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Fantasy The Eight Kingdoms

"Be careful, My Lady! You'll give me a big head and then I'll have it shrunk during training."He joked and puffed out his chest at her compliment. He flashed her smile and then dipped her, low.

Moon giggled. "You're so cute, But I'll quit teasing you." She said. "There's lots of pretty girls your age here. You should go talk to one, or some. I'll help you too, if you're scared about messing up." She stated, smiling at him.
Mira giggled gracefully flowing into the dip. "Well we wouldn't want that now would we?" She smiled happily at him. Really he was much too charming from her perspective.


"MOM! I'm not a child! I can talk to people without screwing up! I just don't want to!" Aiden's cheeks turned bright red in embarrassment. Did she really think so little of him? He drank the rest of his wine in one gulp. He had a very high alcohol tolerance, but even he was starting to feel the affects.

@Lizzy (Oh my gosh! This whole situation is to funny!)
Alistair ceased smiling, now quite consumed by the prospect of falling to his demise as a splattered pile of unrecognizable mush, his fate was officially out of his control, he was on a dragon. He was on a dragon... He was on a freaking dragon! He didn't even speak for a while, what was he supposed to do? "Right... Test... W-what do I do? Do I hug your neck? Hold your horns... Directions would be greatly appreciated... My Lady..."

Katla chuckled and it shook her body,"Just hold onto my horns. It won't hurt me. And I appreciate the fact that you are still trying to be respectful." She paused and stayed as still as she could in the air so he could get situated.

@Archangel Galdrael
"Right... Horns... Simple!" Nothing to worry about, just a small flight around, no danger... He fixed his hands around her horns, holding on far tighter than needed for a decent grip. "Great! I am ready for your challenge My Lady!" Alistair was going to die... He just knew it. Even his bravado didn't mask the fear lingering everywhere within him.
As soon as he had a more then good grip on her horns, she took off. She flew in an arch and then dived down and flew back up. She rolled over and did a few other tricks. The test was really this, after she had put him through all this would he still claim he truly wanted her company. She had a feeling that he had only wanted to anger his father through her, now she would see the truth.

Axl brought her back up and chuckled,"No, it isn't good for a wolf to get a big head in battle." He didn't know if she knew he was a wolf, but he might as well reveal that fact now. Most girls he met, of other species, thought wolves had bad tempers so it was hard to talk to them.


//I did miss it! Sorry!//
The moment Alistair's grip was solid he felt his stomach churn, as she soared through the sky in an incredibly daring manner, no gentleness was included, she could'v at least started slow! He burrowed his face into her head, the urge to throw up hitting him hard, don't let go...

You're insaaaaane!" He hadn't had time to say much else, as she decided to dive straight down... She might have been a beautiful girl with a great personality but putting him through several mini-heart attacks in a single motion was certainly pushing his leniency. After several flips and rolls were over he felt like he was literally going to faint. "Not too bad... I'm fine... My Lady..."
Mira had learned who the princes and princesses of each kingdom were as part of her usual lessons. Naturally she also knew that Axl was the wolf prince. Admittedly, she had expected him to be more temperamental, but there were exceptions to every rule. "True, we can't have you getting injured just because I inflated your ego a bit too much," she replied playfully.

@SweetCat2319 (No problem)
(I'm only 13 but I feel like I would be an amazing mother. In a long time from now.. ouo xD )

"But you will always be my baby. And I'm older than you. Therefore, you are a child." She said, in a serious tone.

"Now go talk to someone! People are going to think you hate them, and that isn't good since you will be a king one day." She said, grabbing his hand and leading him away from the food and to the side of the dance floor where people were mingling.
(I think it's funny that Moon treats Aiden like I treat my sister, the always wonderful but occasionally anti-social @OutofSight OutofMind)

"Hey!" Aiden protested trying to grab his meat and Moon dragged him away. Unfortunately for him, he didn't succeed and now he had to mingle. "Fine," he looked around for someone who didn't seem to be busy. It looked to him like most everyone was talking already.

(In all seriousness I have no idea who isn't already socializing with other people)

Thinking that the human had enough torture, Katla slowed down considerably and flew slowly around the grounds to give him a nice view,"Prince, take a look. This is Why I like being a dragon. It's beautiful from up here, isn't it?"

