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Fantasy The Eight Kingdoms

The guards of Camelot had recently been on high alert, with the Princess pregnant and the King at the vampire ball Camelot was vulnerable, and it was their duty to keep the kingdom safe, guardsman Donnic was tasked with watching over the main gate with a handful of others, to make sure no unwanted visitors breached Camelot.

Donnic peeled his eyes at a nearby carriage, the man calling out they had reached Camelot. Why would he need to call it out? Then, it all made sense, a hooded figure stepped out, looking incredibly suspicious. Yet he realized the carriage driver hadn't called out to alert the man, he had called out to call the on the suspicious man. "Hey you!" Donnic shouted, although as he did the hooded man began to run, down an alley no less. However, Donnic and several guards had given pursuit, they would get this criminal. For their, King, Princess and Prince.

Walking onto the balcony Thresh grinned at king Calenhad and Ogden. "Now that sounds favorable indeed. " He agreed. Snapping up a piece of meat from the large leg he grabbed on his way out. A cheery look on his face now that he had ale and meat in his belly and good tidings in his ears
"Oh I would never stay away from you if I could help it Rho." Tommy smiled again as the next song began he started to move with her once more. "I suppose I will have to start finding reasons to visit your home now, if only to dance with you." Thomas squeezed he hand gently as they spun in circles together, holding her as close as he could, watching her eyes.


Realising the guards were srill on his tail, he tried not kill any. Varus entered the city with benevolent intentions, he wanted to investigate in the murder of his father King Ruthford. And so he enchanted a couple of arrows with a tranquilizing effect, and got three arrows ready to be shot. Out of panic he ran towards the guards, as the swayed their swords he jumped above them shooting the arrows and performing a flip at the same time. Varus had only immobilized a quarter of the guards after him, he had no choice but give up. After years of running it was all a waste, he had dont nothing wrong and was banned after the murder of his father because everyone believed that he planned the monstrous attack to take over the throne. Varus kneels and puts his arm up waiting to het cuffed and said:" Just take me, i cant run anymore i need to speak to the king.. i do have the right dont I?" @Archangel Galdrael
Lillian was a little upset that she was unable to attend the Vampire Ball in Orfeo. However, at the same time, she wasn't interested in her baby or herself becoming Vampire Chow. But the reason why she stayed back in Camelot is because her Father, King Calenhad, needed someone in the Family that could be trusted to watch over the Kingdom while he attends the Vampire Ball. It would be nice to make peace...Perhaps some of her own Compassion rubbed off on him? Lillian could only hope so. Although she was happy to be watching over the Kingdom, Lillian also wished her Brother could be more Responsible with his Upbringing as she has. Overall, she was curious about why the Guards were on such high-alert, since most of her time is spent resting for the sake of the baby. It was also tough for her to walk and stand for extended periods of time as well. She did hear a Rumor from other Guards that her exiled Brother could be back in town...Which left her unsettled. She wasn't worried about herself, but more or so for her baby.

Tired of being in her Room, Princess Lillian began roaming the halls of her wondrous castle, curious as to what her little brother, Alistair was up to. Hopefully not getting himself into trouble again. When she got to the Throne Room, which was empty and dead-quiet, she began looking around. She looked up at a Painting of her Father, before looking down at her swollen belly, where her future child was resting. Midwives had predicted a boy. As she began holding her stomach, Lillian began thinking about the joys of being a Mother, but wasn't very keen on the fact that her child may not have a strong father figure, worried that Alistair may be a bad influence, or her Father being too rough. After a few more minutes, Lillian asked to be escorted to the Castle Dungeons, wanting to see the condition of the prisoners. Even if they were just prisoners to the Guards, to Lillian, they were still people. While walking through the Dungeon, she started feeling a bit sympathetic.
She grinned and giggled,"Well, we Faeries are always throwing celebrations. You might just be able to." She bit her lip at the thought of seeing him more. Rhoswen was very much a romantic. She didn't believe that anything could stop love. Race, beliefs, age, none of that. She also very firmly believed in love at first glance.
Donnic and the guards charged the man, all of them raising their shields as they noticed the bow he held, the man gave a great leap over the retinue who had given chase, letting off several non-lethal arrows at the group, most guards manged to block the arrows, others did not. Yet after the stunt was over, the criminal was now surrounded, each guard prepared for what he may do next. However, Donnic raised an eyebrow as the man knelt, surrendering with one arm raised.

Ah, he wanted to speak to the king, did he? Donnic scoffed, sheathing his sword and pacing over to the criminal, before binding his arms in shackles, and then gagging and blindfolding the man with rope. "The King isn't present, you can wait for his return in the dungeon, where your kind belong." Then, with a powerful push, Donnic lifted the man onto his legs, before escorting him to the dungeons.

