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Fantasy The Eight Kingdoms

Calenhad mulled over the recent exile who escaped his troops, and briefly wondered if they had captured the retched man yet. Calenhad would see his head, nothing less! The man - Varus - was dangerous, and Calenhad never planned to die, he would keep his throne for eternity. Nobody would take it from him.


Alistair mirrored the dragoness's smile, as they began to swiftly move throughout the crowd with a perfection that already put most of the nobles to shame, and this was still going slow, he smiled even more at how their faces would look. This ball wasn't so bad after all. Beautiful girl, dancing, dancing with a beautiful girl, humiliating nobility AND his father... Maybe he should attend more such meetings, simply to sabotage them.

@SweetCat2319 @steevenajj
Katla giggled as they danced. She smiled up at Alistair. She was so happy in the moment and felt an inner passion as they appeared to fly across the floor.
Thomas' heart melted as he pulled her closer to him, holding her hand and replacing the free hand on her hip again. He pulled Rhoswen out onto the dance floor and danced with her like they had before, his eyes watching hers the entire time. "I suppose with a craving this big, we will have to dance the remainder of the night Rho." Thomas grinned and pull her just sightly close as they moved together to the music.



After meditating for hours he heard a noise, talking. He quickly stood up and took and arrow out of his quiver, he looked at the tip of his arrow as fire suddenly started rising. Varus's magic made his archery much more effective, he quickly dashed to a nearby tree. Taking a fast look he saw a carriage followed by mules, they looked human. Varus had an idea of threatning the traders to hide him into the carriage, making the carriage his Trojan horse. Varus quickly went forward aiming at the horse driver, and said:" One shot! Is all I need, Iam the exile Varus BlackWood. I need to breach the throne, it is of my right." The driver then asked:" Our prince what we to do?" Varus quickly ran and rode the carriage leading to the great kingdom of Camelot. @Archangel Galdrael
Rhoswen blushed and smiled. She bit her lip and let herself be pulled closer. "I have No problem with dancing the night away with such a great dancer, Tommy." She liked the nickname he had given her.


// @steevenajj Archangel's characters are all at the Vampire ball. He can't react to you going to Camelot.//
Alistair danced with the girl in his arms, her giggle sending shivers down his spine. She was certainly beautiful, thought right now, he was locked with the flow, with excellent footwork and skill, he began increasing the speed and pace of the dance, dominating the rhythm completely, testing the dragoness was truly an astonishing dancer, though how far could she really test her ability?


(I can't react yet, @steevenajj, though I can organise some sort of conflict with you and a retinue of guards).
Ogden straightened himself in his seat as he glanced off across the crowd of dancers. For a fleeting moment, several dancers swayed out of the way revealing the Vampire prince and Faerie princess blossoming affair on the dance floor. They were quickly swallowed again by the dancers, but Ogden had seen all he needed. In his heart and his overgrown beard, he smiled. Two beings of complete polar opposites, enjoying the night a way in what some might call a wisp-full romance. Ogden stood, nearly knocking the table in his haste and inebriated state. "Calenhad, why don't we go for a walk. I sense you have some business you wish to lay on mine ears and the dance music his filling them to the brim." This was as much the truth as it was a deceptive way to get himself some fresh air. The ale had begun to mist his thoughts and the movement of a walk would help. He bowed to his table and gave Thresh a clap on the shoulder, "My lords i bid you farewell for now. And as always call upon Orocarni and its people whenever the need arises. And Shin.." He placed a hand on the Dragons sholder "We will be seeing each other again very soon for our celebration. I am greatly looking forward to it." He turned and strolled towards the cool night sky.

