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Fantasy The Eight Kingdoms

Mira followed Elydir's lead, drawing close to him and putting her hand on his shoulder. She had been given dancing lessons, but she never got to put them to the test at an actual ball. She smiled up at Elydir, both excited and nervous. She didn't want to trip in front of everyone, but she had had lessons so she shouldn't... She hoped. She took a deep breath to steady herself. That's when she noticed a strand of Elydir's hair had fallen. Without thinking she reached up to fix it for him.
Elidyr, surprised by her gesture, widened his eyes, and then smiled. He started to lead her around the floor, very gracefully. He never danced at balls, even if females seemed to be drawn to him, and hung around with the hopes he would ask. He never did. So it might have been surprising that he was so graceful. He absently hummed along with the music.

Ogden and his family made their way through the Vampire home, glancing around at the interesting decor and modeling of the home. This was not the first time Ogden had been in the Vampire kingdom, but his family he could not say the same. As they entered the beautiful ball room, the golden glow of the room took Ogden by surprise. The beauty of the room was not what he had expected of the Vampire home in the slightest. After glancing around the room and taking note of the VIP's of the room. Ogden shifted his armor a bit and glanced at his family "Dwarves at a ball, not something that happens every day aye?" He focused his attention on the darkly dressed elf chitchatting in the room. He turned to his daughter "Why don't you find yourself a dance partner dear." He was still uncomfortable with his eldest daughter being so close to political activities. He began to make his way towards the elf until he was a few feet from him and with a grin and somewhat of a low bellow he addressed the Elf King. "Good evening Lord Glandur, how fairs the lands of Arda these days?"

"Ah good evening Lord Ogden, they fair well, how are the forges of Orocarni holding up?" He asks resting both hands on his staff firmly placed on the ground. He observed the Dwarf King in his golden armor obviously forged for events such as this.
"Stronger than ever." Ogden boasted. He was always proud to brag on the forges and the masters who maned them. "I'm actually surprised to see you here."Ogden glanced around with his eyes checking his surroundings. "To be honest with you, I'm surprised of this entire event all together. I have never known the Vampires to host such an extravagant event such as this." Ogden had been to Orfeo a hand full of times but it was always business related with King Yovel. "Come to think of it, i see very few of the Vampire royalty here among us." He said this turning towards Prince Thomas and his lovely dancing partner.
"Yes, it is a bit....odd." He said He then observed the room watching his daughter carefully. "But all the same I wish this

to be a celebration for us to enjoy, not to spend the whole time suspicious of the few." He stated as he walked to

a table and poured himself a glass of Elven Wine.
"Delicate? Hmm, maybe a delicate flower, you're certainly as beautiful as one." Thomas smiled lightly, and the song that he and Rhoswen were dancing too came to and end. Thomas reluctantly pulled his hands away, "Excuse me, Rhoswen, but I must make an announcement to the guests, as much as I would love to spend the rest of this evening with you, we must part for now." Thomas stepped back and made his way toward the top of the stairs that overlooked the dance floor, and most of the room.

"I couldn't agree more!" Ogden shuffled over to the table and glanced around at the assortment. None of these drinks were mush to his pallets liking. He had planed for this however. Waving down one of the servants, he instructed them to fetch his carriage drive and to bring in one of the barrels they had brought with them. After a few short moments and an impressive display of the vampires strength and speed, the barrel was tapped and added to the refreshments. Smiling wide he reached for a goblet and filled it, handed it to his wife, and fixed another for himself. The sweet aroma of The Kings Brew made his mouth moisten. He then glanced over and noticed the Vampire prince walking towards the stairs.
Rhoswen had blushed when he complimented her. And when the dance ended and he had to leave, she was a little sad, but understood and nodded to him with a small smile. Another Faerie approached her, said something then offered his arm and took her to the side of the room. It had been Robin, the adviser.
Glandur watched the vampire and said "Like I said, dont be suspicious, but what do you think he is doing?" He asked finishing his wine and setting the glass on the table.
Ogden continued to watch the prince as he climbed the stairs. The dwarves had never had an quarrels with the Vampires, but they were in their nature a terrifying force. "I couldn't tell ya." He finished off his goblet and filled it again. "But I'm hoping hes going to tell us where to find some food, a roasted mountain goat would be fantastic with this ale."
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//gtg school ill be back//
Once Thomas reached the top of the stairs, he looked out over his guests.

"My kings and my queens, my fellow princes and princesses, and those of you who actually run the kingdoms, the advisors, the clerics, and the servants." He meant for the last part to be a small joke, and he smiled to indicate that. "For the first time I can remember, all of our kingdoms are finally at peace, although some treaties are a little more shakey than others, but this ball is to celebrate that peace. Fifty years ago if a member of the Kingdom of Lupis had been present in these halls, it would have been as a prisoner, but today they are here as my brothers. Just over there." Thomas raised his hand to the King of Elves and King of Dwarfs, "two kingdoms who once raged wars together, now drink together." He lowered his hand, "earlier tonight I had the honor of dancing with the Princess of Avalon. Tonight we celebrate peace, so my guests, drink your drinks, and eat your food!" The music started again as Thomas stepped back, signaling the end of his welcoming speech.
Calenhad approached the great doors leading to the extravagant ball on the other side, he was late. Of course, and it was this blasted boys fault. Once more he turned to Alistair, an annoyed glare pinned on the troublesome boy.

