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Fandom The Day The World Changed { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh felt Hayden fall into him and he held him close. “You are very lucky. And I can’t help it. I’m irresistible to you and your sister.” Josh said with a chuckle. He held Hayden and eventually the hour was up when he heard the door open and his brothers loud voices.

“Josh!” Logan called out as an overlapping. “Joshua Smith!” Came from Jacob.

“Living room!” Josh called and in came his brothers. Logan was tall, dark brown hair and lean while Jacob was shorter, light brown hair and a little more built. “Hey guys. What’s up?” Josh asked, an innocent smile on his face.

“What’s going on? What was with the text?” Jacob asked while Logan nodded. “You’ll find out when the rest of the family gets here.” Josh replied and both men groaned at that.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden sat up quickly, still struggling with any sort of public display of affection even if it was only with his soon to be brothers in law who knew how very much in love he was with their brother. Even if he was about to tell them that they were engaged to be married. It was still hard.

“Oh hey, boys.” He kicked his feet up to appear more comfortable than he was. “You’ve arrived first.” He looked down at his phone trying to determine when the rest of the family might show up. His mother said that they were about fifteen minutes out, and Kyra was a wild card, so she could walk in any moment or possibly now. He peered at the door. It did not open. Yet.
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh noticed how quickly Hayden sat up when his brothers came into the living room and he bit back his frustration. He knew that it was still a struggle for public displays of affection for Hayden but sometimes he didn't like it. Jacob and Logan looked at Hayden then at Josh. Then the door opened and his parents came in, immediately finding their way to the living room. "Well, my side's here love, just waiting on your sister and parents." Josh said while his mother crossed her arms. "This better be worth it Joshua Liam Smith." She told him. Josh cringed a little at the use of his full name and glanced at Hayden. "It will be mom."
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Once his heart felt like it wasn’t going to burst from the pressure and anxiety, Hayden smiled at Josh’s parents and tried again. He could do this. These were just people who were theirs. They all already knew. None of them would judge him. Sometimes, when he thought about his ridiculous reactions, he was sure he would be the same even if he were with a girl. It must have just been him. He slid his hand into Josh’s and breathed. Then he hooked his arm under Josh’s and slid closer.

Kyra opened the door about two seconds later, and Hayden flinched so hard that it was like he was one of those cats in the cartoons that were suddenly on the ceiling with all their fur going every way. Kyra laughed as Hayden remembered how to breathe correctly and then settled back in to being right beside him.

“Still jumpy little brother?” She asked as she abandoned her jacket in the kitchen table with zero regard for anyone else. “Is it because you are a little criminal? Mom and dad got here just as I was walking to the door.” She plopped herself into a comfy chair and shook her head before looking at the twins. “Our bet’s still on, right? I have a feeling I’m a winner today.”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

The hand in his, made Joshua smile. The arm under his made the smile bigger. And then his sister came in. He saw that hard flinch and then Kyra laugh. Josh glanced at Hayden as he settled back beside him again.

Jacob and Logan looked at Kyra and grinned. “Oh the bets still in and I think we’re going to win this one.” Logan said as they settled back by the wall. Jacob nodded as he turned to look at Josh and Hayden. One more set and then they could break the news they all knew already he was sure.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

His parents were one of the hardest people to be like a couple around. It wasn’t that they were against this. It wasn’t that they were even against any sort of affection. It really wasn’t anything to do with them except that he had always been so terrified of disappointing them. He was so scared that he was doing something wrong, especially when they would get in so much trouble after being caught. It always felt like if he hid this part of him, then it would be okay. That was what he was trying to fight, because he hated hiding it. He wanted people to know that he didn’t just love Josh. Josh was his partner. They would always be together.

When the door opened again, he didn’t flinch or jump, though that was probably because he was willing himself to be okay with this. And he was. That was. That was the worst part. Before he could lock eyes with his parents, he chose to look away like they weren’t there. He chose to reach one hand up and touch Josh’s cheek. He chose to pretend like it was only their siblings who had seen them do worse than sit close. He chose to kiss his love. It wasn’t anything too special. It was a normal, boring kiss. It was short and sweet.

