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Fantasy The Eight Kingdoms

Rhoswen saw Tommy walk past to talk to the other nobles. She looked away and found herself soon standing by a wall, watching others with wide, interested eyes.
Calenhad smiled at Ogden's greeting, and in turn, Calenhad threw his own arms open in a welcoming gesture, smiling, happy at the dwarf king's obvious cheery mood, it should make business smoother, even though the ball wasn't really a business event it mattered little to Calenhad, he saw it us an opportunity to strenghten his own kingdom, his allies kingdoms and improve relations. All of which, were very good indeed. Out of all the races present, the realm of men certainly felt the most respect for the dwarven empires, which is why Calenhad had sought Ogden out before anyone else.

Taking the ale eagerly from the dwarf he nodded respectfully, he noticed Ogden call the orc lord over. Though Calenhad spoke nyway, still interested in his plan. "Aye, I'll share a drink with you King Ogden, perhaps you'd be interested in taking this fine opportunity to discuss an alliance?" Calenhad hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether to invite the orc king into this discussion, yet with the king right there it was foolish not to. "If you care to join the discussion, you're more than welcome King Thresh... But, just us three, for now." He nodded slightly, reinforcing his words. An alliance with the orcs would be shaky, but it could work, he wanted it too. Then, as the vampire lord approached, Calenhad turned to the orc and dwarf, his facial expression suggesting they keep silent about the discussion, a small alliance would work better. Larger ones always fell apart. Upon his arrival, Calenhad smiled at Thomas. "A fine event you have here, we thank you dearly for hosting such a wonderful thing. You have our respect."


Alistair's eyes peered across the room, searchng for a girl of interest, beauty was rampant that was no doubt, but beauty alone was dull, beauty, brain and heart however... Much more interesting, though it was then, his gaze conveniently landed on what appeared to be a servant girl, taking brief glances at the large ornate dance floor. She was certainly interesting, his brain - and other areas - told him that already. Walking with great confident strides he approached her from beyond, before speaking in a charismatic voice. "Excellent ball, is it not? My Lady."

@SweetCat2319 @DrCompton @zCrookedz @andujarprime
Katla looked at the human Prince in surprise. She nodded and then glanced down appropriately. "Yes my lord. Though I am only a servant. Not a lady." She glanced at the Vampire who had been talking to her and the Human who now approached her. She had never been addressed so much and she brushed her hair back.

@Archangel Galdrael
Ogden's smile widen as his fellow Lords joined him at the table. Ogden was proud to be one of so few who could call themselves a king of a nation, and to be joined with fellows of his own stature he felt he could enjoy the night truly. In the years that Ogden had know Calenhad, he always knew when the King of Men was about to talk business. To no great surprise to Ogden, Calenhad jumped right to the thoughts pressed in his mind. "Ah Lord Calenhad, the dwarves of Orocarni have always been a supporter of Camelot and its people.But surely you don't wish to discuss business on such a joyous occasion." Ogden knew this to be a futile gesture to sway the kings conversation. If Calenhad wanted to talk business, he would do so. Before he could respond to Calenhad's proposals, the Vampire prince appeared with a bow before them. "Aye i'll agree to lord Calenhad, a magnificent party you've thrown. I hope you don't mind the barrels of ale i brought, but its hard to leave home without one or two.....or three." he finished with a hearty laugh bolstered by the ale.
Calenhad's smile widened at Ogden's comment, the men were both familiar one another, and Calenhad knew the dwarf was merely making a comment, not a suggestion. An event like this was the perfect time to do business, and would offer the three - or two - nations involved, a good advantage over the others. Most business deals were made through messages and messengers, but much more could be discussed in greter detail when in person, besides, it offered the individuals personal bonds of friendship, arguably the most powerful structure in keeping nations together, and Calenhad and Ogden, could be considered 'friends'. Though Calenhad kept his silence, waiting for Thomas to leave, and Thresh to reply.


Alistair raised an eyebrow at the girl, before smirking at her charmingly. "Oh? I believed a woman of such vast beauty, enough to surpass a Goddess, must surely have been of great importance." He smiled more brightly at her, a certain shine within his eyes. "Though I must say, aren't servants here to serve the royalty? If this is so, I have a request of you - if you wouldn't mind, of course?"

@SweetCat2319 @zCrookedz
Katla blushed at his compliment and then looked up at his comment, "What is your request, My Lord?" She asked with a stronger voice then she had been using.

@Archangel Galdrael
Alistair-pleased at her response-held out his arm to her, a smile bright on his face . "It's rather simple in fact, I request that you would give me the honour of sharing a dance with you... My Lady."

Katla glanced over at her Queen who smiled and nodded. Katla, blushing, smiled at the Prince and replied, "Of course,My Lord. It would be quite an honor for myself." She took his arm.

@Archangel Galdrael
Alistair's smile remained, and he hooked his arm with her own, and led her to the huge ornate dance floor, even if he was doing this to charm the girl, he wouldn't change it regardless of the result, she seemed like she wanted to be on the ornate floor, among the royalty, and not surprisingly, Alistair was - quite bluntly - the best dancer here, the royalty knew how to be slow and boring in their moves, anyone could do that. Yet a real dancer, such as the people of his home city who dwelled in taverns.They knew how to dance, fast and beautiful movements, Alistair would love nothing more to dominate the dance floor, and put the royalty to shame. As they realized what they would call 'a mere servant girl' could outshine every single one of them.

She took his arm, and he gave her a soft wink, before leading her to the dazzling dance floor. "Shall we start slow, or put these royal snobs to shame, My Lady?" Despite her status as a servant Alistair had a feeling she possessed a spark for dance, though she my be a little clumsy at first, he could see her moving with an elegance that would put the greatest dancers to shame.

