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Fandom The DWMA's Other Students

"Not until you explain why this is SUCH a big deal to you. Ive been the one trying to leave it alone, but now that Leo has told me the reason i think its dumb. Your his weapon. You two will always have each others backs and trust each other. Me being interested in him is NOT going to affect that in any way. Hell, when I get a weapon, we'll be lucky to see each other."
Yang growled. "WELL MAYBE YOU FORGOT TO CONSIDER IF SOMEONE ELSE IS INTERESTED IN HIM!"" She yelled, shoving her out and closing the door, locking it out.
Cherry decided to wander around until she heard yelling and followed the sound to it's source. "Uhh...What's going on?"
Leo pokes his head out the door "I'm... Sooooooo dead..." He carefully closed the door again as he receded into his room again.
Leo passively started to sneak past the two, putting his head in a book as he went back off to the canteen, hunger pains.., suck...
She shifted into her weapon form. "Kindly point me somewhere with no people."

Metal Storm.jpg

(Ignore the bottom part, this is held at the top)
Julie nodded and picked her up-only to almost immediately drop her. "I REALLY hope you get lighter with practice..." she said aiming it

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