“Who brought the chips?” Michael Gaines asked with a low chuckle as he entered the apartment. “How can you have a party without chips?”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Joshua could always sense that it was tough for Hayden to act like a couple around his parents. So he'd always been understanding, and so he was surprised that as they came in, to feel a hand on his cheek and then the kiss. He kissed back of course even with how short it was. Then he turned to see Hayden's parents. His mom and dad looked at them and laughed a little. "Oh shoot, I knew what I forgot." Lucas Smith chuckled as he looked at Michael. Josh waited while his mother greeted Hayden's and then he cleared his throat. "We have something to tell all of you, right my love?" Josh spoke, rather loudly to capture the attention of everyone. He glanced at Hayden, waiting to make sure that he was okay before he announced it.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

All around them were the sounds of people laughing and enjoying themselves. Michael moved to stand beside Lucas as he so often did. Fathers were like that Hayden supposed. They could eat chips and make goofy jokes and probably also talk about sports or whatever. Hayden loved that for them. Emily Gaines was far too distressed that this was actually something bad because she was a worrisome mother who would be relieved the second her son made it clear that this was not something horrible. She had a feeling she knew what it was, but that didn’t stop her from overthinking. Kyra kicked her feet up over the side of the chair and lounged like she lived there. She was so confident.

Hayden stayed attached. He was not going to jump or hide or anything. This was what he wanted. He had been comfortably gay for at least ten years now. He had been happy in his own skin and his own mind. He had a wonderful job, a wonderful plan for school, and a wonderful partner. He nodded. Yes, he was ready. He was ready, because this was what he had wanted for years and years. This got to be his happily ever after, and he was surrounded by people who loved him.

“Well, tell us already!” Kyra insisted as she glanced around the room. “Or we’ll all going to die before you say anything.”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh looked at Hayden, saw the nod and then heard Kyra’s insistence and chuckled a little. “Well, I asked Hayden yesterday if he would do me the honor of marrying me. And he said yes.” Josh said, turning and looking at everyone. Jacob and Logan were the first to react. “I told you he was going to do this year! Pay up!” Jacob told Logan who huffed and grumbled.

Claire Smith narrowed her eyes and then clapped her hands. “Yes. I knew it. I have a binder all ready to go.” She said with a happy smile. Lucas’ eyes were wide and then he smiled at the two. “About time son.” He said to Josh. Joshua looked at his family then at Hayden and smiled warmly. This was perfect.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Family members cheered at the news. Emily brought her hands together so hard that Hayden was afraid that her hands would hurt after. Michael clapped Lucas on the back as he whooped like his team won the last football game. “What’d I tell ya?” He asked his friend. “I told ya we’d be family soon enough.” Emily laughed and put a hand on both of the men’s shoulders. “Now we are never going to separate the two of you are we?” Kyra grinned wide but turned to Logan and Jacob. “We’re not done yet. You still have my bet to contend with.” She snapped her attention back to Josh and Hayden. “Where did he propose to you? Because he’s a big sap, and I know it.” She pointed to the twins. “I’m winning this one.”

Hayden blushed as he was the center of so much attention. Well, they were, but even if he was sharing the spotlight with Josh, it was still a lot. He looked at Josh and even though his insides were tangled in the strangest and more uncomfortable ways, they were also melting in the best ways. “The Ferris Wheel. The very top. After taking me to the Aquarium.”

Kyra threw both of her hands up, nearly jumping out of her chair. “I knew it! I knew it I knew it!” He turned to the boys. “I called it! Oh my god, I knew it! Give me that money!” She shoved her hand out. At the same time, Emily moved closer. “Can we see the ring?” She was sure that Claire would want to see it too. Hayden lifted his hand to show them. “It’s perfect.”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Lucas looked at Michael and chuckled with a nod. "I know! I can't believe it took them this long." He replied, as Josh chuckled, then he looked at their siblings, and heard Kyra's comment about her own bet. He heard the question, and glanced over at Hayden, seeing that cute blush and patted his leg comfortingly. Josh saw him look at him and he smiled. Then Kyra's reaction to how he proposed made him chuckle. Jacob and Logan both groaned and handed over the money with huff.

