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Fandom The Day The World Changed { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh was proud of Hayden, this was something he didn’t usually initiate in public, it seems as though Josh wasn’t the only one pushing themselves. Of course he melted into the kiss as well, though he wasn’t expecting it to end when Hayden pulled back, startled by his hands hitting on the table. “I wouldn’t say you ruined it, we can pick up at home. I’m loving this brave side of you dear.” Josh said, standing from the table. “You can do that anytime, anywhere you’d like.” He added, reaching out to take his hand and made to lead him to the car.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden, still looking away become of the embarrassment of existing, laughed and reddened at the suggestion. Anytime, anywhere. Wouldn’t that be the dream? He would love the safety and comfort of being able to follow his every whim. He could hold Josh’s hand just as he was doing now. Maybe he could hook his arm behind Josh’s to draw them close. Maybe he could walk in step with him, lean his head against Josh’s shoulder. Maybe. One day. “Oh, you know, I try to be spontaneous.” Not true but he could be. Well, he could be boundlessly calculated and plan all of these things out so that he could actually do them. “Like,” split second so the first thing they comes to you don’t question it, just do it. The high of the moment wouldn’t last forever. As they moved to the front of the restaurant, he kissed Josh’s cheek before giggling like a school kid and following outside to the car. Okay, that was enough being brave today. Maybe he could do more tomorrow.
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Joshua chuckled hearing Hayden's words, smiling. "I can see that dear." He said with a smile and then he felt the kiss to his cheek as they moved to the front of the restaurant and he laughed at the giggle. Once they got outside, Josh held Hayden's door open for him and then got into the driver's side. He put a hand out to the side as an offer for holding hands while he drove them home. "Let's go home my brave and spontaneous partner."
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden got into the car, feeling his whole body relax into the seat. Safe. He took Josh’s hand without a thought. This was how they were when they rode together. Sometimes, instead he held onto Josh’s arm or rubbed it softly. Today, he took the hand and watched out the window as they moved. “I would love to go home, actually spontaneous and brave partner. And then I’m going to crash on a couch and recharge.”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh chuckled at the comment, glancing over at Hayden as he navigated the streets of Seattle. "Then let's get you home so you can do that." He said with a smile as he held Hayden's hand. It really didn't take him long to get them to their apartment, and Josh parked the car in their spot and glanced over at Hayden. "I believe there's a couch calling your name up there dear. And I'm thinking a nice movie and cuddling too." He said, leaning over and kissing Hayden's cheek before he got out of the car, ready to head up the apartment with Hayden.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden moved out of the car, closing the door, and moving to take Josh’s hand though got briefly distracted by the ring. His ring. His engagement ring. He was going to get married. What? What was happening? “You know, I should do some studying tonight, but I don’t think I can think about anything that isn’t you, so maybe that’s not what I’m doing.” He moved to the apartment and opened it up to hold the door for Josh.
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh noticed that Hayden had gotten briefly distracted, and smiled at the reason. He was happy, so happy that Hayden loved the ring he'd gotten him. It made his heart soar and swell with love. "Normally I'd be pushing you to study even more, but tonight? Let's celebrate us." He said, stepping into the apartment as Hayden held the door open. He led the way to the couch, settling down and an arm out and open as an invitation. "Come join me love."
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden fell into the couch, and into the arms of his best friend, love, and fiancee. He so much more than happy, but he was also exhausted. How come great days had to also be the ones that made you the most tired? He sighed contentedly. “How did you know this was where I wanted to be? Can you read my mind?”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh chuckled as he wrapped his arm around Hayden, pulling him close and hearing that contended sigh. "It's because I can read your mind of course. It's my own superpower." Josh told him with a chuckle, shifting himself so he could rest his head on Hayden's. "Though, I fear I might not stay awake for much longer. Today was wonderful though." Josh admitted, shifting so he could kiss the top of Hayden's head, before resting his head on it again.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden laughed, because he was thinking the same thing. He was not going to stay up much longer either. “I think that makes us old.” He rested his head on Josh’s chest for a moment. A good, beautiful moment where that was his life. This was enough for him for the rest of time, or at least for now. His phone buzzed again, and he hazarded a look to realize that he had 17 missed texts and all of them were from Kyra. He tossed the phone away, watching it bounce on the other side of the couch before he tilted his head up to capture Josh’s lips in his. “Come on, old timer,” he breathed as he pulled away just enough. “Come to bed with me then.”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

