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Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

He looked over at Haru "I suppose you could" he shrugged, knowing he was possibly the least calm person on the planet. He noticed Klick getting up and smirked a little. So the kid was still kicking. That was determination if he ever saw it. Not just determination... Ambition. He hated to say it but the teenager had earned a little respect.
Lily stood where she was.

I'll go next round.. She thought.

In truth be told, she hated fighting. Of course she was okay smashing a criminal's face in, but the thought of it possibly being another student around her age made a pit in her stomach. She concluded she would put up a good fight then pretend to be unbalanced, falling out of the circle. That would work perfectly. And no one would get seriously hurt.
With Koruba's approval Klick equipped his katars and ran into the ring. "First one out gets punished? Who wants to be the first." Klick slammed his fist together allowing the sound of metal to echo throughout the room as a means to send his challenge through out the room.

His plan was simple, he was going for the ring outs. Simple quick. If things got messy then he would activate his new job. He did not tell Koruba to ensure it would be a surprise. All he needed was Koruba to trust him on the battle field. His head throbbed for a second but he managed to his it behind a grim smile. When he looked at the crowd he saw Lily and his face want red.

He wanted to show her how strong he was in hopes to impress her but he did not want to say that out loud so he took a deep breath and focused on the future match

Group 2 ready for battle

Koruba rolled her eyes and followed him up onto the stage. He better have a good plan, she thought. She had grabbed some blunt arrow that wouldn't pierce the flesh but would hurt like hell, stunning arrows. Hopefully it would leave the opponents in a daze long enough for Klick to do some damage. Hopefully they could communicate well enough in battle that they could win the fights.

"Oh, um. 26, I like the color teal, and homosexual. Anything else?" Katou asked, trying not to blush.

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Klick sidestep behind Koruba and covered his mouth as he preceded to whisper into her ear, "Listen if we are going to win, we need to work smart. I think we should go for ring outs. I'm sure everyone here can take a beating and since we might be in multiple fights, we should save as much energy as we can. Also I would prefer not to use my watch. Also if you are going to lose or think you are going to be beaten, tell switch and throw your bow. Hopefully we can bluff them into thinking I can use one and they might focus me.

Another thing, I will be trying to taunt them into a 2v1 in the start of the match try not to attract attention if you can. Any problems"
Got it, I'll stay close to the ring so that if they charge I can kick them out of the ring. Should I only shoot if they are near the ring?" Koruba asked.

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"Use your best judgement... however if you hit someone in the head or heart... that should be game. So keep on the look out. for easy snipes."
Haru looked at the teacher. "Excuse me but is it ring out when you are out of the ring or if you hit the ground?" Sho smiled knowing exactly what he meant.

"If you suggest flying or any other kind of loophole, no" he said, crossing his arms over his chest with a shake of his head, raising an questioning eyebrow
"You got it boss. But you keep a look out for my arrows. They'll be pretty stunned when they get hit so you better fuck them up. I'm counting on you bro, got it?" It was strange for Koruba having to be dependent on someone else in battle, but that was the reason she was here, might as well learn now.

She positioned herself near the edge of the ring and crouched down, she didn't want to get kicked out right at the beginning either so she made herself as rooted in place as she could so that she could also be aggressive with her arrow shots. If all came to worse than she could use her bow like a sword. God I hope he is more than talk on the battlefield, she thought, but right now trusting him is my best option.
Klick threw up a thumbs up without turning back to his partner. He also hoped she did not hit him with an arrow, but was not scared. He trusted her skill as she trusted his plan. He stood in the center of the ring hoping somebody would walk up soon so that they could start the match. This was what he was waiting for all day after all.
Sho was getting too excited. "Boss can we fight those to can we can we!" Haru saw the girl and looked away. "Only if Zero wants to!" Haru scratched the back of his head.

Haru looked at the ground silently cursing. First fights with a girl great just great! Sho yiped running into the circle Haru ran after him. "Sho wait!" Sho ran circles around the bpy and girl. Haru face palmed. "Thanks great first impression Sho."
Klick saw the guy walk up to the stage with a grin. His attention shifted as the wolf creature hopped on with him, "I am guessing you two are going to count as one person?" He watched as the creature started to run towards his partner and immediate rushed to the edge of the ring to protect her from its EVILNESS... cause it was a magic thing and evil. Very evil. Especially because Klick knew he could not fight a 3 v 1.

"Koruba... i think we need a new plan... i didnt think pets would be involved in a sparring match..."

Haru sighed. "Sorry Sho here is well take my phobia and reverse it." Sho looked at the girl and yiped. "Hey how you doing." Haru picked him up. "No no no no not happening." Sho frowned. "Ahh Boss come oooonnnn!" Haru shook his head. "No Sho focus!" Sho sighed then nodded.
Sho growled. "I'm a fox!" Haru pet him. "Shhhh you wanna treat." Sho nodded. "Then be a good boy." Sho sighed then got on Haru's head. "Right!"
"Fox, dog, same thing" he shrugged and looked at his opponents to see their weapons. Interesting choices he thought and continued to stare.
Koruba grimaced. Not zero, she begged, I really like him. Boys weren't Koruba's only problem. Now there were 3 people. Oh what to do.

Then Koruba thought about something "if one of the two of you fall out of the ring does that count as both of you falling out?" She asked, catching a quick glance with Zero and giving him a quick smile before blushing and looking away.

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Haru nodded. "I guess to be fair that would count I mean it would be pretty unfair to you guys. But I hope you weren't planning on gunning for Sho cause that would be a very very poor decision." He smiled Sho on the other hand was alseep on his head.

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