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Fantasy The Eight Kingdoms

Calenhad gave Ogden a smile, grateful for the gift. "Aye, then I will send some of my best Knights to each kingdom as a token of friendship, these humans know how to use any weapon with masterful skill, they would make excellent teachers for your own military generals. Though they may not be as useful as Ogden's forgers, they can turn a band of criminals into a honourable legion." Calenhad also bowed, a sign of his own respect.


Alistair smirked at the girl, curious as to what the nature of her question was. "Why yes, very much so in fact, I would be interested in spending more time with you, My Lady." Alistair studied her for a moment... What did she want of him?
"Then follow me, we'll see if you're brave enough for my test. Not many would be." She grinned at him and then headed to the servant's entrance. She felt like she was being vague enough. She enjoyed it.
Alistair's eyes opened at her words, all previous guise as a common servant left her, he knew she was interesting the moment he lay eyes upon her. "Very intriguing, I will try my best to not disappoint you." He didn't have much to say, his mind was to busy wondering what in the realm this test could be...
Katla began to lead him higher and higher through the castle of Orfeo. The shocking thing was, she seemed to know her way very well. In fact, if she were to be asked, she would know every Kingdom's castle like the back of her hand. There were reasons for this of course, and many of the head servants of any Kingdom would have the same knowledge. It's what made you a good servant. Being efficient. Finally they reached the highest tower in the castle.
Thomas took Rhoswen's hand and walked with her outside. He saw the three kings huddled together chatting, then turned the opposite way and walked to the edge of a balcony overlooking a small lake. He turned and smiled at Rhoswen, "You know, Im sure our father's would be having fits right now if they saw us together. At least, I know mine would. Purity of the Blood, all that such non-sense." Thomas laid his hands on the railing and frowned a little at the thought

Rhoswen giggled and took his hand,"My father wouldn't care. As long as I was happy. That's just how we Faeries are. But why would he want to keep the blood pure?" She asked in confusion. She leaned across the rail and looked down.
While overlooking the Condition of the Prisoners, Lillian could not help but feel sorry for them because of their living conditions. Her thoughts turned to her unborn child, and she unconsciously began cradling her stomach. When she heard footsteps coming from the Entrance of the Dungeon, she looked up and saw Donnic coming in with other Guards and a Prisoner. "Well, if he is as dangerous as you say, I trust that you'd take any measures necessary to keep my Kingdom and its people safe, Sir Donnic." When he claimed that the Fugitive was dangerous, Lillian showed concern as she interlocked her hands underneath her stomach because it was starting to feel a little heavy. However, the Princess was unsure of what to think when Donnic also said that the Prisoner wants to speak to the King. "Well, my Father isn't present, no doubt you told him. However, I will not take any chances of him being able to escape. Take him away into the Dungeons, keep an eye on him. He can speak to my Father he returns." Momentarily, the Princess began holding her back. Pregnancy was taking its toll on her. If this was the price of bringing new life into world, Lillian wasn't sure if she wanted to do so again anytime soon. While he was being taken away, the Prisoner shouted, crying out for her to help him. "No, you are not Guilty for being what you are. However, attempting sneaking into my Kingdom and asking to talk to my Father...It doesn't sit right with me. How do I know you're not here to assassinate him or my Brother? Or even to kidnap me and take my child?" She walked over to the Prisoner. "You are not guilty of being an Elf. I do not hate your kind, but you are guilty of attempting to sneak in." Afterwards, she exited the Dungeon, going out for a walk in the garden, gently caressing her ever-growing belly. 'Could I possibly get any bigger? Hopefully not. I already feel like a whale.' she thought as she continued her stroll, even though it was tough on her legs and feet.

@Archangel Galdrael , @steevenajj
Thresh thought a short while. Then he smiled. "And I my fellow kings shall dispatch a shaman and bone priestess to each of you. To serve either as a spiritual advisor, a tutor in the shamanic arts or as personal guards in time of need. I hope that this will be enough of a token for you. While we have come a long way, I can not begin to think that my forges yet rival your lwgends, or my men any more disciplined than yours." He said nodding to each in turn a humble look on his face as they awaited the dragon king
The gifts each brought to the union was as Ogden expected. A human solder wearing dwarven steel, supported by the shamin teachings of the Orcs would be a force to be recond with, as would the other combinations of the 3 tribes. If Shin decided to take them up on their offer, it would almost insure an unstoppable force is the peace ever broke. Something, he hoped would never come to pass. "Aye, my lords your gifts are generously accepted in the dwarf kingdom."
A faint blush painted Mira's cheeks when she was pulled closer, but it soon faded. She giggled at his remark. "I suppose you have. Any more surprises I should know about?" she queried shooting Axl a playful smile.

"If I told you, then they would be poor surprises." He started to guide her around the floor as the song started. Two couples crashed into eachother but he led them around that scene as well.

Thomas looked down at their hands, then at Rhoswen, "Well, the purer a vampire is, the stronger he is. So two full bred Vampires have children, their children are stronger than the generation before. However, if you get a Purebred and a Turned, and they make a Halfbreed. However, the children of Vampires are automatically purebred Vampires, just they dont have the generational bonuses of multiple generations of pureblood in them, sp my brother and I, we have about 10 generations of Pureblood behind us. I hope that makes sense." He stood straight and squeezed her hand lightly, "Ive never heard of a vampire breeding with another species though." He blushed a little, "Im getting ahead of myself, Im sorry."

"There's a reason for that you know," Laeretes announced, stepping out onto the balcony, cane in hand and hat on his head. "A Vampire breeding with another species," he snarled, "do you hear yourself sometimes? Are you so ready to throw away the pure blood that our parents have given us, for some whim?" Laeretes laughed. "I knew you were naive, brother, but I didn't know you could be that stupid."