"Why did our brother have to be such a predictable sap?" Jacob said with a sigh. Josh simply laughed as his mother came over to see the ring too, and she smiled. "Oh Josh, that's the perfect ring, congratulations you two." Claire said as she looked at the ring then looked at the two men. Jacob and Logan looked at the two and sighed. "Yeah, congratulations. Even if we did lose one bet." Logan commented.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

So much for having a chill family reunion that also happened to be the announcement of their impending marriage. Because as much as he wanted this to be a calm and happy moment, suddenly there was his mother asking the both of them what their plans were and when they wanted to get married. “Claire started a binder, and I absolutely love some of the things she’s found!” Emily mused as she plopped herself down in the chair that Kyra vacated to talk to the twins. “Are you thinking about a big one or something more small and intimate?” Then she turned to Claire to discuss some of the details that they had already been discussing. It was all very overwhelming if not extremely heart warming. His family was perfect. Hayden briefly got distracted as the rest were distracting themselves, and leaned into Josh. “Hey you. What are you thinking?”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Joshua knew this wasn't going to be chill, it would get crazy and loud and hectic. But, his family was never quiet and he knew that. He looked over at Emily as she asked them about when, and where and mentioned his mother's binder. He was not surprised at all that Claire had a binder ready to go. His mother was the romantic in the family and that was where he got it from. Claire immediately started talking to Emily about the details of their wedding and he glanced over at Hayden when he leaned into him. "Hey. I'm thinking we're not going to have any say in this wedding of ours." He said with a small laugh, wrapping an arm around Hayden's shoulders. "But I don't mind, because all I really need or want is you, me and an altar. The rest is just small details."
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden couldn’t help but smile at Josh’s sweet words. He never could resist that charm. It was one of those things that made Hayden fall absolutely in love with him. “Why are you the best person in the whole world?” He asked his handsome fiancée. “You spoil me, you spoil our families. I don’t know how any of us would live our amazing lives without you.” He looked up as someone mentioned their names. It was a question about something in the wedding. He hadn’t been paying attention, but he answered, “yeah, we’re cool with that. I think,” he said turning his attention back to Josh, “we’re okay with anything as long as we’re together.”

Kyra, from afar, made a gagging sound. “That is the grossest sweet thing I’ve ever heard. Oh my god, you’re such a sap. Wow, okay. I’m raising your pantry. We need food to get through that display of blegh.” And so she did. She started pulling out anything and everything, because that was what family did. They made themselves at home anywhere.
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh saw that smile and he smiled back, hearing his words. "Hmm. I don't know. I just am." He said with a small chuckle. "I'll spoil you for as long as I live, and I'm just lucky enough to spoil our families too. As for living without me? Is that even possible?" Josh asked, as he turned to look at whoever had asked them something. He glanced at Hayden when he looked at him. "Yep. As long as we're together." Josh agreed and then he laughed at Kyra's gagging sound. "I am a sap, but I'll be your future brother-in-law and a sap at the same time. So lucky you." Josh reminded her with a grin as he watched her go through their pantry. Claire looked at the two before she smiled. "I think this calls for a celebration. Who wants pizza?" She asked.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

While Hayden was busy staring into the eyes of his partner like he had for so many years, Kyra was already bouncing. “Oh, yeah, pizza is for sure the answer.” She threw several bags of snack foods on the tables and ran over to Claire so that she could make sure her pizza order was official and then demanded information from everyone else. Hayden laughed and watched like this was some sort of sitcom. As he did, he readjusted on the couch so that he was definitely laying against Josh now. Comfortable. He wanted to be comfortable in his own home with his own family. So he would be. “You guys get whatever. I’m not that hungry.”
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Claire took orders from everyone and made sure to get pizzas that everyone would eat. Josh however, just reclined against the couch, arm around Hayden when he laid against him. Josh sighed happily as he watched Jacob and Logan start opening some of the snack food bags that Kyra had thrown on the table. Claire ordered the pizza while Lucas talked to Michael and Josh just watched it all. Holding Hayden close was all he wanted, and that was what he had.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

