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Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

Zazu smiled. "That could work. With your ice, you could freeze the ground, so that they are unbalanced. With my Shapeshifting ability, I'd be able to stand on it using spider senses," he replied as he looked down at his sword. He glanced up at Kai. Do I show him? No, Kazua would kill me..
"Then it's settled!" Kai smiled as he began to swing the katana around, testing it's speed. Satisfied with how quick the blade is he looked at Zazu and said "Making the ground ice would put me at an advantage, then I could spawn things such as spikes from the ground and they wouldn't even know, however, We don't know how skilled the others are yet" He smiled as he kept his eyes on Zazu, "No matter, we'll stick to the plan we have, as long as we don't go up against a magical who uses pyromancy then our plan should go swiftly" he giggled as he then sat on the floor, waiting for the task to start
Zazu nodded and raised an eyebrow, though it was not visible. It was unusual for him not to join in the laughter, but nonetheless, he grinned. He laid back and sucked on his sucker. He closed his eyes, so there was only darkness in his hood, except for the stick of his sucker that stood out.
"oh is that so.well I've always had a thing for blondes myself." Akira giggled

"do you drink?" she asked returning to her chair

"Of course I do, it's the only truly fun pass time there is in this place," Katou winked, she pulled out a bottle of Scotch. "Keep this baby for special occasions, but it's no good to drink alone," she smiled
Akira lay back laughing "i could do with some alcohol after that bunch"

she took a glass from her table

"how about it?" she asked
Katou sighed, "yeah, these kids sure can do wonders to my nerves... These twins came running in late to my class and started fighting, it got me so pissed," she sighed again, pouring a some Scotch into Akira's glass then grabbed her own and poured the caramel colored liqueur into her own glass. She raised it and said, "to calming these kids the fuck down."
Akira downed the scotch "gods that's what i needed"

Akira looked over at Katou and smiled

"those twins sure are something else huh"

Katou drank her Scotch, "yes they are, I don't know whether I should separate them or not... Ugghh teaching decisions. Klick seemed a nice guy, a bit attention seeking, but he didn't seem like he has his head in wrong places." Katou sighed.

"But enough about school, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?"
Robert looked over the students, and seemed to almost... 'almost' approve. They may have been a cocky, hot-headed bunch, but they certainly knew their way around weapons, thank god. "Alright, i think this'll be an appropriate time to start the sparring." He concluded. "In your teams, i know a few have shifted, please number your pairs." He asked, in his low, harsh manner of speaking. It would be a simple affair of choosing numbers to fight others, a random and spontaneous battle to test flexibility.
Klick smiled excited to pick a number. He was sure if he made a big enough uproar Koruba would not argue with him. "TEACHER#3 MY group calls the number 2." That was his favorite number because of the simple fact that it represented the best things in life. Relationships, parents, options, socks... you name it. Most things came in pairs. Then he equipped his katars ready to fight for his number.
"...Call me by number again, and not by my name, and I'll have you by the ear dangling from the tower bridge" he hissed menacingly. "You address me in the correct and appropriate manner when in my presence. Sir, or Mr Ryans. Do i make myself CLEAR?!" he shouted the last word. His brows furrowed in a scowl and piercing eyes meeting his with ferocious intensity.
Klick felt a chill down his spine as the teacher threaten to kill him. However Klick was not scared, his life was already threaten before. "But... Teacher, numbers are so fun. Don't be mean to your favorite student" Klick chuckling a little at the bullshit he made up. He knew clearly that Teacher#3 was not one to have favorites.
"I certainly do not favour idiotic imbeciles like yourself. I find you calling me that once more, and i will make sure your life becomes a burden like no other. Do you hear me? Because while you may not fear the prospect of death, i hold the authority and power to make your life slowly. Break. Apart." He said, with a chilling venom coated voice.
Koruba chuckled, Klick had a way of getting on the wrong side of every teacher they had. She admired his bravery, all the teachers seemed to hate being called numbers instead of their names. She was OK with being number 2. It was a good number.
The new threat did not bother Klick seeing that the teacher did nothing to him. He decided he was going to push the envelope one more time before staying quiet. Klick started to pretend to cry as if he was touched by Teacher#3's words. "To think such a teacher would care so about their students as to promise to make a great impact on there life. You might be the greatest teacher ever, Teacher#3... opps..." Klick snickered before running into the crowd to break line of sight.
"YOU LITTLE-" he boomed, chasing after him with a rageful look. He'd strangle the little bastard... Sure it was probably against the rules... he snarled, reaching out with a lunge to grab Klicks collar to drag him back.

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Koruba couldn't help it. She burst out into laughter. To he'll with fighting people this was the best shit she'd seen in years. "Hurry, Klick! Run!" She beckoned Klick towards her opening the gym door so he could get out. She didn't care if she got into trouble, but she sure did want to keep her partner alive, plus him getting out of the gym would make everything better.
Klick was weaving through the crowd but before he made it out the teacher caught him with some super lunge. As Klick felt his teacher grip on his hoodie, Klick raised his arms and dropped out of his hoodie. Wearing only a black tee shirt, he fell onto the ground and rolled. At the end of his roll he stood up and posed holding his arms back as if he was a plane. Then he quickly sprinted for the door Koruba pointed out. He jumped out the room saluting Koruba. "Dangerous dangerous," he repeated as continue running outside. He knew he was in big trouble but to piss off a teacher this badly. Klick really did not think the teacher would react. The other teachers tried to be witty but this was more fun. Knowing he was no where near faster he had to hide for a few minutes. He decided to scale the gym walls and took cover on the roof. While lying low he started to think about his weaknesses. 'Everyone else has a way to fight from afar... i should work on that.' He took out a small stick device and started playing with his watch. 'I should build a new job as my ace.'
Zero shook his head "its funny but annoying after a while" he sighed and suddenly got cold, shaking a bit. 'Danget' he thought and frowned wrapping his arms around himself he sat down trying to warm up.
He ran out after the little shite, his brow deepened with a scowl. He stopped just outside, closing his eyes a moment. Reaching out with his telepathy, he located the kid. Roof of the gym. He seemingly calm walked to the wall, and started to pull himself up. Using brickwork and the tinest dips to climb it. Did the child really think he could climb a roof to get away? He was like a blonde in a bleedin' horror movie.

Finally he swung his legs over the side of the roof standing up, and putting his hands on his hips. "Im getting too old for this shit." He muttered darkly, shaking his head as he rubbed his chin. "You underestimate the older generation you know" he said, clicking his tounge.
Klick knowing he lost put away his device and raised his hands as if he was be arrested by the police, "You got me, next time I will find a better hiding spot." Klick continued to think up a new job that would help him in the long run. 'I lost to the teacher because he was faster then me, so maybe that is the key. I need speed.'
"I don't like being led on chases, so get your GODDAMN LAZY, IMBECILE, ASS BACK IN THAT GOD FORSAKEN GYM, OR SO JESUS HELP ME" he shouted, grabbing Klick by the collar and lifting him up with one arm, hanging him over the edge. "Hope you land on your feet"
Klick stuck his finger in his ear to clean it out as after the teacher yelled in his face, "Ayeee.." His response was more of an reaction for Klick's mind was on focus on the new job he was trying to build. 'If i am going to use it in this sparing match then it has to be a bow.' Klick smiled and then waved to the teacher, "See you in the Gym," Then Klick raised his arms and fell out of his tee shirt onto the ground.
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