"You will BEHAVE boy! Do you understand? I care not for what you do back home, but here? In front of the royalty of the world? You will act as a prince should!"

Alistair gave a simple mock-bow, smirking whilst he spoke. "Of course father, princely behavior is my specialty."

Calenhad scoffed at that.

Arriving into the large ballroom he had to admit, the utter elegance of the event was astonishing, something like this was rare, rarer still when hosted by vampires. Yet here he stood, in a vast hall of pure enjoyment, a smile crossed his face, whilst, unbeknownst to Calenhad, a more adventurous smile crossed Alistair's. Calenhad searched the room for someone of importance to greet him, paying no attention to the servants who briefly gathered nearby.

"Isn't this just magnificent?" Calenhad whispered, turning his gaze to his best ambassador.

The Vampire Princes words rang deeper in Ogden's ears the more he thought on them. As he motioned to himself and Glandur, Ogden raised his goblet towards the Prince and bowed his head to show his gratitude. The years of peace had been the best years the dwarf kingdom had ever had, and he felt safe to assume the rest of the kingdoms had followed suit. At the end of the princes speech, Ogden closed his eyes and said a quick prayer to the dwarven gods in appreciation and finished his goblet. He exhaled and laughed his booming laugh "Now then, the prince mentioned food." Ogden whipped his head around searching for any faint aroma of meat.
Rhoswen had smiled at Tommy's speech. She was pulled back to the dance floor by Robin.


Katla raised her eyes as she saw the King and Prince of the humans walked in. The Prince didn't seem to want to be here. She quickly looked away and went back to the boring life of a servant.


Axl walked into the ballroom and looked around. He didn't really mind vampires. Though he attempted to stay away from them, as he was the Prince of the wolves.
Mira danced happily with Elydir. He really was a surprisingly good dancer, especially since she had never actually seen him dance before. When the song ended she stopped to listen to the prince as he spoke of peace. She glanced back at her father and the dwarf king with a smile. Things in the kingdom had been very peaceful and for that she was glad. Once the vampire prince had finished speaking she turned to Elydir. "Thank you for dancing with me," she said with a little smile.

Aiden on the other hand had been unimpressed with the ball, the dancing, and prince's speech. He was only there because he had to be anyway. He grabbed a drink and gulped it down, not really caring what it was. He just wanted the night to be over.
Glandur smiled slightly then stepped back walking back to the chair and

sitting with his staff at his side and he drank another glass of the Elven

Wine. He thought of an idea then walked outside smiling to himself.
Ogden eyes scanned the surrounding ball room for the faint waft he had picked up only a few short seconds before. A dwarf's parties and a vampires parties vary in more ways than you can count. By now, at a dwarf party, many dwarves would have already drank themselves so far under that the music would sound horrible, and yet they would all be singing and dancing along. However they did both have one thing in common, albeit in different portion sizes and that was food. Noticing the Elf king ducking outside alone, Ogden paid it no mind and quickly honed in what he had smelled. A roasted boar had been brought out on a grand platter along with many other types of foods from different kingdoms to satisfy the variety of pallets that where in the ball room. Ogden backed away from Dis slowly when she wasn't looking and shuffled his way over to the table. The food smelled amazing, and the glaze on the boar made the drool drip down his neat beard. Even kings cant deny the natures of their race. Ogden grabbed the back leg of the boar, and as if he was skilled in the act, twisted and snapped it right off. His goblet filled to the top with his ale, and a hunk of meat the size of his muscular arm, Ogden made his way back over to Dis, standing quietly behind her as he munched on his ham quietly and happily.
Glandur walked a few more feet and looked up into the

star-lit night and observed for a while. He then aimed

his staff upwards to the sky and a bright red sparkle

shot out. His circlet started glowing a multitude of

colors as they kept shooting out of the staff and making

colorful explosions in the sky and he smiled as a few stranger

guests started walking out and watching as the colors

filled the sky.
Elidyr nodded to the princess, "It was a pleasure. Maybe another partner will come now they know you can dance." He smiled gently. He listened to the Prince's words and nodded in appreciation.
Laeretes observed his brother's speech with a bemused expression on his face. Part of him was furious that he was the one watching a vampire make such a disgusting announcement about the werewolves, and of piece. But the other part of him found it funny, and a little bit stupid too. Turning away, he made his way back across the dance floor.
Shin ate away at the meat that was present he had been busy and couldn't find time to eat luckily the meat here was great. "Oh that's good I could go for a drink with it though."
Mira sure hoped so. Although at this point she didn't know whether she'd rather eat or dance. Food sounded good, and smelled delicious, but part of her would rather just dance the night away. After a few moments of thought, Mira went to find some fruit to nibble on. It would satisfy her appetite, but still leave her free enough to dance, should someone ask her.

Aiden was already eating his fill. He didn't like parties, but he did like food and lots of it. The boy had an appetite big enough to match his dragon form even when he looked human.
Katla watched her own prince stuff his face. Well there were two princes who really didn't want to be here. She looked at the dance floor and tilted her head. She wondered what it would be like to dance on it. But she was just a servant, so she couldn't dance.

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