Donnic then entered the dungeon, his prisoner in line, yet he was surprised to see the Princess was down here, whilst with-child? "Ah, My Lady, I did not expect you to be down here... I would kneel, but I fear this man is dangerous, so i must stand to ensure he does not escape... We found him trying to sneak into the city, says he wants to speak to your father, My Lady."

(@Shimakage Thunder))
Ogden studied the Kings words as he spoke. taking note of every word he said. Though Ogden didn't want to admit it, he could feel what Calenhad words had a grain of truth to them. He began to stoke his beard as he pondered. The 8 nations have been peaceful for so long he had wondered if the peace had cause some false sense of security that some nations might take opportunity of. "My lord, though i do not want to admit it, there is truth to your words. However i do not want the rest of the kingdoms to think we are preparing for something that we only wish circumvent." He stopped stroking his beard. He was about to propose something that he knew that Calenhad would not like. "My lords i have one request if we are to even begin talking about this kind of talk." He hesitated and took a deep breath. "We need invite Shin and the dragon nation into this conversation." He exhaled, waiting for the kings response so he could explain himself.
Thresh nearly choked st the words. He managed a swig of ale before clearing his throat. He looked down St King Ogden curiously. "Why so? How would that help the misconception? " He ask curio
Alistair began increasing his dancing once more, the speed and pace steadily rising, he smiled at the girl, and gave her a mischievous wink, before he faked a stumble, tripping over his feet in a very convincing manner, and colliding with another pair of elegant dancers. He hadn't dragged the girl down with her, so she was safe from any misfortune, but now he was a tab bit concerned for his own... Vampires...

"Ah, forgive my clumsiness My Lord, My Lady, I simply lost my footing."

@SweetCat2319 @DrCompton


Calenhad folded his arms at Ogden's suggestion, four nations could fall apart much easier than three, why did the dragon nation belong here? "Ogden, why must the dragon nation partake in this ordeal? If we bring four nations together, then should the others find out they would also band together. Tensions would rise across the realm and war would be even more likely... This alliance needs to be kept silent, can we trust Shin to do just that? I trust you, because I know you well. And I trust King Thresh, because the orcs are a wise people. They do what is best for their own." Calenhad gave Thresh a respectful nod, noting the similarity the kingdoms shared in that regard. Though he would not say it, alenhad had a great deal of respect for the orc nation, they were strong at heart, body and mind. Much like humans - only wilder, larger, and slightly less tactical.

"My Lords, why is this ball being held? To alleviate tension between the nations, why? Because Thomas knew conflict was ready to shatter the realm, this whole event is merely a means to delay the inevitable. To not discuss an alliance would be foolish, do you stop a fire before it spreads? Or do you let the fire devour your home. This, is us stopping the fire, if we do not act together, the flames of war will devour our kingdoms..."

@andujarprime @zCrookedz
Rhoswen held onto Tommy tightly as they were crashed into. She buried her head into his chest.

Katla stood behind the scene and giggled and then silenced herself and looked down. She was just a servant and she didn't need to be punished.
Ogden, slightly taken aback as Calenhad spoke. "My lord i know you mean well with your words, but we Dwarves no of fire all to well." A shudder crept through his veins as his thoughts went back to the war. "The dragons and the dwarves battle for years before it finally ended with the peace treaty. I signed that treaty, i placed my home and my kinsmen on the line to fight for peace with the dragons. And i will not have that and the fruits oe its relationship shattered while i still draw breath." Ogden took a deep breath and exhaled. "The reasons i believe the dragons should be involved in this, is because i have seen the devastation of the dragons and i do not wish to endure that for my people again. Now, if you need more reasons then i will give them. They have resources of gold that the dwarves could never hope to acquire. Beyond that they are fierce warriors, and i believe they well be loyal to the nations that show them the respect they deserve, as i have done with them for years."
Varus heard the conversation between the guard and the princess, he then quickly shouted:" princess please help! Am i guilty of being elf or what?" @Archangel Galdrael @Shimakage Thunder
Thomas smiled at Rhoswen when she mentioned faerie celebrations, "that sounds wonderful."