@DrCompton @SweetCat2319
Rhoswen turned to the vampire that showed up behind her and Tommy. She was blushing at the implication of breeding with Tommy, as she was very innocent, and then smiled at the new arrival,"Hello. You're Tommy's brother?" She herself couldn't really believe it, as the two seemed very different.

@Hexter @DrCompton
"I would think that would be obvious," Laeretes scoffed. "My name is Laeretes Beaumont, though I should hope that you would already know such things." He turned to Thomas. "Have you told your girlfriend about me, brother? Dear me, I hope she doesn't get to attached to the idea of us being family, because I really don't think I can let that happen."

@DrCompton @SweetCat2319
Thomas turned when Laeretes announced his presence, instinctively Tommy stepped between Rhoswen and Laeretes, "Lay off of her Laer, she's just a friend." He frowned, "Orfeo cannot function alone anymore. We can't be the boogy men of the night anymore, Brother, we have to have allies." He looked around to make sure that no one but the three of them were near enough, "This peace will not last forever, you make think me a fool, but I care for the safety of this kingdom." Thomas watched Laertes, "If that means social reforms to make the drinking the blood of intelligent life wrong, so they can stand being in the same room with us, then so be it. I will do what is best for this Kingdom, even if its unpopular amongst the traditionalist, you, and even Father."

@Hexter @SweetCat2319
"I don't think you know what right is," Laeretes accused. "I think you want to be the figurehead, want to be liked by a kingdom that is never meant to accept such things. And as for the safety of this kingdom," he spat, "you think that inviting werewolves to our ball is safety. Your mind is so twisted in so many different ways I doubt you know which way is up or down. Aunt says that you will literally be throwing our kingdom to the wolves, and I cannot stand by and let that happen." He paused for a moment, before looking at the faerie girl. "I do apologize for the argument, my lady, but my brother seems to have a keen obsession with ignoring the truth, the truth being me."

@DrCompton @SweetCat2319
Rhoswen looked between the two brothers with wide eyes. She hated arguments. It's why she avoided her parents as they argued all the time. She listened to what they said and then frowned at Laeretes,"Do you even know the wolves? Axl is a very kind man. And he's their crown prince. All he wants is peace like Tommy. And I see nothing wrong with allowing peace. With what Tommy thinks. I think you are ignoring the truth that their are alternatives." She took Tommy's hand and smiled encouragingly at him. It was well known that the Faeries had a good relationship with Lupis since they traded meat and fruit. Both Kingdoms having a strong preference for what the other dislikes.

@DrCompton @Hexter

Varus couldnt see anything, he could only smell the misery filled in this place after the princess said dungeon. He knew that if he was thrown in Camelot's dungeon he will not go out without a fight. Atlast he could see, but there was nothing worth seeing here, from a magical forest to a dumpster. Varus had tried to meditate, but the man beside him wouldnt stop picking on him for being elf. Suddenly Varus jumped up and said:" Do not try my patience, you will not leave this dungeon alive!" The prisoner looked at him raising his eyebrow and grinning then said:" Iam sentenced for life, but go ahead dance little elfie let me see your sparkles." Anger filling Varus, his blood boiling he quickly rises his fist and punches him in the throat strong enough to make him blackout,the prisoner drooped down " Rot in hell human!" Said Varus as he sat back down. The other prisoners looked at him, he could feel the fear in their eyes but ignored it. @Archangel Galdrael
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// @steevenajj That is godmodding and no elf has that power. So no.//

//Just change that please, You can still kill him, but actually fight him.//
"True," Mira replied. She silently admired how gracefully Axl circumnavigated the collision in the middle of the ballroom.
"Laer, you say you want war with the wolves? Then the next time that war happens I expect to see you on the battlefield in your armor, do not mistake these medals I wear as show items, I have lead our men to their death, I have seen friends torn limb from limb by the werewolves. I've met Prince Axl on the battlefield, and I have never seen such strength in my life. You hide away with our Aunt, having your mind filled with lies by the retched woman. Why do you think Father and Mother have accepted my reforms? They know these things I say to be the truth as well, but you're so blinded by hatred you just want blood, blood we cannot afford." Thomas was visibly angry only a few people could cause that to happen the easily, and Laer was at the top of that list.
"So you think Mother and Father are right? When they haven't seen me in over 40 years? And you too. You forget that it was your regime who decided to remove me from the palace as a child and place me with that...what did you call her? Retched woman? Without that "retched woman" I would be living on the streets!" Laeretes chuckled. "But keep deluding yourself Thomas. You keep your head full of faeries," he glared at the girl, "and werewolves, and Mother and Father and keep thinking that this kingdom is headed in the right direction, and is doing the correct thing."

@DrCompton @SweetCat2319
Calenhad smiled at Thresh and Ogden, very pleased with the overall outcome of the whole ordeal, though still not set on the dragon nation's involvement, he now believed it was more bearable with these recent loyalty exchanges. "Now, we must wait for Lord Shin, to attend us."


Alistair silently applauded how well the supposed simple 'servant' girl knew the upper levels of the castle like a noble, she clearly had an abundance of hidden talents, yet what was the task? He didn't care for her shady activities, he was probably more guilty of such things, Prince or no. Yet he couldn't shake the feeling that she possessed the means to leave her service as a servant at any moment, and make a living in many other ways.

Perhaps she remained a servant for a reason... Knowledge? Easy life? He could not say, though he soon relented his constand wondering when he noticed she had led him to the highest tower in the palace, it's height looming above the city below. He turned to the girl with a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "I hope you don't want me to jump?" His words were mixed, if he could survive, he would gladly jump. Otherwise she would be asking him to commit suicide, and he very much liked living.

@Nenma Takashi @zCrookedz @andujarprime @SweetCat2319

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