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Fantasy The Eight Kingdoms

Axl chuckled and danced with the beautiful Elven girl in his arms. He had seen Thomas around but this was a day of celebration, and then he had been with a beautiful girl himself. Axl knew Thomas to be a good person, and a good Prince. He smiled at Mira and said,"So, how is it that I've never had the honor of your company before?"

@Archangel Galdrael

//Anyone who is posting with steeve. Please refrain until I get him to change his last post more to my liking.//
Alistair stared for a few moment, and then glanced up at the sky. He was expecting a tet of skill, wit, maybe bravery. This, however. Was a test of trust, he would have no control over what happens. His life would be in her hands - or talons, claws? Regardless, he shot her a curious glance. "This would be an excellent way to assassinate the prince, you wouldn't even have to get your hands dirty... Just let gravity do the work."

Alistair shifted for a moment, contemplating his honest answer, his previous joke notwithstanding. Whether it was his, ego, or simply the shame of refusing a woman's test, he perhaps foolishly, answered. "Alright... I accept your challenge, though I still retain the right to scream, a lack of wings means I'm inexperienced in the art of flight."

Laeretes grinned, showing his fangs. "I guess we will see about that, faerie girl. You want to see what I am capable of? Fine. I'll give that to you. You want to see a battle in which I will fight? You have one." He shook his head, still smiling. "I just hope you're satisfied when it's done." He turned around, sweeping out of the balcony, the cogs in his mind turning at breakneck speed. Yes, he would show them all that he should be respected.

@SweetCat2319 @DrCompton
Katla looked a little surprised but then smiled,"You're the first to agree. Please turn around." She had to undress because shifting would definitely ruin her clothes. She had to place a little trust in him as well it seemed. She had no plans to assassinate the Prince. She had no reason to. She was going to fly him around and then land.

@Archangel Galdrael

Rhoswen glared at his retreating figure. She was shaking from the confrontation and almost in tears from his veiled threat. She leaned against the railing and sobbed.

Thomas frowned as Laeretes ran away, then turned at the sound fo Rhoswen's crying. He placed his arms gently on her shoulders and stepped close to her, "Do not cry Rhoswen, Im sorry I dragged you into that argument." He rubbed her shoulders softly, but looked back in the direction that his brother had gone, "He is going to do something stupid." He sighed, "Im sorry I've ruined our night Rho." He looked back down at her and pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back.

Rhoswen hugged Tommy back and shook her head,"You didn't do anything Tommy, he cornered you. I'm just worried I made it worse." She kept her arms wrapped tightly around him and her crying subsided. She felt a little better.

Mira shrugged a bit as they danced. "Probably because I usually have the advisor or a servant breathing down my neck. I believe this is the first time in a while that I've been allowed to mingle with the other royals in a relatively free manor," she responded. Despite her attempt to sound unaffected, a bit of irritation slipped its way into her tone. Man was she glad she finally got the chance too. Axl was quitehandsome.

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He grinned,"I understand. Some Kingdoms can be very protective of their Princesses. I've always just been tossed out into mingling. It's not all that." He twirled her.

Moon had strayed away from Shin once he had begun talking to other kings. She had a feeling it would be a boring conversation for her.

As she walked around the ballroom, she wondered where her son was. She was well aware he wasn't fond of these types of events, she wasn't either really, so she began searching for him.

She figured he would probably be in a corner, or eating. The queen checked the bar with all the food first, and sure enough he had a plate heaping with food. She couldn't help but smile softly.

"Aiden," She called, carefully making her way through the crowd toward her son. She got a few looks, waves, and smiles, but only returned a few gentle smiles of greeting in return. She hadn't ever been one for socializing at parties, and right now she was making her way over to Aiden.

"It would still be better than not doing anything. No one wants to ask the princess who's being followed for a dance,"Mira replied simply as they continued to dance about the room. Her movements were smooth and effortless luckily despite not dancing much at events. She was glad that her usual learning entailed dance lessons.


Aiden looked up when he heard his name called. "Hi mom," he greeted around a big mouthful of meat. "Tired of dad's politics already?" He asked knowing better than anyone that his mom wasn't a fan of these parties. He took a big swig of wine effectively draining his cup.

He nodded,"Well, I'm followed a lot at my Kingdom. But I don't think squires count with what you're talking about. Besides, I asked you to dance despite your Adviser being near by."