Thomas wrapped his arm carefully around Rhoswen as Alistar crashed into the duo. He kept his stance so the two wouldn't fall to the floor and simply smiled at Alistar. "It is fine Prince Alistar, I'm sure you were caught up your partners beauty as I am often caught up in my partners." He grinned and gave a slight bow, before taking Rhoswen's hand again, "perhaps some night air Rho?"
Rhoswen smiled at the other Prince and the girl behind him,"It's fine! Be careful though! Robin will take your clumsiness as an invitation to be mischievous." She giggled and then nodded to Tommy. "I would enjoy night air."
Thresh stood listening. He nodded to Calenhad, then in agreement to Ogden's reasoning. "He speaks truth Calenhad. I myself have face the might of dragons. They are no joke when it comes to war. We would do well to accept their allegiance king Calenhad." He said with a nod. He knew the fires that Ogden spoke of. He remembered the last war bitterly as well.
Calenhad sighed, turning to the two men. "Do you two fear the dragons so much?" His voice was not aggressive, nor condescending. But tired, the dragons did not deserve a place in this alliance, they were war-hungry brutes. Nothing more in his eyes, ruling as tyrants and through fear. He wanted nothing to do with the lizards. yet it seemed his hands were bound, it was all or nothing. "Fine! Shin may join discussions... But mark my words my lords, we are equals! He will leave the alliance the moment he tries any sort of dominance. he will only receive respect from me should he show it himself."


Alistair turned to the girl once more, a devilish smile upon his face. "I fear I lost balance, how unfortunate Lord Thomas and his partner must leave... Say, is there anything you would like to do My Lady?" He asked curiously, whole-heartedly prepared to do as she requests.

@SweetCat2319 @zCrookedz @andujarprime
Thresh nodded and smiled at Calenhad. "How many of the elder races thought the same of my people? But I agree with you. No dominance from one party or another. We are all equals. In all things."
Katla stood before Alistair, she was completely speechless. She had no clue what to say as it wasn't often she got to make requests. What does one ask for in such situations? I can't think of anything. And he's waiting for my response...She thought and bit her lip.
A sigh of relief swept over Ogden. The tension he had felt finally lifted, he smiled once again. "Agreed, equals under one banner. We will make that clear to Shin." He paused momentarily. "Now then, the way i see it we al have something to gain out of this union. We need to make sure that the others do not think we are plotting against anyone. SO until the time when this peace breaks, this will be nothing more than a civil union to help each other with trade routes and industries." Ogden's mail clinked again as he shifted his arms across his chests. "I havn't even seen the Wolf king this evening, which has me concerned. And the Vampire princeling dancing with the Fairy princes ihas me curious of their intentions."
"The Wolf King avoiding a ball hosted by vampires? It isn't truly worrying... Though it is suspicious, and though I did not know the Faerie princess and Vampire prince were getting closer, I now find that to be more alarming. Yet I do agree with you. Until the grand alliance breaks we will not aid each other politically or militarily, like you said. Simple trade routes and standard business. To keep suspicion down, should war break out, then I - for one - will immediately fortify my borders, and will be more than happy to pool our armies together, under a single banner. We are currently - as you say - a Civil Union. Standard business, yet in the face of war. We will become The Kings Union."

Calenhad looked at the two before him, hoping they agree with his plan. In the face of war, pooling their armies together would be difficult at first, yet they could be a force to be reckoned with.


Alistair raised an eyebrow as she struggled to think up a request, before specifying for her. "Surely a servant girl has some wants? Make a request. ANY request, and should it be within my power, I swear upon my life I shall grant it." He smiled, teasingly at the girl. Hoping her request was not something dull, or boring.

@SweetCat2319 @zCrookedz @andujarprime
Katla grins and her eyes flash,"As a servant, I really have very little I desire. The King and Queen take care of their servants, and are very kind. The Prince is just lazy so he doesn't bother us much. But maybe my request has more to do with testing you, Prince." Feeling as though he might just be using her request to rebel against his father, she had seen a similar attitude in Aiden after all.
"Is that so?" He flashed her a daring smile, a test would be interesting... What did she want him to do? He could only hypothesize, yet he wanted to know. "Very well, My Lady. What would you have of me?" It seemed a though the time had come for some real havoc to begin, maybe this ball wouldn't be so blatantly boring after all, he had certainly enjoyed what had happened so far.
Ogden nodded his approval to Calenhad. "The Kings Union. An exemplary name." He pushed himself off the wall and unfolded his arms. "Now before we get to ahead of ourselves we need to enlist our last member." He walked to one of the guards Calenhad had posted "Could one of you dear lads fetch Lord Shin for us?" He let the guard be on his way and returned to his spot on the balcony. "Now then my lords, as a token of my loyalty to this new union, i have a gift i wish to bestow unto each of the kingdoms involved." He turned back to his companions. "I will send one of my master forgers to each of your kingdoms. They will have the skills and knowledge of all thousands of years of dwarven smiting, along with weapon enchanting. Use them to your discretion, however little or much you need them." Hoping this would be an exceptionable gift to solidify the new union, Ogden bowed his head to his friends.

@Nenma Takashi
She smirked and shrugged,"First you must answer honesly, My Lord. Are you enjoying your time with me?" She pushed her hair back and smiled. She really wanted to see if he'd be brave enough for what she had in mind.

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