. She lowered her body and stretched out a wing so he could slid off. She dropped from her claw her clothes that she had carried with them so she could dress again.

@Archangel Galdrael

"Armor and training swords for the squires. Nothing fancy." Quill smiled and lifted up his load to situate it better on his shoulders and back. He grunted from the effort and his eyebrows furrowed.

@Shimakage Thunder
Thomas smiled and held Rhoswen's hand, then started to head back inside with her. The ball was indeed winding down, most of the food and drink was gone and some of the guests had already left, but there were still a few people Thomas wanted to talk too, Axl being at the top of that list. "You said you knew Axl? How well?" Thomas looked down at Rhoswen and smiled, "I'd like to be his friend, if Vampires and Werewolves can become allies, everyone can." He continued to walk with Rhoswen toward Axl and Mira.

@SweetCat2319 @Fluffandstuff
Rhoswen smiled at his statement about vampires and werewolves becoming friends,"I guess Axl is like a brother to me. We've known each other forever. It'll please him to become friends with you. All he wants is peace!"

Axl glanced up from the beauty that was Mira to see his friend Rhoswen and the Prince of Orfeo heading towards them.

@DrCompton @Fluffandstuff
"I see. Hmmmm, if you have all that equipment, why not take it to the Guard Captain. I'm not sure what my Father would do with a bunch of Training Swords and Armor." The Princess began holding her back because it was starting to hurt. She has been standing for quite a while, but she figured that she could manage just for a bit longer. Mainly because whenever she is in bed, she doesn't really want to get up.

"Hmmm, the King has always asked me to do my business directly. I'll just come back tomorrow." He looked her over in concern,"Are you Okay, My Lady? Would you like me to help you to where you can rest?" He was ready to sling off the weight of the metal and carry her whenever she needed.
Lillian just took a few deep breaths before running her fingers down her hair. Though she was still holding her back, she just rested one of her hands on top of her stomach. "I'll be fine. Thank you though. I just never thought that bringing life into this world would be so...Well, I don't think it can be described through words." She smiled a bit.
Mira smiled at Axl. "Of course. I'd like to know more about you as well. I can't imagine you'd be lacking passion either," she replied before noticing that Rhoswen, the faerie princess, and Thomas, the vampire prince were headed in their direction. Well it seemed to here that there might be more pressing matters ahead as vampires and wolves tended not to get along, though from what she gathered the two current princes were looking for peace not a fight.

@DrCompton @SweetCat2319

Aiden attempted to make idle chatter with the girls to please his mom, but after about twenty minutes she seemed to get fed up with it. Aiden groaned as she led him off again. And this is the part where she has dad butt in, he thought irritably. Why couldn't she just let him hide in peace? He never asked to be the next king.

"Prince Axl, Princess Mira." Thomas bowed slightly then stood again and smiled, "Im glad you both could make, it seems you two are getting along wonderfully." He then focused his eyes on Axl, "Im surprised you're here, I wasn't expecting a member of the Royal family from Lupis to actually show, but I am very glad you're here. From what Rho has told me about you Axl, I believe you and I have the same vision for the future."

@SweetCat2319 @Fluffandstuff
Shin drank some more and burped. "Ahh the ability to relax once in a while such a fine thing indeed." Being a king was something Shin took proud in but with his personality it was a hard job where Shin wished to simply solve with a simple fight was not possible he later learned to think more of the situation and learn from mistakes.
The servant Ogden had sent approached the table Lord Shin. He bowed to him "My lord. Lord Calenhad, Lord Thresh, and Lord Ogden request your presence on the balcony." The servant gestured to the balcony behind them and continued to bow until dismissed.

@Nenma Takashi
Shin stood up nodding. "Thank you." Shin walked to the balcony. "So what's happening on the balcony just a different place to get drunk cause I'm on my 70th drink and still fine." He chuckled.
Ogden perked up at the arrival of their final guest. HE stood and straightend his beard. He chuckled at shins comment "We might have to keep an eye on our ale the next time you venture to the Dwarf capital, you will end our supply of brew." Ogden continued laughing intill he had to wipe a tear from his cheek. "No my friend, we were out here enjoying the night air and hearing what our dear friend Lord Calenhad has to say." Ogden began to take a more serious tone. "We have all come to the same conclusion that this peace that we all share right now, will never last. We are concerned that is will begin to tear apart at its very seems. However, we three want to maintain some peace when all hell breaks loose. And when everything falls through, we want to stand beside you and the dragon nation." He stepped back and gave the others a chance to add anything they needed to.

@Archangel Galdrael @andujarprime @Nenma Takashi
Moon had just caught sight of her husband, and then he walked away after some man. She stopped walking, turning to Aiden again. "He's probably busy. Again." She spoke with a small sigh.

"What do you want to do? The party seems to be winding down, we'll probably be leaving soon enough."

Quill nodded but looked doubtful. He shifted and said,"If that is all you need then my lady. I wish you luck on the child." He smiled back.


Axl smiled at the two approaching. If Rhoswen was with Thomas then he didn't expect a threat. Hearing What Thomas had to say, Axl nodded his head,"Yes, I think we do."

Alistair slipped off the girl's - or dragon's - back, and fought the overwhelming urge of falling over overwhelming, he felt incredibly dizzy, and a little sick, but hey! It was a nice view... And he passed the test. "So... I completed your fearsome test, My Lady!" He smirked and proceeded to attempt a bow, though doing it shakily due to the recent flight.