He heard Hayden laugh, and then his words. "I'm not that old." Joshua protested, even as a small yawn slipped out. He watched Hayden pull out his phone, look at it then it bounced across the couch. Josh felt lips on his and then they were gone. "Yeah, alright. If I wasn't so tired, I'd prove I'm not an old timer." He said, shifting so he could stand up from the couch. He would lead the way to the bedroom, and once there, he changed into his sleeping tank top and shorts, before laying in the bed, arm out for Hayden with a tired smile on his face.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden followed Josh to their bedroom and rather slowly and distractedly got ready for bed. Cozy sweater and pants for him. He did love the juxtaposition of the two of them. He slid under the covers and right into place. “You know, we are going to have plenty of time for you to prove everything you want.” He reached up and kissed Josh like he was not absolutely spent from their long and beautiful day before he slipped back to the pillow with a huge yawn. “Starting tomorrow.”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh smiled Hayden changed and then joined him under the covers. "And I plan on taking all of that time to prove everything." Josh promised as he smiled at the kiss. "Tomorrow." He agreed, closing his eyes and yawning himself as he held Hayden close, eyes slipping shut as he sighed happily. "Goodnight dear. I love you." He managed to say before he fell asleep.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden snuggled close, wrapping himself in the blanket and also in Josh. “I love you too, my speed demon.” He closed his eyes, and for another moment in this amazing day, everything was perfect. Tomorrow would be another perfect day as they gathered everyone that they loved to tell them that this was officially going to be them forever. Their families would finally be one big one as it always should have been. He smiled as he slept.
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh smiled as he fell asleep, he'd caught that. Tomorrow would be eventful, but he was looking forward to it. Especially with Hayden beside him. They were going to be one unit, one big family like their parents always joked about. Josh slept peacefully that night, no dreams came to him as he did, just peace. The next morning, his brain was awake before his eyes were, and everything from yesterday came back to him. He didn't know that in the early hours tomorrow everything would change. Today however, he was going to finally tell his family that they were right, that Hayden and Josh were engaged and he had a feeling at least one parent had a wedding planner started. His eyes fluttered open as he looked beside him to look at his fiancé, his partner with a happy smile on his face.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden had one of those dreams that was super bizarre and would haunt him for the first ten seconds of his waking but would ultimately disappear and mean absolutely nothing about anything. When he woke on this nice morning, he was so glad that he had the day off. His two days off were a bit strange, but they worked out well with Josh’s strange schedule too. Of course, Hayden did tell his boss that he was okay with anything, but it was also okay if he had these days off. He knew those were harder for other people. Not him though. It meant more time with his best friend. He twisted a little as he stretched but cuddled closer to his favorite person in the entire world. “Mm, good morning fiancé of mine.” Because that was a reality he would never forget. He tossed an arm over him a sleepy hug.
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Joshua heard Hayden's voice and felt him cuddle closer. "Good morning my love. I hope you slept well." He said, turning his head to kiss the top of Hayden's with a happy smile. He felt the arm tossed over him in a hug, and he simply pulled him closer. This was nice, this was comfortable and peaceful. This was going to be their forever. "Are you ready to talk to our families?" Josh asked him, voice still thick with sleep.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Was he ready? Yes. This was not one of those things he felt like he needed to be brave to do. This was easy. They were already together, and everyone was always talking about it anyway. If he let them squeal enough, they would all but tell themselves. He was excited though. This was so important to him. This was so important to them. But also, no, he wasn’t ready, because he was still enjoying being in bed with his true love. “Nope, I can’t yet.” He rolled so that he was attached, wrapping his arms all the way around and tucking them under them. “Too busy hugging you for the rest of my life.” He buried his face in Josh’s chest, eyes closed and threatening to take him back to sleep if he wasn’t careful.
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh raised an eyebrow as he felt arms wrap completely around him. A chuckle slipped out as he heard Hayden. “You know.. if we don’t get up soon, they’ll drag us out of bed.” Josh told him, even as he wrapped his own arms around Hayden back. “We did create some chaos yesterday after all.” He added with a laugh. He knew that their parents would no problems pulling either of them out of the bed they were in.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

But this was his happy place. Right there in the arms of his best friend he would ever have. This was a love that would never die. He just knew it. “But Jooooosh,” he whined as he continued to not let go. “What if I’m stuck and have to stay here forever? What if they try and can’t ever pry us apart?” He giggled to himself and sighed. “Though that may be awkward if our parents have to pull us apart like we are the same love struck teens we once were.” He groaned. “I used to get in so much trouble.”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh heard the whine from his partner and chuckled at the protest. "I doubt you're stuck my dear. And I'm sure they could, but that would not only awkward but incredibly embarrassing." Josh told him as he remembered their teenage years. "I know, so did I. So we really shouldn't repeat history then, and besides. I bet you're hungry hmm. I can make us some breakfast before the chaos starts."
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden let out an exasperated sigh as he extricated his arms and rolled to the side. “Do you remember the time at my house when we thought my parents wouldn’t be home for another hour, and we were so wrong?” He shook his head and dragged his body out of the bed. “They still don’t let me live that down, and that was so long ago.” He stretched as he stood. “But okay, yeah, I could do breakfast.” He gave him a cheeky grin before sluggishly making his way out of the room.
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh heard that sigh and laughed before his face paled a little at the memory. "Oh I remember that. I don't think I've ever felt so embarrassed." He said with a small laugh, slipping off the bed as well. "Really? My parents only mention it as a form of blackmail." Josh said chuckling as he stretched before following Hayden out of the room. He headed towards the kitchen and hummed, looking at the fridge. "Are you in the mood for anything in particular?" He asked Hayden.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden followed Josh to the kitchen, plopping himself down at the stool where he so often sat before he woke up fully. “Mmm, pancakes. We haven’t done those in a while.” The memory of their probably most embarrassing time still played in his head as he slumped onto the counter. That really was something else. “I bet you Kyra is going to bring it up today. Probably to your brothers and therefore the entire family again. Because she wants us to suffer.” He lifted his head with his hands. “Or the time she walked in-“ he shook his head. “Oh god.”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh nodded as he started pulling the stuff out for pancakes, and then looked over at Hayden. "I really hope she doesn't bring that up." He admitted, as he started making the batter, leaning his back against the counter as he looked at his fiancé. And then he remembered that time and his cheeks flushed red. "I don't want to think about that. If the time with our parents was embarrassing, that is even more so." He said as he grabbed the griddle and put the first batch of pancakes on. "It's definitely going to be chaos, embarrassing chaos."

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