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Fantasy The Eight Kingdoms

Rhoswen giggled and shrugged, "How do Most nobles act? I'm only ever around my parents...and...I hope I never act like them..." She shrugs again and follows him. She noticed the bowing, and always curtsies, and tilted her head. "Are you a noble?" She wasn't taught the nobles of other Kingdoms. And she didn't really care about positions. Friends were friends and those who were not could become friends. And those who were mean weren't worth her time.
Laeretes' eyes swept the crowd. Dragons. Faeries. Other vampires. None of them even glanced at him. He supposed he should have suspected such a thing, but it still made anger rise in his throat. Just as he was calming himself down, his eyes fell on a vampire who's back was turned to him, speaking with what looked like a faerie girl. He didn't even need to see the vampire from the front to recognize who it was. His eyes flashed, as he began making his was over to the pair.

@SweetCat2319 @DrCompton
Elidyr came to his King's summons. He entered with silent dignity and bowed respectfully to the King, "How may I be of service, Your Highness?"

"You shall go to the ball tonight with Mira." He said looking to her and smiled awaiting her response and nodding in appreciation to her.
"Yes Father," Mira replied respectfully curtsying to her father. She needed to make him proud of her by representing her country in the best way possible to the vampire kingdom. With Elidyr there her father would know that she was safe and not goofing off. She knew she should behave, but part of her just wanted to go and dance and not have to worry, but as Princess of Arda, she knew that would never happen.



Aiden was still sleeping when the servant came to prepare him for the ball. "I'm not going," he mumbled rolling back over into the cushy fabric of his pillows. "But you must," the servant pleaded. "Fine, just leave me the h*** alone!" he yelled throwing a pillow at the retreating servant. Nevertheless, he got up and got dressed. He wouldn't look nearly as nice as the other nobles, but the attire he chose would suffice.
Elidyr offered his arm to the princess, "Shall we, My Lady?" He smiled politely and thought about the ball. He hated such events but knew he would go to protect the Princess, and make sure she behaved.
"Of course," Mira replied with a forced smile. Accepting his proffered arm, she gave him a more genuine smile. She knew he disliked balls and such, so she would be sure not to cause him more trouble at least for the night. She knew he was only doing this on her father's orders, not of his own will, so she had to respect that. She could be merry and let loose another day if she ever really got the chance. Which she probably would never have.

He watched them and smiled as he conjured a small fire in his hand then extinguished it instantly. His crowns black garnet glowed dark blue and he felt a surge of power then it faded as he extinguished the flame. He stood an picked up the staff walking down the isle of his court room.
Elidyr leaves the room with Mira and sighs. He glances around and then turns to her, "Dance, have fun. Don't drink though, you should keep a clear head. I'll deal with any politics that come up. You are young and still need to have fun. I think." He had never been the type to want such things, but he knew that the Princess did.

Glandur walked out of the castle and walked to a wall covered in vines. He then touched the wall with his staff and the tip started glowing green with a low magical hum. The Crown glown the same color and the vines grew to the roof. Glandur then climbed the vines to the top and laid there staring at the star-full sky deep in thought.
Thomas looked the young woman and smiled and laughed a little, "Yes, I am, I am one of the Princes of Orfeo." He smiled and lead her through the kitchen then opened the door to the main room, "I hope no one has noticed our absence." The Grand Hall was large, domed building no windows, lit by a series of chandeliers that gave the room a golden tone. He noticed a few of the more important guests were there, such as the King of Dragons, The King and Princess of the Elves with their adviser. He noticed a peculiar looking Vampire in the corner, he looked familiar, but Thomas couldn't place him.

"Rhoswen, it seems not enough people are dancing." He holds his hand up and looks at her, "Can I have this dance?"
Surprised but very willing, Rhoswen nodded and placed her much smaller hand in his. "Of course, Tommy." She didn't even think about calling him a title. She heard her parents called by their titles, and sometimes herself, but she really never thought of it. It wasn't a big deal in her Kingdom. If you were royalty, everybody knew. It wasn't necessary to bring it up a lot. And everybody was treated well, and it was common for the Faerie royalty to mingle with their people. "It's good that you are prince." She smiled softly.
Laeretes kept a watchful eye on his brother and the faerie, trailing them casually. He didn't have a partner to dance with, of course, but he supposed it wouldn't be too difficult to find one. After all, it seemed like at least a couple people recognized him. A pair of what he suspected to be werewolves whispered to each other off in a corner, casting resentful looks at him in between words. So, his brother had stooped so low to even invite the Moon Children to the ball. He stared back at the pair, crossing his arms across his chest.
The fact that she had called him Tommy, instead of Prince, or Thomas was already a good sign. It also helped that Thomas found himself attracted to he Faerie, even though he was sure neither family, hers nor his, would allowed the two to be anything more than just friends, "Is it? Would you not dance with me if I wasn't a Prince?" Thomas turned toward Rhoswen, closing his hand around hers, and placing his other hand gently on her hip, the song was a light dance, not moving to fast. "I dont think that would be the case, I have a feeling that you and I have the same view when it comes to nobility." He smiled at her.