@Archangel Galdrael, @Nenma Takashi
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zCrookedz said:
Ogden straightened himself in his seat as he glanced of across the crowd of dancers. For a fleeting moment, several dancers swayed out of the way of the Vampire prince and Faerie princess blossoming affair on the dance floor. They were quickly swallowed again by the dancers, but Ogden had seen all he needed. In his heart and his overgrown beard, he smiled. Two beings of complete polar opposites, enjoying the night away in what some might call a wisp-full romance. Ogden stood, nearly knocking the table in his haste and inebriated state. "Calenhad, why don't we go for a walk. I sense you have some business you wish to lay on mine ears and the dance music his filling them to the brim." This was as much the truth as it was a deceptive way to get himself some fresh air. The ale had begun to mist his thoughts and the movement of a walk would help. He bowed to his table and gave Thresh a clap on the shoulder, "My lords i bid you farewell for now. And as always call upon Orocarni and its people whenever the need arises." He turned and strolled towards the cool night sky.
Thresh choked up the ale in his throat as Ogden clapped his back. He laughed out loud standing. "I think I will join you. These high pitched instruments you people so enjoy tend to cause a headache after a while." Thresh says wiping ale from his beard.
Katla followed his every step with her own. Her eyes flashed and she grinned. They definitely dominated the floor.

@Archangel Galdrael
Calenhad raised an eyebrow at the sudden change of heart Odgen had, though he certainly wouldn't complain, he was itching for the prospect of strengthening their kingdoms. Yet he nearly spat his own ale out at the orc's sudden announcement, though he kept his composure as a king would, yet he smiled brightly, glad to see the King Thresh was in fact interested in a potential partnership, the orcs were a fearsome people, having them as allies would be nothing but a boon. "I would gladly walk with the two of you..." He nodded to Lord Thresh and Lord Ogden.


Alistair danced with the woman for a few more moments, but alas, nothing lasted forever, the musical beat soon halted leaving them to perform a dramatic finish. He panted, exhausted by their performance, enraptured by the girl for a moment. He turned to the crowd of nobles - who as he predicted - stared dumbfounded by the performance.
The cool night air wisped through Ogden's beard as he reached the landing the giant double doors opened to. He took a deep breath, and exhaled. It wasn't the crisp fresh snow air he was used to in Orocarni, but it began to clear his head all the same. Through the soft tapping of his dress armor's movement he could make out the soft thuds of the great Orc King behind him, Followed what he assumed was Calenhad. Ogden turned to face them with a slight smile under his beard. "Now then Calenhad, what are you so eager to speak with me about. I practically smelled the anticipation on you when you walked into the party." Ogden's grin grew as he talked. There are not many people who can converse with a king the way Ogden did, and most of the people who could where married to them. Ogden's sense of humor and his demeanor with the other kings was how he addressed to the kings that he wanted nothing more than to be equals.

@Archangel Galdrael @andujarprime
Katla smiled at the Prince slightly as the dance ended. She saw him turn to the nobles and took that as her cue to leave. She didn't want to be embarrassed by standing there and then being told to leave audibly. Stepping away with a slight nod, she turned to go back to the wall.
When the song had ended, Thomas didn't release Rhoswen, "the pauses between these songs are entirely too long, it's as if they expect me to step away from you after each one." His thumb gently ran across the back of her hand as the duo stood there, he looked up and around only for a moment before looking at Rhoswen.

Laeretes watched Thomas with utter malicious glee. A Vampire and a faerie, spending the night dancing, and both on them pathetic royals. They were practically made for each other. That was all Thomas needed to do now, get himself involved with the faeries. Laeretes hoped that if there were on thing Orfeo would not condone would be a vampire and a faerie. Of course, such a thing might need a little push or a shove, but he wouldn't have an issue with that. He began to slowly walk around the dance floor.
Rhoswen smiled and giggled at Tommy's comment,"But it always starts again, like it knows you can't keep away." She teased and glanced at their hands. Her eyes sparkled and the air around her seemed to shimmer as well. It was merely an illusion, but a beautiful one. She met Tommy's eyes once more.

Mira let herself be lead onto the dance floor. "No but perhaps you could make yourself a bit clearer next time," she said teasingly. She smiled at him as they walked out onto the dance floor.
"Ah, but then I wouldn't get such a smart and beautiful lady to dance with." He smiled and placed his other hand on her waist. He waited for her to be positioned and for the new song to start.
Calenhad smiled, and entered onto the balcony with the two fearsome kings. Turning once more to the main ballroom, he signaled for two of his royal knights to guard the door, as to prevent any interruptions, shutting said door, he turned around once more, facing the muscular pair of kings before him, one huge, one small. Both incredibly dangerous.

