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Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

Koshima reached out a hand and it landed on his cheek. She blushed terribly and felt the heat on his cheeks. She trailed her fingers up to his forehead and then down on the other side. She came to his other cheek, and then his cheekbone. She trailed her fingers on the bridge of his nose and then down. Her two fingers brushed against his lips and she froze.
Seiro felt her stop and dwell on his lips and blushed more but he didn't move in fear of kissing her hand by mistake
Koshima blushed and was about to lower her hand when she thought she heard a noise. "Seiro, I think we should mo-" she was cut off as the ground beneath them gave way. Koshima shrieked and wrapped her arms around his neck, surprising even herself that she managed to. It was about 5 ft down.
Seiro picked up Koshima and fell down on his knees with her in his arms. "So how should we get out?" He asked looking at her with his eyes daring
Koshima gulped and 'looked' up. "I don't know.." She whispered. She shivered at the cold. "I'm scared Seiro.." She whispered after a while.
Seiro looked at Koshima and felt her shivering so he hugged her close, "Don't be scared, We'll get out of here" he said feeling embarassed
Kazua heard a big boom and ran to the spot it came from and almost fell into and put his hood up and looks down seeing two people and says "you two need help down there" and looks at them under the blackout hood.

@SnowFeather @ScaraByte

Upon hearing the rules klick felt a little worried. He did not uses traditional weapons, nor did his job. How was he going to compete without getting hurt. "Koruba you think they will let me use my watch?... I don't think I can beat a sword with hand to hand combat alone"
Kazua looks at them and says "alright I'll help" and he pulls off his scythe pendant and makes it grow and its long enough for them to step on and Kazua says "get on and help the blind lady on ok" and the scythe reaches the bottom of the pit ready for them to stand on.
Kazua felt both of them on the scythe and started to pull up it wasn't easy is all he could think and said "shit this is heavy" and he pulls out a throwing knife with a chain on it and throws it warping around a tree and starts to pull on that and at the same time pulling them up he finally gets them up after 2 minutes and puts his scythe back as a pendant and says under his hood "are you guys ok?".
Koshima trembled in fear, her eyes still closed. She shivered and opened her eyes. She looked in the general direction of Kazua.
Kazua looked at Koshima which in turn was looking back at him ( xD ) and says "yes miss would you like to say something To me." Kazua said with a smile and sat down pulling a blue sucker out of his pocket, unwraps it and starts to suck on it.
Koshima blushed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare.." She whispered. She looked down at her feet. "I'm Koshima," she said. "Koshima Nazura."
Kazua looked at Koshima and said "I know you can't stare at me it was joke" he said smiling under his hood and says "Kazua, Kazua Vargas" he said smiling under his hood sucking the sucker thinking 'I wonder what Zazu is doing'.
Kai smiled as he looked around the room and then looked back at Zazu for a second before turning back to look at his katana, which of course was still sheathed in it's katana. Kai looked at his partner as he said "If you don't mind me asking.. How skilled are you with your abilities?" He asked out of curiosity and nothing more. Kai then proceeded to sit back down in a meditation like pose although, he wasn't actually meditating as it wasn't the time or place to do so.
Koshima blushed as she heard another voice. She gulped and looked away, shivering as she hugged herself.

Zazu smirked. "Very, very good, if I may say so myself," he replied. He sat down and got a blue sucker from his bucket. He stuck it in his mouth.
Kazua and says "why are you so nervous miss mazurka it's not like anybody's going to kill you so lighten up" Kazua said with a light smile.
Kazua got up and picked up his throwing knife and sat by the tree it was in and said "so Nazura what are you doing all the way out here when you can't even see" Kazua said questionably.
Koshima raised an eyebrow. "Well that's rude. You could have said it a bit nicer." She said. She then sighed. "I'm looking for an academy.." She explained.

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