Glandur crouches on the roof and watches the crowd in the ball then after a while hops off the roof. Glandur walks into the

Ballroom with his staff sheathed and hands behind his back walking around the room.
"Yay!" Mira exclaimed giving Elydir a hug. Then her face changed from joy to regret as if suddenly realizing that that's not how a princess should be behaving. Her eyes dropped to the ground and she quietly says, "Sorry. I promise I won't cause any trouble..." She wished she could be a normal girl and act as she pleased, but that was not the life she lived. She must be a proper princess.



Aiden got ready and flew to the ball, entering the main hall. He didn't see the need to socialize, so he found himself a quiet corner where he hoped no one would bother him. It wasn't likely that the peace would last seeing as he was a prince, but a boy could dream.
Glandur walked over to a chair and sat down enjoying a sandwich and chatted with several from other kingdoms. He then started dancing with a Faraie woman and made small talk.
Rhoswen giggled and shook her head, "I would have danced with you if you were a servant! It's good that you're a Prince, because your nice. It's always good for people to have nice royalty looking after them. That's what I think." She smiled. She had her hand on his shoulder. She was tiny, seeing as that was normal for Faeries, and also light on her feet. They glided across the floor.



Katla followed the Dragon Queen into the ballroom. The Queen went straight to her husband. Katla remained against the wall, as was expected of her, and watched the ball. She saw her Prince enter, looking irritated at being here, and that was also quite normal and expected.


Elidyr blushed as the Princess gave him a hug that he had no time to return. She pulled away, looking abashed and he sighed and and smiled at her, "It's okay Princess. I know you won't. Have fun." He gave her an awkward half hug in an attempt to make her feel better.

At first Elidyr's hug shocked Mira, but then a large grin spread across her face. "Thank you," she said again glancing around the room. She wanted someone, anyone, to dance with her, but she wasn't sure who was free and who was already planning to dance with certain people. She rarely had the freedom to move about and do as she wished, so she wasn't quite sure how to act.

(I'm not actually entirely sure where we are at this point, so I'm just assumed they were at the ball, but I don't really know...)

Elidyr noticed Mira's hesitation and held out his hand, "I'll dance with you at first if you wish, Princess. Then you will be more accustomed to how you place yourself, and I'll hand you off to another." He smiled.

//Totally know what you mean, it's fine.//

"Then it seems the two of us have the same idea when it comes to royalty." Thomas smiled continued to dance with Rhoswen, "How often are you able to leave your kingdom? To travel to others without having a reason like a ball such as this?" He looked down into her eyes, "I find myself often stuck in this castle, tending to things for my father quite often now."
"I almost never leave home. Mother and father think I'm safer when I'm home. Apparently, I'm delicate." She smiled a little at her sarcasm. She didn't like being stuck at home. "But I'm the heir so they are starting to let me come to events like this to learn the politics and other nobles."


Dis, The Dwarf Queen, marched into the Throne room with her hands on her hips. She saw her husband and the ambassador sitting and drinking. Typical. "Ogden! Renauk! You must get ready for the ball now! Or else i will go without you and dance with some devilishly handsome elf!" The last part was a joke, but she still hoped it fueled her husband to action.

@zCrookedz @Mendaian
Mira took his hand gratefully. "Thank you," she said a light blush painting her cheeks. She was so not used to all this, but she had to start somewhere. If she kept doing nothing but being an uppity royal wallflower, like she usually did at parties, she'd go crazy.
Elidyr nodded his head and smoothly pulled her close. He put a hand on her waist and signaled for her other hand to grace his shoulder. "It is of course a pleasure, My Lady." A strand of his dark hair fell to his forehead but he decided to ignore it for the time being. He smiled down at Mira.

Ogden, startled by his wife's entrance, jumped a little by the abruptness. There were a few things that could shake him to his core, many of those where the nightmares of war, but one he feared on a daily basis was the wrath of his beautiful, loving wife. "Aye she has a point, if we don't get a move on then well be late and iv'e heard rumors of the vampires wrath to late comer's." Ogden chuckled to himself again and raised himself from his throne. He walked over to Renauk and clapped him on the shoulder, "We'll finish this conversation about the tour when we aren't late to a party eh?" Ogden grabbed his mug from his table and made his way to the door, "Don't be late Renauk,or else ill drink all the ale without you."


The carriage pulled up to the castle of Orfeo in a small haste. Ogden stepped out, dressed in a his sliver plated and gold lined royal plate armor. His beard and hair freshly groomed and braided by his servants before leaving, his wife's tone about cleanliness having much to do with it. He held out his hand and helped Dis down from the carriage, then his eldest daughter Amser. He closed the door to the carriage and gave it a short slam to let the driver know to take it away. "It was better we left the wee one with he wet nurses, a vampire's home is no place for a babe." He grasped his wife's hand and made their way into the halls, towards the sound of music and laughter.
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