Calenhad wasn't a fan of inviting the dragons into this, nor was he interested in speaking immediately, instead he simply smiled at Lord Shin, and nodded with what Ogden had said, yet refrained from muttering a single word himself.


Donnic walked through the rotten, decrepit dungeons, inspecting the various dungeons, and the prisoners within, though halted when he reached the man who had tried to break in but hours ago... A man, slumped beside him, appearing very much dead. He raised his voice so all could hear. "Who did this?!" The various faces in the cell portrayed fear, each one staring at the man from earlier - he was definitely dangerous.

@steevenajj @SweetCat2319 @andujarprime @zCrookedz @Nenma Takashi
"Hello Prince Thomas and Princess Rhoswen," Mira greeted politely before Thomas and Axl began to speak to each other about their similar goals. Mira simply listened to their conversation as she stood by Axl.

@SweetCat2319 @Dr. Compton

"Well, I would say I want to finish the food you dragged me away from, but I have a feeling a servant already cleaned it up after all they time I've been kept away from it," Aiden responded sounding bored.

She shrugged innocently. "Oh well. Too bad so sad," She mused, smiling, again innocently, at him. "You can eat more at home if you're really that hungry." Moon added. "Once your dad is ready to go, we'll go home."
Shin put his hand up. "So what I am getting at is you want to know if the dragons will helpmif a war comes and side with you all." He smiled. "Of course as long as you know that we dragons aren't like normal soldiers who are taught any battlefield can be their grave. We dragons don't go to war knowing we may lose we go knowing we'll win for when we fight we fight to win and nothing more. So believe if you betray us or try to turn again us we will see you as enemy and slaughter you like one." Shin bowed. "Now if you excuse me I will be taking my leave goodbye." Shin left finding his wife and son. "Ready to go?"
"Whatever," Aiden said rolling his eyes at his mom once more. When his dad showed up he said, "Yes! Thank god! Finally!" At least when he got home he could eat or take a nap of something. Anything was better than a ball at this point.

Ogden stiffened at Shins reply. He knew the king of the dragons was tough, and he respected him for that. "I am fully aware of the dragons power and tanasity my lord, and as i have said int he past the dwarves stand by you 100%." As Shin left the party, Ogden sighed heavily. Glancing over at Calenhad, the dwarf new what he had to say. "Calenhad i know you are skeptical of the dragons, you have every right to be. They are a brutal and fearsome race. But when they accept a cause such as this, they are loyal till the bitter end. Not once was my father able to break a dragons resolve to give up their broods during the last great war. They all died before they betrayed their kin, and i have no doubt Shin will show that same resolve to our cause." He turned to Thrash, hoping for some support, but would understand if it never came. "Now then, what is our next order of business?"

@Archangel Galdrael
Thresh took a deep breath. Accepting the dragons harsh reply. "No good tidings when an alliance starts with talks of betrayal." He said shaking his head. But he understood well the dragons position
Calenhad scoffed, clearly angered by the Shin's pathetic arrogance. "This was a mistake, the dragons are all bloodthirsty war beasts! They would crush us all given the chance, if he dares threaten me again..." Calenhad left the sentence hanging, shaking his head. What did Ogden see in Shin? Calenhad began regretting this alliance, Thresh was the only one who seemed sensible. Ogden was a good man, a smart man. Yet it appeared as though Shin had him on a leash.
Ogden closed his head and sighed. Sure the war between the dragon and the dwarves had effected other countries, but there is a reason people call it the Dragon Dwarf war. Ogden was on the front line a large majority of those battles and he knew what Dragons were capable of. He knew what threats they could accomplish. But he also knew the type of man Shin was. "Calenhad i promise you, if it were to ever come down to it Shin can be delt with. But i would rather keep those who pose the most threat to our peace on our side. In fact the only reason i wanted to include Shin was so that he knew we were not plotting against the Dragons. If we need him, we will call for him but Dragons usually keep to themselves. If my father hadn't disturbed their peace by stealing from them to begin with, the Dragon Dwarf war would have never happened. Trust me my friend, i know what i am doing." Ogden let that be the end of it. "Now, my ambassador has informed me that im to start making my way to the other kingdoms to update and compile information. Seeing as how we have formed this new alliance, I would say that i head to Camalot first, then make my way to Morannon afterwards if this is to your liking my lords."
Calenhad took a steadying breath at Ogden's words, perhaps he was too harsh in his judgment, the man had lost thousands of people to the dragons, a repeat of the war would be catastrophic for the dwarves more than the orcs are humans. He nodded with what Ogden had said, anger leaving his system. "Of course... Forgive my outburst, the wars were harder on you than any other, Camelot was barely touched... It is selfish of me to act without thought... But I would be greatly honoured to have you visit Camelot, I must confess; You picked a special timing, my daughter is with-child, the kingdom is in a state of celebration, the people love her. She'll make a good queen when I become bored of ruling..." Calenhad was aware of the very real fact his past experiments may have rendered him nearly non-human, it was very possible he had the life span of an elf. Yet it made him wonder, did Lillian possess the same gift? She was his - tainted - blood, after all.

@Shimakage Thunder @andujarprime @zCrookedz
Katla looked at Alistair and spoke,"Please turn away. My Lord." She waited for him to do so and glanced away. She folded her wings into her body.

@Archangel Galdrael

Rhoswen nodded at the Princess Mira and smiled,"Hello, you look lovely tonight Mira." Rhoswen complimented. She admired the other girl's gown.


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