"I'm a dragon, My Lord, I like everything to be more intense." She replied with a smirk. She was actually an amazing dancer. In her Kingdom she was always going to parties and dancing with the other servants and citizens.

@Archangel Galdrael
Alistair smirked devilishly, envisioning the gob-smacked nobles staring on in utter jealousy, that would most definitely make his day. Nothing was better than humiliating the royals, he was sure she'd get an even bigger rise out of it than he would. "Ah, a dragon is it? I sensed an inner-flame within you, or I didn't... Alas, we have a dance to take over, My Lady." He placed his hand on her waist, and his other upon her shoulder, waiting for the music to match up perfectly, to bring out their greatest dancing ability.
She placed her hands accordingly and smiled a bit. A gleam entered her eyes,"A dragon is a fantastic dancer, since we fly."
Thresh laughed heartily greeting Ogden with a clap on his shoulder strong enough to make him spill some ale. He cheered a greeting to Calenhad who seemed to arrive at the same time as him. Holding his mug of ale up high he began to toast to a new business venture when he noticed the incoming of the vampire faction to the table. He caught Calenhad's gaze and only smiled. "TO OUR HOST!!!" He cheered Thomas with his ale and gave him a toothy smile. He suppressed his shudder, as vampires always managed that reaction from his tribe. They believed in the spirits, and elements. Quite frankly the only way the dead should be walking is in spirit form. Alas, he knew all too well the power the undead wield. He wouldn't dare insult the king, even if what he was went against his spirit teachings. Maybe one day they could be more than just truce parties, but that would take a lot of effort. For now, merely respect for the man and his people, and appreciation and gratitude for his host would have to do. He could worry about fostering friendship later.

@Archangel Galdrael @zCrookedz
"Hello," Mira greeted with a smile and a slight curtsy when she was addressed. Just in time. She was hoping for someone to talk to or dance with. "It's quite a nice ball the vampires have put together. Isn't it?" she inquired politely tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yes, it is. But I think dancing with a beautiful lady will make it even better?" He said in a mentioning tone while holding o guy t his hand.
Calenhad simply returned the smile to Thresh, not entirely appreciating the lack of a nod for confirmation, the small gesture irritating the man a slight bit. Though he kept his friendly composure, and raised his ale to the men present. Drinking along happily-ish.


Alistair gave the woman a daring smile, almost as if silently asking how good she really was, though it was all irrelevant, soon the music began to flow in the right rhythm, and gracefully, he began his movements, dancing with great elegance, slowly but steadily increasing the pace. Grinning mischievously all whilst it was happening.

@Sweetcat @andujarprime
Katla was very graceful. Her movements were accented by the sway of her long hair and it appeared like flames behind her. She had spirit in every step, and her eyes twinkled from the joy of forgetting she was only a servant at a noble ball. She could have been in the arms of a coal boy right now and been just as happy. She let him lead but there was an undeniable boldness in the way she danced. All grace and curves.

@Archangel Galdrael
The laughter and clap of Thresh brought a feeling of joy to his heart. He liked Thresh. Despite the savageness of the Orcs reputation and race, Ogden respected and admired the way the Orc race was so in tuned with the spirits of the world. Though he didn't know much about the spirits and how they worked himself, he had seen the way the shamans of the Orcs had wielded their strength and it was a force to be reckoned with. He also had an admiration for the warriors that the Orc's produced. cunning, resourceful , determined, with just the right amount of savagery. One of the few tribe he wants to have his back in a desperate fight. Ogden brought his current mug half way drained and placed it on the table as he acknowledged Shin, "Their quite well, thank you for asking. Dis continues to keep the kingdom sparkling while also trying to keep me respectable." He chuckled "All while trying to teach a rebellious daughter to be a lady, and raising a new born." HE smiled as he glanced across the room and stared at his wife with a smile. "I hope your kin finds itself well Lord Shin. As well as the rest of my friends at our tables"
Mira smiled and took his hand. "Is that my invitation?" She questioned playfully. She kind of liked his round about way of asking, and she was eager to dance with him. After all, the only other person she had danced with so far was Elydir.
"Should I try again?" He smiled back and tilted his head. He was pulling her towards the dance floor.
Thomas smiled at his guests, they were getting along wonderfully, and no had caused a ruckus. That had been Thomas' father's greatest concern, was a fight among the kings that they would have to settle. Thomas bowed gracefully when the Thresh had honored him with a toast, "It is my honor, Great One." He stood, "I will leave you to your drinks my fine men, and to your food. Please, if you need anything let me know, I am sure we can muster up whatever you ask for." Thomas took his leave and his eyes quickly found the Faerie Princess again.

Thomas walked gracefully across the dance floor, avoiding the other couples as they moved around to the song and made his way toward Rhoswen. "You know, Rhoswen, its very hard to entertain other guests when you're the only guest I can think about, you should be ashamed of yourself, invading my mind like this." Thomas grinned and held his hand up, "Another dance?"

Rhoswen blushed and smiled at Tommy,"Well of course that must be difficult." She took his hand,"I'd be honored to dance with you again, Tommy. And Maybe spending more time with me with satisfy this craving you seem to have." She smiled teasingly and bit her lip.


On the run, Varus is sure that king Calenhad might send troops after him, and so he kept himself ready at all times. Varus is seeking a way to breach Camelot, not being caught by guards or anyone else. He sat down between the tall grass sensing every move of nature: the chirping birds, the howling gale and the aroma of moist soil after a rainy day.

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