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Fandom The DWMA's Other Students

Leo sighed, attempting to sneak past the two girls... Her heard the conversation between Yang and Julie through the walls, and would rather avoid them for now.
Deciding he should talk to one of them, he snuck back into his room, opening up the window then clambering out of it, crouching and slowly advancing along the edge, he crouches low at Yang's window and knocks a few times on the glass.
"H-hey Yang, mind if I... Come in?..." Leo backs up a little, grabbing hold of the wall.

(( just started watching RWBY season 2... That intro to the first episode -_- ... FOOD-FIGHT!!!! ))

Yang nodded. "Sure come in." She said, having put a painting over the hole in the wall.
Slowly clambering in, Leo finds a nice corner to lean his back against in the room "t-thanks" after all that's happened concerning the two girls in only a few hours, he'd begun to feel uneasy around them.

((...I wouldn't say 'epic'... More... Interesting...))
(I think it was epic~)

Yang smiled. "No prob." She said, covering up her anger and sitting on her bed.
Bowing his head low, Leo laughed "ya' know, I've been a loner my entire life; suddenly having people like you around me has pretty much burnt away my old lifestyle already"
"Did they not come with you here?" He asks, masking any of the thousands if conflicting emotions and thoughts he has of her and Julie.

((I can handle it because it has a nice universe, antagonists and some rather 'interesting' costume design... Plus it's made by RoosterTeeth... But the protagonists are just so... Ugh... I pretty much only like Jeanne))
(Aww, I love all of them)

Yang smiled. "I came here before my sister to become a great example for her."
"Hehe, is your sister a weapon as well then?" This time he looks up, Leo keeping a smile plastered onto his face.
(( oh FFS! ))

Smiling, Leo laughed again "well then, I'll do the best job I can as your Meister to make sure you're a good example"
"It's a promise?" He steps forward, peeling himself away from the walls and making a steady advance to Yang.
"Got it" he closed the little distance between them, spinning around and sitting down on next to her, his hands placed firmly palms down along the duvet as he arched his neck and back backwards, looking to the ceiling.
Turning his head to face her, he laughed again; trying to rid himself of the nervousness from being around her "umm.., so... can you tell me a little more about yourself? It's important for partners to know things about each other after all" he knew that saying this sorta made him a massive hypocrite, but he'd roll with it.
Yang smiled. "Well I like making puns, practicing and hanging out with friends." She summed up. "My full name is Yang Xiao Ling, I am 16 years old." She said.
"Aaaand I know that all already" smiling, he flicks her on the nose lightly "how about something... Maybe a little more personal?"
"Nothing very specific, just something a little more personal, but you'd still be okay to share it with me I guess..." He flicks her nose again

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