Axl already liked this girl. Mira was not What he had expected as an Elf princess. She was amazing. Sweet, funny, and absolutely beautiful. He was enchanted by her and hoped they could talk more after the ball. Though he wasn't sure how her father would react to that.

//she's your sister? Both of you are freaking awesome. :) //
Thomas rubbed Rho's back and sighed, "Come on, lets go back inside. Im not sure who is still at the party or not, it must be slowing down by now." He pulled away from the hug and watched her, "Again Im sorry about my brother, really.. I am."

He kept his face burrowed into the dragons head for several more minutes, still feeling drowsy from the terrifying flight. "Just... Give me a moment..." Alistair recollected his breath, summoning his courage to just open his eyes and look up. Confident he had finally achieved it, he did. And gazed at the view, all previous fear leaving his system. "Wow, this... Is beautiful..."
Moon let go of his hand, but gave a command of "Don't run away." She led him around a little bit, soon finding a small group. There were two dragons, a mother and her daughter who was probably a few years younger than Aiden. But Moon knew that didn't matter since dragons were immortal. She brought Aiden over and smiled at the group. There were a couple others that Moon didn't recognize. But another one or two seemed somewhere around Aiden's age. Perfect.

"Hello your highnesses," Some of the group chimed.

"Hello. You don't mind Aiden and I joining in the conversation, do you?"

"Of course not, Queen!" The dragon woman said, dipping her head in respect.

"Great. Aiden needs to socialize." She said, bringing her son forward. One or two of the girls smiled at Aiden, cooing a hello.

(Idek. But if anyone wants to join in this little convo thing, feel free. ouo)
In the short time Mira had known him she had really come to like Axl. He was not what she had expected but it was a pleasant surprise. He was funny, handsome, and if the way he held her as they danced was anything to judge by, he was gentle as well. She wanted to get to know him better, but she had a feeling her father would not approve. She wanted to say something and continue they're comfortable banter, but all her usual conversation starters were more about the kingdoms than the individuals, and she didn't really want to think about politics right now.

@SweetCat2319 (Thanks I'm glad you think so)

"Hello. How are you all today?" Aiden asked stiffly looking over those gathered. It seemed to him that his mom was trying to hook him up. Not cool! He didn't want to have to worry about other people. He just wanted to go back to his food...


After nearly 20 minutes, and Aiden still didn't seem willing to really talk with any one, she figured they should leave and she should stop socially torturing her child. "Well, It was nice talking to you all, but Aiden and I are going to go find Shin," She said, smiling in a friendly manner. After they said good bye to her and Aiden she laid a hand on Aiden's shoulder and began leading him away, in search of his father.

@Nenma Takashi

(I'm off to bed. G'Night ya'll)
Axl stopped as the song did but he didn't let go of Mira,"Shall we talk until the next song? I would really love to know What you're passionate about. A girl like you just screams passion." He smiled at her and winked.

Quill was led through the castle by a servant. He had sacks full of clanging metal and felt it weigh him down. Apparently the King wasn't here, so he didn't know who he was to meet with.

@Shimakage Thunder
After having some fresh air and a relaxing stroll through the Royal Garden, Lillian returned to the Castle. Upon her return, she saw a Servant carrying sacks of metal, possibly pots and pans since they're clanging together. "Excuse me, sir? Is there something I can help you with?" She asked, approaching him. Since she is the safety of the Castle, she dismissed her guards and they returned to their posts. She began cradling her belly as she gave the traveler her full attention.

Quill turned to the woman, who was very obviously expecting."Oh, Hello, By Lady, and My soon to be Noble," he addressed Both her and her swollen stomach.
Lillian was a little flattered. "Greetings, Traveler. You are looking for his Majesty, no?" She asked. A lot of people wanted to see her Father, but she didn't really worry. She was still cradling her stomach, which felt a bit heavy.
"Ah, Yeah. I was meant to deliver some stuff but not sure What to do now." He grinned and shrugged, causing the rattling again.
"I see. What were you intending to bring to my Father. You're carrying quite a load I see." She said, curiosity in her voice.

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