"My Lords, I have been greatly enraptured in business this evening... Mainly because I see this as a excellent way to strengthen our bonds as men, our bonds as nations, and our bonds as allies. Perhaps even our bonds of friendship." Calenhad studied the two for a moment, looking for signs of disinterest or annoyance, before continuing. "Though the realm is under an alliance of peace, I do not believe it will last. What I suggest, is that the three of us, bond our nations together in a trio, our own alliance. We would aid each other in a plethora of ways... Be it warfare, finances, economics or politics... We would focus on us three, and us three alone. Should war break out - as I fear it may - we would be at an advantageous state of safety, our recourses, pooled together could eternalise our kingdoms... Gentleman, what say you?"


Alistair frowned as the girl turned to walk away, almost as if she had done this for the dance... Not him. Curious, had he just been used? "Ah, you're going are you? My Lady?" He inquired innocently, he would not push her to stay, yet was hoping she would - regardless.

@andujarprime @zCrookedz @SweetCat2319
Mira positioned herself, with one hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand, and waited for the music to begin. "Well I would have danced with you regardless, though I suppose I wouldn't be quite as intruiged."
Katla turned to the prince with a bit of confusion in her eyes,"I thought all you wished for was a dance, my lord. I am only a servant, wouldn't there be more appropriate dance partners for a prince?" She hadn't said it insultingly. She literally thought he only wanted to show off his dancing so as to secure a better partner. She didn't think he had been interested in mingling with her further. She'd never seen a noble do so.

Axl pulled her a bit closer, it was more to his liking and smiled down at her,"I'm glad I gave you more then you were looking for." He winked jokingly and chuckled.

@Archangel Galdrael @Fluffandstuff
"Did you now?" Alistair chuckled, "You see, I dislike nobility, yet I do not dislike myself, so in a sense I consider myself... Non-nobility. The other girls in this room consist of either hard-working young women, like yourself. Or, spoilt little porcelain dolls who have no level of independence... I much prefer the company of the latter, so yo answer your question My Lady. No, there are no more appropriate dancers for myself." He shot her a bright smile, reinforcing his words further.

Katla blushed, her face beginning to match her long hair. She then stepped towards him again and smiled,"In that case, My Lord, I am going nowhere." She responded and pushed her hair back. Her eyes sparkled again.

@Archangel Galdrael

//I'm sorry but I have to point this out! You meant former! Latter would refer to the "...porcelain dolls who have no level of independence..."//
Alistair took her hands back in his, a smile washing over his face once more, all previous doubt leaving his system, as he readied for a second dance. "You have my sincerest thanks, My Lady, would you care to dance once more?" He looked at her, smirking a little mischievously, accidents happened, it wouldn't be unheard of for a prince to absent-mindedly 'stumble' into another member of status.

(It's 3:55am here... I'm absolutely dying of exhaustion, one or two mistakes are inevitable... xD )

She giggled and nodded. She stepped a bit closer and prepared herself. Her long hair was already windswept and she was excited. She found it surprising that the prince had chosen to dance with her again, but she'd accept it. It wasn't an unpleasant experience.

//I understand! xD Just...Journalism has made me a nazi of sorts!//

@Archangel Galdrael


The carriage felt alittle tight, since there were 6 other people in it. The lady sitting next to him surely caught his eye, he looked at her and said:" What is a beautiful lady like you doing here?" She looked back narrowing her eyes and said:" Beautiful ladies hide secrets, so beware." Varus laughed and said:" Well... Iam Varus BlackWood, may i know your lovely name?" The carriage suddenly stopped, and the horse driver called:" We reached Camelot." Varus took a step out of the carriage, with a hood on the guards were still suspicious and he heard them shout:" Hey You!" At that moment Varus quickly dashed in the alley but realized they were still on his tail. @Archangel Galdrael

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