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Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

"Well even though I having net this sister, I'd admit I'm probably scarier" he chuckled and glanced at who "that's an interesting pet" he smiled.
Haru pet Sho. "He's alright." Sho growled. "Fine fine he's the best. Oh and no no your not trust me your not." Haru shook alittle as did Sho.
Los..? She thought, but she never met her or heard her mentioned before.

If we were to be paired up with everyone at some point or another, she would rather have the people she didn't know out of the way first. Then the people she disliked, then the people she was actual "friends" or "acquaintances" with.

Lily shrugged and started to pretend to look for Los, but in reality she doubted that they was even here. By now, she should have heard their voice, and she hasn't. She looked in the direction of Miss Agatsuma for help, but then quickly turned away before walking towards random people in hopes of that they were Los.
Nova raised an Eyebrow and grinned as she looked at Kazua. There was always something about him that was special. Nova stood up and went to Kazua and said:" So we are in a team, lets kick ass!" @Aqua
Kazua got up and looked up at a girl and said with a grin and a sucker in his mouth and says "yeah let's kick ass" and stands up and his hood blacking out his who,e face and stands next to nova.

Haru looked away. "I...I don't want to talk about it." Sho sighed. "Boss was her human punching bag for most of his life." Haru picked up Sho and held him upside. "Ahh Boss I'm sorry the bloods rushing to my head stop please!" Haru put him back on his head. "Yeah that's why." He sighed.
Klick did not plan on attending the next class but with it being a combat class he decided he would show up.

Of course he was late, and did not know what the class was doing. When he arrived, someone told him that Koruba was looking for him. Klick sighed and walked into her direction. After a mintue he found her in the crowd and guided the conversation to he back of the group.

"You need something because if we are not fighting, then I am leaving..." He checked his watch and saw he had an hour of transformation time and he was ready to use it.

"Oh don't you fret you're damned ass, we're fighting buddies... You're going to kick some twins ass but with me" Koruba said. She could understand how Klick felt. He was probably still upset because of what Ms. A said. "Oh and I think Ms. A acted like an ass."
Lily just stood there. What else was she supposed to do? Los was no where in sight, and she had to find a partner to do this activity, it appeared. After standing there awkwardly for quite some time, she sat down on the floor and stared at the ceiling.
Klick smiled when his self claim partner agreed that teacher#2 was an ass. At the same time he was cautious not to completely by into she said because serveral classes ago she was not too happy to be around him.

"So why are we partners?" He was confuse because he missed the instructions from the teacher because of his tardyness
Haru slammed his hand on the table. "You think I just sat there being a punching I tried believe me I tired but she was too strong. Her speed was too great not to metion she was your height making her reach longer then mine. And those damn flicker jabs were to stronger there's a reason she's called Smiling Death!" Haru put his head on the table. "It was hell but I learned a few things from her." Sho snickered. "Yeah like how to take a punch." Haru held him upside down again. "Ahhh I'm sorry Boss I'm sorry!"
"Well Mr. Ryan partnered us with people to test us to our limits, and I got partnered with you. But let me get this straight, I don't fully trust you, I don't fully like you, but I like you more then the twins. So yeah. Also one more question... Are you a magical?" She asked, she wanted to know right away. She knew Zero was one, and he was really nice, maybe Klick's mentor was right and not all magicals we're bad. Some we're that was true, the twins were for sure dicks. But Zero seemed really nice and Koruba had a slight suspicion that Lily was one too, and she seemed nice. Her whole world was spinning on the verge of chaos, everything she thought she was fighting for is tipping. But one thing was for sure, she would put a bullet in the tyrants head.
Haru sighed. "Naomi Sodie but don't blame her too much she just didn't want her lil brother to be a spineless baby outside of beating me she was nice. Didn't stop me from having nightmares but helped me not feel super depressed. It did help me make a reputation as the toughest kid in town, and meet Sho so I don't complain." He put Sho back and lifted his head. "But enough about me what about you?"
Zero listened and sighed "what do you want to know? My life isn't interesting, it was horrible and would give anyone nightmares or drive them insane" he said and seemed a bit sad but shrugged it off.
Lily quietly opened up the Braille book Miss Agatsuma gave her and began to run her hands over the pages when she stopped herself. Someone would notice, and that wouldn't be good. She gave out a large "hum" before her echolocation brain map thingy took the book into account. She began to read the textbook eagerly, as if it was a normal book and she was a normal being.
"And here i thought we were turning over a new leaf" said Klick sarcastically. "Am I a magic?" he looked at his watch and sigh, "I am not a magic. Its all in the watch." Klick removed his watched and showed Koruba before putting it back on. Klick rolled his wrist around as he became use to the watch again, "But take it for what its worth, not like i care what you label me as. Oh and dont think I trust you either, nor do I like you. And when It comes to the twins, I get the first swing." He turned to the group with his hands behind his head he saw that teacher#2 was here also, much to his delight. "With her around I am already at my limit..."

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Haru cupped his hands over his mouth. "Booooooooo that's lame tell me tell me!" Sho joined in the cheer. "Tell him tell him!" Haru smiled. "A tough guy like me won't care about nightmares plus." He tapped his head. "Things empty can't go insane then now can I?"
"Look I'm sorry for being mean with the whole magic thing... it's, it's just..." Koruba sighed and lowered her head in defeat "Magicals are the reason my parents are dead... and... and I vowed to myself that I would hate and kill as many magicals as I could, and now I don't know how to feel. I don't really trust you because you are the class clown, you joke around, but then again that's also why I sort of trust you as well. You are ONLY a class clown, you're not like them" she said pointing her thumb at the twins, "Your not reckless to the edge of stupidity. Also you do care about more then yourself, like the way you treat Lily... the only real reasons I don't trust you is cause you seem like a person who picks fight and it's hard for me to trust anyone, 10 years on the streets taught me that. So if you gave me a reason to trust you I probably could learn to."

Oh god.... I justed spilled almost every fucking secret I have, Koruba thought, I think I'm going insane...
(( @Mackie R i just got on, im srry))

Los quietly took a seat next to the girl she was partnered with. She had no interest in talking to someone she did not know. Los took a glance at her partner before mentally sighing to herself.
"Your not the only one, my parents found a way to be successful in this world... and all that has bought them is some stone blocks," Klick sighed, "So i know how it feels to want revenge. I dont know if i should trust the magics either, but ever since I have been using this watch I have learned a few things about them..." He turned around to face Koruba, "Still, I really do want to fight a magic. I think i can win, what do you think?" He held his hands behind his head and was smiling as if nothing happened. 'I say that now but... I have not really met any magics... I wonder if i could say the same thing if i was talking to one now...'

"I think I could, the twins are magical... I really hate them, did you see how they we're messing with Lily? I mean she seems so nice. What kind of idiot would mess with a girl like her. We need to hit them and hit them hard. I'm great with a sword and my aim is really good to, I got my sword," which she wiggled at her hips, "and these throwing knives," which she took out and showed him, "but I'm not that good with hand to hand combat. What do you have, or at good with?"
"Non magical murdered my parents right in front of me... I was only 5 at the time, they tied ne to my parents corpses and I was forced to watch them slowly decay until somebody found and saved me, my savior was a magical and an amazing assassin. He trained me for mist of my life and I'm thankful for that person" he said and sighed.

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