"Hi darling," She smiled, though gave him a look when noticing the food in his open mouth. "Don't talk with your mouth full, Dear." Moon added, picking up a wine glass from the table at their side and taking a sip. "I just didn't want to get in the way. And I thought spending time with you would be more enjoyable," She said, smiling at him again.
"No squires aren't quite the same," Mira replied simply. She followed his movements as the continued to dance. "True, but I'd have to say you are the first to do so. Why is that?"


Aiden rolled his eyes. He didn't really care much for manners or really anything that required effort. "In other words you thought it would be boring, so you came to me to avoid it," he said before continuing to devour his food and waited for his mother's response. The roasted boar was excellent, and so was the wine. Speaking of, he needed more wine. He grabbed one from the platter a servant was carrying around and drank half of it in one gulp.

Alistair gave her a confused look. "Why do you wa - Oh, right. Of course..." He turned around, staring down the at the city below, realizing why she had made the request. He briefly chastized himself for not realizing the obvious sooner, but at least he hadn't stood there any longer looking like a fool.

"Not true at all! I like spending time with you." She argued. Moon watched him shovel more food down his throat and drink more wine. "Honey you should slow down. I don't want you getting sick when we get home." She advised, before taking another sip of her own wine.
"Fine..." Aiden groaned rolling his eyes. He ate a smaller bite than before and sipped his wine. "Happy?" He continued to eat at a slower pace that was almost unbearable for him. He didn't eat slowly like everyone else. He was used to scarfing it down. How did people eat like this anyway?

She smiled, laying a hand on his shoulder. "Thank you," The queen said, kissing his cheek She knew he wasn't a fan of her motherly affection in public, but he just needed to learn to deal with it.

"So have you danced with anyone yet?" She asked him.
Axl nodded and then shrugged,"I saw a beautiful girl watching others dance and thought she might have wanted to be on the floor in a handsome man's arms as well. At least I could get you on the floor with a man. Nothing I could do about the handsome part though."

@Archangel Galdrael
Once more, Alistair inadvertently made an idiot of himself. He remained standing for several seconds before realizing he was in front of the window she intended to jump from. "Ah, this window. Of course, right." He began sidestepping several feet to the left, making sure to hold back on turning around, she was obviously stark naked at this point. The dress hitting the floor was proof of that, so it made moving away from the window all the more difficult.
Katla giggled and stepped up to the window. She jumped and the sound of her falling could be heard. Then the sound of cracking bones, and after that, wings. A red dragon, smaller then most but still big, flew close to the window. It kept itself steady in the air and waited for him.

//So awkward. I love it. But it's even more awkward that she jumped out of a window naked, and anyone might have seen her. YAY!//
Alistair remained standing for several seconds, waiting until he was sure she was a dragon. Though that was made plainly obvious when he heard the shifting and morphing of bones, he took this as his cue to re-approach the window. Just as he did, the now not-so-beautiful dragon girl who could likely devour him hovered above. "Ah, you still look just as beautiful as before, honest!" He shot the playful jab slightly fearful, hopefully she didn't turn very mean in this form. Hopefully....
She rolled her eyes and spoke in his head,"I know you don't find me beautiful like this. Just get on, My Lord. I won't bite. There's no fun in killing off my passenger. I want to see how you handle flying."

//I love your character! XD//
Oh, she had telepathy? So she could hear his thoughts... Hopefully she couldn't see them, what man wouldn't be curious as to what a beautiful woman looked like naked? The ordeal made him anxious, in fact chances are she picked up on that remark too. Well, he assumed she did, telepathy... His new subject of hate. "That, would be a compliment! Now I would very much appreciate you sparing my life for now, my mind is officially sealed!" He approached her back, ((Ugh, so much innuendo to use)) hoping that he hadn't ultimately signed his own death wish, and climbed on. "Ah, this isn't... Unnerving at all..." Alistair, was sure he was going to die.

((Katla is awesomer!))
Katla felt amused since she could sense the direction of his thoughts. She couldn't read his mind per say. But for communication benefits, a dragon, while in dragon form, could sense another creatures thought process. It helped to make their intentions more clear to the dragon. As soon as he was on her back she started to go higher into the night sky.

//Why thank you, My lord~//
"MOM!" Aiden groaned. "Really? Right here at a ball?" He sighed in exasperation and took another swig of the wine. "No I haven't, and don't really plan on it either," he stated simply. He always felt pressured at these events and dancing took effort. Besides, the food was much too good for him to leave.


Mira smiled. "Don't sell yourself short. I'm dancing with a very handsome man thanks to you," she replied. He truly was very good looking: strong shoulders, captivating eyes etc. He was quite different from the elven men she knew.


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