“Oh my god, family game day!” Kyra called as she ran from the kitchen and into one of the other rooms. Hayden laughed, because he knew she was remembering his small but nice collection of various games that he obtained over the years. Some of them were pretty average like decks of cards with fun art and layouts and some were intricate board games. She came out with a stack of different types of games that she tossed onto the table. “We can do so many fun things with all of us!” Hayden continued to lay against Josh. He didn’t really want to get up now that he was there and reaffirmed that no one cared. But he was thoroughly entertained by everyone else running around.
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh looked over at Kyra, hearing her and chuckled, knowing about Hayden's collection. They'd had more than one game night and it was usually a toss up on who won each game. He looked up at Kyra who tossed a stack of games on the table. Josh wasn't moving from his spot, especially with how comfortable Hayden appeared to be. "We can do a card game, or something that doesn't require us to move. Because I'm way too comfortable here." Joshua said as he heard Jacob and Logan gag and he chuckled. "We can play Uno. That doesn't require you to move." Logan suggested, with a smirk on his face.
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Kyra gave Josh and Hayden one of those ‘Are you guys serious?’ looks with the one raised eyebrow and the pursed lips and the one hand on her hip. Hayden looked away blushing but didn’t move. Part of him wanted to move because of the fear, but immediately the judgement went on to the next thing. That wasn’t judgment. It was just playing. Kyra sighed, waved a hand, and then dug through the pile. “Okay, Uno is good but only if it’s cutthroat.” She turned to the twins. “You know what I mean.” Then she turned to the two on the couch. “This is serious stuff. You play to win. Relationships end.” She grinned. Hayden rolled his eyes. She moved pulled at the deck and began to shuffle. They could play several hands before the pizza arrived. Hayden was not actually planning on playing well or paying much attention. He kind of just wanted to exist where he was. In fact, in his blushing, he realized he had sunken a little lower and was one wrong move away from falling into Josh’s lap.
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Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh looked at Kyra and chuckled, mirroring her look with a 'deadly serious' look. His eyebrow arched and a grin on his face. He shook his head with a laugh, hearing her. Jacob and Logan grinned and laughed. "You're on Kyra!" Jacob said as Josh rolled his eyes. He reached for his cards and looked at Hayden. A smile on his face as he realized how close Hayden was from falling into his lap. "I think we should play together, what do you think my love? It's hard to end a relationship if you're not against each other."
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

“That’s cheating!” Kyra complained but Hayden was already nodding. “I would be more than happy to play as one with you,” he replied, snuggling closer as Kyra shoved the table slightly closer to the couch and while on her knees, dealt out the cards. That was when Hayden stopped really noticing what was going on. He was just so warm and comfy, surrounded by everyone who mattered most, and he didn’t think anything could be so good as this moment. His eyes started to close, but he fought the sudden sleepiness. There was in fact a moment when things were too comfortable it seemed. Sometimes he heard the shouts of Kyra as she exclaimed about winning or losing. Sometimes his thoughts were drawn to the sound of Josh’s voice. It was soothing. He knew that this was going to be the rest of their forever.
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh looked at Kyra and chuckled. "Not if we're one person anyway." He replied as he felt Hayden snuggle closer. He shifted his arm so it was around him and he could hold the cards. He watched Kyra deal out the cards and the first game was definitely cutthroat, but Jacob ended up winning, then Kyra won two rounds, before Logan managed to win and Josh had just laid down the winning card for this round when the doorbell rang. Claire walked over to the door as the pizza arrived. She paid for it and then walked it into the kitchen, setting the boxes on the table. She found the paper plates they had and set them near the boxes. "Food's here whenever you four are done with your game."
Hayden Gaines
Citizen of Seattle, WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden had drifted into the state of sleepy visions powered by the words and sounds around him when Claire summoned them for food. He blinked a few times before stretching. “Mm, smells delicious. Who won?” Kyra was already throwing down her cards due to her loss when she decided to continue with this movement and run into kitchen for food. She came back with her gluten free meal and started shoveling it down as she sat on the floor. “This isn’t over yet, boys.” Hayden shook his head at just how competitive she could get. It worked so nicely with how competitive Josh’s brothers were too. He slid away from his captive with a yawn. “You can get some. Sorry for trapping you. I’m-“ he paused in another yawn, “not hungry. Maybe I’ll eat some later.” Michael and Emily on the other hand were already grabbing their share as they talked about whatever things they were talking about. Hayden couldn’t focus on them.
Joshua Smith
Citizen of Seattle WA | 24 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh looked at Hayden, seeing him stretch and then his eyes drifted to Kyra, hearing her and chuckled. "We won the last round dear." He replied, leaning down and kissing the top of Hayden's head, just before Hayden slid away. "You didn't trap me, and I'll make sure to save some for you." Josh told him, before he stood up and stretched. "I'll be back in a moment and you can continue your little nap my love." Josh told him as he was the last to grab some pizza. Claire and Lucas had already grabbed their slices, Jacob and Logan had grabbed theirs and returned to the table, and then Josh grabbed two for himself and then put a couple slices in a ziploc and into the fridge for Hayden. He came back out and sat back on the couch, opening his arm for Hayden to come sit beside him again with a smile.

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